A set of handy tools for working with RabbitMQ in Elixir projects.
Based on AMQP
It includes:
The package can be installed by adding rmq
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:rmq, "~> 0.3.0"}
A GenServer
which provides a robust connection to the RabbitMQ server.
defmodule MyApp.RabbitConnection do
use RMQ.Connection,
otp_app: :my_app,
uri: "amqp://localhost",
name: to_string(__MODULE__)
Meant to be started under the application's supervision tree as follows:
defmodule MyApp.Application do
use Application
def start(_type, _args) do
children = [
# ...
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
- an AMQP URI. Defaults to"amqp://localhost"
- a reconnect interval in milliseconds. It can be also a function that accepts the current connection attempt as a number and returns a new interval. Defaults to5000
;- other options for
RabbitMQ Consumer.
defmodule MyApp.Consumer do
use RMQ.Consumer,
queue: "my-app-consumer-queue",
exchange: {"my-exchange", :direct, durable: true}
@impl RMQ.Consumer
def consume(chan, payload, meta) do
# do something with the payload
ack(chan, meta.delivery_tag)
# or with dynamic configuration
defmodule MyApp.Consumer2 do
use RMQ.Consumer
@impl RMQ.Consumer
def config do
queue: System.fetch_env!("QUEUE_NAME"),
reconnect_interval: fn attempt -> attempt * 1000 end,
@impl RMQ.Consumer
def consume(chan, payload, meta) do
# do something with the payload
ack(chan, meta.delivery_tag)
- the connection module which implementsRMQ.Connection
behaviour. Defaults toRMQ.Connection
- the name of the queue to consume. Will be created if does not exist. Also can be a tuple{queue, options}
. See the options forAMQP.Queue.declare/3
- the name of the exchange to whichqueue
should be bound. Also can be a tuple{type, exchange, options}
. See the options forAMQP.Exchange.declare/4
. Defaults to""
- queue binding key. Defaults toqueue
; Will be created if does not exist. Defaults to""
- defines if the consumer should setup deadletter exchange and queue. Defaults totrue
- the name of dead letter queue. Also can be a tuple{queue, options}
. See the options forAMQP.Queue.declare/3
. Defaults to"#{queue}_error"
- the name of the exchange to whichdead_letter_queue
should be bound. Also can be a tuple{type, exchange}
or{type, exchange, options}
. See the options forAMQP.Exchange.declare/4
. Defaults to"#{exchange}.dead-letter"
- routing key for dead letter messages. Defaults toqueue
- sets the message prefetch count. Defaults to10
- consumer tag. Defaults to a current module name;:reconnect_interval
- a reconnect interval in milliseconds. It can be also a function that accepts the current connection attempt as a number and returns a new interval. Defaults to5000
RPC via RabbitMQ.
# Application 1:
defmodule MyApp.RemoteResource do
use RMQ.RPC, publishing_options: [app_id: "MyApp"]
def find_by_id(id) do
call("remote-resource-finder", %{id: id})
# Application 2:
defmodule MyOtherApp.Consumer do
use RMQ.Consumer, queue: "remote-resource-finder"
@impl RMQ.Consumer
def consume(chan, payload, meta) do
response =
|> Jason.decode!()
|> Map.fetch!("id")
|> MyOtherApp.Resource.get()
|> Jason.encode!()
reply(chan, meta, response)
ack(chan, meta)
- the connection module which implementsRMQ.Connection
- the queue name to which the module will be subscribed for consuming responses. Also can be a tuple{queue, options}
. See the options forAMQP.Queue.declare/3
. Defaults to""
which means the broker will assign a name to a newly created queue by itself;:exchange
- the exchange name to which:queue
will be bound. Please make sure the exchange exist. Defaults to""
- the default exchange;:consumer_tag
- a consumer tag for:queue
. Defaults to the current module name;:publishing_options
- any valid options forAMQP.Basic.publish/5
- these will be set automatically and cannot be changed. Defaults to[]
- a reconnect interval in milliseconds. It can be also a function that accepts the current connection attempt as a number and returns a new interval. Defaults to5000
- a list of parameters that may contain sensitive data and have to be filtered out when logging. Defaults to["password"]