Releases: nvim-neotest/neotest
Releases · nvim-neotest/neotest
1.0.0 (2022-06-11)
Bug Fixes
- client: merge orphan directories (55773d0)
- client: refresh adapters on new buf (4267f5e)
- client: use adapter ID when checking existing (3d89364), closes #6
- dap: write to file (5ca7581)
- expose ability to set logger level (#7) (ba296ae)
- file: include sep with prefix check (6941c66)
- files: don't assume data comes in lines (54aabbb)
- float: set noautocmd (fcc2337), closes #2
- integrated: handle immediate exit (0cabaff)
- integrated: redundant cr (491089b)
- integrated: use jobstop to kill (5eb3e11)
- misc fixes and tests (1fd21ef)
- output: results in second arg (10dd49d)
- positions: handle delete files (3244c5e)
- prevent loops on empty files (2ee9361)
- properly replace root node (d00aa1a)
- separate event strings in autocmd (feb55f6)
- summary: dont focus if in summary window (e63eed2)
- summary: use run consumer (bfd4333)
- treesitter: handle existing reverse lookup (9a1c584)
- treesitter: move to main thread (b94b0fc), closes #19
- updating tests, minor changes to ease mocking (ab64b9e)
- better handling of new positions with results (2ed4db8)
- change focused highlight (e180388)
- client: focus event on start (75f4a8b)
- consumer client, summary with following (e5ed6a4)
- float: lua autocmds (0e59ce1)
- improved perf, better root handling (2a19a5d)
- init commit (958a6bf)
- integrated: use jobstart over libuv (63703d5)
- lua autocmds (eb21b0f)
- lua keymaps (6fde7fc)
- mark skipped files (de63cec)
- misc multi-adapter improvements (aa14a70)
- move running to consumer (e5af48c)
- multi-adapter support (c4d1c56)
- refresh status/diagnostics on bufenter (5808f85)
- remove file searching (fff4060)
- run: run last position (44e783b), closes #4
- summary: allow nested tests (db2c34d)
- summary: list buffer on jumpto (fbd3ada)
- treesitter: position_id option (e830c29)
- wrap plenary async, rename types (22383da)