diff --git a/dashboards-observability/.cypress/integration/1_event_analytics.spec.js b/dashboards-observability/.cypress/integration/1_event_analytics.spec.js
index f2b0db3c6..3f43a6eb7 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/.cypress/integration/1_event_analytics.spec.js
+++ b/dashboards-observability/.cypress/integration/1_event_analytics.spec.js
@@ -21,10 +21,29 @@ import {
- DataConfigLineChart
+ renderDataConfig,
+ aggregationValues,
+ DataConfigLineChart,
+ renderAddParent,
+ renderGaugeChart,
+ renderAddParent
} from '../utils/event_constants';
import { supressResizeObserverIssue } from '../utils/constants';
+const renderHistogramChart = () => {
+ querySearch(TEST_QUERIES[5].query, TEST_QUERIES[5].dateRangeDOM);
+ cy.get('[data-test-subj="configPane__vizTypeSelector"] [data-test-subj="comboBoxInput"]').type('Histogram').type('{enter}');
+ cy.wait(delay);
+ cy.get('g.draglayer.cursor-crosshair').should('exist');
+ cy.get('#configPanel__panelOptions .euiFieldText').click().type('Histogram chart');
+ cy.get('.euiFlexItem .euiFormRow [placeholder="Description"]').click().type('This is the description for Histogram chart');
+ cy.get('.euiIEFlexWrapFix').eq(1).contains('Chart Styles').should('exist');
+ cy.get('.euiFormLabel.euiFormRow__label').eq(2).contains('Bucket Size');
+ cy.get('.euiFieldNumber').eq(0).type('4');
+ cy.get('.euiFormLabel.euiFormRow__label').eq(3).contains('Bucket Offset');
+ cy.get('.euiFieldNumber').eq(0).type('6');
const vis_name_sub_string = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
const saveVisualizationAndVerify = () => {
@@ -857,3 +876,163 @@ describe('Render Time series chart/Line chart and verify Data configurations UI
+describe('Renders Data Configurations section for Pie chart', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ landOnEventVisualizations();
+ });
+ it('Renders Dimensions and Metrics under Data Configurations for Pie chart', () => {
+ renderPieChart();
+ renderDataConfig();
+ });
+ it('Validate "Add" and "X" buttons', () => {
+ renderPieChart();
+ cy.get('.euiResizablePanel.euiResizablePanel--middle').contains('Data Configurations');
+ cy.get('.euiButton.euiButton--primary.euiButton--fullWidth').contains('Add').click();
+ cy.get('.euiFormRow__fieldWrapper .euiComboBox').eq(3).click();
+ cy.get('.euiComboBoxOption__content').eq(2).click();
+ cy.get('.first-division .euiFormLabel.euiFormRow__label').eq(4).click();
+ cy.get('.euiComboBoxOption__content').eq(1).click();
+ cy.get('.euiFieldText[placeholder="Custom label"]').eq(1).type('Demo field');
+ cy.get('.euiIcon.euiIcon--medium.euiIcon--danger').eq(1).click();
+ cy.get('.euiButton.euiButton--primary.euiButton--fullWidth').contains('Add').should('exist');
+ });
+ it('Verify drop down values for Aggregation', () => {
+ renderPieChart();
+ cy.get('.euiResizablePanel.euiResizablePanel--middle').contains('Data Configurations');
+ cy.get('.euiTitle.euiTitle--xxsmall').eq(1).contains('Dimensions').should('exist');
+ cy.get('.first-division .euiFormLabel.euiFormRow__label').eq(0).contains('Aggregation');
+ cy.get('[data-test-subj="comboBoxSearchInput"]').eq(0).click();
+ aggregationValues.forEach(function (value){
+ cy.get('.euiComboBoxOption__content').contains(value);
+ });
+ });
+ it('Collapsible mode for Data Configuration panel', () => {
+ renderPieChart();
+ cy.get('.euiResizablePanel.euiResizablePanel--middle').contains('Data Configurations');
+ cy.get('.euiResizableButton.euiResizableButton--horizontal').eq(1).click();
+ cy.get('[data-test-subj="panel-1-toggle"]').click();
+ cy.get('[class*="euiResizableToggleButton-isCollapsed"]').eq(1).should('exist');
+describe('Renders Histogram chart', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ landOnEventVisualizations();
+it('Renders Histogram chart and save visualization', () => {
+ renderHistogramChart();
+ cy.get('.euiFlexItem.euiFlexItem--flexGrowZero .euiButton__text').eq(2).click();
+ cy.wait(delay);
+ saveVisualizationAndVerify();
+ });
+ it('Delete Visualization for Histogram chart from list of saved Visualizations on Event analytics page', () =>{
+ deleteVisualization();
+ })
+ it('Renders Histogram chart, add value parameters and verify Reset button click is working', () => {
+ renderHistogramChart();
+ cy.get('[data-test-subj="visualizeEditorResetButton"]').click();
+ });
+describe('Render Gauge Chart and verify if data gets render', () => {
+ it('Render gauge chart and verify by default no data gets render', () => {
+ renderGaugeChart();
+ cy.get('.main-svg').contains('BeatsWest').should('not.exist');
+ });
+ it('Render gauge chart and verify data gets render after click on update chart', () => {
+ renderGaugeChart();
+ cy.get('.euiButton__text').contains('Update chart').click();
+ cy.get('.main-svg').contains('BeatsWest').should('exist');
+ });
+describe('Render Gauge Chart and work with chart styles', () => {
+ it('Render gauge chart and change orientation to vertical', () => {
+ renderGaugeChart();
+ cy.get('.euiButton__text').contains('Update chart').click();
+ cy.get('.euiButton__text').contains('Vertical').click();
+ cy.get('.euiButton__text').contains('Preview').click();
+ });
+ it('Render gauge chart and change title size then verify the update on chart', () => {
+ renderGaugeChart();
+ cy.get('.euiButton__text').contains('Update chart').click();
+ cy.get('[data-test-subj="valueFieldNumber"]').eq(0).click();
+ cy.get('[data-test-subj="valueFieldNumber"]').eq(0).type('30');
+ cy.get('.euiButton__text').contains('Preview').click();
+ });
+ it('Render gauge chart and change value size then verify the update on chart', () => {
+ renderGaugeChart();
+ cy.get('.euiButton__text').contains('Update chart').click();
+ cy.get('[data-test-subj="valueFieldNumber"]').eq(1).click();
+ cy.get('[data-test-subj="valueFieldNumber"]').eq(1).type('20');
+ cy.get('.euiButton__text').contains('Preview').click();
+ });
+describe('Render Gauge Chart and work with threshold', () => {
+ it('Render gauge chart and add threshold then verify by default the threshold is not seen', () => {
+ renderGaugeChart();
+ cy.get('.euiButton__text').contains('Update chart').click();
+ cy.get('.euiButton__text').contains('+ Add threshold').click();
+ cy.get('[data-test-subj="nameFieldText"]').type('Gauge Threshold');
+ cy.get('[data-test-subj="valueFieldNumber"]').eq(2).type('50');
+ cy.get('.euiButton__text').contains('Preview').click();
+ cy.get('[data-unformatted="Gauge Threshold"]').should('not.be.visible');
+ });
+ it('Render gauge chart and add threshold then verify the threshold label are seen after show threshold button enabled ', () => {
+ renderGaugeChart();
+ cy.get('.euiButton__text').contains('Update chart').click();
+ cy.get('.euiButton__text').contains('+ Add threshold').click();
+ cy.get('[data-test-subj="nameFieldText"]').type('Gauge Threshold');
+ cy.get('[data-test-subj="valueFieldNumber"]').eq(2).type('50');
+ cy.get('.euiSwitch__label').contains('Show threshold labels').click();
+ cy.get('.euiButton__text').contains('Preview').click();
+ cy.get('[data-unformatted="Gauge Threshold"]').should('be.visible');
+ });
+ it('Render gauge chart and add threshold then verify the threshold marker are seen after show threshold button enabled ', () => {
+ renderGaugeChart();
+ cy.get('.euiButton__text').contains('Update chart').click();
+ cy.get('.euiButton__text').contains('+ Add threshold').click();
+ cy.get('[data-test-subj="nameFieldText"]').type('Gauge Threshold');
+ cy.get('[data-test-subj="valueFieldNumber"]').eq(2).type('50');
+ cy.get('.euiSwitch__label').contains('Show threshold markers').click();
+ cy.get('.euiButton__text').contains('Preview').click();
+ cy.get('path[style*="rgb(252, 5, 5)"]').eq(1).should('exist');
+ cy.get('.bg-arc').find('path[style*="rgb(252, 5, 5)"]').should('have.length',4);
+ });
+describe('Render gauge chart and verify if reset works properly', () => {
+ it('Render gauge chart with all feild data then click on reset and verify reset works properly', () => {
+ renderGaugeChart();
+ cy.get('.euiButton__text').contains('Update chart').click();
+ cy.get('input[placeholder="Title"]').type('Gauge Chart');
+ cy.get('textarea[placeholder="Description"]').type('Description For Gauge Chart');
+ cy.get('.euiButton__text').contains('Vertical').click();
+ cy.get('[data-test-subj="valueFieldNumber"]').eq(0).click();
+ cy.get('[data-test-subj="valueFieldNumber"]').eq(0).type('30');
+ cy.get('[data-test-subj="valueFieldNumber"]').eq(1).click();
+ cy.get('[data-test-subj="valueFieldNumber"]').eq(1).type('20');
+ cy.get('.euiButton__text').contains('+ Add threshold').click();
+ cy.get('[data-test-subj="nameFieldText"]').type('Gauge Threshold');
+ cy.get('[data-test-subj="valueFieldNumber"]').eq(2).type('50');
+ cy.get('.euiSwitch__label').contains('Show threshold labels').click();
+ cy.get('.euiSwitch__label').contains('Show threshold markers').click();
+ cy.get('.euiButton__text').contains('Preview').click();
+ cy.get('.euiButtonEmpty__text').contains('Reset').click();
+ cy.get('input[placeholder="Title"]').should('not.have.value','Gauge Chart');
+ cy.get('textarea[placeholder="Description"]').should('not.have.value','Description For Gauge Chart')
+ cy.get('[data-test-subj="valueFieldNumber"]').eq(0).should('have.value','');
+ cy.get('[data-test-subj="valueFieldNumber"]').eq(1).should('have.value','');
+ cy.get('button.euiSwitch__button[aria-checked="false"]').should('exist').should('have.length',3);
+ });
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/.cypress/utils/event_constants.js b/dashboards-observability/.cypress/utils/event_constants.js
index 4db8c146d..6d7ebbb05 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/.cypress/utils/event_constants.js
+++ b/dashboards-observability/.cypress/utils/event_constants.js
@@ -33,7 +33,11 @@ export const TEST_QUERIES = [
- query:"source = opensearch_dashboards_sample_data_logs | where response='503' or response='404' | stats count() by span(timestamp,1d)",
+ query: "source = opensearch_dashboards_sample_data_logs | where response='503' or response='404' | stats count() by span(timestamp,1d)",
+ },
+ {
+ query: 'source=opensearch_dashboards_sample_data_flights |where FlightDelayMin > 0 | stats sum(FlightDelayMin) as total_delay_min, count() as total_delayed by Carrier |eval avg_delay=total_delay_min / total_delayed | sort - avg_delay',
@@ -44,6 +48,8 @@ export const SAVE_QUERY2 = 'Mock Flight count by destination';
export const SAVE_QUERY3 = 'Mock Flight count by destination save to panel';
export const SAVE_QUERY4 = 'Mock Flight peek';
+export const aggregationValues = ["COUNT", "SUM", "AVERAGE", "MAX", "MIN", "VAR_SAMP", "VAR_POP", "STDDEV_SAMP", "STDDEV_POP"];
export const querySearch = (query, rangeSelected) => {
@@ -80,21 +86,54 @@ export const landOnPanels = () => {
+const vis_name_sub_string = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
+export const saveVisualizationAndVerify = () => {
+ cy.get('[data-test-subj="eventExplorer__saveManagementPopover"]').click();
+ cy.get('[data-test-subj="eventExplorer__querySaveComboBox"]').click();
+ cy.get('.euiComboBoxOptionsList__rowWrap .euiFilterSelectItem').eq(0).click();
+ cy.get('.euiPopover__panel .euiFormControlLayoutIcons [data-test-subj="comboBoxToggleListButton"]')
+ .eq(0)
+ .click();
+ cy.get('.euiPopover__panel input')
+ .eq(1)
+ .type(`Test visualization` + vis_name_sub_string);
+ cy.get('[data-test-subj="eventExplorer__querySaveConfirm"]').click();
+ cy.wait(delay);
+ cy.get('.euiHeaderBreadcrumbs a').eq(1).click();
+ cy.get('.euiFlexGroup .euiFormControlLayout__childrenWrapper input')
+ .eq(0)
+ .type(`Test visualization` + vis_name_sub_string)
+ .type('{enter}');
+ cy.get('.euiBasicTable .euiTableCellContent button').eq(0).click();
+export const deleteVisualization = () => {
+ cy.get('a[href = "#/event_analytics"]').click();
+ cy.get('.euiFlexGroup .euiFormControlLayout__childrenWrapper input')
+ .eq(0)
+ .type(`Test visualization` + vis_name_sub_string)
+ .type('{enter}');
+ cy.get('input[data-test-subj = "checkboxSelectAll"]').click();
+ cy.get('.euiButtonContent.euiButtonContent--iconRight.euiButton__content').click();
+ cy.get('.euiContextMenuItem .euiContextMenuItem__text').eq(0).click();
+ cy.get('input[placeholder = "delete"]').clear().type('delete');
+ cy.get('button[data-test-subj = "popoverModal__deleteButton"]').click();
+ cy.get('.euiToastHeader').should('exist');
export const renderTreeMapchart = () => {
- querySearch(TEST_QUERIES[5].query, TEST_QUERIES[5].dateRangeDOM);
- cy.get('[data-test-subj="configPane__vizTypeSelector"] [data-test-subj="comboBoxInput"]').type('Tree Map').type('{enter}');
- cy.get('#configPanel__panelOptions .euiFieldText').click().type('Tree Map');
- cy.get('.euiFlexItem .euiFormRow [placeholder="Description"]').click().type('This is the description for Tree Map');
- cy.get('.euiFormControlLayoutIcons [data-test-subj ="comboBoxToggleListButton"]').eq(1).click();
- cy.get('.euiComboBoxOption__content').eq(2).click();
- cy.get('.euiFormControlLayoutIcons [data-test-subj ="comboBoxToggleListButton"]').eq(2).click();
- cy.get('.euiComboBoxOption__content').eq(1).click();
- cy.get('.euiFormControlLayoutIcons [data-test-subj ="comboBoxToggleListButton"]').eq(3).click();
