Releases: onwidget/astrowind
Releases · onwidget/astrowind
What's Changed
- Update BasicScripts.astro & fix typo by @javayhu in #414
- Fix header 1px gap by @StefanMarAntonsson in #416
- ESLint V9 Migration, Package Updates, and Code Improvements by @JuliusBairaktaris in #415
- Improvement to accessibility in dropdown. by @jovica-me in #422
- Eslint corrections by @ShoGinn in #429
- Config File Updates by @ShoGinn in #427
- Accessibility updates by @ShoGinn in #436
- #441 Safari only: Related Posts multi-line header links behave unhandy by @OlgaBubermanOB in #442
- Fix aw-color-text-heading by @davidmles in #444
- Fix incorrect closing tag by @Leko in #461
- Bump braces from 3.0.2 to 3.0.3 by @dependabot in #468
- Update by @rogergarciapages in #464
- Update Decap CMS to new npm package & version by @bennihtm in #477
- Upgrade Astro packages (astro v4.14.5 + @astrojs/mdx v3.1.4) by @mathieukh in #498
- Upgrade the astro-icon dependency by @mathieukh in #497
- Fixed ‘Inter Variable’ Font Name by @FelixLisczyk in #495
- Add GitHub Actions by @phanect in #499
- Convert JavaScript files to TypeScript by @phanect in #501
- Rename astro.config.mjs to astro.config.ts by @prototypa in #506
- Bump dset from 3.1.3 to 3.1.4 by @dependabot in #512
- Bump path-to-regexp from 6.2.2 to 6.3.0 by @dependabot in #513
- Bump rollup from 4.21.0 to 4.22.4 by @dependabot in #519
- Fix the override of the Image objectPosition attribute by @ejulia in #521
- Resolve tailwind styles loss in bun environment by @IvanLi-CN in #531
New Contributors
- @javayhu made their first contribution in #414
- @StefanMarAntonsson made their first contribution in #416
- @jovica-me made their first contribution in #422
- @ShoGinn made their first contribution in #429
- @OlgaBubermanOB made their first contribution in #442
- @davidmles made their first contribution in #444
- @Leko made their first contribution in #461
- @rogergarciapages made their first contribution in #464
- @bennihtm made their first contribution in #477
- @mathieukh made their first contribution in #498
- @FelixLisczyk made their first contribution in #495
- @phanect made their first contribution in #499
- @ejulia made their first contribution in #521
- @IvanLi-CN made their first contribution in #531
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-beta.22...v1.0.0-beta.48
What's Changed
- Announcement about Upcoming AstroWind 2.0 by @prototypa in #393
- WIP: Type fixes by @dawaltconley in #399
- Remove duplicated prose class for font size by @prototypa in #401
- Update used images by @widgeter in #404
- Removes
by @NikolaRHristov in #408 - Bump vite from 5.1.4 to 5.2.8 by @dependabot in #410
New Contributors
- @dawaltconley made their first contribution in #399
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #410
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-beta.20...v1.0.0-beta.22
What's Changed
- Update by @prototypa in #306
- Update package.json by @diomed in #317
- Update by @widgeter in #329
- Update screenshot by @prototypa in #340
- Fix Header anomaly on BasicScripts.astro by @bmartinez287 in #309
- Add Related Blog Posts Component by @thkruz in #347
- Add Text to Blog Post if Author is Set by @thkruz in #348
- Added change to Header - redundant tailwind by @denartha10 in #358
- Check for property existance for GetImageResult. by @dudil in #375
- Title: Fix TypeScript Error TS7016 for js-yaml Import by @JuliusBairaktaris in #377
- Fix PageSpeed Insights problems on /homes/personal by @JuliusBairaktaris in #378
- Explicit declaration of non-SSR support by @prototypa in #385
New Contributors
- @bmartinez287 made their first contribution in #309
- @thkruz made their first contribution in #347
- @denartha10 made their first contribution in #358
- @dudil made their first contribution in #375
- @JuliusBairaktaris made their first contribution in #377
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-beta.8...v1.0.0-beta.20
What's Changed
- Changing some texts by @widgeter in #229
- Include an use cases section on saas page by @widgeter in #230
- Include some sections on sass page by @widgeter in #231
- Modify some texts on startup page by @widgeter in #232
- Add Brands widget, call to action to Content widget and small ui fixes by @widgeter in #240
- Update to Astro v3.0 by @widgeter in #244
- Replace max-w-screen-lg by @widgeter in #245
- Updates related to new Astro 3.x and minimal fixes by @prototypa in #246
- Replace component CTA with Button with new props by @prototypa in #248
- Update ToggleMenu icon and animation on open by @prototypa in #249
- Replace props in CallToAction widget: 'callToAction' to 'actions' and minor fixes by @prototypa in #250
- Minor ui fixes and format by @prototypa in #251
- Fix popular tag in Pricing: part of issue #242 by @prototypa in #252
