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Releases: oleg-shilo/cs-script

Release v4.4.4-pre

23 Apr 13:15
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Release v4.4.4-pre Pre-release



  • no changes


  • Added CSScript.EvaluatorConfig.CompilerOptions for defining global compiler options for CodeDomEvaluator (RoslynEvaluator does not support string compiler options)
  • Issue #291: CSScriptLib.CompilerException: error CS2021: File name '' is empty

Release v4.4.3.0

19 Apr 14:45
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Ubuntu (terminal)

repo=; file=cs-script_4.4-3.deb; rm $file; wget $repo$file; sudo dpkg -i $file

Windows (choco)
Not published yet

Manual (Any OS)

Just unpack the corresponding 7z file and start using the script engine executable cscs.
If you prefer you can build a shim exe css for an easy launch of the script engine process:

dotnet cscs -self-exe

The same shim/symbolic link is created if you are installing the CS-Script as a package.



  • Various stability improvements after feedback from integration with IDEs (ST3, Npp, VSCode)


  • Issue #290: CSScriptLib: CSScript.GlobalSettings.AddSearchDir() probing dirs are not processed
  • Issue #289: CSScriptLib: referenced assemblies are not processed when hosting on .NET Framework

Release v4.4.2.0

16 Mar 11:17
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Release v4.4.2.0


Dependency: Install .NET SDK 6 (or .NET Runtime 6 for limited functionality)

Ubuntu (terminal)

repo=; file=cs-script_4.4-2.deb; rm $file; wget $repo$file; sudo dpkg -i $file

Windows (choco)

Pending approval

choco install dotnet-sdk --version=6.0.102
choco install cs-script --version= 

Manual (Any OS)

Just unpack the corresponding 7z file and start using the script engine executable cscs.
If you prefer you can build a shim exe css for an easy launch of the script engine process:

dotnet cscs -self-exe

The same shim/symbolic link is created if you are installing the CS-Script as a package.



  • Issue #286: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'path') on macOS Monterey


  • Issue #284: Resolve issue in Compile method in class CodeDomEvaluator (Evaluator.CodeDom.cs)

Release v4.4.1.0 (CS-ScriptLib)

14 Feb 12:03
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  • Issue #278: Support for embedded PDB?
    • Added setting PDB format via CSScript.EvaluatorConfig.PdbFormat
    • Merged PR #279

Release v4.4.0.0

12 Feb 10:42
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Ubuntu (terminal)

repo=; file=cs-script_4.4-0.deb; rm $file; wget $repo$file; sudo dpkg -i $file

Windows (choco)
Pending approval

sudo choco install cs-script --version= 


Just unpack the corresponding 7z file and start using the script engine executable cscs.
If you prefer you can build a shim exe css for an easy launch of the script engine process:

cscs -self-exe

The same shim/symbolic link is created if you are installing the CS-Script as a package.



  • Issue #277: Installation and use problems, NET6, targeting (
    • Added warning on SDK not installed
    • Added auto-switch to Roslyn if SDK is not found
    • Improved check for SDK install. Added ignoring SDK of lower version.


  • Issue #278: Support for embedded PDB?
    • Added setting PDB format via CSScript.EvaluatorConfig.PdbFormat

Release v4.3.0

10 Jan 13:09
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Release v4.3.0.0

Major changes

  • CS-Script now targets .NET6
  • Major overhaul of GitHub documentation.
    Special thanks to @maettu-this for helping with refining the documentation.


Ubuntu (terminal)

repo=; file=cs-script_4.3-0.deb; rm $file; wget $repo$file; sudo dpkg -i $file

Windows (choco)
Pending approval

choco install cs-script --version= 

It is highly recommended that you uninstall CS-Script.Core:

sudo choco uninstall cs-script.core

Just unpack the corresponding 7z file and start using the script engine executable cscs.
If you prefer you can build a shim exe css for an easy launch of the script engine process:

cscs -self-exe

The same shim/symbolic link is created if you are installing the CS-Script as a package.



