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Homework Using APIs Week 2


The homework for this week can be found in the homework folder.

Exercise 1: Programmer Fun

Folder: ex1-programmerFun

Who knew programmers could be funny?

  1. Complete the function requestData() using fetch() to make a request to the url passed to it as an argument. The function should return a promise. Make sure that the promise is rejected in case of HTTP or network errors.
  2. Notice that the function main() calls requestData(), passing it the url Try and run the code in the browser and open the browser's console to inspect the data returned from the request.
  3. Next, complete the function renderImage() to render an image as an <img> element appended to the document's body, using the data returned from the API.
  4. Complete the function renderError() to render any errors as an <h1> element appended to the document's body.
  5. Refactor the main() function to use async/await.
  6. Test error handling, for instance, by temporarily changing the .sh in the url with .shx. There is no server at the modified url, therefore this should result in a network (DNS) error.

Exercise 2: Gotta catch 'em all

Folder ex2-pokemonApp

Let's catch all original 151 Pokemon in our own little web application! Here's an example of what you'll be building for this exercise:

Pokemon App

Figure 1. Pokemon App example

In this exercise you're going to do several things:

  1. Create and append DOM elements using JavaScript only.
  2. Fetch data from a public API:
  3. Display the results in the DOM.


  • Complete the four functions provided in the starter index.js file:
Function Purpose
fetchData In the fetchData function, make use of fetch and its Promise syntax in order to get the data from the public API. Errors (HTTP or network errors) should be logged to the console.
fetchAndPopulatePokemons Use fetchData() to load the pokemon data from the public API and populate the <select> element in the DOM.
fetchImage Use fetchData() to fetch the selected image and update the <img> element in the DOM.
main The main function orchestrates the other functions. The main function should be executed when the window has finished loading.
  • Use async/await and try/catch to handle promises.

  • Try and avoid using global variables. As much as possible, try and use function parameters and return values to pass data back and forth.

Exercise 3: Roll an ACE

File ex3-rollAnAce.js

Last week we did an exercise where we threw five dices in one go for a game of Poker Dice. In the current exercise we use a single dice only, but now the objective is to keep rethrowing that dice until we get an ACE, or until a dice rolls off the table.

The challenge of this exercise is that the outcome of one throw determines whether we need to do a next throw. If the rollDice() function resolves to an ACE then we're done. If not, we need another call to rollDice() and wait for it to resolve. And we need to repeat this until we get an ACE or until the promise rejects.

The exercise file ex3-rollAnAce.js includes a function that does just that, using a .then() method. It uses a technique called recursion (a function that calls itself) and looks like this:

function rollDiceUntil(wantedValue) {
  return rollDice().then((value) => {
    if (value !== wantedValue) {
      return rollDiceUntil(wantedValue);
    return value;

Hmm, while this works fine it is probably a bit difficult to wrap your head around. And it is easy to make a mistake, for instance, by forgetting to include a return keyword somewhere (speaking from experience here 😉).

Luckily, this code can be rewritten to be much simpler, using async/await:

  1. Run the unmodified exercise and observe that it works as advertised. Observe that the dice must be thrown an indeterminate number of times until we get an ACE or until it rolls off the table.

  2. Now, rewrite the body of the rollDiceUntil() function using async/await and without using recursion. Hint: a while loop may come handy.

    Note: Your solution should no longer use recursion (i.e. the function should not call itself).

  3. Refactor the function main() to use async/await and try/catch.

Exercise 4: Dice Race

File ex4-diceRace.js

In this exercise we will again throw five dices in one go, but this time we are only interested in the first dice that settles successfully (promise resolved) or rolls off the table (promise rejected). This is something for which the Promise.race() method seems to be ideal. If you have managed to successfully complete exercise 4 from last week this one should be easy:

  1. Complete the function rollTheDices() by using .map() on the dices array to create an array of promises for use with Promise.race().
  2. Refactor the function main() using async/await and try/catch.
  3. Once you got this working, you may observe that some dices continue rolling for some undetermined time after the promise returned by Promise.race() resolves. Do you know why? Add your answer as a comment to the bottom of the file.

Exercise 5: Using the VSCode Debugger

File: ex5-vscDebug.js

In this exercise we will practice working with the VSCode Debugger. You can just follow along as we go. Note that we will not work with the browser this time. Instead, all output will be logged to the terminal window.

