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executable file
598 lines (521 loc) · 17.7 KB



SDK provides Mnemonic as a class to handle mnemonic/seed related apis. This class has no constructor and only provides

  • Strength Mnemonic provided by SDK has strength, which set the count of generated mnemonic strings.

      case normal = 128
      case hight = 256

    .normal means 12 words length mnemonic

    .height means 24 words length mnemonic

  • Languages Mnemonic provides following languages as enum value:

      case english
      case chinese
      case korean
      case spanish
      case french
      case italian
      case japanese
  • error While using Mnemonic, can get following error values

      case invalidStrength        //strength parameter error
      case unableToGetRandomData  //failed to generate random data
      case unableToCreateSeedData //failed to create seed data
      case invalidMnemonic        //invalid mnemonic


Generate random words mnemonic.

  • Prototype

func generateMnemonic(strength: Strength = .normal, language: NRLMnemonicLanguage = .english) throws -> [String]

  • Parameter strength : Strength of menonic. language : language for menonic.

  • Success Response Returns mnemonic as array of words.

  • Failed Case NRLMnemonicError.invalidStrength : strength parameter error NRLMnemonicError.unableToGetRandomData: failed generate random data

  • Example

do {
let mnemonic = try NRLMnemonic.generateMnemonic(strength: .normal, language: .english)
let bindedString = self.mnemonic?.joined(separator: " ")
print("mnemonic: \(String(describing: bindedString))")
} catch {
  • output
mnemonic: Optional("speed snack party portion owner size strong essay stand hedgehog evidence second")


Create Seed data from mnemonic.

  • Prototype

func mnemonicToSeed(from mnemonic: [String], withPassphrase: String = "") throws -> Data

  • Parameter mnemonic : menonic representd as word array. withPassphrase : passphrase which will be used to create seed.

  • Success Response Returns Seed data created.

  • Failed Case NRLMnemonicError.invalidMnemonic NRLMnemonicError.unableToGetRandomData

  • Example

do {
   var seed = try NRLMnemonic.mnemonicToSeed(from: mnemonic, withPassphrase: passphrase)
   DDLogDebug("\nseed: \(String(describing: seed?.hexEncodedString()))")

} catch let error {
   DDLogDebug("Cannot generate seed: \(error)")
  • output
seed: Optional("7a593b7e8f4bb956430dcf6d7d582abca90930571065ea7533841b21de7a650474fe0c7cae4e80b79d92dfb5be60d271a98609cf9876fa88c54e476e5efd3fd1")


Wallet class provides apis for manage wallets for several coins.

  • NRLNetwork Represents coin network value which is used BIP44) ( ).
    case .main(.ethereum):
    case .test(.ethereum):
    case .main(.bitcoin):
    case .test(.bitcoin):
    case .main(.litecoin):
    case .test(.litecoin):
    case .main(.neo):
    case .test(.neo):
    case .main(.stellar):
    case .test(.stellar):
  • NRLWalletSDKError error code for Wallet sdk
enum NRLWalletSDKError: Error {
public enum RequestError: Error {
case invalidURL
case invalidParameters(Any)
case unexpected(Any)

public enum ResponseError: Error {
case jsonrpcError(JSONRPCError)
case connectionError(Error)
case unacceptableStatusCode(Int)
case noContentProvided
case resourceMissing(Any)
case unexpected(Any)

public enum CryptoError: Error {
case failed(Any)
case failedToSign
case failedToCreateTransaction
case keyDerivateionFailed

public enum SyncError: Error {
case failedToConnect

public enum TransactionError: Error {
case parameterError
case publishError
case transactionFailed(Any)

public enum AccountError: Error {
case keyError
case addressError
case seqnumError
case notCreated
case nowallet
case failed(Any)

case nrlSuccess
case requestError(RequestError)
case responseError(ResponseError)
case cryptoError(CryptoError)
case syncError(SyncError)
case transactionError(TransactionError)
case accountError(AccountError)
case malformedData


initialize wallet and coin objects that are included in NRLWallet.

