Current directory is EmonScripts/update
./ 0
./ all emonpi emonSD-30Oct18
./ emoncms emonSD-30Oct18
./ emonhub emonSD-30Oct18
./ firmware emonpi emonSD-30Oct18
Current directory is EmonScripts.
This script is triggered from emoncms via service-runner.
./ all emonpi
The automatic update process is managed from the admin module of emoncms.
It consists of 2 main steps, launched by two different shell scripts located in the /opt/openenergymonitor/EmonScripts
folder :
- version check and comparison to labels stored in the safe-update file of the EmonScripts repository
- pull the latest version of the EmonScripts repository
- if version check is successful, goto step 2
- stop the emonPiLCD service
- launch lcd/ from the emonpi repo (to display the "UPDATING..." message on the LCD)
- pull the emonpi repo
- run the update/ script of the EmonScripts repo, which runs the lcd/ from the emonpi repo