diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index de34f212..5a327a8c 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -47,24 +47,27 @@ config.omniauth :openid_connect, {
 ### Options Overview
-| Field                        | Description                                                                                                                                                   | Required | Default                    | Example/Options                                     |
-| name                         | Arbitrary string to identify connection and identify it from other openid_connect providers                                                                                                                        | no       | String: openid_connect     | :my_idp                                             |
-| issuer                       | Root url for the authorization server                                                                                                                         | yes      |                            | https://myprovider.com                              |
-| discovery                    | Should OpenID discovery be used. This is recommended if the IDP provides a discovery endpoint. See client config for how to manually enter discovered values. | no       | false                      | one of: true, false                                 |
-| client_auth_method           | Which authentication method to use to authenticate your app with the authorization server                                                                     | no       | Sym: basic                 | "basic", "jwks"                                     |
-| scope                        | Which OpenID scopes to include (:openid is always required)                                                                                                   | no       | Array<sym> [:openid]       | [:openid, :profile, :email]                         |
-| response_type                | Which OAuth2 response type to use with the authorization request                                                                                              | no       | String: code               | one of: 'code', 'id_token'                          |
-| state                        | A value to be used for the OAuth2 state parameter on the authorization request. Can be a proc that generates a string.                                        | no       | Random 16 character string | Proc.new { SecureRandom.hex(32) }                   |
-| response_mode                | The response mode per [spec](https://openid.net/specs/oauth-v2-form-post-response-mode-1_0.html)                                                              | no       | nil                        | one of: :query, :fragment, :form_post, :web_message |
-| display                      | An optional parameter to the authorization request to determine how the authorization and consent page                                                        | no       | nil                        | one of: :page, :popup, :touch, :wap                 |
-| prompt                       | An optional parameter to the authrization request to determine what pages the user will be shown                                                              | no       | nil                        | one of: :none, :login, :consent, :select_account    |
-| send_scope_to_token_endpoint | Should the scope parameter be sent to the authorization token endpoint?                                                                                       | no       | true                       | one of: true, false                                 |
-| post_logout_redirect_uri     | The logout redirect uri to use per the [session management draft](https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-session-1_0.html)                                   | no       | empty                      | https://myapp.com/logout/callback                   |
-| uid_field                    | The field of the user info response to be used as a unique id                                                                                                 | no       | 'sub'                      | "sub", "preferred_username"                         |
-| extra_authorize_params       | A hash of extra fixed parameters that will be merged to the authorization request                                                                             | no       | Hash                       | {"tenant" => "common"}                              |
-| allow_authorize_params       | A list of allowed dynamic parameters that will be merged to the authorization request                                                                         | no       | Array                      | [:screen_name]                                      |
-| client_options               | A hash of client options detailed in its own section                                                                                                          | yes      |                            |                                                     |
+| Field                        | Description                                                                                                                                                   | Required | Default                       | Example/Options                                     |
+| name                         | Arbitrary string to identify connection and identify it from other openid_connect providers                                                                   | no       | String: openid_connect        | :my_idp                                             |
+| issuer                       | Root url for the authorization server                                                                                                                         | yes      |                               | https://myprovider.com                              |
+| discovery                    | Should OpenID discovery be used. This is recommended if the IDP provides a discovery endpoint. See client config for how to manually enter discovered values. | no       | false                         | one of: true, false                                 |
+| client_auth_method           | Which authentication method to use to authenticate your app with the authorization server                                                                     | no       | Sym: basic                    | "basic", "jwks"                                     |
+| scope                        | Which OpenID scopes to include (:openid is always required)                                                                                                   | no       | Array<sym> [:openid]          | [:openid, :profile, :email]                         |
+| response_type                | Which OAuth2 response type to use with the authorization request                                                                                              | no       | String: code                  | one of: 'code', 'id_token'                          |
+| state                        | A value to be used for the OAuth2 state parameter on the authorization request. Can be a proc that generates a string.                                        | no       | Random 16 character string    | Proc.new { SecureRandom.hex(32) }                   |
+| response_mode                | The response mode per [spec](https://openid.net/specs/oauth-v2-form-post-response-mode-1_0.html)                                                              | no       | nil                           | one of: :query, :fragment, :form_post, :web_message |
+| display                      | An optional parameter to the authorization request to determine how the authorization and consent page                                                        | no       | nil                           | one of: :page, :popup, :touch, :wap                 |
+| prompt                       | An optional parameter to the authrization request to determine what pages the user will be shown                                                              | no       | nil                           | one of: :none, :login, :consent, :select_account    |
+| send_scope_to_token_endpoint | Should the scope parameter be sent to the authorization token endpoint?                                                                                       | no       | true                          | one of: true, false                                 |
+| post_logout_redirect_uri     | The logout redirect uri to use per the [session management draft](https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-session-1_0.html)                                   | no       | empty                         | https://myapp.com/logout/callback                   |
+| uid_field                    | The field of the user info response to be used as a unique id                                                                                                 | no       | 'sub'                         | "sub", "preferred_username"                         |
+| extra_authorize_params       | A hash of extra fixed parameters that will be merged to the authorization request                                                                             | no       | Hash                          | {"tenant" => "common"}                              |
+| allow_authorize_params       | A list of allowed dynamic parameters that will be merged to the authorization request                                                                         | no       | Array                         | [:screen_name]                                      |
+| pkce                         | Enable [PKCE flow](https://oauth.net/2/pkce/)                                                                                                                 | no       | false                         | one of: true, false                                 |
+| pkce_verifier                | Specify a custom PKCE verifier code.                                                                                                                          | no       | A random 128-char string      | Proc.new { SecureRandom.hex(64) }                   |
+| pkce_options                 | Specify a custom implementation of the PKCE code challenge/method.                                                                                            | no       | SHA256(code_challenge) in hex | Proc to customise the code challenge generation     |
+| client_options               | A hash of client options detailed in its own section                                                                                                          | yes      |                               |                                                     |
 ### Client Config Options
@@ -94,7 +97,7 @@ These are the configuration options for the client_options hash of the configura
   * `response_type` tells the authorization server which grant type the application wants to use,
   currently, only `:code` (Authorization Code grant) and `:id_token` (Implicit grant) are valid.