  • Issue #271: Any Special considerations running in a linux docker container?
  • Added support for packages.config and NuGet.config
    Triggered by PR #263: Use and forward additional nuget arguments
  • Various changes for .NET 6 porting
  • Create NuGetCache directory on environments without an existing package directory
  • Open main script in Visual Studio when project is loaded
  • PR #265: Do not overwrite return code set in Environment.ExitCode
  • Issue #264: Spelling issue?
  • Issue #260: Double Entry Point Definition
  • Issue #267: CSScript.CodeDomEvaluator.ReferenceAssembliesByName(list<string)


  • None

Release v4.2.0.0

14 Nov 07:25
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Maintenance release


Ubuntu (terminal)

repo=; file=cs-script_4.2-0.deb; rm $file; wget $repo$file; sudo dpkg -i $file

Windows (choco)
Pending approval

choco install cs-script --version= 

It is highly recommended that you uninstall CS-Script.Core if it is installed:

sudo choco uninstall cs-script.core

Just unpack the corresponding 7z file and start using the script engine executable cscs.
If you prefer you can build a shim exe css for an easy launch of the script engine process:

cscs -self-exe

The same shim/symbolic link is created if you are installing the CS-Script as a package.



  • Added auto-generation of the CLI MD documentation with -help cli:md. To be used to generate GitHub wiki page during the build
  • Fixed Debian packaging problem (/n/r needed replacement with \n)
  • Issue #253: Supports both .Net Framework and .Net 5


  • Updated -speed and -code with the complete support -ng:* switches
  • Added -servers:start and -servers:stop command to control both Roslyn and csc build servers at the same time
  • Issue #258: Can not run scripts after installing VS2022
  • Issue #257: Ability to catch AppDomain.UnhandledException in a not-hosted script (cscs)
  • Issue #255: Relative path for cscs.exe -out option results in wrong output folder
  • Issue #254: Script merger for hosted scripts
  • Issue #252: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. (updated API doc)


  • Native API CacheEnabled marked as obsolete
  • Added IEvaluator.IsCachingEnabled. It is always available from the concrete types implementing IEvaluator and now it is moved directly to the interface.

Release v4.1.4.0-HotFix

04 Nov 12:37
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  • Updated -speed and -code with the complete support -ng:* switches
  • Added IEvaluator.IsCachingEnabled. Ite as always available from the conctrete types implementing IEvaluator and now it is moved directly to the interface.
  • Added -servers:start and -servers:stop command to control both Roslyn and csc build servers at the same time
  • CSScriptLib: Native API CacheEnabled marked as obsolete
  • Issue #258: Can not run scripts after installing VS2022
  • Issue #257: Ability to catch AppDomain.UnhandledException in a not-hosted script (cscs)
  • Issue #255: Relative path for cscs.exe -out option results in wrong output folder
  • Issue #254: Script merger for hosted scripts
  • Issue #253: Supports both .Net Framework and .Net 5
  • Issue #252: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. (updated API doc)
  • Added auto-generation of the CLI MD documentation with -help cli:md. To be used to generate GitHub wiki page during the build
  • Fixed Debian packaging problem (/n/r needed replacement with \n)

Release v4.1.2.0-pre

12 Sep 00:11
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Release v4.1.2.0-pre Pre-release
  • Issue #252: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. (updated API doc)
  • Issue #253: Supports both .Net Framework and .Net 5

Release v4.1.0.0

18 Jul 15:05
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Implementation of Roslyn engine that allows execution of scripts (both CLI and hosted) on the target system without .NET 5 SDK installed.


Ubuntu (terminal)

repo=; file=cs-script_4.1-0.deb; rm $file; wget $repo$file; sudo dpkg -i $file

Windows (choco)
Pending approval

choco install cs-script --version= 

It is highly recommended that you uninstall CS-Script.Core:

sudo choco uninstall cs-script.core

Just unpack the corresponding 7z file and start using the script engine executable cscs.
If you prefer you can build a shim exe css for an easy launch of the script engine process:

cscs -self-exe

The same shim/symbolic link is created if you are installing the CS-Script as a package.



  • Added support for Roslyn engine (no SDK required). See this wiki for details.


    From command line:

    css -engine:roslyn <script file>
    css -ng:roslyn <script file>

    From script code:

    //css_engine roslyn
    //css_ng roslyn


    css -config:set:DefaultCompilerEngine=roslyn
  • Added option to configure build server ports from environment variables

  • Issue #235: csc engine cannot compile dll


  • Issue #245: .Net 5 SDK project, could not run "CompileAssemblyFromCode"
  • Issue #244: Some questions about 4.0.2
    RefernceDomainAsemblies made obsolete and renamed to ReferenceDomainAssemblies
    Added extension methods IEvaluator.ExcludeReferencedAssemblies