Read more about debuggers in general in the Study Guide: Debuggers

The exercise will make a fetch request to the Nobel Prize API version 2 to obtain information about the Nobel Prize winners ("laureates"). Specifically, those that were born in the Netherlands. We will log this information to the console.

This is the expected output:

Name: Bernard L. Feringa
Birth: 1951-05-18, Barger-Compascuum, the Netherlands

Name: Christiaan Eijkman
Birth: 1858-08-11, Nijkerk, the Netherlands
Death: 1930-11-05, Utrecht, the Netherlands


Name: Tobias Asser
Birth: 1838-04-28, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Death: 1913-07-29, the Hague, the Netherlands

Let's examine the (buggy) starter code of this exercise first:

const fetch = require('node-fetch');

async function getData(url) {
  const response = await fetch(url);
  return response.json();

function renderLaureate({ knownName, birth, death }) {
  console.log(`\nName: ${knownName.en}`);
  console.log(`Birth: ${}, ${}`);
  console.log(`Death: ${}, ${}`);

function renderLaureates(laureates) {

async function fetchAndRender() {
  try {
    const laureates = getData(
  } catch (err) {
    console.error(`Something went wrong: ${err.message}`);


The fetch function is normally only available in the browser. However, we can make it also available in node-based applications by use of a special library package, called node-fetch. This is the purpose of the require() call at the top of the file. You will learn more about using library packages in the Node.js curriculum module.

The developer/author wrote this initial code after playing a bit with the online demos on the Nobel Prize API site. Although seemingly well-structured, this code will prove not to work as planned. The challenge of this exercise is to find and fix the bugs (there are a couple of them). We will use the VSCode debugger as our preferred debugging tool.

Let's first run the unmodified starter code. When we do, we will get this rather disappointing output:

Something went wrong: laureates.forEach is not a function

It is excellent that our code catches and handles errors, but when debugging we would like to have some more detailed error information than what we are getting now. One way of achieving this is to comment out the try { statement and the catch block so that errors are not caught. By default we will then get an error message with a (call) stack trace in the console. A less intrusive manner to achieve the same is to log the stack property of the Error object to the console inside the catch block, like this:

async function fetchAndRender() {
  try {
  } catch (err) {
    console.error(`Something went wrong: ${err.message}`);

This will give us some information where the error occurred:

Something went wrong: laureates.forEach is not a function
TypeError: laureates.forEach is not a function
    at renderLaureates (C:\Users\jimcr\dev\hackyourfuture\homework\3-UsingAPIs\Week2\homework\ex5-vscDebug.js:19:13)
    at fetchAndRender (C:\Users\jimcr\dev\hackyourfuture\homework\3-UsingAPIs\Week2\homework\ex5-vscDebug.js:27:5)
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)

The stack trace gives us detailed information about the sequence of functions that have been called when the error occurred, from most recent to least recent. Of direct interest is the most recent call: we can see that the error occurred in line 19, column 13 of the file ex5-vscDebug.js:

18| function renderLaureates(laureates) {
19|   laureates.forEach(renderLaureate);
20| }

Error messages in JavaScript can be a bit cryptic sometimes. We know that .forEach() should work for sure on an array. Since we trust JavaScript not to play tricks on us, we therefore conclude that, contrary to our expectation, the laureates value passed as an argument cannot possibly be an array.

Let's first try and add a console.log to see what the value of laureates actually is.

💡 When you use console.log statements for debugging purposes it is helpful to label the output so that you know what is being logged. In the example below we used the label laureates:.

function renderLaureates(laureates) {
  console.log('laureates:', laureates);

When we run the code we now get:

laureates: Promise { <pending> }
Something went wrong: laureates.forEach is not a function
TypeError: laureates.forEach is not a function
    at renderLaureates (C:\Users\jimcr\dev\hackyourfuture\homework\3-UsingAPIs\Week2\homework\ex5-vscDebug.js:20:13)
    at fetchAndRender (C:\Users\jimcr\dev\hackyourfuture\homework\3-UsingAPIs\Week2\homework\ex5-vscDebug.js:28:5)
    at Object.<anonymous> (C:\Users\jimcr\dev\hackyourfuture\homework\3-UsingAPIs\Week2\homework\ex5-vscDebug.js:35:1)
    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1063:30)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1092:10)
    at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:928:32)
    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:769:14)
    at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:952:19)
    at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:88:18)
    at runExercise (C:\Users\jimcr\dev\hackyourfuture\homework\test-runner\run-it.js:54:7)

