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93 lines (79 loc) · 6.49 KB

File metadata and controls

93 lines (79 loc) · 6.49 KB


v0.1.2 - 2020/05/18

  • Added event to util/shared/event
    • Similar to readable / writable, returns an object {dispatch: (value) => void, subscriber: (run, invalidate) => unsubscribe}
    • Use this to create singleton event publishers, when not in context of the Browser's DOM. e.g. Application sub-systems
  • Added noop to util/shared/functional for dummy function placeholders
  • Fixed router not working in hash mode (removed erroneous format_url call)

v0.1.1 - 2020/03/30

    • All sub-modules, svelte-commons/lib/*, are now exported as-is at entry point.
      • Due to Snowpack not supporting nested imports from external libraries that well.
      • e.g. instead of import {stores} from "svelte-commons"; const {immutable} = stores;
      • it is import {immutable} from "svelte-commons";
  • Added initial support for ECMAScript Modules (support for pikapkg/snowpack / jakedeichert/svelvet)

v0.1.0 - 2020/03/18

    • Moved query_param from stores/browser/location to stores/browser/query_param
    • Moved router from stores/browser/location to stores/shared/router
    • Moved storage from stores/browser/storage to stores/shared/storage
    • Updated hash / pathname
      • Both are now Browser-only, due to router no longer needing them on Server context
      • Both now default to creating new History states for Store changes
      • To revert back to old History behaviour, pass ILocationOptions.replace, e.g. const store = hash({replace: true});
      • They can be made read-only via ILocationOptions.readonly, e.g. const store = hash({readonly: true});
    • Updated query_param to now require default values, used to determine typing
    • Updated storage to not automagically return Readable Stores on Server
      • Replacements: Utilize make_memory_storage and storage to create a graceful degradation Store, or, default to a readable if local_storage not found, etc...
      • Example #1:
        • const graceful_storage = local_storage || session_storage || storage(make_memory_storage());
        • const color = graceful_storage("preferences.color", "red");
      • Example #2:
        • const color = local_storage ? local_storage("preferences.color", "red") : readable("red");
    • Updated local_storage / session_storage to be null if their respective Web Storages are not available
    • Updated router to return {component, href, goto, url, page: {host, path, params, query}}, page with Sapper's page
      • IRouterReturn.goto in this case is the same as normal goto, but has its IGotoOptions.base_url and IGotoOptions.hash bound to IRouterOptions
    • Removed deprecated attribute_passthrough / class_passthrough / html5_passthrough from actions/browser/element
    • Removed deprecated immutable_readable / immutable_writable from stores/shared/immutable
    • Removed the old util/shared/context APIs to reflect new router changes
  • Added search to stores/browser/location
  • Added goto to util/browser/location
  • Added IS_BROWSER to util/shared/browser
  • Updated format_url, is_internal_href, join, normalize_pathname in util/shared/url to be public API
  • Updated storage to utilize overlay

v0.0.4 - 2020/03/11

  • Added to overlay to stores/shared/overlay for similar functionality as derived, but providing a second callback to handle Writable Svelte Stores
  • Added make_memory_storage to util/shared/browser, which makes an in-memory version of Web Storage API for use with storage
  • Updated is_readable / is_writable to work as TypeScript Type Guards
  • Updated immutable, schema to utilize derived and overlay
  • Updated tsconfig.json to fix TypeScript Compiler output not working via CommonJS require
  • Intent to deprecate immutable_readable / immutable_writable, use immutable instead
    • The two functions were separate at the time, ONLY due to the overlay function not existing
    • Both immutable_readable / immutable_writable are now aliases of immutable
    • IMPORTANT NOTE: immutable defaults to a Writable Store if you pass in a non-Store value, unlike immutable_readable which defaults to Readable

v0.0.3 - 2020/03/10

  • Added geraintluff/tv4 as a dependency for JSON Schema validation
  • Added format_css_declaration, format_css_reference, format_css_variable to util/shared/browser for handling CSS standardized formatting
  • Added map_classes, map_style, map_variables to util/shared/browser for handling mapping HTML and CSS properties to objects
  • Added format_dash_key to util/shared/string for transforming text into dash key-like strings
    • e.g. format_dash_key("This is a KeyYep") -> this-is-a-key-yep
  • Added format_tokens to util/shared/string for substituting %s tokens in a string, with the vararg spread
    • e.g. format_tokens("My name is %s! How are you, %s?", "Jeff", "Karen") -> My name is Jeff! How are you, Karen?
  • Added merged to stores/shared/merged for applying partials changes to an object over time
  • Added schema to stores/shared/schema for continuous JSON Schema validation for Svelte Store I/O
  • Intent to deprecate attribute_passthrough, class_passthrough, and html5_passthrough from actions/browser/element
    • Due to SSR not being possible with them, not being considered before
    • Use prop spreading to replace attribute_passthrough
    • Use map_classes from util/shared/browser to replace class_passthrough
  • Moved IJSONType from stores/browser/storage to util/shared/builtin
  • Updated storage to override Writable.set / Writable.update instead of handling Writable.subscribe
  • Fixed bug in storage, where if you set undefined, it would not update Store to reflect default value

v0.0.2 - 2020/01/22

  • Updated util/shared/stores type exports with prefixes
  • Updated util/shared/functional type exports with new suffixes
  • Updated documentation
  • Moved actions/action.ts to util/shared/actions.ts
  • Moved stores/store.ts to util/shared/stores.ts
  • Removed old type export from util/shared/functional

v0.0.1 - 2020/01/19

  • Initial Release