- cy.get('.euiComboBoxOption__content').eq(0).click();
- cy.get('.euiIEFlexWrapFix').eq(2).contains('Treemap').should('exist');
- cy.get('#configPanel__treemap_options').contains('Tiling Algorithm').should('exist');
- cy.get('[data-test-subj = "comboBoxInput"]').eq(4).click();
- cy.get('button[name="Slice Dice"]').click();
+ querySearch(TEST_QUERIES[7].query, TEST_QUERIES[7].dateRangeDOM);
+ cy.get('[data-test-subj="configPane__vizTypeSelector"] [data-test-subj="comboBoxInput"]')
+ .type('Tree Map')
+ .type('{enter}');
+ cy.get('#configPanel__panelOptions .euiFieldText').click().type('Tree Map');
+ cy.get('.euiFlexItem .euiFormRow [placeholder="Description"]')
+ .click()
+ .type('This is the description for Tree Map');
+ cy.get('.euiIEFlexWrapFix').eq(1).contains('Treemap').should('exist');
+ cy.get('#configPanel__treemap_options').contains('Tiling Algorithm').should('exist');
+ cy.get('[data-test-subj = "comboBoxInput"]').eq(3).click();
+ cy.get('button[name="Slice Dice"]').click();
export const renderPieChart = () => {
@@ -104,11 +143,25 @@ export const renderPieChart = () => {
cy.get('#configPanel__panelOptions .euiFieldText').click().type('Pie chart');
cy.get('.euiFlexItem .euiFormRow [placeholder="Description"]').click().type('This is the description for Pie chart');
- cy.get('.euiIEFlexWrapFix').eq(1).contains('Value options').should('exist');
- cy.get('[data-test-subj="comboBoxInput"]').eq(1).click();
- cy.get('[name="count()"]').eq(0).click();
- cy.get('[data-test-subj="comboBoxToggleListButton"]').eq(0).click();
- cy.get('[data-test-subj="comboBoxInput"]').eq(2).click();
+ cy.get('[aria-controls="configPanel__legend"]').contains('Legend').should('exist');
+ cy.get('#configPanel__legend .euiTitle.euiTitle--xxsmall').eq(0).contains('Show Legend');
+ cy.get('span[data-text="Show"]').contains('Show').should('exist');
+ cy.get('#configPanel__legend .euiTitle.euiTitle--xxsmall').eq(1).contains('Position');
+ cy.get('span[data-text="Right"]').contains('Right').should('exist');
+ cy.get('#configPanel__legend .euiTitle.euiTitle--xxsmall').eq(2).contains('Legend Size');
+ cy.get('[aria-controls="configPanel__chartStyles"]').contains('Chart Styles').should('exist');
+ cy.get('#configPanel__chartStyles .euiTitle.euiTitle--xxsmall').eq(0).contains('Mode').click();
+ cy.get('#configPanel__chartStyles .euiComboBox__inputWrap.euiComboBox__inputWrap--noWrap.euiComboBox__inputWrap-isClearable').click();
+ cy.get('.euiComboBoxOption__content').contains('Donut').click();
+ cy.get('#configPanel__chartStyles .euiTitle.euiTitle--xxsmall').eq(1).contains('Label Size');
+ cy.get('#configPanel__chartStyles input[type="number"]').click().type('10');
+ cy.get('#configPanel__chartStyles .euiTitle.euiTitle--xxsmall').eq(2).contains('Color Theme');
+ cy.get('.euiSuperSelectControl').click();
+ cy.get('.euiColorPalettePicker__item').eq(1).contains('Single Color').click();
+ cy.get('.euiFieldText.euiColorPicker__input.euiFieldText--withIcon').click();
+ cy.get('[aria-label="Select #D36086 as the color"]').click();
+ cy.get('.visEditorSidebar__controls [data-test-subj="visualizeEditorRenderButton"]').contains('Preview').click();
+ cy.get('.plot-container.plotly').should('exist');
export const renderDataConfig = () => {
@@ -136,5 +189,29 @@ export const renderDataConfig = () => {
export const renderLineChart = () => {
querySearch(TEST_QUERIES[5].query, TEST_QUERIES[5].dateRangeDOM);
+ cy.get('[data-test-subj="configPane__vizTypeSelector"] [data-test-subj="comboBoxInput"]')
+ .type('Line')
+ .type('{enter}');
+export const renderAddParent = () => {
+ cy.get(' [data-test-subj="addParentButton"] .euiButton__text').contains('+ Add Parent').click();
+ cy.get('.first-division .euiFormLabel.euiFormRow__label').contains('Parent 1').should('exist');
+ cy.get('p.euiComboBoxPlaceholder').eq(0).click({ force: true });
+ cy.get('.euiComboBoxOption__content').eq(0).click();
+ cy.get(' [data-test-subj="addParentButton"] .euiButton__text').contains('+ Add Parent').click();
+ cy.get('.first-division .euiFormLabel.euiFormRow__label').contains('Parent 2').should('exist');
+ cy.get('p.euiComboBoxPlaceholder').click({ force: true });
+ cy.get('.euiComboBoxOption__content').eq(1).click();
+ cy.get(' [data-test-subj="addParentButton"] .euiButton__text').contains('+ Add Parent').click();
+ cy.get('.first-division .euiFormLabel.euiFormRow__label').contains('Parent 3').should('exist');
+ cy.get('p.euiComboBoxPlaceholder').click({ force: true });
+ cy.get('.euiComboBoxOption__content').eq(2).click();
cy.get('[data-test-subj="configPane__vizTypeSelector"] [data-test-subj="comboBoxInput"]').type('Line').type('{enter}');
+export const renderGaugeChart = () => {
+ landOnEventVisualizations();
+ querySearch(TEST_QUERIES[1].query, TEST_QUERIES[1].dateRangeDOM);
+ cy.get('[data-test-subj="configPane__vizTypeSelector"] [data-test-subj="comboBoxInput"]').type('Gauge').type('{enter}');
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/common/constants/explorer.ts b/dashboards-observability/common/constants/explorer.ts
index 17612c44e..9199fc8cd 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/common/constants/explorer.ts
+++ b/dashboards-observability/common/constants/explorer.ts
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ export const REDUX_EXPL_SLICE_FIELDS = 'fields';
export const REDUX_EXPL_SLICE_QUERY_TABS = 'queryTabs';
export const REDUX_EXPL_SLICE_VISUALIZATION = 'explorerVisualization';
export const REDUX_EXPL_SLICE_COUNT_DISTRIBUTION = 'countDistributionVisualization';
export const APP_ANALYTICS_TAB_ID_REGEX = /application-analytics-tab.+/;
export const DEFAULT_AVAILABILITY_QUERY = 'stats count() by span( timestamp, 1h )';
export const ADD_BUTTON_TEXT = '+ Add color theme';
@@ -118,6 +118,8 @@ export const AGGREGATION_OPTIONS = [
+// numeric fields type for metrics
+export const numericalTypes = ['float', 'double', 'bigint', 'long', 'octet', 'short', 'byte', 'integer'];
// Data table constants
export const GRID_HEADER_COLUMN_MAX_WIDTH = '150px';
export const GRID_PAGE_RANGE_DISPLAY = 5;
@@ -130,3 +132,22 @@ export const ROW_DENSITIES = [
export const HEADER_HEIGHT = 35;
+// gauge chart default parameters
+export interface DefaultGaugeChartParametersProps {
+ GaugeTitleSize: number,
+ DisplayDefaultGauges: number,
+ OrientationDefault: string,
+ TickLength: number,
+ LegendPlacement: string,
+ ThresholdsMaxLimit: number
+export const DefaultGaugeChartParameters: DefaultGaugeChartParametersProps = {
+ GaugeTitleSize: 14,
+ DisplayDefaultGauges: 1,
+ OrientationDefault: 'h',
+ TickLength: 5,
+ LegendPlacement: 'center',
+ ThresholdsMaxLimit: 1
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/common/constants/shared.ts b/dashboards-observability/common/constants/shared.ts
index 00b6b3f14..d4021c350 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/common/constants/shared.ts
+++ b/dashboards-observability/common/constants/shared.ts
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ export interface ValueOptionsAxes {
export const NUMERICAL_FIELDS = ['short', 'integer', 'long', 'float', 'double'];
-export const ENABLED_VIS_TYPES = [visChartTypes.Bar, visChartTypes.HorizontalBar, visChartTypes.Line, visChartTypes.Pie, visChartTypes.HeatMap, visChartTypes.Text, visChartTypes.TreeMap];
+export const ENABLED_VIS_TYPES = [visChartTypes.Bar, visChartTypes.HorizontalBar, visChartTypes.Line, visChartTypes.Pie, visChartTypes.HeatMap, visChartTypes.Text, visChartTypes.TreeMap, visChartTypes.Gauge, visChartTypes.Histogram];
//Live tail constants
export const LIVE_OPTIONS = [
@@ -156,7 +156,9 @@ export interface DefaultChartStylesProps {
FillOpacity: number,
MarkerSize: number,
ShowLegend: string,
- LegendPosition: string
+ LegendPosition: string,
+ LabelAngle: number,
+ DefaultSortSectors: string,
export const DefaultChartStyles: DefaultChartStylesProps = {
@@ -166,7 +168,10 @@ export const DefaultChartStyles: DefaultChartStylesProps = {
FillOpacity: 40,
MarkerSize: 5,
ShowLegend: 'show',
- LegendPosition: 'v'
+ LegendPosition: 'v',
+ LabelAngle: 0,
+ DefaultSortSectors: 'largest_to_smallest',
export const FILLOPACITY_DIV_FACTOR = 200;
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/common/types/explorer.ts b/dashboards-observability/common/types/explorer.ts
index 2204a6ab4..ade2c6db3 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/common/types/explorer.ts
+++ b/dashboards-observability/common/types/explorer.ts
@@ -239,8 +239,12 @@ export interface ConfigListEntry {
side: string;
type: string;
+export interface HistogramConfigList {
+ bucketSize: string;
+ bucketOffset: string;
export interface ConfigList {
- dimensions?: ConfigListEntry[];
+ dimensions?: ConfigListEntry[] | HistogramConfigList[];
metrics?: ConfigListEntry[];
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/custom_panels/helpers/__tests__/__snapshots__/utils.test.tsx.snap b/dashboards-observability/public/components/custom_panels/helpers/__tests__/__snapshots__/utils.test.tsx.snap
index 3feb1f635..527aa9965 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/custom_panels/helpers/__tests__/__snapshots__/utils.test.tsx.snap
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/custom_panels/helpers/__tests__/__snapshots__/utils.test.tsx.snap
@@ -88,26 +88,6 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 1`] = `
"mapTo": "dataConfig",
"name": "Data",
"sections": Array [
- Object {
- "editor": [Function],
- "id": "value_options",
- "mapTo": "valueOptions",
- "name": "Value options",
- "schemas": Array [
- Object {
- "component": null,
- "isSingleSelection": false,
- "mapTo": "xaxis",
- "name": "X-axis",
- },
- Object {
- "component": null,
- "isSingleSelection": false,
- "mapTo": "yaxis",
- "name": "Y-axis",
- },
- ],
- },
Object {
"editor": [Function],
"id": "legend",
@@ -216,6 +196,12 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 1`] = `
+ Object {
+ "component": [Function],
+ "eleType": "input",
+ "mapTo": "labelSize",
+ "name": "Label Size",
+ },
Object {
"component": [Function],
"defaultState": 0,
@@ -344,7 +330,7 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 1`] = `
"isUniColor": false,
"layout": Object {
- "height": 500,
+ "height": 1180,
"legend": Object {
"orientation": "v",
"traceorder": "normal",
@@ -449,26 +435,6 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 1`] = `
"mapTo": "dataConfig",
"name": "Data",
"sections": Array [
- Object {
- "editor": [Function],
- "id": "value_options",
- "mapTo": "valueOptions",
- "name": "Value options",
- "schemas": Array [
- Object {
- "component": null,
- "isSingleSelection": false,
- "mapTo": "xaxis",
- "name": "X-axis",
- },
- Object {
- "component": null,
- "isSingleSelection": false,
- "mapTo": "yaxis",
- "name": "Y-axis",
- },
- ],
- },
Object {
"editor": [Function],
"id": "legend",
@@ -577,6 +543,12 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 1`] = `
+ Object {
+ "component": [Function],
+ "eleType": "input",
+ "mapTo": "labelSize",
+ "name": "Label Size",
+ },
Object {
"component": [Function],
"defaultState": 0,
@@ -705,7 +677,7 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 1`] = `
"isUniColor": false,
"layout": Object {
- "height": 500,
+ "height": 1180,
"legend": Object {
"orientation": "v",
"traceorder": "normal",
@@ -733,7 +705,7 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 1`] = `
Object {
- "height": 500,
+ "height": 1180,
"legend": Object {
"orientation": "v",
"traceorder": "normal",
@@ -833,26 +805,6 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 1`] = `
"mapTo": "dataConfig",
"name": "Data",
"sections": Array [
- Object {
- "editor": [Function],
- "id": "value_options",
- "mapTo": "valueOptions",
- "name": "Value options",
- "schemas": Array [
- Object {
- "component": null,
- "isSingleSelection": false,
- "mapTo": "xaxis",
- "name": "X-axis",
- },
- Object {
- "component": null,
- "isSingleSelection": false,
- "mapTo": "yaxis",
- "name": "Y-axis",
- },
- ],
- },
Object {
"editor": [Function],
"id": "legend",
@@ -961,6 +913,12 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 1`] = `
+ Object {
+ "component": [Function],
+ "eleType": "input",
+ "mapTo": "labelSize",
+ "name": "Label Size",
+ },
Object {
"component": [Function],
"defaultState": 0,
@@ -1089,7 +1047,7 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 1`] = `
"isUniColor": false,
"layout": Object {
- "height": 500,
+ "height": 1180,
"legend": Object {
"orientation": "v",
"traceorder": "normal",
@@ -1108,180 +1066,83 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 1`] = `
+ className="euiText euiText--extraSmall lnsChart__empty"
+ data-test-subj="vizWorkspace__noData"
+ >
+ No results found
@@ -1296,19 +1157,18 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 2`] = `
"data": Object {
"appData": Object {},
"defaultAxes": Object {
- "xaxis": Array [
- Object {
- "label": "Carrier",
- "name": "Carrier",
- "type": "keyword",
- },
- ],
+ "xaxis": Array [],
"yaxis": Array [
Object {
"label": "avg(FlightDelayMin)",
"name": "avg(FlightDelayMin)",
"type": "double",
+ Object {
+ "label": "Carrier",
+ "name": "Carrier",
+ "type": "keyword",
+ },
"indexFields": Object {},
@@ -1427,6 +1287,13 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 2`] = `
+ Object {