  • Prototype

init(mnemonic: [String], passphrase: String, network: NRLNetwork, symbol: String = "")

  • Parameter mnemonic : menonic representd as word array. passphrase : passphrase which will be used to create seed. network : coin network for wallet. symbol: sub token symbol

  • Example

let coinWallet = NRLWallet(mnemonic: mnemonic, passphrase: "", network: .main(.neo), symbol: "NEO")


Create wallets for all coins, which means to create private key and address for each coins.

  • Prototype

func createOwnWallet(created: Date, fnew: Bool) -> Bool

  • Parameter created : created date of wallet. Peer sync will start from blocks of this date. Default is date of NRLWallet service started. fnew : true: remove whole stored data and create wallet newly. false: load wallet from stored data.

  • Response returns true if success, false if failed.

  • Example

if (wallet.createOwnWallet(created: Date(), fnew: true)) {


get balance of wallet.

  • Prototype

func getWalletBalance(callback:@escaping (_ err: NRLWalletSDKError, _ value: Any) -> ())

  • Parameter callback : callback for response.

  • Success Response err: NRLWalletSDKError.nrlSuccess value:

    • Bitcoin Balance string of Double value of bitcoin balance. unit is BTC
    • Ethereum Ethereum and sub token balances as ETHGetBalanceResponse object. balance unit is ETH
    class ETHGetBalanceMap: Mappable, Equatable {
      public var balance: String?
      public var symbol: String?
    class ETHGetBalanceResponse: Mappable {
      public var balances: [ETHGetBalanceMap]?
    • Litecoin Balance of UInt64 value of LTC balance. unit is LTC
    • NEO Neo and sub token balances as NeoGetBalanceResponse object.
    class NeoTokenMapp: Mappable {
        public var name:String?     //token name
        public var symbol:String?   //token symbol
        public var asset:String?    //token address
        public var type:String?
    class NeoAssetMap: Mappable {
        public var asset:String?
        public var value:Double?
        public var symbol:String?
        public var token:NeoTokenMapp?
    public class NeoGetBalanceResponse: Mappable, Equatable {
        public var address:String?
        public var n_tx: UInt?
        public var balance:[NeoAssetMap]?
    • Stellar Stellar and sub token balances as StellarAccountResponse object.
    class StellarAccountFlagsResponse: Mappable {
        /// Requires the issuing account to give other accounts permission before they can hold the issuing account’s credit.
        var authRequired:Bool?
        /// Allows the issuing account to revoke its credit held by other accounts.
        var authRevocable:Bool?
        /// If this is set then none of the authorization flags can be set and the account can never be deleted.
        var authImmutable:Bool?
    public class StellarAccountBalanceResponse: Mappable {
        /// Balance for the specified asset.
        var balance:String?
        /// Maximum number of asset amount this account can hold.
        var limit:String?
        /// The asset type. Possible values: native, credit_alphanum4, credit_alphanum12
        /// See also Constants.AssetType
        var assetType:String?
        /// The asset code e.g., USD or BTC.
        var assetCode:String?
        /// The account id of the account that created the asset.
        var assetIssuer:String?
  • Failed Case NRLWalletSDKError

  • Example

wallet.getWalletBalance() { (err, balance) -> () in
    switch (err) {
    case NRLWalletSDKError.nrlSuccess:
        print("balanceobj: \(String(describing: balance))")
        let balanceobj = balance as! NeoGetBalanceResponse
        let value1 = balanceobj.balance![0].value;
        print("balance: \(String(describing: value1))")
    self.lbBalance.text = "Failed: \(err)"


Get all addresses created from mnemonic.

  • Prototype

func getAddressesOfWallet() -> NSArray?

  • Parameter

  • Success Response Returns NSArray of addresses.

  • Failed Case Returns NSArray()

  • Example

let addresses = wallet.getAddressesOfWallet()
print("Address: \(String(describing: addresses))")
  • Output


Create private keys created from mnemonic.

  • Prototype

func getPrivKeysOfWallet() -> NSArray?

