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SAI NAT Proposal

Title SAI Network Address Translation
Authors Jai Kumar, Broadcom Inc.
. Rita Hui, Microsoft Inc.
. Matty Kadosh, Mellanox Inc.
. Marian Pritsak, Mellanox Inc.
. Mickey Spiegel, Barefoot Inc.
Status Approved
Type Standards track
Created 04/15/2019
Updated 09/09/2019
SAI-Version 1.5


This document proposes set of API to configure NAT feature. API set is generic to configure various types of NAT. Besides configuration there is a need to read the NAT table for aging. Reading of data is achieved using the TAM GET API.

1.0 NAT Types

In basic NAT, SNAT is performed for outbound (internal zone to public zone) traffic, and DNAT is performed for inbound (public zone to internal zone) traffic. During outbound NAT processing, SNAT is performed and the SIP of the packet is replaced.

In the reverse direction, DNAT operation is performed in which the DIP of the packet is replaced.

  • Subnet Based NAT Subnet based NAT replaces only the subnet prefix of the IP address, leaving the rest of the IP address unchanged. Subnet based NAT is a simpler implementation of basic NAT.

  • NAPT Network address port translation is very similar to basic NAT with addition of layer 4 source port translation. For a given source IP address, protocol in the packet, NAPT is performed by replacing SIP and source port for the outbound traffic. In the reverse direction, DIP is replaced along with the destination port.

  • Double NAT Double NAT is a NAT variation in which both source and destination IP addresses are modified as a packet crosses the zone boundary. Double NAT is typically used to fully interconnect subnets in two incompatible address zones. One common case involves merging enterprise networks using private overlapping address spaces.

2.0 Configuring NAT zones

NAT zones are configured for translation. Only when packet crosses across NAT zones then NAT translation is done. SONiC will configure interfaces as a member of the zones. Zone ID is passed in the API setting up NAT rules.

A new uint8_t Zone ID attribute is added in sai_router_interface_attr_t.

“SAI_ROUTER_INTERFACE_NAT_ZONE_ID” set_router_interface_attribute() API is used to set the NAT Zone ID.

3.0 Enabling NAT in switch

NAT feature is enabled at the switch level. SAI driver must handle this attribute and set corresponding HW register. Some of the settings can be

  • Global config register
  • Control settings for NAT miss packets for dynamic NAT

A new boolean field is added to sai_switch_attr in saiswitch.h

“SAI_SWITCH_ATTR_NAT_ENABLE” set_switch_attribute() API is used to enable/disable NAT feature.

4.0 Enable Traps for SNAT and DNAT Miss Packets

Following three traps are added to hostif. Hostif driver MUST enable these traps for SNAT, DNAT and HAIRPIN miss in hw for receiving the packets. SNAT/DNAT/HAIRPIN miss packets are received on a regular netdev channel to the application.


5.0 NAT Object Workflow

NAT or Network Address translation is used to avoid exposing the Internal or private IP addresses when the Host systems in an enterprise network or Datacenter communicate with external internet servers . The main advantage of using NAT is to reduce the usage of the Public IP addresses allocated for an enterprise or Data center.NAT feature allows the capability to change the Src IP address , Destination IP address , Src TCP/UDP port number or Destination TCP/UDP port number for an IP packet undergoing L3 routing in the switch.

5.1 Symmetric SNAT and DNAT

For directional symmetric flows there is always a corresponding DNAT entry for each SNAT entry. SAI APIs do not allow implicit installation of reverse direction NAT entry. SAI API MUST be invoked for both SNAT and DNAT entry to be installed.