+ "component": [Function],
+ "eleType": "input",
+ "mapTo": "legendSize",
+ "name": "Legend Size",
+ "title": "Legend Size",
+ },
Object {
@@ -1452,17 +1319,13 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 2`] = `
"id": "lines",
"name": "Lines",
- Object {
- "id": "bar",
- "name": "Bars",
- },
Object {
"id": "markers",
- "name": "Points",
+ "name": "Marker",
Object {
"id": "lines+markers",
- "name": "Lines + Points",
+ "name": "Lines + Markers",
@@ -1529,8 +1392,56 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 2`] = `
"max": 40,
+ Object {
+ "component": [Function],
+ "eleType": "input",
+ "mapTo": "labelSize",
+ "name": "Label Size",
+ "title": "Label Size",
+ },
+ Object {
+ "component": [Function],
+ "defaultState": 0,
+ "eleType": "slider",
+ "mapTo": "rotateLabels",
+ "name": "Rotate labels",
+ "props": Object {
+ "max": 90,
+ "min": -90,
+ "showTicks": true,
+ "ticks": Array [
+ Object {
+ "label": "-90°",
+ "value": -90,
+ },
+ Object {
+ "label": "-45°",
+ "value": -45,
+ },
+ Object {
+ "label": "0°",
+ "value": 0,
+ },
+ Object {
+ "label": "45°",
+ "value": 45,
+ },
+ Object {
+ "label": "90°",
+ "value": 90,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ Object {
+ "editor": [Function],
+ "id": "color-theme",
+ "mapTo": "colorTheme",
+ "name": "Color theme",
+ "schemas": Array [],
+ },
Object {
"defaultState": Array [],
"editor": [Function],
@@ -1556,11 +1467,11 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 2`] = `
- "fullLabel": "Line",
+ "fullLabel": "Time series",
"icon": [Function],
"iconType": "visLine",
"id": "line",
- "label": "Line",
+ "label": "Time series",
"name": "line",
"selection": Object {
"dataLoss": "nothing",
@@ -1592,7 +1503,7 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 2`] = `
- "height": 500,
+ "height": 1180,
"legend": Object {
"orientation": "v",
"traceorder": "normal",
@@ -1629,19 +1540,18 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 2`] = `
"data": Object {
"appData": Object {},
"defaultAxes": Object {
- "xaxis": Array [
- Object {
- "label": "Carrier",
- "name": "Carrier",
- "type": "keyword",
- },
- ],
+ "xaxis": Array [],
"yaxis": Array [
Object {
"label": "avg(FlightDelayMin)",
"name": "avg(FlightDelayMin)",
"type": "double",
+ Object {
+ "label": "Carrier",
+ "name": "Carrier",
+ "type": "keyword",
+ },
"indexFields": Object {},
@@ -1760,6 +1670,13 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 2`] = `
+ Object {
+ "component": [Function],
+ "eleType": "input",
+ "mapTo": "legendSize",
+ "name": "Legend Size",
+ "title": "Legend Size",
+ },
Object {
@@ -1785,17 +1702,13 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 2`] = `
"id": "lines",
"name": "Lines",
- Object {
- "id": "bar",
- "name": "Bars",
- },
Object {
"id": "markers",
- "name": "Points",
+ "name": "Marker",
Object {
"id": "lines+markers",
- "name": "Lines + Points",
+ "name": "Lines + Markers",
@@ -1862,19 +1775,67 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 2`] = `
"max": 40,
- ],
- },
- Object {
- "defaultState": Array [],
- "editor": [Function],
- "id": "thresholds",
- "mapTo": "thresholds",
- "name": "Thresholds",
- "schemas": Array [],
- },
- ],
- },
- Object {
+ Object {
+ "component": [Function],
+ "eleType": "input",
+ "mapTo": "labelSize",
+ "name": "Label Size",
+ "title": "Label Size",
+ },
+ Object {
+ "component": [Function],
+ "defaultState": 0,
+ "eleType": "slider",
+ "mapTo": "rotateLabels",
+ "name": "Rotate labels",
+ "props": Object {
+ "max": 90,
+ "min": -90,
+ "showTicks": true,
+ "ticks": Array [
+ Object {
+ "label": "-90°",
+ "value": -90,
+ },
+ Object {
+ "label": "-45°",
+ "value": -45,
+ },
+ Object {
+ "label": "0°",
+ "value": 0,
+ },
+ Object {
+ "label": "45°",
+ "value": 45,
+ },
+ Object {
+ "label": "90°",
+ "value": 90,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ Object {
+ "editor": [Function],
+ "id": "color-theme",
+ "mapTo": "colorTheme",
+ "name": "Color theme",
+ "schemas": Array [],
+ },
+ Object {
+ "defaultState": Array [],
+ "editor": [Function],
+ "id": "thresholds",
+ "mapTo": "thresholds",
+ "name": "Thresholds",
+ "schemas": Array [],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ Object {
"content": Array [],
"editor": [Function],
"id": "style-panel",
@@ -1889,11 +1850,11 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 2`] = `
- "fullLabel": "Line",
+ "fullLabel": "Time series",
"icon": [Function],
"iconType": "visLine",
"id": "line",
- "label": "Line",
+ "label": "Time series",
"name": "line",
"selection": Object {
"dataLoss": "nothing",
@@ -1925,7 +1886,7 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 2`] = `
- "height": 500,
+ "height": 1180,
"legend": Object {
"orientation": "v",
"traceorder": "normal",
@@ -1984,7 +1945,7 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 2`] = `
- "height": 500,
+ "height": 1180,
"legend": Object {
"orientation": "v",
"traceorder": "normal",
@@ -2016,19 +1977,18 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 2`] = `
"data": Object {
"appData": Object {},
"defaultAxes": Object {
- "xaxis": Array [
- Object {
- "label": "Carrier",
- "name": "Carrier",
- "type": "keyword",
- },
- ],
+ "xaxis": Array [],
"yaxis": Array [
Object {
"label": "avg(FlightDelayMin)",
"name": "avg(FlightDelayMin)",
"type": "double",
+ Object {
+ "label": "Carrier",
+ "name": "Carrier",
+ "type": "keyword",
+ },
"indexFields": Object {},
@@ -2147,6 +2107,13 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 2`] = `
+ Object {
+ "component": [Function],
+ "eleType": "input",
+ "mapTo": "legendSize",
+ "name": "Legend Size",
+ "title": "Legend Size",
+ },
Object {
@@ -2172,17 +2139,13 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 2`] = `
"id": "lines",
"name": "Lines",
- Object {
- "id": "bar",
- "name": "Bars",
- },
Object {
"id": "markers",
- "name": "Points",
+ "name": "Marker",
Object {
"id": "lines+markers",
- "name": "Lines + Points",
+ "name": "Lines + Markers",
@@ -2249,8 +2212,56 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 2`] = `
"max": 40,
+ Object {
+ "component": [Function],
+ "eleType": "input",
+ "mapTo": "labelSize",
+ "name": "Label Size",
+ "title": "Label Size",
+ },
+ Object {
+ "component": [Function],
+ "defaultState": 0,
+ "eleType": "slider",
+ "mapTo": "rotateLabels",
+ "name": "Rotate labels",
+ "props": Object {
+ "max": 90,
+ "min": -90,
+ "showTicks": true,
+ "ticks": Array [
+ Object {
+ "label": "-90°",
+ "value": -90,
+ },
+ Object {
+ "label": "-45°",
+ "value": -45,
+ },
+ Object {
+ "label": "0°",
+ "value": 0,
+ },
+ Object {
+ "label": "45°",
+ "value": 45,
+ },
+ Object {
+ "label": "90°",
+ "value": 90,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ Object {
+ "editor": [Function],
+ "id": "color-theme",
+ "mapTo": "colorTheme",
+ "name": "Color theme",
+ "schemas": Array [],
+ },
Object {
"defaultState": Array [],
"editor": [Function],
@@ -2276,11 +2287,11 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 2`] = `
- "fullLabel": "Line",
+ "fullLabel": "Time series",
"icon": [Function],
"iconType": "visLine",
"id": "line",
- "label": "Line",
+ "label": "Time series",
"name": "line",
"selection": Object {
"dataLoss": "nothing",
@@ -2312,7 +2323,7 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 2`] = `
- "height": 500,
+ "height": 1180,
"legend": Object {
"orientation": "v",
"traceorder": "normal",
@@ -2343,226 +2354,83 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 2`] = `
+ className="euiText euiText--extraSmall lnsChart__empty"
+ data-test-subj="vizWorkspace__noData"
+ >
+ No results found
@@ -2762,7 +2630,7 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 3`] = `
"isUniColor": false,
"layout": Object {
- "height": 500,
+ "height": 1180,
"legend": Object {
"orientation": "v",
"traceorder": "normal",
@@ -2972,7 +2840,7 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 3`] = `
"isUniColor": false,
"layout": Object {
- "height": 500,
+ "height": 1180,
"legend": Object {
"orientation": "v",
"traceorder": "normal",
@@ -3000,7 +2868,7 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 3`] = `
Object {
- "height": 500,
+ "height": 1180,
"legend": Object {
"orientation": "v",
"traceorder": "normal",
@@ -3205,7 +3073,7 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 3`] = `
"isUniColor": false,
"layout": Object {
- "height": 500,
+ "height": 1180,
"legend": Object {
"orientation": "v",
"traceorder": "normal",
@@ -3224,180 +3092,83 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 3`] = `
+ className="euiText euiText--extraSmall lnsChart__empty"
+ data-test-subj="vizWorkspace__noData"
+ >
+ No results found
@@ -3570,7 +3341,7 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 4`] = `
"isUniColor": false,
"layout": Object {
- "height": 500,
+ "height": 1180,
"legend": Object {
"orientation": "v",
"traceorder": "normal",
@@ -3753,7 +3524,7 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 4`] = `
"isUniColor": false,
"layout": Object {
- "height": 500,
+ "height": 1180,
"legend": Object {
"orientation": "v",
"traceorder": "normal",
@@ -3781,7 +3552,7 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 4`] = `
Object {
- "height": 500,
+ "height": 1180,
"legend": Object {
"orientation": "v",
"traceorder": "normal",
@@ -3959,7 +3730,7 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 4`] = `
"isUniColor": false,
"layout": Object {
- "height": 500,
+ "height": 1180,
"legend": Object {
"orientation": "v",
"traceorder": "normal",
@@ -3978,160 +3749,83 @@ exports[`Utils helper functions renders displayVisualization function 4`] = `
+ className="euiText euiText--extraSmall lnsChart__empty"
+ data-test-subj="vizWorkspace__noData"
+ >
+ No results found
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/app.scss b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/app.scss
index 2f01e1b8e..ef67ba34b 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/app.scss
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/app.scss
@@ -32,6 +32,35 @@
flex-grow: 1;
+.containerPanel {
+ padding: 0 16px;
+.dataConfigContainer {
+ height: 1242px;
+ overflow: auto;
+::-webkit-scrollbar {
+ width: 10px;
+::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
+ background: #f1f1f1;
+::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
+ background: #c2c2c2;
+.euiResizableToggleButton:not(:focus):not(:active):not(.euiResizableToggleButton-isVisible):not(.euiResizableToggleButton-isCollapsed) {
+ height: 24px;
+ width: 24px;
+ top: 0;
+ left: inherit;
+ box-shadow: none;
.lensChartIcon__subdued {
fill: $euiTextSubduedColor;
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/__tests__/__snapshots__/config_panel.test.tsx.snap b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/__tests__/__snapshots__/config_panel.test.tsx.snap
index 435c32d43..1cac93734 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/__tests__/__snapshots__/config_panel.test.tsx.snap
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/__tests__/__snapshots__/config_panel.test.tsx.snap
@@ -213,26 +213,6 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
"mapTo": "dataConfig",
"name": "Data",
"sections": Array [
- Object {
- "editor": [Function],
- "id": "value_options",
- "mapTo": "valueOptions",
- "name": "Value options",
- "schemas": Array [
- Object {
- "component": null,
- "isSingleSelection": false,
- "mapTo": "xaxis",
- "name": "X-axis",
- },
- Object {
- "component": null,
- "isSingleSelection": false,
- "mapTo": "yaxis",
- "name": "Y-axis",
- },
- ],
- },
Object {
"editor": [Function],
"id": "legend",
@@ -341,6 +321,12 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
+ Object {
+ "component": [Function],
+ "eleType": "input",
+ "mapTo": "labelSize",
+ "name": "Label Size",
+ },
Object {
"component": [Function],
"defaultState": 0,
@@ -469,7 +455,7 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
"isUniColor": false,
"layout": Object {
- "height": 500,
+ "height": 1180,
"legend": Object {
"orientation": "v",
"traceorder": "normal",
@@ -517,7 +503,7 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
- isClearable={true}
+ isClearable={false}
Array [
@@ -534,26 +520,6 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
"mapTo": "dataConfig",
"name": "Data",
"sections": Array [
- Object {
- "editor": [Function],
- "id": "value_options",
- "mapTo": "valueOptions",
- "name": "Value options",
- "schemas": Array [
- Object {
- "component": null,
- "isSingleSelection": false,
- "mapTo": "xaxis",
- "name": "X-axis",
- },
- Object {
- "component": null,
- "isSingleSelection": false,
- "mapTo": "yaxis",
- "name": "Y-axis",
- },
- ],
- },
Object {
"editor": [Function],
"id": "legend",
@@ -662,6 +628,12 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
+ Object {
+ "component": [Function],
+ "eleType": "input",
+ "mapTo": "labelSize",
+ "name": "Label Size",
+ },
Object {
"component": [Function],
"defaultState": 0,
@@ -790,7 +762,7 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
"isUniColor": false,
"layout": Object {
- "height": 500,
+ "height": 1180,
"legend": Object {
"orientation": "v",
"traceorder": "normal",
@@ -870,6 +842,13 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
+ Object {
+ "component": [Function],
+ "eleType": "input",
+ "mapTo": "legendSize",
