diff --git a/.eslintrc.js b/.eslintrc.js
index fe936370a37557..2ad6cc199cedf7 100644
--- a/.eslintrc.js
+++ b/.eslintrc.js
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ module.exports = {
files: [
+ 'doc/api/module.md',
diff --git a/doc/api/deprecations.md b/doc/api/deprecations.md
index 9a93719a22cad6..8333597513a756 100644
--- a/doc/api/deprecations.md
+++ b/doc/api/deprecations.md
@@ -2644,7 +2644,7 @@ const moduleParents = Object.values(require.cache)
[`http.request()`]: http.html#http_http_request_options_callback
[`https.get()`]: https.html#https_https_get_options_callback
[`https.request()`]: https.html#https_https_request_options_callback
-[`module.createRequire()`]: modules.html#modules_module_createrequire_filename
+[`module.createRequire()`]: module.html#module_module_createrequire_filename
[`os.networkInterfaces()`]: os.html#os_os_networkinterfaces
[`os.tmpdir()`]: os.html#os_os_tmpdir
[`process.env`]: process.html#process_process_env
diff --git a/doc/api/esm.md b/doc/api/esm.md
index 4d2b8dfdec5223..ac0f10f51acaa1 100644
--- a/doc/api/esm.md
+++ b/doc/api/esm.md
@@ -1278,8 +1278,8 @@ success!
[`import()`]: #esm_import_expressions
[`import.meta.url`]: #esm_import_meta
[`import`]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/import
-[`module.createRequire()`]: modules.html#modules_module_createrequire_filename
-[`module.syncBuiltinESMExports()`]: modules.html#modules_module_syncbuiltinesmexports
+[`module.createRequire()`]: module.html#module_module_createrequire_filename
+[`module.syncBuiltinESMExports()`]: module.html#module_module_syncbuiltinesmexports
[`transformSource` hook]: #esm_transformsource_source_context_defaulttransformsource
[`ArrayBuffer`]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/ArrayBuffer
[`SharedArrayBuffer`]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/SharedArrayBuffer
diff --git a/doc/api/index.md b/doc/api/index.md
index ce1af23c6b3bb9..1363822450ec27 100644
--- a/doc/api/index.md
+++ b/doc/api/index.md
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
* [Internationalization](intl.html)
* [Modules: CommonJS modules](modules.html)
* [Modules: ECMAScript modules](esm.html)
+* [Modules: `module` API](module.html)
* [Modules: Packages](packages.html)
* [Net](net.html)
* [OS](os.html)
diff --git a/doc/api/module.md b/doc/api/module.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..9ce16900fbbdcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/api/module.md
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+# Modules: `module` API
+## The `Module` object
+* {Object}
+Provides general utility methods when interacting with instances of
+`Module`, the `module` variable often seen in file modules. Accessed
+via `require('module')`.
+### `module.builtinModules`
+* {string[]}
+A list of the names of all modules provided by Node.js. Can be used to verify
+if a module is maintained by a third party or not.
+`module` in this context isn't the same object that's provided
+by the [module wrapper][]. To access it, require the `Module` module:
+const builtin = require('module').builtinModules;
+### `module.createRequire(filename)`
+* `filename` {string|URL} Filename to be used to construct the require
+ function. Must be a file URL object, file URL string, or absolute path
+ string.
+* Returns: {require} Require function
+import { createRequire } from 'module';
+const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);
+// sibling-module.js is a CommonJS module.
+const siblingModule = require('./sibling-module');
+### `module.createRequireFromPath(filename)`
+> Stability: 0 - Deprecated: Please use [`createRequire()`][] instead.
+* `filename` {string} Filename to be used to construct the relative require
+ function.
+* Returns: {require} Require function
+const { createRequireFromPath } = require('module');
+const requireUtil = createRequireFromPath('../src/utils/');
+// Require `../src/utils/some-tool`
+### `module.syncBuiltinESMExports()`
+The `module.syncBuiltinESMExports()` method updates all the live bindings for
+builtin ES Modules to match the properties of the CommonJS exports. It does
+not add or remove exported names from the ES Modules.
+const fs = require('fs');
+const { syncBuiltinESMExports } = require('module');
+fs.readFile = null;
+delete fs.readFileSync;
+fs.newAPI = function newAPI() {
+ // ...
+import('fs').then((esmFS) => {
+ assert.strictEqual(esmFS.readFile, null);
+ assert.strictEqual('readFileSync' in fs, true);
+ assert.strictEqual(esmFS.newAPI, undefined);
+## Source map v3 support
+> Stability: 1 - Experimental
+Helpers for interacting with the source map cache. This cache is
+populated when source map parsing is enabled and
+[source map include directives][] are found in a modules' footer.
