The TargetAllocator is an optional separately deployed component of an OpenTelemetry Collector setup, which is used to distribute targets of the PrometheusReceiver on all deployed Collector instances.
If the Allocator is activated, all Prometheus configurations will be transferred in a separate ConfigMap which get in
turn mounted to the Allocator.
This configuration will be resolved to target configurations and then split across all OpenTelemetryCollector instances.
TargetAllocators exposes the results as HTTP_SD endpoints split by collector.
Watchers are responsible for the translation of external sources into Prometheus readable scrape configurations and triggers updates to the DiscoveryManager
Watches the Prometheus service discovery for new targets and sets targets to the Allocator
Shards the received targets based on the discovered Collector instances
Client to watch for deployed Collector instances which will then provided to the Allocator.
"job1": {
"_link": "/jobs/job1/targets"
"job2": {
"_link": "/jobs/job1/targets"
"collector-1": {
"_link": "/jobs/job1/targets?collector_id=collector-1",
"targets": [
"Targets": [
"Labels": {
"namespace": "a_namespace",
"pod": "a_pod"
"targets": [
"labels": {
"namespace": "a_namespace",
"pod": "a_pod"