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* 'master' of
  Instructions refactor (#89)
  • Loading branch information
MacOMNI committed Aug 29, 2024
2 parents 15b60fb + 7ccd0fa commit 7d54e13
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Showing 12 changed files with 546 additions and 586 deletions.
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions Blockchain/Sources/Blockchain/Config/ProtocolConfig.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -183,6 +183,13 @@ public struct ProtocolConfig: Sendable {
public typealias ProtocolConfigRef = Ref<ProtocolConfig>

extension ProtocolConfig: PvmConfig {}
// silence the warning about cross module conformances as we owns all the code
extension Ref: @retroactive PvmConfig where T == ProtocolConfig {
public var pvmDynamicAddressAlignmentFactor: Int { value.pvmDynamicAddressAlignmentFactor }
public var pvmProgramInitInputDataSize: Int { value.pvmProgramInitInputDataSize }
public var pvmProgramInitPageSize: Int { value.pvmProgramInitPageSize }
public var pvmProgramInitSegmentSize: Int { value.pvmProgramInitSegmentSize }

extension ProtocolConfig {
public enum AuditTranchePeriod: ReadInt {
Expand Down
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions Blockchain/Sources/Blockchain/Safrole.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -197,9 +197,7 @@ func generateFallbackIndices(entropy: Data32, count: Int, length: Int) throws ->
let hash = hasher.finalize()
let hash4 =[0 ..< 4]
let idx: UInt32 = hash4.withUnsafeBytes { ptr in
ptr.loadUnaligned(as: UInt32.self)
let idx = hash4.decode(UInt32.self)
return Int(idx % UInt32(length))
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion JAMTests/Tests/JAMTests/PVMTests.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ struct PVMTests {
gas: UInt64(testCase.initialGas),
memory: memory
let engine = Engine()
let engine = Engine(config: DefaultPvmConfig())
let exitReason = engine.execute(program: program, state: vmState)
let exitReason2: Status = switch exitReason {
case .halt:
Expand Down
21 changes: 10 additions & 11 deletions PolkaVM/Sources/PolkaVM/Engine.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,26 +1,27 @@
import Foundation

public class Engine {
public enum Constants {
public static let exitAddress: UInt32 = 0xFFFF_0000
let config: PvmConfig

public init() {}
public init(config: PvmConfig) {
self.config = config

public func execute(program: ProgramCode, state: VMState) -> ExitReason {
let context = ExecutionContext(state: state, config: config)
while true {
guard state.getGas() > 0 else {
return .outOfGas
if case let .exit(reason) = step(program: program, state: state) {
if case let .exit(reason) = step(program: program, context: context) {
return reason

public func step(program: ProgramCode, state: VMState) -> ExecOutcome {
let pc = state.pc
let skip = program.skip(state.pc)
public func step(program: ProgramCode, context: ExecutionContext) -> ExecOutcome {
let pc = context.state.pc
let skip = program.skip(pc)
let startIndex = program.code.startIndex + Int(pc)
let endIndex = startIndex + 1 + Int(skip)
let data = if endIndex <= program.code.endIndex {
Expand All @@ -32,8 +33,6 @@ public class Engine {
return .exit(.panic(.invalidInstruction))

let res = inst.execute(state: state, skip: skip)

return res
return inst.execute(context: context, skip: skip)
26 changes: 18 additions & 8 deletions PolkaVM/Sources/PolkaVM/Instruction.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,21 +6,31 @@ public protocol Instruction {
init(data: Data) throws

func gasCost() -> UInt64
func updatePC(state: VMState, skip: UInt32) -> ExecOutcome
func updatePC(context: ExecutionContext, skip: UInt32) -> ExecOutcome

// protected method
func _executeImpl(state: VMState) throws -> ExecOutcome
func _executeImpl(context: ExecutionContext) throws -> ExecOutcome

public class ExecutionContext {
public let state: VMState
public let config: PvmConfig

public init(state: VMState, config: PvmConfig) {
self.state = state
self.config = config

extension Instruction {
public func execute(state: VMState, skip: UInt32) -> ExecOutcome {
public func execute(context: ExecutionContext, skip: UInt32) -> ExecOutcome {
do {
let execRes = try _executeImpl(state: state)
let execRes = try _executeImpl(context: context)
if case .exit = execRes {
return execRes
return updatePC(state: state, skip: skip)
return updatePC(context: context, skip: skip)
} catch let e as Memory.Error {
return .exit(.pageFault(e.address))
} catch {
Expand All @@ -34,8 +44,8 @@ extension Instruction {

public func updatePC(state: VMState, skip: UInt32) -> ExecOutcome {
state.increasePC(skip + 1)
public func updatePC(context: ExecutionContext, skip: UInt32) -> ExecOutcome {
context.state.increasePC(skip + 1)
return .continued
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions PolkaVM/Sources/PolkaVM/Instructions/BranchCompare.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
protocol BranchCompare {
static func compare(a: UInt32, b: UInt32) -> Bool

struct CompareEq: BranchCompare {
static func compare(a: UInt32, b: UInt32) -> Bool {
Int32(bitPattern: a) == Int32(bitPattern: b)

struct CompareNe: BranchCompare {
static func compare(a: UInt32, b: UInt32) -> Bool {
Int32(bitPattern: a) != Int32(bitPattern: b)

struct CompareLt: BranchCompare {
static func compare(a: UInt32, b: UInt32) -> Bool {
a < b

struct CompareLe: BranchCompare {
static func compare(a: UInt32, b: UInt32) -> Bool {
a <= b

struct CompareGe: BranchCompare {
static func compare(a: UInt32, b: UInt32) -> Bool {
a >= b

struct CompareGt: BranchCompare {
static func compare(a: UInt32, b: UInt32) -> Bool {
a > b
79 changes: 79 additions & 0 deletions PolkaVM/Sources/PolkaVM/Instructions/BranchInstructionBase.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
import Foundation