+To enable source map parsing, Node.js must be run with the flag
+[`--enable-source-maps`][], or with code coverage enabled by setting
+const { findSourceMap, SourceMap } = require('module');
+### `module.findSourceMap(path[, error])`
+* `path` {string}
+* `error` {Error}
+* Returns: {module.SourceMap}
+`path` is the resolved path for the file for which a corresponding source map
+should be fetched.
+The `error` instance should be passed as the second parameter to `findSourceMap`
+in exceptional flows, e.g., when an overridden
+[`Error.prepareStackTrace(error, trace)`][] is invoked. Modules are not added to
+the module cache until they are successfully loaded, in these cases source maps
+will be associated with the `error` instance along with the `path`.
+### Class: `module.SourceMap`
+#### `new SourceMap(payload)`
+* `payload` {Object}
+Creates a new `sourceMap` instance.
+`payload` is an object with keys matching the [Source map v3 format][]:
+* `file`: {string}
+* `version`: {number}
+* `sources`: {string[]}
+* `sourcesContent`: {string[]}
+* `names`: {string[]}
+* `mappings`: {string}
+* `sourceRoot`: {string}
+#### `sourceMap.payload`
+* Returns: {Object}
+Getter for the payload used to construct the [`SourceMap`][] instance.
+#### `sourceMap.findEntry(lineNumber, columnNumber)`
+* `lineNumber` {number}
+* `columnNumber` {number}
+* Returns: {Object}
+Given a line number and column number in the generated source file, returns
+an object representing the position in the original file. The object returned
+consists of the following keys:
+* generatedLine: {number}
+* generatedColumn: {number}
+* originalSource: {string}
+* originalLine: {number}
+* originalColumn: {number}
+[`createRequire()`]: #module_module_createrequire_filename
+[module wrapper]: modules_cjs.html#modules_cjs_the_module_wrapper
+[source map include directives]: https://sourcemaps.info/spec.html#h.lmz475t4mvbx
+[`--enable-source-maps`]: cli.html#cli_enable_source_maps
+[`NODE_V8_COVERAGE=dir`]: cli.html#cli_node_v8_coverage_dir
+[`Error.prepareStackTrace(error, trace)`]: https://v8.dev/docs/stack-trace-api#customizing-stack-traces
+[`SourceMap`]: #module_class_module_sourcemap
+[Source map v3 format]: https://sourcemaps.info/spec.html#h.mofvlxcwqzej
diff --git a/doc/api/modules.md b/doc/api/modules.md
index 4d392dfb9b205e..4343efa4a017bf 100644
--- a/doc/api/modules.md
+++ b/doc/api/modules.md
@@ -953,189 +953,31 @@ in order to be used.
## The `Module` object
-* {Object}
-Provides general utility methods when interacting with instances of
-`Module`, the `module` variable often seen in file modules. Accessed
-via `require('module')`.
-### `module.builtinModules`
-* {string[]}
-A list of the names of all modules provided by Node.js. Can be used to verify
-if a module is maintained by a third party or not.
-`module` in this context isn't the same object that's provided
-by the [module wrapper][]. To access it, require the `Module` module:
-const builtin = require('module').builtinModules;
-### `module.createRequire(filename)`
-* `filename` {string|URL} Filename to be used to construct the require
- function. Must be a file URL object, file URL string, or absolute path
- string.
-* Returns: {require} Require function
-import { createRequire } from 'module';
-const require = createRequire(import.meta.url);
-// sibling-module.js is a CommonJS module.
-const siblingModule = require('./sibling-module');
-### `module.createRequireFromPath(filename)`
-> Stability: 0 - Deprecated: Please use [`createRequire()`][] instead.
-* `filename` {string} Filename to be used to construct the relative require
- function.
-* Returns: {require} Require function
-const { createRequireFromPath } = require('module');
-const requireUtil = createRequireFromPath('../src/utils/');
-// Require `../src/utils/some-tool`
-### `module.syncBuiltinESMExports()`
-The `module.syncBuiltinESMExports()` method updates all the live bindings for
-builtin ES Modules to match the properties of the CommonJS exports. It does
-not add or remove exported names from the ES Modules.
+This section was moved to
+[Modules: `module` core module](modules_module.html#modules_module_the_module_object).
-const fs = require('fs');
-const { syncBuiltinESMExports } = require('module');
-fs.readFile = null;
-delete fs.readFileSync;
-fs.newAPI = function newAPI() {
- // ...