Ah-ha, we were expecting an array but actually got a (pending) Promise. If we look again at the stack trace (second line in the trace) we can see that the renderLaureates() function was called by the fetchAndRender() function in line 28, passing the variable laureates as an argument. This variable was initialized just before the call. We now realize that we forgot to add the await keyword before the call to getData() to await for the promise returned by getData() to be resolved. (Forgetting to add await is an easy mistake to make.) Let's fix that:

async function fetchAndRender() {
  try {
    const laureates = await getData(
  } catch (err) {

Let's now run the code again:

  laureates: [
      id: '933',
      knownName: [Object],
      givenName: [Object],
      familyName: [Object],
      fullName: [Object],
      gender: 'male',
      birth: [Object],
      links: [Object],
      nobelPrizes: [Array]
      id: '478',
      knownName: [Object],
      givenName: [Object],
      familyName: [Object],
      fullName: [Object],
      gender: 'male',
      birth: [Object],
      death: [Object],
      links: [Object],
      nobelPrizes: [Array]
  meta: { offset: 0, limit: 25, birthCountry: 'Netherlands', count: 18 },
  links: {
    first: '',
    self: '',
    last: ''
Something went wrong: laureates.forEach is not a function
TypeError: laureates.forEach is not a function
    at renderLaureates (C:\Users\jimcr\dev\hackyourfuture\homework\3-UsingAPIs\Week2\homework\ex5-vscDebug.js:20:13)
    at fetchAndRender (C:\Users\jimcr\dev\hackyourfuture\homework\3-UsingAPIs\Week2\homework\ex5-vscDebug.js:28:5)
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)

Woww, that is a lot of output, but still not right. But at least we are getting some form of data. Let's switch from using console.log() to the VSCode debugger as our preferred debugging tool. First, delete the temporary console.log line we added to the renderLaureates() function.

A quick way to delete a line is to place the cursor anywhere on that line and press a keyboard shortcut:

Operating system Key combination
MacOS ⇧⌘K
Windows Ctrl+Shift+K
Linux Ctrl+Shift+K

Table 1. Keyboard shortcuts for Delete Line.

Now, from the VSCode side bar, click on the Debug button (indicated by the red arrow in Figure 2).

Debug button

Figure 2. Debug button.

From the resulting screen, select JavaScript Debug Terminal (Figure 3):

Debug Terminal button

Figure 3. Debug options.

This will open a VSCode Integrated Terminal at the bottom of the screen. You can see that this is a Debug Terminal and not a regular terminal by inspecting the drop-down in the upper-right corner of the terminal panel (Figure 4):

Terminal drop-down

Figure 4. Integrated Terminal drop-down.

You can have multiple terminal windows open in VSCode and switch between them using this drop-down. For now, we will stick to the Debug Terminal.

We can now place a breakpoint on line 19 by clicking in to the left of the number 19 in the left margin of the editor pane until a red dot appears, as shown in Figure 5 (to remove it, click the dot again):

Breakpoint set at line 21

Figure 5. Breakpoint set at line 19.

A breakpoint is a location in our code where we would like the JavaScript engine to pause execution when we run the program with the debugger attached. Let's give that a try and see what it looks like. We'll use the convenient command npm run it again (Figure 6 - notice the line where it says Debugger attached.):

Debugger attached

Figure 6. Debugger Attached.

We can inspect the call stack and any breakpoints that were placed in the lower left portion of the screen, as shown in Figure 6.

When executing code with the debugger, execution pauses as soon as a breakpoint is "hit". In Figure 7 we can see that execution is paused at our breakpoint in line 19. This is indicated by the yellow marker enclosing the red dot of the breakpoint.

Breakpoint ght at line 19

Figure 7. Breakpoint hit at line 19.

There are several things we can inspect while the execution is paused. For instance, as shown in Figure 7, we can hover the mouse pointer over the laureates parameter of the renderLaureates() function to inspect its value at this point in the execution. Array and object values can be expanded by pressing the triangular right-arrow.