+ "name": "Legend Size",
+ "title": "Legend Size",
+ },
Object {
@@ -895,17 +874,13 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
"id": "lines",
"name": "Lines",
- Object {
- "id": "bar",
- "name": "Bars",
- },
Object {
"id": "markers",
- "name": "Points",
+ "name": "Marker",
Object {
"id": "lines+markers",
- "name": "Lines + Points",
+ "name": "Lines + Markers",
@@ -972,8 +947,56 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
"max": 40,
+ Object {
+ "component": [Function],
+ "eleType": "input",
+ "mapTo": "labelSize",
+ "name": "Label Size",
+ "title": "Label Size",
+ },
+ Object {
+ "component": [Function],
+ "defaultState": 0,
+ "eleType": "slider",
+ "mapTo": "rotateLabels",
+ "name": "Rotate labels",
+ "props": Object {
+ "max": 90,
+ "min": -90,
+ "showTicks": true,
+ "ticks": Array [
+ Object {
+ "label": "-90°",
+ "value": -90,
+ },
+ Object {
+ "label": "-45°",
+ "value": -45,
+ },
+ Object {
+ "label": "0°",
+ "value": 0,
+ },
+ Object {
+ "label": "45°",
+ "value": 45,
+ },
+ Object {
+ "label": "90°",
+ "value": 90,
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ Object {
+ "editor": [Function],
+ "id": "color-theme",
+ "mapTo": "colorTheme",
+ "name": "Color theme",
+ "schemas": Array [],
+ },
Object {
"defaultState": Array [],
"editor": [Function],
@@ -999,11 +1022,11 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
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"iconType": "visLine",
"id": "line",
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"name": "line",
"selection": Object {
"dataLoss": "nothing",
@@ -1035,7 +1058,7 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
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+ "height": 1180,
"legend": Object {
"orientation": "v",
"traceorder": "normal",
@@ -1238,7 +1261,7 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
- "height": 500,
+ "height": 1180,
"legend": Object {
"orientation": "v",
"traceorder": "normal",
@@ -1277,6 +1300,37 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
"mapTo": "dataConfig",
"name": "Data",
"sections": Array [
+ Object {
+ "editor": [Function],
+ "id": "legend",
+ "mapTo": "legend",
+ "name": "Legend",
+ "schemas": Array [
+ Object {
+ "component": null,
+ "mapTo": "showLegend",
+ "name": "Show Colorscale",
+ "props": Object {
+ "defaultSelections": Array [
+ Object {
+ "id": "show",
+ "name": "Show",
+ },
+ ],
+ "options": Array [
+ Object {
+ "id": "show",
+ "name": "Show",
+ },
+ Object {
+ "id": "hidden",
+ "name": "Hidden",
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
Object {
"editor": [Function],
"id": "chart_styles",
@@ -1579,7 +1633,7 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
"responsive": true,
"layout": Object {
- "height": 500,
+ "height": 1180,
"legend": Object {
"orientation": "v",
"traceorder": "normal",
@@ -1652,7 +1706,7 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
- "height": 500,
+ "height": 1180,
"legend": Object {
"orientation": "v",
"traceorder": "normal",
@@ -1692,6 +1746,37 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
"mapTo": "dataConfig",
"name": "Data",
"sections": Array [
+ Object {
+ "editor": [Function],
+ "id": "legend",
+ "mapTo": "legend",
+ "name": "Legend",
+ "schemas": Array [
+ Object {
+ "component": null,
+ "mapTo": "showLegend",
+ "name": "Show Colorscale",
+ "props": Object {
+ "defaultSelections": Array [
+ Object {
+ "id": "show",
+ "name": "Show",
+ },
+ ],
+ "options": Array [
+ Object {
+ "id": "show",
+ "name": "Show",
+ },
+ Object {
+ "id": "hidden",
+ "name": "Hidden",
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
Object {
"editor": [Function],
"id": "treemap_options",
@@ -1740,6 +1825,30 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
"isClearable": false,
+ Object {
+ "component": [Function],
+ "eleType": "buttons",
+ "mapTo": "sort_sectors",
+ "name": "Sort Sectors",
+ "props": Object {
+ "defaultSelections": Array [
+ Object {
+ "id": undefined,
+ "name": "Largest to Smallest",
+ },
+ ],
+ "options": Array [
+ Object {
+ "id": "largest_to_smallest",
+ "name": "Largest to Smallest",
+ },
+ Object {
+ "id": "random",
+ "name": "Random",
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
Object {
@@ -2023,7 +2132,7 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
"isUniColor": false,
"layout": Object {
- "height": 500,
+ "height": 1180,
"legend": Object {
"orientation": "v",
"traceorder": "normal",
@@ -2039,16 +2148,8 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
- ]
- }
- placeholder="Select a chart"
- renderOption={[Function]}
- selectedOptions={
- Array [
Object {
- "barWidth": 0.97,
"category": "Visualizations",
- "categoryAxis": "xaxis",
"component": [Function],
"editorConfig": Object {
"panelTabs": Array [
@@ -2060,81 +2161,7 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
"sections": Array [
Object {
"editor": [Function],
- "id": "value_options",
- "mapTo": "valueOptions",
- "name": "Value options",
- "schemas": Array [
- Object {
- "component": null,
- "isSingleSelection": false,
- "mapTo": "xaxis",
- "name": "X-axis",
- },
- Object {
- "component": null,
- "isSingleSelection": false,
- "mapTo": "yaxis",
- "name": "Y-axis",
- },
- ],
- },
- Object {
- "editor": [Function],
- "id": "legend",
- "mapTo": "legend",
- "name": "Legend",
- "schemas": Array [
- Object {
- "component": null,
- "mapTo": "showLegend",
- "name": "Show Legend",
- "props": Object {
- "defaultSelections": Array [
- Object {
- "id": "show",
- "name": "Show",
- },
- ],
- "options": Array [
- Object {
- "id": "show",
- "name": "Show",
- },
- Object {
- "id": "hidden",
- "name": "Hidden",
- },
- ],
- },
- },
- Object {
- "component": null,
- "mapTo": "position",
- "name": "Position",
- "props": Object {
- "defaultSelections": Array [
- Object {
- "id": "v",
- "name": "Right",
- },
- ],
- "options": Array [
- Object {
- "id": "v",
- "name": "Right",
- },
- Object {
- "id": "h",
- "name": "Bottom",
- },
- ],
- },
- },
- ],
- },
- Object {
- "editor": [Function],
- "id": "chart_styles",
+ "id": "chart-styles",
"mapTo": "chartStyles",
"name": "Chart styles",
"schemas": Array [
@@ -2146,11 +2173,15 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
"props": Object {
"defaultSelections": Array [
Object {
- "id": "v",
- "name": "Vertical",
+ "id": "auto",
+ "name": "Auto",
"options": Array [
+ Object {
+ "id": "auto",
+ "name": "Auto",
+ },
Object {
"id": "v",
"name": "Vertical",
@@ -2165,86 +2196,138 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
Object {
"component": [Function],
"eleType": "buttons",
- "mapTo": "mode",
- "name": "Mode",
+ "mapTo": "legendPlacement",
+ "name": "Legend Placement",
"props": Object {
"defaultSelections": Array [
Object {
- "id": "group",
- "name": "Group",
+ "id": "center",
+ "name": "Center",
"options": Array [
Object {
- "id": "group",
- "name": "Group",
+ "id": "center",
+ "name": "Center",
Object {
- "id": "stack",
- "name": "Stack",
+ "id": "right",
+ "name": "Right",
+ },
+ Object {
+ "id": "left",
+ "name": "Left",
Object {
"component": [Function],
- "defaultState": 0,
- "eleType": "slider",
- "mapTo": "rotateBarLabels",
- "name": "Rotate bar labels",
- "props": Object {
- "max": 90,
- "min": -90,
- "showTicks": true,
- "ticks": Array [
- Object {
- "label": "-90°",
- "value": -90,
- },
- Object {
- "label": "-45°",
- "value": -45,
- },
- Object {
- "label": "0°",
- "value": 0,
- },
- Object {
- "label": "45°",
- "value": 45,
- },
- Object {
- "label": "90°",
- "value": 90,
- },
- ],
- },
+ "eleType": "input",
+ "mapTo": "titleSize",
+ "name": "Title Size",
+ "title": "Title Size",
Object {
"component": [Function],
- "defaultState": 0.7,
- "eleType": "slider",
- "mapTo": "groupWidth",
- "name": "Group width",
- "props": Object {
- "max": 1,
- "step": 0.01,
- },
+ "eleType": "input",
+ "mapTo": "valueSize",
+ "name": "Value Size",
+ "title": "Value Size",
Object {
"component": [Function],
- "defaultState": 0.97,
- "eleType": "slider",
- "mapTo": "barWidth",
- "name": "Bar width",
- "props": Object {
- "max": 1,
- "step": 0.01,
- },
+ "currentValue": false,
+ "eleType": "switchButton",
+ "mapTo": "showThresholdLabels",
+ "name": "Show threshold labels",
+ "title": "Show threshold labels",
Object {
"component": [Function],
- "defaultState": 1,
+ "currentValue": true,
+ "eleType": "switchButton",
+ "mapTo": "showThresholdMarkers",
+ "name": "Show threshold markers",
+ "title": "Show threshold markers",
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ Object {
+ "defaultState": Array [],
+ "editor": [Function],
+ "id": "thresholds",
+ "mapTo": "thresholds",
+ "name": "Thresholds",
+ "props": Object {
+ "maxLimit": 1,
+ },
+ "schemas": Array [],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ Object {
+ "content": Array [],
+ "editor": [Function],
+ "id": "style-panel",
+ "mapTo": "layoutConfig",
+ "name": "Layout",
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ "fullLabel": "Gauge",
+ "icon": [Function],
+ "iconType": "visGauge",
+ "id": "gauge",
+ "label": "Gauge",
+ "name": "Gauge",
+ "selection": Object {
+ "dataLoss": "nothing",
+ },
+ "type": "indicator",
+ "valueSeries": "yaxis",
+ "visConfig": Object {
+ "config": Object {
+ "displaylogo": false,
+ "responsive": true,
+ },
+ "layout": Object {
+ "height": 1180,
+ "legend": Object {
+ "orientation": "v",
+ "traceorder": "normal",
+ },
+ "margin": Object {
+ "b": 30,
+ "l": 60,
+ "pad": 0,
+ "r": 30,
+ "t": 50,
+ },
+ "showlegend": true,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ Object {
+ "category": "Visualizations",
+ "component": [Function],
+ "editorConfig": Object {
+ "panelTabs": Array [
+ Object {
+ "editor": [Function],
+ "id": "data-panel",
+ "mapTo": "dataConfig",
+ "name": "Data",
+ "sections": Array [
+ Object {
+ "editor": [Function],
+ "id": "chart-styles",
+ "mapTo": "chartStyles",
+ "name": "Chart styles",
+ "schemas": Array [
+ Object {
+ "component": [Function],
+ "defaultState": 2,
"eleType": "slider",
"mapTo": "lineWidth",
"name": "Line width",
@@ -2254,7 +2337,7 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
Object {
"component": [Function],
- "defaultState": 80,
+ "defaultState": 40,
"eleType": "slider",
"mapTo": "fillOpacity",
"name": "Fill Opacity",
@@ -2271,6 +2354,60 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
"name": "Color Theme",
"schemas": Array [],
+ Object {
+ "editor": [Function],
+ "id": "legend",
+ "mapTo": "legend",
+ "name": "Legend",
+ "schemas": Array [
+ Object {
+ "component": null,
+ "mapTo": "showLegend",
+ "name": "Show Legend",
+ "props": Object {
+ "defaultSelections": Array [
+ Object {
+ "id": "show",
+ "name": "Show",
+ },
+ ],
+ "options": Array [
+ Object {
+ "id": "show",
+ "name": "Show",
+ },
+ Object {
+ "id": "hidden",
+ "name": "Hidden",
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ Object {
+ "component": null,
+ "mapTo": "position",
+ "name": "Position",
+ "props": Object {
+ "defaultSelections": Array [
+ Object {
+ "id": "v",
+ "name": "Right",
+ },
+ ],
+ "options": Array [
+ Object {
+ "id": "v",
+ "name": "Right",
+ },
+ Object {
+ "id": "h",
+ "name": "Bottom",
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
Object {
@@ -2280,41 +2417,25 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
"mapTo": "layoutConfig",
"name": "Layout",
- Object {
- "editor": [Function],
- "id": "availability-panel",
- "mapTo": "availabilityConfig",
- "name": "Availability",
- },
- "fillOpacity": 80,
- "fullLabel": "Bar",
- "groupWidth": 0.7,
- "icon": [Function],
- "iconType": "visBarVerticalStacked",
- "id": "bar",
- "label": "Bar",
- "labelAngle": 0,
- "legendPosition": "v",
- "lineWidth": 1,
- "mode": "group",
- "name": "bar",
- "orientation": "v",
+ "fullLabel": "Histogram",
+ "iconType": "visArea",
+ "id": "histogram",
+ "label": "Histogram",
+ "name": "histogram",
"selection": Object {
"dataLoss": "nothing",
- "seriesAxis": "yaxis",
- "showLegend": "show",
- "type": "bar",
+ "type": "histogram",
+ "valueSeries": "yaxis",
"visConfig": Object {
"config": Object {
"displaylogo": false,
"responsive": true,
- "isUniColor": false,
"layout": Object {
- "height": 500,
+ "height": 1180,
"legend": Object {
"orientation": "v",
"traceorder": "normal",
@@ -2332,2504 +2453,326 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
- singleSelection={true}
- sortMatchesBy="none"
- >
- Bar
- "id": "data-panel",
- "name": "Data",
- }
- }
- tabs={
+ Object {
+ "editor": [Function],
+ "id": "color-theme",
+ "mapTo": "colorTheme",
+ "name": "Color Theme",
+ "schemas": Array [],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ Object {
+ "content": Array [],
+ "editor": [Function],
+ "id": "style-panel",
+ "mapTo": "layoutConfig",
+ "name": "Layout",
+ },
+ Object {
+ "editor": [Function],
+ "id": "availability-panel",
+ "mapTo": "availabilityConfig",
+ "name": "Availability",
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ "fillOpacity": 80,
+ "fullLabel": "Bar",
+ "groupWidth": 0.7,
+ "icon": [Function],
+ "iconType": "visBarVerticalStacked",
+ "id": "bar",
+ "label": "Bar",
+ "labelAngle": 0,
+ "legendPosition": "v",
+ "lineWidth": 1,
+ "mode": "group",
+ "name": "bar",
+ "orientation": "v",
+ "selection": Object {
+ "dataLoss": "nothing",
+ },
+ "seriesAxis": "yaxis",
