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149 lines (102 loc) · 4.29 KB

File metadata and controls

149 lines (102 loc) · 4.29 KB

Configuration file


By default, the twig-cs-fixer standard is enabled with the twig coding standard rules and the following rules:

  • BlankEOFRule: ensures that files end with one blank line.
  • BlockNameSpacingRule: ensures there is one space before and after block names.
  • EmptyLinesRule: ensures that 2 empty lines do not follow each other.
  • HashQuote: ensures that hash keys are not unnecessarily quoted.
  • IncludeFunctionRule: ensures that include function is used instead of function tag.
  • IndentRule: ensures that files are not indented with tabs.
  • SingleQuoteRule: ensures that strings use single quotes when possible.
  • TrailingCommaMultiLineRule: ensures that multi-line arrays, objects and argument lists have a trailing comma.
  • TrailingCommaSingleLineRule: ensures that single-line arrays, objects and argument lists do not have a trailing comma.
  • TrailingSpaceRule: ensures that files have no trailing spaces.

If you want to use the basic Twig standard, another standard and/or add/remove a rule, you can provide your own configuration with a .twig-cs-fixer.php or .twig-cs-fixer.dist.php file which returns a TwigCsFixer\Config\Config instance:


$ruleset = new TwigCsFixer\Ruleset\Ruleset();

// You can start from a default standard
$ruleset->addStandard(new TwigCsFixer\Standard\TwigCsFixer());

// And then add/remove/override some rules
$ruleset->addRule(new TwigCsFixer\Rules\File\FileExtensionRule());
$ruleset->overrideRule(new TwigCsFixer\Rules\Punctuation\PunctuationSpacingRule(
    ['}' => 1],
    ['{' => 1],

$config = new TwigCsFixer\Config\Config();

return $config;

If your config is not located in your current directory, you can specify its path using --config when running the command:

vendor/bin/twig-cs-fixer lint --config=dir/.twig-cs-fixer.php /path/to/code

Non fixable rules

Most of the rules are automatically fixable but some of them are not. By default, the twig-cs-fixer disable all the non-fixable-rules, but you can still allow them in your config file:


$config = new TwigCsFixer\Config\Config();

return $config;


By default, all .twig files in the current directory are linted, except the ones in the vendor directory.

If you want to lint specific files or directories you can pass them as argument. If you want a more sophisticated rule, you can configure it in your config file:


$finder = new TwigCsFixer\File\Finder();

$config = new TwigCsFixer\Config\Config();

return $config;


By default, cache is enabled and stored in .twig-cs-fixer.cache. Further runs are therefore much faster. Cache is invalidated when a different PHP version, twig-cs-fixer version or ruleset is used.

If you want a custom cache location you can configure it in your config file:


$config = new TwigCsFixer\Config\Config();

return $config;

To disable cache you can either pass --no-cache when running the command:

vendor/bin/twig-cs-fixer lint --no-cache

or set the cache file to null in your config:


$config = new TwigCsFixer\Config\Config();

return $config;

Custom Reporters

By default, the output of the tool is rendered in one the following formats: text, checkstyle, github, junit, null. If you want to use a custom format for reporting, you can configure it in your config file:


$config = new TwigCsFixer\Config\Config();
$config->addCustomReporter(new App\Twig\CustomReporter());

return $config;

Token parsers & more

If you're using custom token parsers, twig extensions or node visitors, they can be added in your config:


$config = new TwigCsFixer\Config\Config();
$config->addTwigExtension(new App\Twig\CustomTwigExtension());
$config->addTokenParser(new App\Twig\CustomTokenParser());
$config->addNodeVisitor(new App\Twig\CustomNodeVisitor());

return $config;


This should only be needed if you plan to use the node based rules.