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Restaurant Search

DEMO: restaurants-japan


Mobile Tablet Desktop
mobile tablet deskop


Made with spa-boilerplate

  • Responsive for mobile / tablet / desktop
  • Implemented autocomplete dropdown
  • Implemented search by location based on url path - also prefills autocomplete component as applicable and url path with correct / available location
  • Tablekit was available - reused component system, also helped with existing dark mode.
  • @emotion/styled was available - utilized for styling
  • react-popper was available - utilized this as part of autocomplete component. This part could be refactored if popper dropdowns were to be used elsewhere in application. Right now, left as is.
  • react-use was available - utilized for useMedia and useDebounce
  • tablecheck-icons was available - utilized for icons
  • @reduxjs/toolkit introduced for state management
  • @tanstack/react-query introduced for data-fetching, caching on client side. Defaults are kept currently for revalidation.
  • @testing-library/react and @testing-library/jest-dom introduced for component unit tests
  • en and ja translations have been added for new features
  • All unit tests using jest for redux and most of new feature components have been written
  • Clicking on hotel name on the hotel detail panel will open it's location on google map in a new tab.
  • react-spring was available - probably would like to use this for animations in future
  • Please follow existing Getting started, Running tests and Deploy to production sections for corresponding information.

Getting started

  • Install Node.js and NVM
  • Fork/Clone this project
  • Run nvm use (will use the correct Node.js version)
  • Run npm i --legacy-peer-deps (will install the dependencies)
  • Run npm start (will start the app in http://localhost:3000/)

Running tests

  • Run npm test (will run the unit tests)


  • Main tech stack: React, TypeScript, Emotion, i18n
  • Tablekit integration with FontAwesome icons and Dark Mode
  • Basic localized routing
  • Basic layout with footer, top and side navs
  • Language Selection
  • Responsive
  • Basic FormSpree contact form

Deploy to production

The boilerplate is configured to be deployed to Netlify, but it can also work with Github pages, Vercel, AWS Amplify, etc.

Instructions for a Netlify setup:

  • Click on New site from Git
  • Select Github and the repository where you forked it
  • Change Publish directory to build/public
  • Change the Build command to CI= npm run build
  • Deploy site
  • You can change the URL name on Site settings > Change site name


  • At some point, if the project becomes a real product, all the files in /public/static/img and /public/static/fonts should be removed and loaded from a CDN
  • The CDN URL should be specified in /config/default.json


To upgrade this boilerplate and use the latest configuration and dependencies, please run this command and select SPA when asked:

npx --legacy-peer-deps -p @tablecheck/scripts tablecheck-scripts init


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