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Nick Pruehs edited this page Dec 31, 2015 · 27 revisions

Records associate fields with values to make up the actual data of your game. Each record consists of a collection of fields with their respective values.

Adding Records

New data records can be added to your game as follows:

  1. In the main window, click Records > New Record...
  2. Enter a name for the new record.
  3. Specify the fields to be used for the new record.
  4. Click OK.

New Record

Editing Records

Records can be edited just by double-clicking any record in the Record Treeto the left. This shows the same window as adding a new record, and allows changing record names and fields.

By double-clicking any field in the Record Table to the right, you can edit the current value of that field. This will bring up a window showing the name, type and description of the edited field, and will validate any entered data.

Edit Field Value

Deleting Records

Existing records can be removed at any time from the main window:

  1. In the main window, select any record.
  2. Click Records > Delete Record.
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