  • Parameter

  • Success Response Returns NSArray of addresses. for Litecoin returns NSArray()

  • Failed Case Returns NSArray()

  • Example

let keys = wallet.getPrivKeysOfWallet()
print("keys: \(String(describing: keys))")


Returns an address which will be recieve coins.

  • Prototype

func getReceiveAddress() -> String

  • Parameter

  • Success Response Returns Address string

  • Failed Case Returns ""

  • Example

let address = wallet.getReceiveAddress()
print("Recieve address: \(address)")
  • output
Receive address: 1QCyzqfSaochwUN9UL72ATfWB4rvWvWEZi


Get transaction list of current wallet.

  • Prototype

func getAccountTransactions(offset: Int, count: Int, order: UInt, callback:@escaping (_ err: NRLWalletSDKError , _ tx: Any ) -> ())

  • Parameter offset : offset from the start of transaction list. This will be start of return values. count : count of transactions to receive. order : asend(0) or desend(1) of result.

  • Success Response err: NRLWalletSDKError.nrlSuccess value:

  • Bitcoin Transacctions as array of Dictionary objects

send: 23,
receive: 32,
fee: 3
txid: 290e850082eabdd61611e3e0326871f4b770b75acd2fca4ab064d35a5cf5921c,
  • Ethereum Transactions as ETHGetTransactionsResponse
class ETHTxDetailResponse: Mappable, Equatable {
    public var blockHash: String?
    public var blockNumber: UInt?
    public var from: String?
    public var to: String?
    public var gas: UInt?
    public var gasPrice: String?
    public var hash: String?
    public var input: String?
    public var nonce: UInt?
    public var transactionIndex: UInt?
    public var value: UInt?
    public var v: String?
    public var r: String?
    public var s: String?
public class ETHGetTransactionsResponse: Mappable, Equatable {
    public var total: UInt?
    public var result: [ETHTxDetailResponse]?
  • Litecoin Transactions as NSMutableArray of following object
    fee = 18446744073709551615;
    hash = ba949adbb35e3ba36f8b139f62b3004eb3969e8b67778d04d484dada3e0cbfc1;
    receive = 5000000;
    send = 0;
  • NEO Transactions as NeoTransactionsMap
public class NeoTransactionDetailMap: Mappable {
    public var transactionID: String?
    public var size: Int64?
    public var type: String?
    public var version: Int64?
    // var attributes: [] //Need to handle this, not really sure what kind of objects it can give bakc
    public var valueIns: [NeoValueInMap]?
    public var systemFee: String?
    public var networkFee: String?
    public var valueOuts: [NeoValueOutMap]?
    public var scripts: [NeoScriptMap]?
    public var blockhash: String?
    public var confirmations: UInt64?
    public var blocktime: UInt64?
class NeoTransactionsMap: Mappable {
    public var total: String?
    public var result: [NeoTransactionDetailMap]?
  • Stellar Transactions as StellarGetTransactionsResponse.
class StellarTxDetailResponse: Mappable, Equatable {
    var id: String?
    var paging_token: String?
    var hash: String?
    var ledger: UInt?
    var created_at: String?
    var source_account: String?
    var source_account_sequence: String?
    var fee_paid: UInt?
    var operation_count: UInt?
    var envelope_xdr: String?
    var result_xdr: String?
    var result_meta_xdr: String?
    var fee_meta_xdr: String?
    var signatures: [String]?
public class StellarGetTransactionsResponse: Mappable {
    var next: String?
    var prev: String?
    var result: [StellarTxDetailResponse]?
class StellarSendSignedTransactionResponse: Mappable, Equatable {
    var result_meta_xdr: String?
    var result_xdr: String?
    var hash: String?
    var ledger: String?
    var envelope_xdr: String?
  • Failed Case err: NRLWalletSDKError value: nil
  • Example
wallet.getAccountTransactions(offset: 0, count: 10, order: 0){ (err, tx) -> () in
switch (err) {
case NRLWalletSDKError.nrlSuccess:
    //for ethereum tx is ETHGetTransactionsResponse mapping object and can get any field
    var strTransactions = String(describing: tx)
    strTransactions = strTransactions.replacingOccurrences(of: "\\n", with: "\n")
    strTransactions = strTransactions.replacingOccurrences(of: "\\t", with: "\t")
    print("transactions: \(strTransactions)")
    self.txtTransactions.text = strTransactions
case NRLWalletSDKError.responseError(.unexpected(let error)):
    self.txtTransactions.text = "Server request error: \(error)"
case NRLWalletSDKError.responseError(.connectionError(let error)):
    self.txtTransactions.text = "Server connection error: \(error)"
  self.txtTransactions.text = "Failed: \(String(describing: err))"


Send signed transaction of send.