We can also inspect variables and the scopes in which they exist. In Figure 8 we have expanded the laureates variable. It appears that this variable is not an array, as we had assumed, but a JavaScript object with a laureates property containing an array.

Debug variables

Figure 8. Variables and scopes

With that knowledge we can fix the problem under inspection, using modern JS object destructuring: we can simply enclose the variable laureates in curly braces to indicate that we want to assign to it the value of the laureates property rather than the data object itself. But first we need to let the debugger finish the current execution. Press the blue triangle button in the top left part of the screen (see Figure 8) to resume execution.

async function fetchAndRender() {
  try {
    // object destructuring curly braces added:
    const { laureates } = await getData(
  } catch (err) {
    console.error(`Something went wrong: ${err.message}`);

When we run the code again in the debugger we can see (Figure 9) that the laureates variable is now the array we expected.

Object destructuring

Figure 9. Variable laureates after object-destructuring.

Next, click on the blue triangle button to resume execution. Hmm, this output still doesn't look right:

Name: Bernard L. Feringa
Birth: 1951-05-18, [object Object]
Something went wrong: Cannot read property 'date' of undefined
TypeError: Cannot read property 'date' of undefined
    at renderLaureate (C:\Users\jimcr\dev\hackyourfuture\homework\3-UsingAPIs\Week2\homework\ex5-vscDebug.js:15:31)
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at renderLaureates (C:\Users\jimcr\dev\hackyourfuture\homework\3-UsingAPIs\Week2\homework\ex5-vscDebug.js:19:13)
    at fetchAndRender (C:\Users\jimcr\dev\hackyourfuture\homework\3-UsingAPIs\Week2\homework\ex5-vscDebug.js:27:5)
    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)
Waiting for the debugger to disconnect...
Waiting for the debugger to disconnect...

Apparently, where we expected an object with a date property, we actually got an undefined value in line 15 of the function renderLaureate(). By inspecting line 15 we can infer that the object in question is the death object. Let's place another breakpoint on line 15, but this time we will make it a conditional breakpoint. Right-click to the left of the number 15 in the margin of the editor window and select Add conditional breakpoint... from the context menu. Enter the condition that we want to break on: death === undefined, as illustrated in Figure 10.

Set conditional breakpoint

Figure 10. Setting a conditional breakpoint.

When we run the code again, first the breakpoint at line 19 will be hit. Press the blue triangle button again to resume execution. Next the breakpoint at line 15 will be hit when the condition is satisfied. Inspecting the Variables panel reveals the laureate in question is still alive because his death is undefined. We humbly acknowledge that this is a perfectly reasonable possibility that our code must be able to deal with.

Conditional breakpoint hit

Figure 11. Conditional breakpoint hit.

We will add an if statement to take care of it (we will test for death being thruthy):

function renderLaureate({ knownName, birth, death }) {
  console.log(`\nName: ${knownName.en}`);
  console.log(`Birth: ${}, ${}`);
  if (death) {
    console.log(`Death: ${}, ${}`);

Let's remove the two breakpoints by right-clicking on them and selecting Remove Breakpoint from the context menu.

Now, when we run the code again we get close to the desired result:

Name: Bernard L. Feringa
Birth: 1951-05-18, [object Object]

Name: Christiaan Eijkman
Birth: 1858-08-11, [object Object]
Death: 1930-11-05, [object Object]


Name: Tobias Asser
Birth: 1838-04-28, [object Object]
Death: 1913-07-29, [object Object]
Waiting for the debugger to disconnect...
Waiting for the debugger to disconnect...

We still have an issue with displaying the locations for birth and death. We will leave this as a debugging exercise for you to finish. Don't forget to remove the console.log statement for the stack trace in the catch block when you're done. It is fine for us developers but regular users may get confused or alarmed when confronted with a stack trace.

For more information about the VSCode debugger, visit: Debugging in Visual Studio Code.

Exercise 6: Using the Browser Debugger

Folder: ex6-browserDebug

This exercise is about debugging similar code as in the previous one, but this time the program is web-based. Instead of the VSCode Debugger you must now use the debugger built into the browser, which has very similar features. Rather than repeating all the steps in detail here, we refer you to an excellent tutorial how to use this tool out on the web: