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Oscar edited this page Dec 27, 2019 · 10 revisions

The API is the same on Node and on the browser:

const { mssim, ssim_map, performance } = ssim(imgBuffer1, imgBuffer2, options)

For CLI specific usage, check the dedicated page here.


ssim.js takes 2 paths to images and a 3rd optional parameter for additional options:

Parameter Type Required Browser
imgBuffer1 String yes Buffer of the first image
imgBuffer2 String yes Buffer of the second image
options Object no See Options

If you want use the options parameter you can call ssim.js with:

import ssim from 'ssim.js';

const out = ssim('./img1.jpg', './img2.jpg', { downsample: 'fast' })


The returned value is an object that contains the mean ssim value (mssim), the time needed to perform the computation (performance) and the ssim window matrix (ssim_map).

ssim_map matrix is of the form:

  data: Number[],
  width: Number,
  height: number


  • width and height determine the dimensions of the matrix
  • data holds the values at each position in row-major order

More succinctly:

Parameter Type Description
mssim Number Mean SSIM, the average of all ssim_map values
ssim_map Object The ssim value at each window
performance Number The total time to compute SSIM (in milliseconds)


import ssim from 'ssim.js';

try {
  const out = ssim('./img1.jpg', './img2.jpg')
  console.log(`SSIM: ${out.mssim} (${out.performance}ms)`)
} catch (err) {
  console.error('Error generating SSIM', err);

You can edit a similar node example here.

You can view a Node and Web SSIM comparison playground here.


You can pass a 3rd parameter containing a plain object and any of the following options:

Parameter Default Description
windowSize 11 window size for the SSIM map
k1 0.01 The first stability constant
k2 0.03 The second stability constant
bitDepth 8 The number of bits used to encode each pixel
downsample 'original' false / 'original' / 'fast'
ssim 'fast' 'original' / 'fast' / 'bezkrovny'
  • Setting k1 or k2 to 0 will use UQI (Universal Quality Index) since it's a subset of SSIM (when C1 or C2 are 0)
  • When using canvas images will be retrieved as 8 bits/channel. You can use the bitDepth parameter to modify how SSIM computes the value but it will have no effect on how the image is read
  • There are 3 downsample options:
    • false: disables downsizing
    • 'original': (default) implements the same downsizing than the original Matlab scripts
    • 'fast': relies on the canvas to do the downsizing (may lead to different results)
  • There are 3 ssim options:
    • 'original': Uses a line-by-line port of the Matlab scripts and attempts to match them as closely as possible
    • 'fast': (default) Uses a mathematically equivalent approach to 'original' but it's computationally faster.
    • 'bezkrovny': Uses an even faster approach that similarly correlates with SSIM but doesn't match the original results exactly.
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