- up for astro and tailwind typography by @diomed in #256
- updates astro&mdx by @diomed in #263
- Update by @diomed in #264
- Fix old config.mjs by @widgeter in #266
- Update by @prototypa in #267
- Update dependencies (astro v3.1.2) by @prototypa in #270
- :: selection for light / dark theme + missing word fix in readme by @fountainpen in #280
- Remove duplicated loading property by @bennycode in #282
- update astro!!! by @diomed in #297
- add .mdx to content by @circus-real in #294
- Added "typescript-esbuild" as dep in packages.json because astro-compress requires it by @dedonnodev in #288
New Contributors
- @diomed made their first contribution in #256
- @fountainpen made their first contribution in #280
- @bennycode made their first contribution in #282
- @circus-real made their first contribution in #294
- @dedonnodev made their first contribution in #288
Full Changelog: v0.9.9...v1.0.0-beta.8
What's Changed
- Fix PostTags prop in the comment by @IlyaKukarkin in #191
- Fix LatestPosts Props and usage by @IlyaKukarkin in #190
- Documentation + some minor refactoring by @rickbsgu in #199
- Update Logo.astro by @davidawad in #200
- Include some widgets in startup page by @widgeter in #204
- Refactor CallToAction widget by @widgeter in #205
- Add a Features3 widget by @widgeter in #206
- Include some widgets in startup page and in mobile-app page by @widgeter in #207
- Include testimonials widget in mobile-app page by @widgeter in #210
- Include some widgets on mobile-app page by @widgeter in #212
- Include some widgets in about-us page by @widgeter in #214
- Include title in some widgets by @widgeter in #215
- Fill out pricing page by @widgeter in #217
- Fill out contact page by @widgeter in #221
- Restores astro-compress by @NikolaRHristov in #222
- Include content on services page by @widgeter in #223
- Fixes AstroCompress settings by @NikolaRHristov in #224
- Include some texts by @widgeter in #225
- Add subtitle to prices map by @awaddell in #226
- Include content on personal page by @widgeter in #228
New Contributors
- @IlyaKukarkin made their first contribution in #191
- @rickbsgu made their first contribution in #199
- @davidawad made their first contribution in #200
- @widgeter made their first contribution in #204
- @NikolaRHristov made their first contribution in #222
- @awaddell made their first contribution in #226
Full Changelog: v0.9.8...v0.9.9
What's Changed
- Add astro2 node requirement by @prototypa in #90
- Minimal changes for migration to Astro v2 by @prototypa in #92
- Design improvements by @prototypa in #93
- Improve structure and add custom css variables by @prototypa in #94
- Create landing pages and minimal design details by @prototypa in #95
- New position prop to Header by @prototypa in #96
- Update to astro@2.0.0-beta.4 by @prototypa in #97
- Allow post permalink pattern configuration by @prototypa in #99
- Replace post.slug to post.permalink in RSS by @prototypa in #100
- Update post collection and show category on posts by @prototypa in #101
- Update to Astro v2 by @prototypa in #102
- Mention Astro 2.0 release by @prototypa in #104
- Update import statement for Icon from 'astro-icon' by @edamame8888 in #113
- use showToggleTheme for mobile by @zkanda in #121
- rss fixed by @HMser in #135
- refactor: remove unused
by @up2dul in #143 - Wrap blog grid item image in a tag by @IshtarStar in #147
- Adding Sitemap to the Meta info by @MrGKanev in #164
- add astro type for Post["Content"] by @AmadeusTwi in #154
- Inherit button hover color from CustomStyles by @badrbouslikhin in #153
- Use non-breaking space by @IshtarStar in #151
- Hero text by @engageintellect in #136
- ✨ [feature] Add 'findTags' and 'findCategories' methods to blog.ts by @ladunjexa in #175
- 🎨 [enhancement] Added optional title functionality to Tags.astro by @ladunjexa in #176
- 🎨 [enhancement] Add code to display tags & categories in the main blog page by @ladunjexa in #177
- fix syntax in Tags component by @mortbauer in #180
New Contributors
- @edamame8888 made their first contribution in #113
- @zkanda made their first contribution in #121
- @HMser made their first contribution in #135
- @up2dul made their first contribution in #143
- @IshtarStar made their first contribution in #147
- @MrGKanev made their first contribution in #164
- @AmadeusTwi made their first contribution in #154
- @badrbouslikhin made their first contribution in #153
- @engageintellect made their first contribution in #136
- @ladunjexa made their first contribution in #175
- @mortbauer made their first contribution in #180
Full Changelog: v0.9.7...v0.9.8
Full Changelog: v0.9.6...v0.9.7
Full Changelog: v0.2.1...v0.3.5
New Contributors
- @w3bdesign made their first contribution in #28
- @Angra974 made their first contribution in #30