These are the source files for the Code for Germany Website.
You can easily do edits and preview changes on github. But if to want to preview your edits or do bigger changes, you need a local setup.
For that you first need to install git, Ruby and gem.
Then clone this repository by invoking the following in a terminal, presuming you know how to get there:
git clone
Install Ruby and gem. Then get the dependencies:
sudo gem install bundler
bundler install
You can now build the site and serve it:
bundler exec jekyll serve
This command will give you a link where you can preview your changes in your browser.
Make sure to call bundler update
from time to time to keep the dependencies up to date.
Please use mobile friendly filesizes for images.
You can set a teaser for texts by defining it in the frontmatter:
excerpt: "<TEXT>"
. -
The teaser for an image can be set with
imgname-teaser: "<[RELATIVE] PATH TO IMAGE>"
There's a python script to save all GitHub avatars into the repository:
virtualenv .env
source .env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Source Code: MIT
Blog Posts and Other Content: Creative Commons BY 3.0 DE