VRF: None Packet Count: Enable Byte Count: Enable ExternalEndpoint: InternalEndpoint:

Step 1: Create a Source and Destination NAT Entry object:
sai_attribute_t nat_entry_attr[10];
nat_entry_t snat_entry;

nat_entry_attr[0].id = SAI_NAT_ENTRY_ATTR_NAT_TYPE;
nat_entry_attr[0].value = SAI_NAT_TYPE_SOURCE_NAT;

nat_entry_attr[1].id = SAI_NAT_ENTRY_ATTR_SRC_IP;
nat_entry_attr[1].value.u32 =; //example string

nat_entry_attr[2].id = SAI_NAT_ENTRY_ATTR_L4_SRC_PORT;
nat_entry_attr[2].value.u16 = 1024;

nat_entry_attr[3].value.bool = true;

nat_entry_attr[4].id = SAI_NAT_ENTRY_ATTR_ENABLE_BYTE_COUNT;
nat_entry_attr[4].value.bool = true;

attr_count = 5;

memset(&snat_etnry, 0, sizeof(nat_etnry)); =; = 0xffffffff; = 6000; = 0xffff; = 17; = 0xff;

create_nat_entry(&snat_entry, attr_count, nat_entry_attr);
Step 2: Create a Destination NAT Entry object:
sai_attribute_t nat_entry_attr[10];
nat_entry_t dnat_entry;

nat_entry_attr[0].id = SAI_NAT_ENTRY_ATTR_NAT_TYPE;
nat_entry_attr[0].value = SAI_NAT_TYPE_DESTINATION_NAT;

nat_entry_attr[1].id = SAI_NAT_ENTRY_ATTR_DST_IP;
nat_entry_attr[1].value.u32 =; //example string

nat_entry_attr[2].id = SAI_NAT_ENTRY_ATTR_L4_DST_PORT;
nat_entry_attr[2].value.u16 = 6000;

nat_entry_attr[3].value.bool = true;

nat_entry_attr[4].id = SAI_NAT_ENTRY_ATTR_ENABLE_BYTE_COUNT;
nat_entry_attr[4].value.bool = true;

attr_count = 5;

memset(&dnat_etnry, 0, sizeof(nat_etnry)); =; = 0xffffffff; = 1024; = 0xffff; = 17; = 0xff;

create_nat_entry(&dnat_entry, attr_count, nat_entry_attr);

5.2 Double NAT

Double NAT is a nat variant where both the Src and Dest IP gets modified when a packet crosses the address zone. Generally used when conflicting addresses are used in the private networks which conflicts with the public IP addresses. Double NAT overrides SNAT or DNAT actions in the SAI pipeline. Reverse entry should be created in similar manner.

VRF: None Packet Count: Enable Byte Count: Enable SNAT Entry ExternalEndpoint: InternalEndpoint: DNAT Entry ExternalEndpoint: InternalEndpoint:

Step 1: Create a Double NAT Entry:
sai_attribute_t nat_entry_attr[10];
nat_entry_t dbl_nat_entry;

nat_entry_attr[0].id = SAI_NAT_ENTRY_ATTR_NAT_TYPE;
nat_entry_attr[0].value = SAI_NAT_TYPE_DOUBLE_NAT;

nat_entry_attr[1].id = SAI_NAT_ENTRY_ATTR_SRC_IP;
nat_entry_attr[1].value.u32 =; //example string

nat_entry_attr[2].id = SAI_NAT_ENTRY_ATTR_DST_IP;
nat_entry_attr[2].value.u32 =; //example string

nat_entry_attr[3].value.bool = true;

nat_entry_attr[4].id = SAI_NAT_ENTRY_ATTR_ENABLE_BYTE_COUNT;
nat_entry_attr[4].value.bool = true;

attr_count = 5;

memset(&dbl_nat_etnry, 0, sizeof(nat_etnry)); =; = 0xffffffff; =; = 0xffffffff;

create_nat_entry(&dbl_nat_entry, attr_count, nat_entry_attr);

5.3 Subnet NAT

Subnet-based NAT replaces only the subnet prefix in the IP address, leaving the rest of the IP address unchanged. Subnet-based NAT is a simple implementation of basic NAT. For example, a private network is interconnected with a public network through a switch enabling subnet-based basic NAT. The public address for the private network ( ) is In the inbound direction, for a packet with DIP =, the subnet-based Basic NAT router will replace the subnet prefix 200.0.0/24 with new subnet prefix 128.17.18/24, and keep the host address .1/8. The translated SIP is In the outbound direction, the SIP is translated in same fashion. Reverse entry should be created in similar manner.

VRF: None Packet Count: Enable Byte Count: Enable DNAT Entry ExternalEndpoint: InternalEndpoint:

Step 1: Create a Destination NAT Entry object:
sai_attribute_t nat_entry_attr[10];
nat_entry_t subnet_nat_entry;

nat_entry_attr[0].id = SAI_NAT_ENTRY_ATTR_NAT_TYPE;
nat_entry_attr[0].value = SAI_NAT_TYPE_DESTINATION_NAT;

nat_entry_attr[1].id = SAI_NAT_ENTRY_ATTR_DST_IP;
nat_entry_attr[1].value.u32 =; //example string

nat_entry_attr[2].id = SAI_NAT_ENTRY_ATTR_DST_IP_MASK;
nat_entry_attr[2].value.u32 = 0xffffff00;

nat_entry_attr[3].value.bool = true;

nat_entry_attr[4].id = SAI_NAT_ENTRY_ATTR_ENABLE_BYTE_COUNT;
nat_entry_attr[4].value.bool = true;

attr_count = 5;

memset(&subnet_nat_entry, 0, sizeof(nat_entry)); =; = 0xffffff00;

create_nat_entry(&subnet_nat_entry, attr_count, nat_entry_attr);

5.4 DNAT Pool Configuration

For dynamic NAT, translation is setup by the control plane based on the miss. This section describes how a DNAT pool entry is setup to trigger a miss for a given prefix pool. Workflow will create a DNAT pool entry with single attribute of type DNAT_POOL. Packets matching DNAT pool prefix will either result in a hit or a miss based on if the dnat translation is installed in hardware or not.

sai_attribute_t nat_entry_attr[10];
nat_entry_t dnat_pool_entry;

nat_entry_attr[0].id = SAI_NAT_ENTRY_ATTR_NAT_TYPE;
nat_entry_attr[0].value = SAI_NAT_TYPE_DESTINATION_NAT_POOL;

attr_count = 1;

memset(&dnat_pool_entry, 0, sizeof(nat_etnry)); =; = 0xffffffff;

create_nat_entry(&dnat_pool_entry, attr_count, nat_entry_attr);

6.0 NAT Exceptions

NAT exceptions can be defined in the ACL entry. Operator MUST consider defining the exceptions so as not to collide with other NAT entries. An override NAT exception can be created using the ACL rule. A new ACL action is defined in saiacl.h


In SAI pipeline if there is a ACL match with action NO_NAT and there is also a match in SNAT/DNAT table then ACL match result always takes precedence.

NAT Per Zone Counters

Following per zone statistics is provided by the hardware for NAT feature.

  • DNAT_DISACARDS/SNAT_DISCARDS – If Packet is not TCP/UDP and/or is a fragmentated IP packet.
  • DNAT_TRANSLATION_NEEDED/SNAT_TRANSLATION_NEEDED – If there is NAT table lookup miss for TCP/UDP packets, then this counter is incremented.
  • DNAT_TRANSLATIONS/SNAT_TRANSLATIONS – If NAT table lookup is a hit, then this counter is incremented.
Step 1: Create a NAT Zone Counter Object for Source NAT Zone 100:
sai_attribute_t nat_zone_counter_attr[10];

nat_zone_counter_attr[0].id = SAI_NAT_ZONE_COUNTER_ATTR_NAT_TYPE;
nat_zone_counter _attr[0].value = SAI_NAT_TYPE_SOURCE_NAT;

nat_zone_counter_attr[1].id = SAI_NAT_ZONE_COUNTER_ATTR_ZONE_ID;
nat_zone_counter_attr[1].value.u32 = 100;

nat_zone_counter_attr[2].value.bool = true;

nat_zone_counter_attr[3].id = SAI_NAT_ZONE_COUNTER_ATTR_ENABLE_DISCARD;
nat_zone_counter_attr[3].value.bool = true;

nat_zone_counter_attr[4].value.bool = true;

attr_count = 5;

nat_zone100_counter_id = 
create_nat_zone_counter(switch_id, attr_count, nat_zone_counter_attr);