-  * If you want to pass `state` paramete by yourself. You can set Proc Object.
+  * If you want to pass `state` parameter by yourself. You can set Proc Object.
   e.g. `state: Proc.new { SecureRandom.hex(32) }`
   * `nonce` is optional. If don't want to pass "nonce" parameter to provider, You should specify
   `false` to `send_nonce` option. (default true)
@@ -116,6 +119,11 @@ These are the configuration options for the client_options hash of the configura
   property can be used to add the attribute to the token request. Initial value is `true`, which means that the
   scope attribute is included by default.
+### Additional notes
+  * In some cases, you may want to go straight to the callback phase - e.g. when requested by a stateless client, like a mobile app.
+  In such example, the session is empty, so you have to forward certain parameters received from the client.
+  Currently supported one is `code_verifier` - simply provide it as the `/callback` request parameter.
 For the full low down on OpenID Connect, please check out
 [the spec](http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html).
diff --git a/lib/omniauth/strategies/openid_connect.rb b/lib/omniauth/strategies/openid_connect.rb
index 9a530250..41c55322 100644
--- a/lib/omniauth/strategies/openid_connect.rb
+++ b/lib/omniauth/strategies/openid_connect.rb
@@ -57,6 +57,14 @@ class OpenIDConnect
       option :extra_authorize_params, {}
       option :allow_authorize_params, []
       option :uid_field, 'sub'
+      option :pkce, false
+      option :pkce_verifier, nil
+      option :pkce_options, {
+        code_challenge: proc { |verifier|
+          Base64.urlsafe_encode64(Digest::SHA2.digest(verifier), padding: false)
+        },
+        code_challenge_method: 'S256',
+      }
       def uid
         user_info.raw_attributes[options.uid_field.to_sym] || user_info.sub
@@ -178,6 +186,13 @@ def authorize_uri
           opts[key] = request.params[key.to_s] unless opts.key?(key)
+        if options.pkce
+          verifier = options.pkce_verifier ? options.pkce_verifier.call : SecureRandom.hex(64)
+          opts.merge!(pkce_authorize_params(verifier))
+          session['omniauth.pkce.verifier'] = verifier
+        end
         client.authorization_uri(opts.reject { |_k, v| v.nil? })
@@ -187,6 +202,14 @@ def public_key
         key_or_secret || config.jwks
+      def pkce_authorize_params(verifier)
+        # NOTE: see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7636#appendix-A
+        {
+          code_challenge: options.pkce_options[:code_challenge].call(verifier),
+          code_challenge_method: options.pkce_options[:code_challenge_method],
+        }
+      end
       def issuer
@@ -220,11 +243,14 @@ def user_info
       def access_token
         return @access_token if @access_token
-        @access_token = client.access_token!(
+        token_request_params = {
           scope: (options.scope if options.send_scope_to_token_endpoint),
-          client_auth_method: options.client_auth_method
-        )
+          client_auth_method: options.client_auth_method,
+        }
+        token_request_params[:code_verifier] = params['code_verifier'] || session.delete('omniauth.pkce.verifier') if options.pkce
+        @access_token = client.access_token!(token_request_params)
         verify_id_token!(@access_token.id_token) if configured_response_type == 'code'
diff --git a/test/lib/omniauth/strategies/openid_connect_test.rb b/test/lib/omniauth/strategies/openid_connect_test.rb
index fbf5dd44..c204883f 100644
--- a/test/lib/omniauth/strategies/openid_connect_test.rb
+++ b/test/lib/omniauth/strategies/openid_connect_test.rb
@@ -632,6 +632,41 @@ def test_id_token_auth_hash
         assert auth_hash.key?('extra')
         assert auth_hash['extra'].key?('raw_info')
+      def test_option_pkce
+        strategy.options.client_options[:host] = 'example.com'
+        # test pkce disabled
+        strategy.options.pkce = false
+        assert((strategy.authorize_uri !~ /code_challenge=/), 'URI must not contain code challenge param')
+        assert((strategy.authorize_uri !~ /code_challenge_method=/), 'URI must not contain code challenge method param')
+        # test pkce enabled with default opts
+        strategy.options.pkce = true
+        assert(strategy.authorize_uri =~ /code_challenge=/, 'URI must contain code challenge param')
+        assert(strategy.authorize_uri =~ /code_challenge_method=/, 'URI must contain code challenge method param')
+        # test pkce with custom verifier code
+        strategy.options.pkce_verifier = proc { 'dummy_verifier' }
+        code_challenge_value = Base64.urlsafe_encode64(
+          Digest::SHA2.digest(strategy.options.pkce_verifier.call),
+          padding: false
+        )
+        assert(strategy.authorize_uri =~ /#{Regexp.quote(code_challenge_value)}/, 'URI must contain code challenge value')
+        # test pkce with custom options and plain text code
+        strategy.options.pkce_options =
+          {
+            code_challenge: proc { |verifier| verifier },
+            code_challenge_method: 'plain',
+          }
+        assert(strategy.authorize_uri =~ /#{Regexp.quote(strategy.options.pkce_verifier.call)}/,
+               'URI must contain code challenge value')
+      end