  • Prototype

func sendTransaction(contractHash: String = "", to: String, value: BigUint, fee: BigUint, callback:@escaping (_ err: NRLWalletSDKError, _ tx:Any) -> ()) func sendTransaction(to: String, value: UInt64, fee: UInt64, callback:@escaping (_ err: NRLWalletSDKError, _ tx:Any) -> ()) func sendTransaction(asset: AssetId, to: String, value: Decimal, fee: Decimal, callback:@escaping (_ err: NRLWalletSDKError, _ tx:Any) -> ()) func sendTransaction(to: String, value: Double, fee: Double, callback:@escaping (_ err: NRLWalletSDKError, _ tx:Any) -> ())

  • Parameter contractHash : sub token address. for example erc20 token address. to : address to send. value : amount to send. fee : fee for transaction.

  • function 1 : Ethereum ~ value and fee is Wei(1E18) unit

  • function 2 : Bitcoin, Litecoin ~ value and fee is satoshi and litoshi(1E8) unit

  • function 3: Neo ~ value and fee is Neo unit

  • function 4: Stellar ~ value and fee is XLM unit

stellar, litecoin, neo: fee has no meaning

  • Success Response err: NRLWalletSDKError.nrlSuccess value: transaction hash

  • Failed Case err: NRLWalletSDKError value: nil

  • Example

wallet.sendTransaction(contractHash: "0xa54722e65fcfff7fd387fe6547a47ebcacdda381", to: "0xCaD047badd42445BCE3FED63fa4891718453fE45", value: 200000000000000000, fee: 10000000000) { (err, tx) -> () in
switch (err) {
case NRLWalletSDKError.nrlSuccess:
  self.textTransaction.text = "Successfully sent transaction. tx: \(tx)"
  self.textTransaction.text = "Failed: \(err)"



get raw data of signed transaction.

  • Prototype

func signTransaction(contractHash: String = "0", to: String, value: UInt64, fee: UInt64, callback:@escaping (_ err: NRLWalletSDKError, _ tx:Any) -> ()) func signTransaction(asset: AssetId, to: String, value: Decimal, fee: Decimal, callback:@escaping (_ err: NRLWalletSDKError, _ tx:Any) -> ()) func signTransaction(to: String, value: Double, fee: Double, callback:@escaping (_ err: NRLWalletSDKError, _ tx:Any) -> ())

  • Parameter contractHash : sub token address. for example erc20 token address. to : address to send. value : amount to send. fee : fee for transaction.

  • function 1 : Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin ~ value and fee is wei unit

  • function 2: Neo ~ value and fee is Neo unit

  • function 3: Stellar ~ value and fee is XLM unit

stellar, litecoin, neo: fee has no meaning

  • Success Response err: NRLWalletSDKError.nrlSuccess value: Data

    for bitcoin it returns WSSignedTransaction object for ethereum it returns EthereumSignedTransaction object for litecoin it returns BRTxRef = UnsafeMutablePointer for stellar and neo returns string of raw data

  • Failed Case err: NRLWalletSDKError value: nil

  • Example

wallet.signTransaction(contractHash: "0xa54722e65fcfff7fd387fe6547a47ebcacdda381", to: "0xCaD047badd42445BCE3FED63fa4891718453fE45", value: 200000000000000000, fee: 10000000000) { (err, tx) -> () in
switch (err) {
case NRLWalletSDKError.nrlSuccess:
    self.textTransaction.text = "Successfully signed transaction. tx: \(tx)"
    self.textTransaction.text = "Failed: \(err)"