Get Hit Bit, NAT Zone and Per NAT Entry Stats

Besides per NAT entry and per Zone counters there is hit bit value as. Hit bit is used to age the dynamic entries installed in HW. In this proposal aging is performed by the NOS. NOS retrieves the hitbit table periodically at a configured time aging interface. If the hitbit is not SET for a given entry, the entry is removed from the NAT table using the sai_remove_entry_fn() API.

Per NAT entry stats and hit bit is retrieved by “get_nat_entry_attributes()”.

Step 1: Read SNAT entry hit bit and packet/byte count:
sai_attribute_t nat_entry_attr[10];

nat_entry_attr[0].id = SAI_NAT_ENTRY_ATTR_HIT_BIT;

nat_entry_attr[1].id = SAI_NAT_ENTRY_ATTR_BYTE_COUNT;

nat_entry_attr[2].id = SAI_NAT_ENTRY_ATTR_PACKET_COUNT;

attr_count = 3;

get_nat_entry_attributes(snat_entry, attr_count, nat_entry_attr);
Step 2: Read SNAT Zone 100 Translations Done Packet Count:
sai_attribute_t nat_zone_counter_attr[10];

nat_zone_counter_attr[0].id = SAI_NAT_ZONE_COUNTER_ATTR_NAT_TYPE;
nat_zone_counter _attr[0].value = SAI_NAT_TYPE_SOURCE_NAT;

nat_zone_counter_attr[1].id = SAI_NAT_ZONE_COUNTER_ATTR_ZONE_ID;
nat_zone_counter_attr[1].value.u32 = 100;


get_nat_zone_counter_attributes(nat_zone100_counter_id, attr_count, nat_zone_counter_attr);

7.0 Error Conditions

NAT entry is comprised of keys and attributes. Attributes are guarded by run time metadata check with validonly flag. For example following condition states that attribute source IP is valid only if NAT type is SNAT or Double NAT.

     * @brief Replace source IPv4 address in packet.
     * NAT actions will be
     *    (source/destination/both is identified by type of NAT)
     *    - replace IP address
     *    - replace layer 4 source port
     *    - replace layer 4 destination port
     * @type sai_ip4_t
     * @flags CREATE_AND_SET
     * @default

Similar check is not possible for the keys in NAT entry given that NAT type is not a match field but a result of a match. To handle such conditions even if SAI API invocator may specify extra keys, SAI driver MUST pick up the correct set of keys based on NAT type in the attribute. For example, in the following example NAT type is DNAT where src_ip and src_mask are present in keys. SAI driver MUST ignore extra keys in such cases.

sai_attribute_t nat_entry_attr[10];
nat_entry_t subnet_nat_entry;

nat_entry_attr[0].id = SAI_NAT_ENTRY_ATTR_NAT_TYPE;
nat_entry_attr[0].value = SAI_NAT_TYPE_DESTINATION_NAT;

nat_entry_attr[1].id = SAI_NAT_ENTRY_ATTR_DST_IP;
nat_entry_attr[1].value.u32 =; //example string

nat_entry_attr[2].id = SAI_NAT_ENTRY_ATTR_DST_IP_MASK;
nat_entry_attr[2].value.u32 = 0xffffff00;

nat_entry_attr[3].value.bool = true;

nat_entry_attr[4].id = SAI_NAT_ENTRY_ATTR_ENABLE_BYTE_COUNT;
nat_entry_attr[4].value.bool = true;

attr_count = 5;

memset(&subnet_nat_entry, 0, sizeof(nat_entry)); =; = 0xffffff00; =; = 0xffffff00;
create_nat_entry(&subnet_nat_entry, attr_count, nat_entry_attr);