// for branch in A.5.7
protocol BranchInstructionBase<Compare>: Instruction {
associatedtype Compare: BranchCompare

var register: Registers.Index { get set }
var value: UInt32 { get set }
var offset: UInt32 { get set }

func condition(state: VMState) -> Bool

extension BranchInstructionBase {
public static func parse(data: Data) throws -> (Registers.Index, UInt32, UInt32) {
let register = try Registers.Index(ra: 0))
let (value, offset) = try Instructions.decodeImmediate2(data, divideBy: 16)
return (register, value, offset)

public func _executeImpl(context _: ExecutionContext) throws -> ExecOutcome { .continued }

public func updatePC(context: ExecutionContext, skip: UInt32) -> ExecOutcome {
guard Instructions.isBranchValid(context: context, offset: offset) else {
return .exit(.panic(.invalidBranch))
if condition(state: context.state) {
} else {
context.state.increasePC(skip + 1)
return .continued

public func condition(state: VMState) -> Bool {
let regVal = state.readRegister(register)
return regVal, b: value)

// for branch in A.5.10
protocol BranchInstructionBase2<Compare>: Instruction {
associatedtype Compare: BranchCompare

var r1: Registers.Index { get set }
var r2: Registers.Index { get set }
var offset: UInt32 { get set }

func condition(state: VMState) -> Bool

extension BranchInstructionBase2 {
public static func parse(data: Data) throws -> (Registers.Index, Registers.Index, UInt32) {
let offset = try Instructions.decodeImmediate( 1...))
let r1 = try Registers.Index(ra: 0))
let r2 = try Registers.Index(rb: 0))
return (r1, r2, offset)

public func _executeImpl(context _: ExecutionContext) throws -> ExecOutcome { .continued }

public func updatePC(context: ExecutionContext, skip: UInt32) -> ExecOutcome {
guard Instructions.isBranchValid(context: context, offset: offset) else {
return .exit(.panic(.invalidBranch))
if condition(state: context.state) {
} else {
context.state.increasePC(skip + 1)
return .continued

public func condition(state: VMState) -> Bool {
let r1Val = state.readRegister(r1)
let r2Val = state.readRegister(r2)
return r1Val, b: r2Val)
79 changes: 79 additions & 0 deletions PolkaVM/Sources/PolkaVM/Instructions/Instructions+Helpers.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
import Foundation

extension Instructions {
enum Constants {
static let djumpHaltAddress: UInt32 = 0xFFFF_0000

static func decodeImmediate(_ data: Data) -> UInt32 {
let len = min(data.count, 4)
if len == 0 {
return 0
var value: UInt32 = 0
for i in 0 ..< len {
value = value | (UInt32(data[relative: i]) << (8 * i))
let shift = (4 - len) * 8
// shift left so that the MSB is the sign bit
// and then do signed shift right to fill the empty bits using the sign bit
// and then convert back to UInt32
return UInt32(bitPattern: Int32(bitPattern: value << shift) >> shift)

static func decodeImmediate2(_ data: Data, divideBy: UInt8 = 1, minus: Int = 1) throws -> (UInt32, UInt32) {
let lX1 = try Int(( 0) / divideBy) & 0b111)
let lX = min(4, lX1)
let lY = min(4, max(0, data.count - Int(lX) - minus))

let vX = try decodeImmediate( 1 ..< 1 + lX))
let vY = try decodeImmediate( (1 + lX) ..< (1 + lX + lY)))
return (vX, vY)

static func isBranchValid(context: ExecutionContext, offset: UInt32) -> Bool {
context.state.program.basicBlockIndices.contains(context.state.pc &+ offset)

static func isDjumpValid(context: ExecutionContext, target a: UInt32, targetAligned: UInt32) -> Bool {
let za = context.config.pvmDynamicAddressAlignmentFactor
return !(a == 0 ||
a > context.state.program.jumpTable.count * za ||
Int(a) % za != 0 ||

static func djump(context: ExecutionContext, target: UInt32) -> ExecOutcome {
if target == Constants.djumpHaltAddress {
return .exit(.halt)

let entrySize = Int(context.state.program.jumpTableEntrySize)
let start = ((Int(target) / context.config.pvmDynamicAddressAlignmentFactor) - 1) * entrySize
let end = start + entrySize
var targetAlignedData = context.state.program.jumpTable[relative: start ..< end]
guard let targetAligned = targetAlignedData.decode() else {
fatalError("unreachable: jump table entry should be valid")

guard isDjumpValid(context: context, target: target, targetAligned: UInt32(truncatingIfNeeded: targetAligned)) else {
return .exit(.panic(.invalidDynamicJump))

return .continued

static func deocdeRegisters(_ data: Data) throws -> (Registers.Index, Registers.Index) {
let ra = try Registers.Index(ra: 0))
let rb = try Registers.Index(rb: 0))
return (ra, rb)

static func deocdeRegisters(_ data: Data) throws -> (Registers.Index, Registers.Index, Registers.Index) {
let ra = try Registers.Index(ra: 0))
let rb = try Registers.Index(rb: 0))
let rd = try Registers.Index(rd: 1))
return (ra, rb, rd)

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