+ "showLegend": "show",
+ "type": "bar",
+ "visConfig": Object {
+ "config": Object {
+ "displaylogo": false,
+ "responsive": true,
+ },
+ "isUniColor": false,
+ "layout": Object {
+ "height": 1180,
+ "legend": Object {
+ "orientation": "v",
+ "traceorder": "normal",
+ },
+ "margin": Object {
+ "b": 30,
+ "l": 60,
+ "pad": 0,
+ "r": 30,
+ "t": 50,
+ },
+ "showlegend": true,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ ]
+ }
+ singleSelection={true}
+ sortMatchesBy="none"
+ >
- "id": "data-panel",
- "name": "Data",
- },
- Object {
- "content":
- "id": "style-panel",
- "name": "Layout",
- },
- Object {
- "content":
+ Bar
+ ,
- "id": "availability-panel",
- "name": "Availability",
- },
- ]
- }
- >
+ ],
+ },
+ Object {
+ "editor": [Function],
+ "id": "color-theme",
+ "mapTo": "colorTheme",
+ "name": "Color Theme",
+ "schemas": Array [],
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ Object {
+ "content": Array [],
+ "editor": [Function],
+ "id": "style-panel",
+ "mapTo": "layoutConfig",
+ "name": "Layout",
+ },
+ Object {
+ "editor": [Function],
+ "id": "availability-panel",
+ "mapTo": "availabilityConfig",
+ "name": "Availability",
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ "fillOpacity": 80,
+ "fullLabel": "Bar",
+ "groupWidth": 0.7,
+ "icon": [Function],
+ "iconType": "visBarVerticalStacked",
+ "id": "bar",
+ "label": "Bar",
+ "labelAngle": 0,
+ "legendPosition": "v",
+ "lineWidth": 1,
+ "mode": "group",
+ "name": "bar",
+ "orientation": "v",
+ "selection": Object {
+ "dataLoss": "nothing",
+ },
+ "seriesAxis": "yaxis",
+ "showLegend": "show",
+ "type": "bar",
+ "visConfig": Object {
+ "config": Object {
+ "displaylogo": false,
+ "responsive": true,
+ },
+ "isUniColor": false,
+ "layout": Object {
+ "height": 1180,
+ "legend": Object {
+ "orientation": "v",
+ "traceorder": "normal",
+ },
+ "margin": Object {
+ "b": 30,
+ "l": 60,
+ "pad": 0,
+ "r": 30,
+ "t": 50,
+ },
+ "showlegend": true,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ vizState={
+ Object {
+ "valueOptions": Object {},
+ }
+ }
+ />,
+ "id": "data-panel",
+ "name": "Data",
+ }
+ }
+ tabs={
+ Array [
+ Object {
+ "content":
+ "id": "data-panel",
+ "name": "Data",
+ },
+ Object {
+ "content":
+ "id": "style-panel",
+ "name": "Layout",
+ },
+ Object {
+ "content":
+ "id": "availability-panel",
+ "name": "Availability",
+ },
+ ]
+ }
+ >
@@ -8120,543 +7534,170 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
- X-axis
- Select a field
- Y-axis
- Select a field
+ Name your visualization.
@@ -8680,6 +7721,7 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
+ props={Object {}}
Array [
Object {
@@ -8927,26 +7969,6 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
"mapTo": "dataConfig",
"name": "Data",
"sections": Array [
- Object {
- "editor": [Function],
- "id": "value_options",
- "mapTo": "valueOptions",
- "name": "Value options",
- "schemas": Array [
- Object {
- "component": null,
- "isSingleSelection": false,
- "mapTo": "xaxis",
- "name": "X-axis",
- },
- Object {
- "component": null,
- "isSingleSelection": false,
- "mapTo": "yaxis",
- "name": "Y-axis",
- },
- ],
- },
Object {
"editor": [Function],
"id": "legend",
@@ -9055,6 +8077,12 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
+ Object {
+ "component": [Function],
+ "eleType": "input",
+ "mapTo": "labelSize",
+ "name": "Label Size",
+ },
Object {
"component": [Function],
"defaultState": 0,
@@ -9183,7 +8211,7 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
"isUniColor": false,
"layout": Object {
- "height": 500,
+ "height": 1180,
"legend": Object {
"orientation": "v",
"traceorder": "normal",
@@ -9856,6 +8884,7 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
+ props={Object {}}
Array [
Object {
@@ -9906,6 +8935,12 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
+ Object {
+ "component": [Function],
+ "eleType": "input",
+ "mapTo": "labelSize",
+ "name": "Label Size",
+ },
Object {
"component": [Function],
"defaultState": 0,
@@ -10181,26 +9216,6 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
"mapTo": "dataConfig",
"name": "Data",
"sections": Array [
- Object {
- "editor": [Function],
- "id": "value_options",
- "mapTo": "valueOptions",
- "name": "Value options",
- "schemas": Array [
- Object {
- "component": null,
- "isSingleSelection": false,
- "mapTo": "xaxis",
- "name": "X-axis",
- },
- Object {
- "component": null,
- "isSingleSelection": false,
- "mapTo": "yaxis",
- "name": "Y-axis",
- },
- ],
- },
Object {
"editor": [Function],
"id": "legend",
@@ -10309,6 +9324,12 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
+ Object {
+ "component": [Function],
+ "eleType": "input",
+ "mapTo": "labelSize",
+ "name": "Label Size",
+ },
Object {
"component": [Function],
"defaultState": 0,
@@ -10437,7 +9458,7 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
"isUniColor": false,
"layout": Object {
- "height": 500,
+ "height": 1180,
"legend": Object {
"orientation": "v",
"traceorder": "normal",
@@ -11080,10 +10101,80 @@ exports[`Config panel component Renders config panel with visualization data 1`]
className="euiSpacer euiSpacer--s"
+ Label Size
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panel.scss b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panel.scss
index 2a129f430..e07fded22 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panel.scss
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panel.scss
@@ -122,4 +122,17 @@ $vis-editor-sidebar-min-width: 350px;
.visEditorSidebar__autoApplyButton {
margin-left: $euiSizeM;
\ No newline at end of file
+.euiComboBoxOptionsList__rowWrap {
+ max-height: 250px;
+.euiComboBoxOptionsList__rowWrap > div {
+ height: 250px !important;
+.configPane_options {
+ height: 1198px;
+ overflow: auto;
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panel.tsx b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panel.tsx
index 5a6662314..27cf3379c 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panel.tsx
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panel.tsx
@@ -122,8 +122,7 @@ export const ConfigPanel = ({ visualizations, setCurVisId, callback, changeIsVal
const isValid_valueOptions: { [key: string]: boolean } = {
tree_map: curVisId === TreeMap && valueOptions?.childField?.length !== 0 &&
valueOptions?.valueField?.length !== 0,
- gauge: Boolean(curVisId === Gauge && valueOptions?.series && valueOptions.series?.length !== 0 &&
- valueOptions?.value && valueOptions.value?.length !== 0),
+ gauge: true,
heatmap: Boolean(curVisId === HeatMap && valueOptions?.zaxis && valueOptions.zaxis?.length !== 0),
bar: isValidValueOptionsXYAxes,
line: isValidValueOptionsXYAxes,
@@ -135,7 +134,7 @@ export const ConfigPanel = ({ visualizations, setCurVisId, callback, changeIsVal
useEffect(() => changeIsValidConfigOptionState(Boolean(isValidValueOptionConfigSelected)), [isValidValueOptionConfigSelected]);
- const handleConfigUpdate = useCallback(() => {
+ const handleConfigUpdate = useCallback((updatedConfigs) => {
try {
if (!isValidValueOptionConfigSelected) {
setToast(`Invalid value options configuration selected.`, 'danger');
@@ -146,8 +145,8 @@ export const ConfigPanel = ({ visualizations, setCurVisId, callback, changeIsVal
vizId: curVisId,
data: {
- ...vizConfigs,
- layoutConfig: hjson.parse(vizConfigs.layoutConfig),
+ ...updatedConfigs,
+ layoutConfig: hjson.parse(updatedConfigs.layoutConfig),
@@ -155,16 +154,18 @@ export const ConfigPanel = ({ visualizations, setCurVisId, callback, changeIsVal
} catch (e: any) {
setToast(`Invalid visualization configurations. error: ${e.message}`, 'danger');
- }, [tabId, vizConfigs, changeVisualizationConfig, dispatch, setToast, curVisId]);
+ }, [tabId, changeVisualizationConfig, dispatch, setToast, curVisId]);
const handleConfigChange = (configSchema: string) => {
return (configChanges: any) => {
+ const updatedVizConfigs = { ...vizConfigs, [configSchema]: configChanges };
setVizConfigs((staleState) => {
return {
[configSchema]: configChanges,
+ handleConfigUpdate(updatedVizConfigs);
@@ -275,11 +276,12 @@ export const ConfigPanel = ({ visualizations, setCurVisId, callback, changeIsVal
+ isClearable={false}
- {isInvalid ? (
- Preview
- ) : (
- Preview
- )}
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_bar_chart_styles.tsx b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_bar_chart_styles.tsx
index 7098ae117..2fb6465fc 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_bar_chart_styles.tsx
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_bar_chart_styles.tsx
@@ -41,7 +41,11 @@ export const ConfigBarChartStyles = ({
const dimensions = useMemo(() =>
currentSchemas.map((schema: IConfigPanelOptionSection, index: number) => {
- let params;
+ let params = {
+ title: schema.name,
+ vizState,
+ ...schema.props,
+ }
const DimensionComponent = schema.component || ButtonGroupItem;
const createDimensionComponent = (dimProps) => (
@@ -52,29 +56,34 @@ export const ConfigBarChartStyles = ({
if (schema.eleType === 'buttons') {
params = {
- title: schema.name,
+ ...params,
legend: schema.name,
groupOptions: schema?.props?.options.map((btn: { name: string }) => ({ ...btn, label: btn.name })),
idSelected: vizState[schema.mapTo] || schema?.props?.defaultSelections[0]?.id,
handleButtonChange: handleConfigurationChange(schema.mapTo),
- vizState,
- ...schema.props,
return createDimensionComponent(params);
+ if (schema.eleType === 'input') {
+ params = {
+ title: schema.name,
+ currentValue: vizState[schema.mapTo] || '',
+ handleInputChange: handleConfigurationChange(schema.mapTo),
+ vizState,
+ ...schema.props,
+ };
+ return createDimensionComponent(params);
+ }
if (schema.eleType === 'slider') {
params = {
+ ...params,
minRange: schema?.props?.min || 0,
- maxRange: schema.props.max,
+ maxRange: schema?.props?.max || 100,
step: schema?.props?.step || 1,
- title: schema.name,
currentRange: vizState[schema.mapTo] || schema?.defaultState,
ticks: schema?.props?.ticks,
showTicks: schema?.props?.showTicks || false,
handleSliderChange: handleConfigurationChange(schema.mapTo),
- vizState,
- ...schema.props,
return createDimensionComponent(params);
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_chart_options.tsx b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_chart_options.tsx
index 6f8024244..cacfe2660 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_chart_options.tsx
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_chart_options.tsx
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ export const ConfigChartOptions = ({
}: any) => {
const { data } = visualizations;
- const { data: vizData = {}, metadata: { fields = [] } = {} } = data?.rawVizData;
+ const { data: vizData = {}, metadata: { fields = [] } = {}, tree_map } = data?.rawVizData;
const { dataConfig = {}, layoutConfig = {} } = visualizations?.data?.userConfigs;
const handleConfigurationChange = useCallback(
@@ -44,56 +44,78 @@ export const ConfigChartOptions = ({
return (
currentSchemas &&
currentSchemas.map((schema, index) => {
- let params = {};
+ let params = {
+ title: schema.name,
+ vizState,
+ ...schema.props,
+ };
const DimensionComponent = schema.component || PanelItem;
if (schema.eleType === 'palettePicker') {
params = {
- title: schema.name,
+ ...params,
colorPalettes: schema.options || [],
selectedColor: vizState[schema.mapTo] || schema.defaultState,
onSelectChange: handleConfigurationChange(schema.mapTo),
- vizState,
- ...schema.props,
} else if (schema.eleType === 'singleColorPicker') {
params = {
- title: schema.name,
+ ...params,
selectedColor: vizState[schema.mapTo] || schema.defaultState,
onSelectChange: handleConfigurationChange(schema.mapTo),
- vizState,
- ...schema.props,
} else if (schema.eleType === 'colorpicker') {
params = {
- title: schema.name,
+ ...params,
selectedColor: vizState[schema.mapTo] || schema?.defaultState,
colorPalettes: schema.options || [],
onSelectChange: handleConfigurationChange(schema.mapTo),
- vizState,
- ...schema.props,
} else if (schema.eleType === 'treemapColorPicker') {
params = {
- title: schema.name,
+ ...params,
selectedColor: vizState[schema.mapTo] || schema?.defaultState,
colorPalettes: schema.options || [],
- (dataConfig?.valueOptions?.parentFields !== undefined &&
- dataConfig?.valueOptions?.parentFields.length) | 0,
+ (tree_map?.dataConfig?.dimensions !== undefined &&
+ tree_map?.dataConfig.dimensions[0].parentFields.length) | 0,
onSelectChange: handleConfigurationChange(schema.mapTo),
- vizState,
- ...schema.props,
} else if (schema.eleType === 'input') {
params = {
- title: schema.name,
+ ...params,
currentValue: vizState[schema.mapTo] || '',
+ numValue: vizState[schema.mapTo] || '',
handleInputChange: handleConfigurationChange(schema.mapTo),
- vizState,
- ...schema.props,
+ };
+ } else if (schema.eleType === 'slider') {
+ params = {
+ ...params,
+ maxRange: schema.props.max,
+ currentRange: vizState[schema.mapTo] || schema?.defaultState,
+ handleSliderChange: handleConfigurationChange(schema.mapTo),
+ };
+ } else if (schema.eleType === 'switchButton') {
+ params = {
+ ...params,
+ title: schema.name,
+ currentValue: vizState[schema.mapTo],
+ onToggle: handleConfigurationChange(schema.mapTo),
+ };
+ } else if (schema.eleType === 'buttons') {
+ params = {
+ ...params,
+ title: schema.name,
+ legend: schema.name,
