An express 4+ Router
representing a RESTful resource as JSON.
Forked from
BYODB - Bring your own database! (see database dependency).
Originally written to help get prototype apps running anywhere quickly and hassle-free - a main reason why support for nedb's in-memory or file-based databases was built-in.
Provides standard RESTful routes, mapping to database calls:
GET / -> list all
GET /:id -> read one
POST / -> insert
PUT /:id -> update
DELETE /:id -> remove
This router can be mounted at any path in your express app. Routes behave RESTfully - responding with meaningful HTTP status codes, validating accepts and content types, etc.
For modularity, a database implementation is not built-in. Instead, a database (or collection) must be injected as a dependency. Expects the injected database to implement a subset of the MongoDB API. Supported databases include: nedb, MongoDB.
var express = require('express');
var expressRestResource = require('express-rest-resource');
var nedb = require('nedb');
var app = express();
var personDb = new nedb();
var postDb = new nedb();
app.use('/api/person', expressRestResource({ db: personDb }));
app.use('/api/post', expressRestResource({ db: postDb }));
Now, a POST
to http://localhost:3000/api/person
with JSON body would create and persist a new person resource.