Rsync wrapper to do multiple transfers from a single yaml file.
I'm sure there is lots of implementations already exist doing the same, but i wanted to some golang rsync wrapper that will do some routine backups using my own yaml file specs. Since i already have multiple directories that i update daily, i wanted to always make sure that i have them synced and moved to a persistent location since some of these files are not and won't be hosted on github.
Backer will generate a new config file under ~/.config/backer/config.yaml
there you're expected to modify and enter your sources & destinations.
# you can add multiple transfer levels
# make sure that both source & destination paths are absolute
- source: /home/john/personal-stuff/
destination: /run/media/john/some-mounted-hdd/personal/
- source: /home/john/pictures/
destination: /run/media/john/some-mounted-hdd/pictures/
# these exclude args will be later fed to rsync --exclude, by default this will be empty
- log
- logs
- "*.log"
- "node_modules"
- vendor
- .git
- .next
# here you can just add rsync options you want to supply by default this will be empty
- -avAXEWSlHh
- --no-compress
- --info=progress2
Currently you could use backer directly to copy from a single source to single destination:
backer /home/john/a/ /home/john/b/
You can also add rsync options:
backer /home/john/a/ /home/john/b/ -o '-avAXEWSlHh' -o '--no-compress'
Currently since I'm using Arch - by the way ;) - I use systemd to periodically run backer every hour, you can find the systemd service and timer under ./systemd
You will need to make some proper changes to the service to point to the proper user & group and backer location
User=mrgeek # change this
Group=mrgeek # change this
ExecStart=/home/mrgeek/go/bin/backer # change this
then you can run ./sync
to sync and start backer timer
cd ./systemd
If you already have go installed then:
go install
Or from releases page