+ groupOptions: schema?.props?.options.map((btn: { name: string }) => ({
+ ...btn,
+ label: btn.name,
+ })),
+ idSelected: vizState[schema.mapTo] || schema?.props?.defaultSelections[0]?.id,
+ handleButtonChange: handleConfigurationChange(schema.mapTo),
} else {
params = {
+ ...params,
paddingTitle: schema.name,
advancedTitle: 'advancedTitle',
@@ -102,8 +124,6 @@ export const ConfigChartOptions = ({
onSelectChange: handleConfigurationChange(schema.mapTo),
isSingleSelection: schema.isSingleSelection,
selectedAxis: vizState[schema.mapTo] || schema.defaultState,
- vizState,
- ...schema.props,
return (
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_color_theme.tsx b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_color_theme.tsx
index af429b4f3..96df2be20 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_color_theme.tsx
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_color_theme.tsx
@@ -5,121 +5,119 @@
import React, { useCallback } from 'react';
import {
- EuiButton,
- EuiAccordion,
- EuiFormRow,
- EuiColorPicker,
- EuiSpacer,
- EuiIcon,
- EuiFlexGroup,
- EuiFlexItem,
- htmlIdGenerator,
- EuiComboBox,
+ EuiButton,
+ EuiAccordion,
+ EuiFormRow,
+ EuiColorPicker,
+ EuiSpacer,
+ EuiIcon,
+ EuiFlexGroup,
+ EuiFlexItem,
+ htmlIdGenerator,
+ EuiComboBox,
} from '@elastic/eui';
import { isEmpty } from 'lodash';
import { ADD_BUTTON_TEXT } from '../../../../../../../../common/constants/explorer';
+import { NUMERICAL_FIELDS } from '../../../../../../../../common/constants/shared';
export const ConfigColorTheme = ({
- visualizations,
- schemas,
- vizState = [],
- handleConfigChange,
- sectionName = 'Color Theme',
+ visualizations,
+ schemas,
+ vizState = [],
+ handleConfigChange,
+ sectionName = 'Color Theme',
}: any) => {
- const { data } = visualizations;
- const { data: vizData = {}, metadata: { fields = [] } = {} } = data?.rawVizData;
- const addButtonText = ADD_BUTTON_TEXT;
- const getColorThemeRow = () => ({
- ctid: htmlIdGenerator('ct')(),
- name: '',
- color: '#FC0505',
- })
+ const { data } = visualizations;
+ const { data: vizData = {}, metadata: { fields = [] } = {} } = data?.rawVizData;
+ const addButtonText = ADD_BUTTON_TEXT;
+ const getColorThemeRow = () => ({
+ ctid: htmlIdGenerator('ct')(),
+ name: '',
+ color: '#FC0505',
+ });
- const options = fields.map((item) => ({
- ...item,
- label: item.name,
+ const options = fields
+ .filter((item) => NUMERICAL_FIELDS.includes(item.type))
+ .map((item) => ({
+ ...item,
+ label: item.name,
+ const getUpdatedOptions = () =>
+ options.filter((option) => !vizState.some((vizOpt) => option.name === vizOpt?.name?.name));
- const getUpdatedOptions = () => options.filter(option => !vizState.some(vizOpt =>
- option.name === vizOpt?.name?.name
- ))
- const handleAddColorTheme = useCallback(() => {
- const res = isEmpty(vizState) ? [] : vizState;
- handleConfigChange([getColorThemeRow(), ...res]);
- }, [vizState, handleConfigChange]);
+ const handleAddColorTheme = useCallback(() => {
+ const res = isEmpty(vizState) ? [] : vizState;
+ handleConfigChange([getColorThemeRow(), ...res]);
+ }, [vizState, handleConfigChange]);
- const handleColorThemeChange = useCallback(
- (ctId, ctName) => (event) => {
- handleConfigChange([
- ...vizState.map((ct) => {
- if (ctId !== ct.ctid) return ct;
- return {
- ...ct,
- [ctName]: (ctName === 'color' ? event : event[0]) || '',
- };
- }),
- ]);
- },
- [vizState, handleConfigChange]
- );
+ const handleColorThemeChange = useCallback(
+ (ctId, ctName) => (event) => {
+ handleConfigChange([
+ ...vizState.map((ct) => {
+ if (ctId !== ct.ctid) return ct;
+ return {
+ ...ct,
+ [ctName]: (ctName === 'color' ? event : event[0]) || '',
+ };
+ }),
+ ]);
+ },
+ [vizState, handleConfigChange]
+ );
- const handleColorThemeDelete = useCallback(
- (ctId) => (event) =>
- handleConfigChange([...vizState.filter((ct) => ct.ctid !== ctId)]),
- [vizState, handleConfigChange]
- );
- return (
- {addButtonText}
- {!isEmpty(vizState) &&
- vizState.map((ct) => {
- return (
- <>
- >
- );
- })}
- );
+ const handleColorThemeDelete = useCallback(
+ (ctId) => (event) => handleConfigChange([...vizState.filter((ct) => ct.ctid !== ctId)]),
+ [vizState, handleConfigChange]
+ );
+ return (
+ {addButtonText}
+ {!isEmpty(vizState) &&
+ vizState.map((ct) => {
+ return (
+ <>
+ >
+ );
+ })}
+ );
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_legend.tsx b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_legend.tsx
index 35e16bc07..7bfc2b10a 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_legend.tsx
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_legend.tsx
@@ -24,18 +24,21 @@ export const ConfigLegend = ({ schemas, vizState, handleConfigChange }: any) =>
const dimensions = useMemo(() => {
return schemas.map((schema, index) => {
const DimensionComponent = schema.component || ButtonGroupItem;
- let params = {};
+ let params = {
+ title: schema.name,
+ vizState,
+ ...schema.props,
+ };
if (schema.eleType === 'input') {
params = {
- title: schema.name,
+ ...params,
currentValue: vizState[schema.mapTo] || '',
+ numValue: vizState[schema.mapTo] || '',
handleInputChange: handleConfigurationChange(schema.mapTo),
- vizState,
- ...schema.props,
} else {
params = {
- title: schema.name,
+ ...params,
legend: schema.name,
groupOptions: schema?.props?.options.map((btn: { name: string }) => ({
@@ -43,8 +46,6 @@ export const ConfigLegend = ({ schemas, vizState, handleConfigChange }: any) =>
idSelected: vizState[schema.mapTo] || schema?.props?.defaultSelections[0]?.id,
handleButtonChange: handleConfigurationChange(schema.mapTo),
- vizState,
- ...schema.props,
return (
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_line_chart_styles.tsx b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_line_chart_styles.tsx
index 23fde5433..5d85c64c0 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_line_chart_styles.tsx
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_line_chart_styles.tsx
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ export const ConfigLineChartStyles = ({
- sectionId = 'chartStyles'
+ sectionId = 'chartStyles',
}: any) => {
const { data } = visualizations;
const { data: vizData = {}, metadata: { fields = [] } = {} } = data?.rawVizData;
@@ -33,54 +33,75 @@ export const ConfigLineChartStyles = ({
/* To update the schema options based on current style mode selection */
const currentSchemas = useMemo(() => {
- if (!vizState?.style || vizState?.style === "lines") {
+ if (!vizState?.style || vizState?.style === 'lines') {
return schemas.filter((schema: IConfigPanelOptionSection) => schema.mapTo !== 'pointSize');
- if (vizState?.style === "bar") {
- return schemas.filter((schema: IConfigPanelOptionSection) => !["interpolation", "pointSize"].includes(schema.mapTo));
+ if (vizState?.style === 'bar') {
+ return schemas.filter(
+ (schema: IConfigPanelOptionSection) =>
+ !['interpolation', 'pointSize'].includes(schema.mapTo)
+ );
- if (vizState?.style === "markers") {
- return schemas.filter((schema: IConfigPanelOptionSection) => ["style", "pointSize"].includes(schema.mapTo));
+ if (vizState?.style === 'markers') {
+ return schemas.filter((schema: IConfigPanelOptionSection) =>
+ ['style', 'pointSize'].includes(schema.mapTo)
+ );
if (vizState?.style === 'lines+markers') {
- return schemas.filter((schema: IConfigPanelOptionSection) => schema.mapTo !== 'interpolation');
+ return schemas.filter(
+ (schema: IConfigPanelOptionSection) => schema.mapTo !== 'interpolation'
+ );
}, [vizState]);
- const dimensions = useMemo(() =>
- currentSchemas && currentSchemas.map((schema: IConfigPanelOptionSection, index: string) => {
- const DimensionComponent = schema.component || ButtonGroupItem;
- let params = {
- title: schema.name,
- vizState,
- ...schema.props
- };
- if (schema.eleType === 'buttons') {
- params = {
- ...params,
- legend: schema.name,
- groupOptions: schema?.props?.options.map((btn: { name: string }) => ({ ...btn, label: btn.name })),
- idSelected: vizState[schema.mapTo] || schema?.props?.defaultSelections[0]?.id,
- handleButtonChange: handleConfigurationChange(schema.mapTo),
- };
- } else if (schema.eleType === 'slider') {
- params = {
- ...params,
- maxRange: schema?.props?.max,
- currentRange: vizState[schema.mapTo] || schema?.defaultState,
- handleSliderChange: handleConfigurationChange(schema.mapTo),
+ const dimensions = useMemo(
+ () =>
+ currentSchemas &&
+ currentSchemas.map((schema: IConfigPanelOptionSection, index: number) => {
+ const DimensionComponent = schema.component || ButtonGroupItem;
+ let params = {
+ title: schema.name,
+ vizState,
+ ...schema.props,
- }
- return (
- <>
- >
- )
- })
- , [currentSchemas, vizState, handleConfigurationChange]);
+ if (schema.eleType === 'buttons') {
+ params = {
+ ...params,
+ legend: schema.name,
+ groupOptions: schema?.props?.options.map((btn: { name: string }) => ({
+ ...btn,
+ label: btn.name,
+ })),
+ idSelected: vizState[schema.mapTo] || schema?.props?.defaultSelections[0]?.id,
+ handleButtonChange: handleConfigurationChange(schema.mapTo),
+ };
+ } else if (schema.eleType === 'slider') {
+ params = {
+ ...params,
+ minRange: schema?.props?.min || 0,
+ maxRange: schema?.props?.max || 100,
+ step: schema?.props?.step || 1,
+ currentRange: vizState[schema.mapTo] || schema?.defaultState,
+ ticks: schema?.props?.ticks,
+ showTicks: schema?.props?.showTicks || false,
+ handleSliderChange: handleConfigurationChange(schema.mapTo),
+ };
+ } else if (schema.eleType === 'input') {
+ params = {
+ ...params,
+ numValue: vizState[schema.mapTo] || '',
+ handleInputChange: handleConfigurationChange(schema.mapTo),
+ };
+ }
+ return (
+ <>
+ >
+ );
+ }),
+ [currentSchemas, vizState, handleConfigurationChange]
+ );
return (
= ({
-}) => (
- <>
- {title}
- handleInputChange(e.target.value)}
- data-test-subj="valueFieldNumber"
- />
- >
+}) => {
+ const [fieldValue, setFieldValue] = useState(numValue);
+ return (
+ <>
+ {title}
+ setFieldValue(e.target.value)}
+ onBlur={() => handleInputChange(fieldValue)}
+ data-test-subj="valueFieldNumber"
+ />
+ >
+ );
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_panel_option_gauge.tsx b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_panel_option_gauge.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e57b1870b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_panel_option_gauge.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ * Copyright OpenSearch Contributors
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ */
+import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
+import { EuiFormRow, EuiFieldNumber } from '@elastic/eui';
+import { DefaultGaugeChartParameters } from '../../../../../../../../common/constants/explorer';
+const helpText = `Limit number of gauges.`;
+export const ConfigPanelOptionGauge = ({
+ visualizations,
+ vizState,
+ panelOptionsValues,
+ handleConfigChange,
+}: any) => {
+ const { Gauge = {} } = visualizations?.data?.rawVizData;
+ const isReadOnly = !(
+ Gauge?.dataConfig?.dimensions?.length && Gauge?.dataConfig?.dimensions[0]?.name != ''
+ );
+ const [numberOfGauges, setNumberOfGauges] = useState(
+ DefaultGaugeChartParameters.DisplayDefaultGauges
+ );
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (!vizState) {
+ setNumberOfGauges(DefaultGaugeChartParameters.DisplayDefaultGauges);
+ }
+ }, [vizState?.numberOfGauges]);
+ return (
+ {
+ setNumberOfGauges(Number(e.target.value));
+ }}
+ value={numberOfGauges}
+ onBlur={() => {
+ const newPanelOptions = {
+ ...panelOptionsValues,
+ numberOfGauges: numberOfGauges,
+ };
+ handleConfigChange(newPanelOptions);
+ }}
+ placeholder={'Number of gauges'}
+ readOnly={isReadOnly}
+ />
+ );
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_panel_options.tsx b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_panel_options.tsx
index a1a6d75d9..e6db2acb7 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_panel_options.tsx
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_panel_options.tsx
@@ -3,25 +3,37 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-import React, { useCallback } from 'react';
+import React, { useCallback, useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { EuiFieldText, EuiForm, EuiFormRow, EuiTextArea, EuiAccordion } from '@elastic/eui';
+import { visChartTypes } from '../../../../../../../../common/constants/shared';
+import { DefaultGaugeChartParameters } from '../../../../../../../../common/constants/explorer';
+import { ConfigPanelOptionGauge } from './config_panel_option_gauge';
const helpText = 'Name your visualization.';
export const ConfigPanelOptions = ({ visualizations, handleConfigChange, vizState }: any) => {
const { dataConfig = {} } = visualizations?.data?.userConfigs;
+ const { name } = visualizations?.vis;
- const handleConfigurationChange = useCallback(
- (stateFiledName) => {
- return (changes) => {
- handleConfigChange({
- ...vizState,
- [stateFiledName]: changes,
- });
- };
- },
- [handleConfigChange, vizState]
- );
+ const [panelOptionsValues, setPanelOptionsValues] = useState({
+ title: '',
+ description: '',
+ });
+ useEffect(() => {
+ setPanelOptionsValues({
+ title: vizState?.title || '',
+ description: vizState?.description || '',
+ ...(visualizations?.vis?.name?.toLowerCase() === visChartTypes.Gauge && {