-import('fs').then((esmFS) => {
- assert.strictEqual(esmFS.readFile, null);
- assert.strictEqual('readFileSync' in fs, true);
- assert.strictEqual(esmFS.newAPI, undefined);
+* `module.builtinModules`
+* `module.createRequire(filename)`
+* `module.createRequireFromPath(filename)`
+* `module.syncBuiltinESMExports()`
## Source map v3 support
-> Stability: 1 - Experimental
-Helpers for interacting with the source map cache. This cache is
-populated when source map parsing is enabled and
-[source map include directives][] are found in a modules' footer.
-To enable source map parsing, Node.js must be run with the flag
-[`--enable-source-maps`][], or with code coverage enabled by setting
-const { findSourceMap, SourceMap } = require('module');
-### `module.findSourceMap(path[, error])`
-* `path` {string}
-* `error` {Error}
-* Returns: {module.SourceMap}
-`path` is the resolved path for the file for which a corresponding source map
-should be fetched.
-The `error` instance should be passed as the second parameter to `findSourceMap`
-in exceptional flows, e.g., when an overridden
-[`Error.prepareStackTrace(error, trace)`][] is invoked. Modules are not added to
-the module cache until they are successfully loaded, in these cases source maps
-will be associated with the `error` instance along with the `path`.
-### Class: `module.SourceMap`
-#### `new SourceMap(payload)`
-* `payload` {Object}
-Creates a new `sourceMap` instance.
-`payload` is an object with keys matching the [Source map v3 format][]:
-* `file`: {string}
-* `version`: {number}
-* `sources`: {string[]}
-* `sourcesContent`: {string[]}
-* `names`: {string[]}
-* `mappings`: {string}
-* `sourceRoot`: {string}
-#### `sourceMap.payload`
-* Returns: {Object}
-Getter for the payload used to construct the [`SourceMap`][] instance.
-#### `sourceMap.findEntry(lineNumber, columnNumber)`
-* `lineNumber` {number}
-* `columnNumber` {number}
-* Returns: {Object}
-Given a line number and column number in the generated source file, returns
-an object representing the position in the original file. The object returned
-consists of the following keys:
+This section was moved to
+[Modules: `module` core module](modules_module.html#modules_module_source_map_v3_support).
-* generatedLine: {number}
-* generatedColumn: {number}
-* originalSource: {string}
-* originalLine: {number}
-* originalColumn: {number}
+* `module.findSourceMap(path[, error])`
+* Class: `module.SourceMap`
+ * `new SourceMap(payload)`
+ * `sourceMap.payload`
+ * `sourceMap.findEntry(lineNumber, columnNumber)`
[GLOBAL_FOLDERS]: #modules_loading_from_the_global_folders
[`Error`]: errors.html#errors_class_error
[`__dirname`]: #modules_dirname
[`__filename`]: #modules_filename
-[`createRequire()`]: #modules_module_createrequire_filename
[`module` object]: #modules_the_module_object
[`module.id`]: #modules_module_id
[`module.children`]: #modules_module_children
@@ -1144,14 +986,7 @@ consists of the following keys:
[an error]: errors.html#errors_err_require_esm
[exports shortcut]: #modules_exports_shortcut
[module resolution]: #modules_all_together
-[module wrapper]: #modules_the_module_wrapper
[native addons]: addons.html
[`require.main`]: #modules_require_main
-[source map include directives]: https://sourcemaps.info/spec.html#h.lmz475t4mvbx
-[`--enable-source-maps`]: cli.html#cli_enable_source_maps
-[`NODE_V8_COVERAGE=dir`]: cli.html#cli_node_v8_coverage_dir
-[`Error.prepareStackTrace(error, trace)`]: https://v8.dev/docs/stack-trace-api#customizing-stack-traces
-[`SourceMap`]: modules.html#modules_class_module_sourcemap
-[Source map v3 format]: https://sourcemaps.info/spec.html#h.mofvlxcwqzej
[`package.json`]: packages.html#packages_node_js_package_json_field_definitions
[`"main"`]: packages.html#packages_main
diff --git a/tools/doc/type-parser.js b/tools/doc/type-parser.js
index c2ad56655f8602..256b262b280b4c 100644
--- a/tools/doc/type-parser.js
+++ b/tools/doc/type-parser.js
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ const customTypesMap = {
'module': 'modules.html#modules_the_module_object',
- 'modules.html#modules_class_module_sourcemap',
+ 'modules_module.html#modules_module_class_module_sourcemap',
'require': 'modules.html#modules_require_id',