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File metadata and controls

94 lines (78 loc) · 4.53 KB

Circle CI Code Health


Note: hypnos now works with PETRARCH2 by default.

A RESTful API around the PETRARCH2 event data coder. Using docker compose, this setup also integrates the Stanford CoreNLP parser using Casey Hilland's docker container. This setup allows the users to stream texts into the API, rather than the batch mode seen in applications such as the Phoenix pipeline.

This software was developed by Caerus Associates and donated to the Open Event Data Alliance.


Running the system is as simple as cding into the hypnos directory and using

docker-compose up


docker-compose up -d

to run in the background.

This assumes that you have docker-compose and docker installed.

Example Python Usage

import requests
import json 
from pprint import pprint

headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
data = {'text':"A Tunisian court has jailed a Nigerian student for two years for helping young militants join an armed Islamic group in Lebanon, his lawyer said Wednesday.", 'id': 'abc123', 'date':'20010101'}
data = json.dumps(data)
r = requests.get('http://localhost:5002/hypnos/extract', data=data, headers=headers)


{'abc123': {'meta': {'date': '20010101', 'verbs': []},
            'sents': {'0': {'content': 'A Tunisian court has jailed a Nigerian '
                                       'student for two years for helping '
                                       'young militants join an armed Islamic '
                                       'group in Lebanon , his lawyer said '
                                       'Wednesday .',
                            'events': [['TUNJUD', 'NGAEDU', '173']],
                            'issues': [['STUDENTS', 1],
                                       ['NAMED_TERROR_GROUP', 1]],
                            'meta': {'actorroot': [['', '']],
                                     'actortext': [['Tunisian court',
                                                    'Nigerian student']],
                                     'eventtext': ['has jailed'],
                                     'nouns': [[[' TUNISIAN', ' COURT'],
                                                [['TUN', []], ['~']]],
                                               [[' NIGERIAN', ' STUDENT'],
                                                [['NGA', []], ['~']]],
                                               [[' ARMED ISLAMIC GROUP'],
                                                [['DZAREB', []]]],
                                               [[' LEBANON'],
                                                [['LBN', []]]],
                                               [[' LAWYER'],
                            'parsed': '(SBAR (S (NP (DT A )  (JJ TUNISIAN )  '
                                      '(NN COURT )  )  (VP (VBZ HAS )  (VP '
                                      '(VBN JAILED )  (NP (DT A )  (JJ '
                                      'NIGERIAN )  (NN STUDENT )  )  (PP (IN '
                                      'FOR )  (NP (CD TWO )  (NNS YEARS )  )  '
                                      ')  (PP (IN FOR )  (S (VP (VBG HELPING '
                                      ')  (NP (JJ YOUNG )  (NNS MILITANTS )  '
                                      ')  )  )  )  )  )  )  (S (VP (VBP JOIN '
                                      ')  (NP (DT AN )  (JJ ARMED )  (JJ '
                                      'ISLAMIC )  (NN GROUP )  )  (PP (IN IN '
                                      ')  (NP (NNP LEBANON )  )  )  )  )  (, , '
                                      ')  (S (NP (PRP$ HIS )  (NN LAWYER )  )  '
                                      '(VP (VBD SAID )  (NP (NNP WEDNESDAY )  '
                                      ')  )  )  (. . )  )  '}}}}