+ numberOfGauges:
+ vizState?.numberOfGauges || DefaultGaugeChartParameters.DisplayDefaultGauges,
+ }),
+ });
+ }, [name, vizState?.title, vizState?.description, vizState?.numberOfGauges]);
+ const handleTextChange = ({ target }) => {
+ setPanelOptionsValues({ ...panelOptionsValues, [target.name]: target.value });
+ };
return (
- value={vizState?.title || ''}
+ name="title"
+ onChange={handleTextChange}
+ onBlur={() => handleConfigChange(panelOptionsValues)}
+ value={panelOptionsValues.title}
+ value={panelOptionsValues.description}
+ onChange={handleTextChange}
+ onBlur={() => handleConfigChange(panelOptionsValues)}
+ {visualizations?.vis?.name?.toLowerCase() === visChartTypes.Gauge && (
+ )}
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_switch_button.tsx b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_switch_button.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..934bd8077
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_switch_button.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ * Copyright OpenSearch Contributors
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ */
+import React from 'react';
+import { EuiSwitch, EuiSpacer } from '@elastic/eui';
+interface SwitchButtonProps {
+ currentValue: boolean;
+ title: string;
+ onToggle: (value: boolean) => void;
+export const SwitchButton = ({ currentValue, onToggle, title }: SwitchButtonProps) => {
+ return (
+ <>
+ onToggle(e.target.checked)}
+ />
+ >
+ );
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_thresholds.tsx b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_thresholds.tsx
index c38e8e812..7c342a027 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_thresholds.tsx
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_thresholds.tsx
@@ -32,8 +32,9 @@ export const ConfigThresholds = ({
vizState = [],
sectionName = 'Thresholds',
+ props,
}: any) => {
- const addButtonText = '+ Add threadshold';
+ const addButtonText = '+ Add threshold';
const getThresholdUnit = () => {
return {
thid: htmlIdGenerator('thr')(),
@@ -87,6 +88,9 @@ export const ConfigThresholds = ({
+ {...(props?.maxLimit && {
+ isDisabled: !isEmpty(vizState) && vizState.length === props.maxLimit,
+ })}
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_treemap_parents.tsx b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_treemap_parents.tsx
index f92f9db1b..1312c328d 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_treemap_parents.tsx
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_treemap_parents.tsx
@@ -31,21 +31,20 @@ export const ConfigTreemapParentFields = ({ dropdownList, selectedAxis, onSelect
+ const initialParentState = {
+ name: '',
+ label: '',
+ type: '',
+ };
const handleAddParent = () => {
- onSelectChange([
- ...selectedAxis,
- {
- name: '',
- label: '',
- type: '',
- },
- ]);
+ onSelectChange([...selectedAxis, initialParentState]);
const handleParentChange = (options: EuiComboBoxOptionOption[], index: number) => {
...selectedAxis.slice(0, index),
- options[0] as ParentUnitType,
+ (options[0] as ParentUnitType) ?? initialParentState,
...selectedAxis.slice(index + 1, selectedAxis.length),
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_value_options.tsx b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_value_options.tsx
index d86467f85..a2d97c369 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_value_options.tsx
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_value_options.tsx
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ export const ConfigValueOptions = ({
- sectionId = 'valueOptions'
+ sectionId = 'valueOptions',
}: any) => {
const { data } = visualizations;
const { data: vizData = {}, metadata: { fields = [] } = {} } = data?.rawVizData;
@@ -32,18 +32,38 @@ export const ConfigValueOptions = ({
const dimensions = useMemo(() => {
return schemas.map((schema, index) => {
const DimensionComponent = schema.component || PanelItem;
- const params = {
- paddingTitle: schema.name,
- advancedTitle: 'advancedTitle',
- dropdownList:
- schema?.options?.map((option) => ({ ...option })) ||
- fields.map((item) => ({ ...item })),
- onSelectChange: handleConfigurationChange(schema.mapTo),
- isSingleSelection: schema.isSingleSelection,
- selectedAxis: vizState[schema.mapTo] || schema?.defaultState,
+ let params = {
+ title: schema.name,
+ if (schema.eleType === 'buttons') {
+ params = {
+ legend: schema.name,
+ groupOptions: schema?.props?.options.map((btn: { name: string }) => ({
+ ...btn,
+ label: btn.name,
+ })),
+ idSelected: vizState[schema.mapTo] || schema?.props?.defaultSelections[0]?.id,
+ handleButtonChange: handleConfigurationChange(schema.mapTo),
+ vizState,
+ ...schema.props,
+ };
+ } else {
+ params = {
+ paddingTitle: schema.name,
+ advancedTitle: 'advancedTitle',
+ dropdownList:
+ schema?.options?.map((option) => ({ ...option })) ||
+ fields.map((item) => ({ ...item })),
+ onSelectChange: handleConfigurationChange(schema.mapTo),
+ isSingleSelection: schema.isSingleSelection,
+ selectedAxis: vizState[schema.mapTo] || schema?.defaultState,
+ vizState,
+ ...schema.props,
+ };
+ }
return (
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/data_config_panel_item.tsx b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/data_config_panel_item.tsx
index 865164c5e..ea2e7d26b 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/data_config_panel_item.tsx
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/data_config_panel_item.tsx
@@ -15,13 +15,18 @@ import {
+ EuiFieldNumber,
+ htmlIdGenerator,
} from '@elastic/eui';
import { useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux';
import {
render as renderExplorerVis,
} from '../../../../../../event_analytics/redux/slices/visualization_slice';
-import { AGGREGATION_OPTIONS } from '../../../../../../../../common/constants/explorer';
+import {
+ numericalTypes,
+} from '../../../../../../../../common/constants/explorer';
import { ButtonGroupItem } from './config_button_group';
import { visChartTypes } from '../../../../../../../../common/constants/shared';
import { ConfigList } from '../../../../../../../../common/types/explorer';
@@ -46,6 +51,29 @@ export const DataConfigPanelItem = ({ fieldOptionList, visualizations }: any) =>
const [configList, setConfigList] = useState({});
+ useEffect(() => {
+ if (
+ configList.dimensions &&
+ configList.metrics &&
+ visualizations.data?.rawVizData?.[visualizations.vis.name] === undefined
+ ) {
+ dispatch(
+ renderExplorerVis({
+ tabId,
+ data: {
+ ...explorerVisualizations,
+ [visualizations.vis.name]: {
+ dataConfig: {
+ metrics: configList.metrics,
+ dimensions: configList.dimensions,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ }, [configList]);
useEffect(() => {
if (
data.rawVizData?.[visualizations.vis.name] &&
@@ -56,18 +84,23 @@ export const DataConfigPanelItem = ({ fieldOptionList, visualizations }: any) =>
} else if (
visualizations.vis.name !== visChartTypes.HeatMap &&
+ visualizations.vis.name !== visChartTypes.Histogram &&
(data.defaultAxes.xaxis || data.defaultAxes.yaxis)
) {
const { xaxis, yaxis } = data.defaultAxes;
dimensions: [...(xaxis && xaxis)],
- metrics: [...(yaxis && yaxis)],
+ metrics: [...(yaxis && yaxis.map((item, i) => ({ ...item, side: i === 0 ? 'left' : 'right' })))],
- } else {
+ } else if (visualizations.vis.name === visChartTypes.HeatMap) {
dimensions: [initialConfigEntry, initialConfigEntry],
metrics: [initialConfigEntry],
+ } else if (visualizations.vis.name === visChartTypes.Histogram) {
+ setConfigList({
+ dimensions: [{ bucketSize: '', bucketOffset: '' }],
+ });
}, [
@@ -86,7 +119,7 @@ export const DataConfigPanelItem = ({ fieldOptionList, visualizations }: any) =>
listItem.type = value !== '' ? fields.find((x) => x.name === value)?.type : '';
listItem.name = value;
- const newList = {
+ const updatedList = {
[name]: [
...list[name].slice(0, index),
@@ -94,23 +127,36 @@ export const DataConfigPanelItem = ({ fieldOptionList, visualizations }: any) =>
...list[name].slice(index + 1, list[name].length),
- setConfigList(newList);
+ setConfigList(updatedList);
+ updateChart(updatedList);
+ };
+ const updateHistogramConfig = (configName: string, fieldName: string, value: string) => {
+ const list = { ...configList };
+ let listItem = { ...list[configName][0] };
+ listItem[fieldName] = value;
+ const updatedList = {
+ ...list,
+ [configName]: [listItem],
+ };
+ setConfigList(updatedList);
const handleServiceRemove = (index: number, name: string) => {
const list = { ...configList };
const arr = [...list[name]];
arr.splice(index, 1);
- const y = { ...list, [name]: arr };
- setConfigList(y);
+ const updatedList = { ...list, [name]: arr };
+ setConfigList(updatedList);
+ updateChart(updatedList);
const handleServiceAdd = (name: string) => {
- let newList = { ...configList, [name]: [...configList[name], initialConfigEntry] };
- setConfigList(newList);
+ const updatedList = { ...configList, [name]: [...configList[name], initialConfigEntry] };
+ setConfigList(updatedList);
- const updateChart = () => {
+ const updateChart = (updatedConfigList = configList) => {
@@ -118,8 +164,8 @@ export const DataConfigPanelItem = ({ fieldOptionList, visualizations }: any) =>
[visualizations.vis.name]: {
dataConfig: {
- metrics: configList.metrics,
- dimensions: configList.dimensions,
+ metrics: updatedConfigList.metrics,
+ dimensions: updatedConfigList.dimensions,
@@ -128,9 +174,20 @@ export const DataConfigPanelItem = ({ fieldOptionList, visualizations }: any) =>
const isPositionButtonVisible = (sectionName: string) =>
- sectionName === 'metrics' &&
- (visualizations.vis.name === visChartTypes.Line ||
- visualizations.vis.name === visChartTypes.Bar);
+ sectionName === 'metrics' && visualizations.vis.name === visChartTypes.Line;
+ const getOptionsAvailable = (sectionName: string) => {
+ let selectedFields = {};
+ for (const key in configList) {
+ configList[key] && configList[key].forEach((field) => (selectedFields[field.label] = true));
+ }
+ const unselectedFields = fieldOptionList.filter((field) => !selectedFields[field.label]);
+ return sectionName === 'metrics'
+ ? unselectedFields
+ : visualizations.vis.name === visChartTypes.Line
+ ? unselectedFields.filter((i) => i.type === 'timestamp')
+ : unselectedFields;
+ };
const getCommonUI = (lists, sectionName: string) =>
lists &&
@@ -143,7 +200,7 @@ export const DataConfigPanelItem = ({ fieldOptionList, visualizations }: any) =>
{index === 0 ? 'X-Axis' : 'Y-Axis'}
aria-label="Accessible screen reader label"
placeholder="Select a field"
singleSelection={{ asPlainText: true }}
- options={fieldOptionList}
+ options={getOptionsAvailable(sectionName)}
selectedOptions={singleField.label ? [{ label: singleField.label }] : []}
onChange={(e) =>
updateList(e.length > 0 ? e[0].label : '', index, sectionName, 'label')
@@ -216,6 +273,7 @@ export const DataConfigPanelItem = ({ fieldOptionList, visualizations }: any) =>
onClick={() => handleServiceAdd(sectionName)}
+ disabled={sectionName === "dimensions" && visualizations.vis.name === visChartTypes.Line}
@@ -228,29 +286,67 @@ export const DataConfigPanelItem = ({ fieldOptionList, visualizations }: any) =>
+ const getNumberField = (type: string) => (
+ <>
+ 0 &&
+ configList.dimensions[0][type]
+ ? configList.dimensions[0][type]
+ : ''
+ }
+ onChange={(e) => updateHistogramConfig('dimensions', type, e.target.value)}
+ onBlur={() => updateChart()}
+ data-test-subj="valueFieldNumber"
+ />
+ >
+ );
return (
Data Configurations
- Dimensions
- {getCommonUI(configList.dimensions, 'dimensions')}
+ {visualizations.vis.name !== visChartTypes.Histogram ? (
+ <>
+ Dimensions
+ {getCommonUI(configList.dimensions, 'dimensions')}
- Metrics
- {getCommonUI(configList.metrics, 'metrics')}
+ Metrics
+ {getCommonUI(configList.metrics, 'metrics')}
+ >
+ ) : (
+ <>
+ Bucket Size
+ {getNumberField('bucketSize')}
+ Bucket Offset
+ {getNumberField('bucketOffset')}
+ >
+ )}
+ disabled
Update chart
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/index.ts b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/index.ts
index 5ac7e5773..42a95839d 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/index.ts
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/index.ts
@@ -18,3 +18,7 @@ export { SingleColorPicker } from './config_single_color_picker';
export { PanelItem } from './config_panel_item';
export { ConfigTreemapParentFields } from './config_treemap_parents';
export { InputFieldItem } from './config_number_input';
+export { SliderConfig } from './config_style_slider';
+export { ConfigColorTheme } from './config_color_theme';
+export { SwitchButton } from './config_switch_button';
+export { ButtonGroupItem } from './config_button_group';
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/treemap_config_panel_item.tsx b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/treemap_config_panel_item.tsx
index a807baf6a..7cf292d08 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/treemap_config_panel_item.tsx
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/treemap_config_panel_item.tsx
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ import {
} from '../../../../../../event_analytics/redux/slices/visualization_slice';
import { ConfigTreemapParentFields } from './config_treemap_parents';
