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File metadata and controls

82 lines (61 loc) · 3.21 KB

These instructions apply only to the "Shareabouts API" application. If you are also building and installing the Shareabouts web front-end, it has its own documentation.

Deploying to DotCloud

At OpenPlans, we have been deploying Shareabouts to DotCloud internally, so many of the files necessary are already in the repository.

  • First, create a new dotcloud application from the contents of the master branch:

      dotcloud create <instance name>
  • Push the code to DotCloud. This will take several minutes the first time.

      dotcloud push -A <instance name> --git

    Note you should first either push all your changes to your master repository (eg. github or whatever you're using for version control); otherwise you must use the dotcloud push --all option.

    For more options, see dotcloud push --help

  • If you wish to use attachments, you'll need to set up your Django storage settings. By default, Django uses a FileSystemStorage backend, which stores files on a local file system. If you wish to use this default, then set your MEDIA_ROOT and MEDIA_URL in (see Django's documentation on The built-in filesystem storage class).

    You can alternatively use Amazon S3 to store and serve your uploaded media. To use this option, on DotCloud, set the following variables:

      dotcloud env -A <instance name> set \
        SHAREABOUTS_AWS_KEY=<AWS access key id>\
        SHAREABOUTS_AWS_SECRET=<AWS secret access key>\
        SHAREABOUTS_AWS_BUCKET=<S3 bucket name>

    The Shareabouts API server uses django-storages to for media storage. Refer to their documentation for more information.

  • On first deploy only: You'll want to create a superuser to get in to the management UI:

      dotcloud run -A <instance name> www current/src/ createsuperuser

Deploying to Heroku

  1. Clone the shareabouts-api repository

  2. Create a Heroku app

  3. Add addons

    "heroku-postgresql:standard-0" "rediscloud:500" "newrelic" "adept-scale" "pgbackups:auto-month"

  4. Promote the new database

  5. Set environment variables

     DEBUG:                       False
     NEW_RELIC_APP_NAME:          Shareabouts API (Production, Heroku)
     REDIS_URL:                   [Set to REDISCLOUD_URL or OPENREDIS_URL]
     SHAREABOUTS_AWS_BUCKET:      shareabouts_attachments
     SHAREABOUTS_AWS_SECRET:      abcDEfGhi+1JKlMnOPqr2sT34UVWXy+zaBcdEFgH
     SHAREABOUTS_FACEBOOK_KEY:    123456789012345
     SHAREABOUTS_FACEBOOK_SECRET: a1234bc56d78ef901g234h567ijklmn8
     WORKERS: 4
  6. Connect the app with the repository (add a git remote)

  7. Push to Heroku

  8. Run database migrations (or copy the database from elsewhere)