+import { numericalTypes } from '../../../../../../../../common/constants/explorer';
export const TreemapConfigPanelItem = ({ fieldOptionList, visualizations, tabID }: any) => {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
@@ -48,6 +50,20 @@ export const TreemapConfigPanelItem = ({ fieldOptionList, visualizations, tabID
dimensions: [{ childField: { ...xaxis[0] }, parentFields: [] }],
metrics: [{ valueField: { ...yaxis[0] } }],
+ dispatch(
+ renderExplorerVis({
+ tabId: tabID,
+ data: {
+ ...explorerVisualizations,
+ [visualizations.vis.name]: {
+ dataConfig: {
+ metrics: [{ valueField: { ...yaxis[0] } }],
+ dimensions: [{ childField: { ...xaxis[0] }, parentFields: [] }],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ })
+ );
}, [
@@ -70,9 +86,10 @@ export const TreemapConfigPanelItem = ({ fieldOptionList, visualizations, tabID
[configName]: [listItem],
+ updateChart(newList);
- const updateChart = () => {
+ const updateChart = (configList) => {
tabId: tabID,
@@ -89,8 +106,31 @@ export const TreemapConfigPanelItem = ({ fieldOptionList, visualizations, tabID
+ const getOptionsAvailable = ((sectionName: string) => {
+ const { dimensions, metrics } = configList;
+ let selectedFields = {};
+ let allSelectedFields = [];
+ for (const key in configList) {
+ if (key === 'dimensions') {
+ const [dimElements] = dimensions;
+ const { childField, parentFields } = dimElements;
+ allSelectedFields = [childField, ...parentFields];
+ } else if (key === 'metrics') {
+ const [metricsElement] = metrics;
+ allSelectedFields = [metricsElement.valueField];
+ }
+ const allValidSelectedFields = allSelectedFields.filter(item => item?.label);
+ allValidSelectedFields.length > 0 && allValidSelectedFields.forEach((field) => selectedFields[field.label] = true)
+ }
+ const unselectedFields = fieldOptionList.filter((field) => !selectedFields[field.label]);
+ return sectionName === 'metrics' ? unselectedFields.filter((field) => numericalTypes.includes(field.type)) : unselectedFields;
+ });
return (
- <>
Data Configurations
@@ -103,9 +143,11 @@ export const TreemapConfigPanelItem = ({ fieldOptionList, visualizations, tabID
@@ -116,8 +158,8 @@ export const TreemapConfigPanelItem = ({ fieldOptionList, visualizations, tabID
({ label: opt.label, name: opt.label }))}
- selectedAxis={configList.dimensions[0].parentFields}
+ dropdownList={getOptionsAvailable("dimensions").map((opt) => ({ label: opt.label, name: opt.label }))}
+ selectedAxis={configList.dimensions[0]?.parentFields}
onSelectChange={(val) => updateList('dimensions', 'parentFields', val)}
@@ -131,9 +173,11 @@ export const TreemapConfigPanelItem = ({ fieldOptionList, visualizations, tabID
@@ -155,6 +199,6 @@ export const TreemapConfigPanelItem = ({ fieldOptionList, visualizations, tabID
Update chart
- >
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/default_vis_editor.tsx b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/default_vis_editor.tsx
index 1b6ec01e1..6ee5397d8 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/default_vis_editor.tsx
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/default_vis_editor.tsx
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ export const VizDataPanel = ({ visualizations, onConfigChange, vizState = {}, ta
vizState={vizState[section.mapTo] || section.defaultState || {}}
+ props={section.props || {}}
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/index.tsx b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/index.tsx
index 8c4163647..6722aeff2 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/index.tsx
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/index.tsx
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import './app.scss';
import _ from 'lodash';
import React, { useContext } from 'react';
-import { EuiResizableContainer } from '@elastic/eui';
+import { EuiPanel, EuiResizableContainer, EuiSpacer } from '@elastic/eui';
import { SELECTED_TIMESTAMP } from '../../../../../common/constants/explorer';
import { IField, IQuery, IVisualizationContainerProps } from '../../../../../common/types/explorer';
import { WorkspacePanel } from './workspace_panel';
@@ -51,15 +51,19 @@ export const ExplorerVisualizations = ({
const { data } = visualizations;
const { data: vizData = {}, metadata: { fields = [] } = {} } = data?.rawVizData;
- const fieldOptionList = fields.map((name) => {
- return { label: name.name };
- })
+ const fieldOptionList = fields.map((field) => {
+ return { ...field, label: field.name };
+ });
return (
{(EuiResizablePanel, EuiResizableButton) => (
{curVisId === visChartTypes.TreeMap ? (
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/shared_components/empty_placeholder.scss b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/shared_components/empty_placeholder.scss
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..00045e476
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/shared_components/empty_placeholder.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ * Copyright OpenSearch Contributors
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ */
+ .lnsChart__empty {
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: center;
+ align-items: center;
+ height: 1180px;
+ font-size: 20px;
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/shared_components/empty_placeholder.tsx b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/shared_components/empty_placeholder.tsx
index 40d449ea7..bbfed2bb0 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/shared_components/empty_placeholder.tsx
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/shared_components/empty_placeholder.tsx
@@ -4,14 +4,15 @@
import React from 'react';
-import { EuiIcon, EuiText, IconType, EuiSpacer } from '@elastic/eui';
+import { EuiIcon, EuiText, EuiSpacer } from '@elastic/eui';
import { FormattedMessage } from '@osd/i18n/react';
+import './empty_placeholder.scss';
export const EmptyPlaceholder = (props: {icon: string}) => (
+ className="euiText euiText--extraSmall lnsChart__empty"
+ data-test-subj="vizWorkspace__noData"
+ >
+ No results found
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/__tests__/__snapshots__/heatmap.test.tsx.snap b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/__tests__/__snapshots__/heatmap.test.tsx.snap
index edcc736fb..debc9d64e 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/__tests__/__snapshots__/heatmap.test.tsx.snap
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/__tests__/__snapshots__/heatmap.test.tsx.snap
@@ -214,26 +214,6 @@ exports[`Heatmap component Renders heatmap component 1`] = `
"mapTo": "dataConfig",
"name": "Data",
"sections": Array [
- Object {
- "editor": [Function],
- "id": "value_options",
- "mapTo": "valueOptions",
- "name": "Value options",
- "schemas": Array [
- Object {
- "component": null,
- "isSingleSelection": false,
- "mapTo": "xaxis",
- "name": "X-axis",
- },
- Object {
- "component": null,
- "isSingleSelection": false,
- "mapTo": "yaxis",
- "name": "Y-axis",
- },
- ],
- },
Object {
"editor": [Function],
"id": "legend",
@@ -342,6 +322,12 @@ exports[`Heatmap component Renders heatmap component 1`] = `
+ Object {
+ "component": [Function],
+ "eleType": "input",
+ "mapTo": "labelSize",
+ "name": "Label Size",
+ },
Object {
"component": [Function],
"defaultState": 0,
@@ -470,7 +456,7 @@ exports[`Heatmap component Renders heatmap component 1`] = `
"isUniColor": false,
"layout": Object {
- "height": 500,
+ "height": 1180,
"legend": Object {
"orientation": "v",
"traceorder": "normal",
@@ -518,19 +504,19 @@ exports[`Heatmap component Renders heatmap component 1`] = `
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/__tests__/__snapshots__/histogram.test.tsx.snap b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/__tests__/__snapshots__/histogram.test.tsx.snap
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..321db5d7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/__tests__/__snapshots__/histogram.test.tsx.snap
@@ -0,0 +1,612 @@
+// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
+exports[`Histogram component Renders histogram component 1`] = `
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/__tests__/__snapshots__/line.test.tsx.snap b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/__tests__/__snapshots__/line.test.tsx.snap
index 94701f7db..24cba00da 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/__tests__/__snapshots__/line.test.tsx.snap
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/__tests__/__snapshots__/line.test.tsx.snap
@@ -214,26 +214,6 @@ exports[`Line component Renders line component 1`] = `
"mapTo": "dataConfig",
"name": "Data",
"sections": Array [
- Object {
- "editor": [Function],
- "id": "value_options",
- "mapTo": "valueOptions",
- "name": "Value options",
- "schemas": Array [
- Object {
- "component": null,
- "isSingleSelection": false,
- "mapTo": "xaxis",
- "name": "X-axis",
- },
- Object {
- "component": null,
- "isSingleSelection": false,
- "mapTo": "yaxis",
- "name": "Y-axis",
- },
- ],
- },
Object {
"editor": [Function],
"id": "legend",
@@ -342,6 +322,12 @@ exports[`Line component Renders line component 1`] = `
+ Object {
+ "component": [Function],
+ "eleType": "input",
+ "mapTo": "labelSize",
+ "name": "Label Size",
+ },
Object {
"component": [Function],
"defaultState": 0,
@@ -470,7 +456,7 @@ exports[`Line component Renders line component 1`] = `
"isUniColor": false,
"layout": Object {
- "height": 500,
+ "height": 1180,
"legend": Object {
"orientation": "v",
"traceorder": "normal",
@@ -489,165 +475,82 @@ exports[`Line component Renders line component 1`] = `
+ className="euiText euiText--extraSmall lnsChart__empty"
+ data-test-subj="vizWorkspace__noData"
+ >
+ No results found
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/__tests__/__snapshots__/pie.test.tsx.snap b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/__tests__/__snapshots__/pie.test.tsx.snap
index a60d291d9..757f58b07 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/__tests__/__snapshots__/pie.test.tsx.snap
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/__tests__/__snapshots__/pie.test.tsx.snap
@@ -214,26 +214,6 @@ exports[`Pie component Renders pie component 1`] = `
"mapTo": "dataConfig",
"name": "Data",
"sections": Array [
- Object {
- "editor": [Function],
- "id": "value_options",
- "mapTo": "valueOptions",
- "name": "Value options",
- "schemas": Array [
- Object {
- "component": null,
- "isSingleSelection": false,
- "mapTo": "xaxis",
- "name": "X-axis",
- },
- Object {
- "component": null,
- "isSingleSelection": false,
- "mapTo": "yaxis",
- "name": "Y-axis",
- },
- ],
- },
Object {
"editor": [Function],
"id": "legend",
@@ -342,6 +322,12 @@ exports[`Pie component Renders pie component 1`] = `
+ Object {
+ "component": [Function],
+ "eleType": "input",
+ "mapTo": "labelSize",
+ "name": "Label Size",
+ },
Object {
"component": [Function],
"defaultState": 0,
@@ -470,7 +456,7 @@ exports[`Pie component Renders pie component 1`] = `
"isUniColor": false,
"layout": Object {
- "height": 500,
+ "height": 1180,
"legend": Object {
"orientation": "v",
"traceorder": "normal",
@@ -489,147 +475,82 @@ exports[`Pie component Renders pie component 1`] = `
+ className="euiText euiText--extraSmall lnsChart__empty"
+ data-test-subj="vizWorkspace__noData"
+ >
+ No results found
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/__tests__/__snapshots__/text.test.tsx.snap b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/__tests__/__snapshots__/text.test.tsx.snap
index 1438329ba..c9f1aa121 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/__tests__/__snapshots__/text.test.tsx.snap
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/__tests__/__snapshots__/text.test.tsx.snap
@@ -197,26 +197,6 @@ exports[`Text component Renders text component 1`] = `
"mapTo": "dataConfig",
"name": "Data",
"sections": Array [
- Object {
- "editor": [Function],
- "id": "value_options",
- "mapTo": "valueOptions",
- "name": "Value options",
- "schemas": Array [
- Object {
- "component": null,
- "isSingleSelection": false,
- "mapTo": "xaxis",
- "name": "X-axis",
- },
- Object {
- "component": null,
- "isSingleSelection": false,
- "mapTo": "yaxis",
- "name": "Y-axis",
- },
- ],
- },
Object {
"editor": [Function],
"id": "legend",
@@ -325,6 +305,12 @@ exports[`Text component Renders text component 1`] = `
+ Object {
+ "component": [Function],
+ "eleType": "input",
+ "mapTo": "labelSize",
+ "name": "Label Size",
+ },
Object {
"component": [Function],
"defaultState": 0,
@@ -453,7 +439,7 @@ exports[`Text component Renders text component 1`] = `
"isUniColor": false,
"layout": Object {
- "height": 500,
+ "height": 1180,
"legend": Object {
"orientation": "v",
"traceorder": "normal",
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/__tests__/__snapshots__/treemap.test.tsx.snap b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/__tests__/__snapshots__/treemap.test.tsx.snap
index 97b53ae9b..46538a490 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/__tests__/__snapshots__/treemap.test.tsx.snap
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/__tests__/__snapshots__/treemap.test.tsx.snap
@@ -214,26 +214,6 @@ exports[`Treemap component Renders treemap component 1`] = `
"mapTo": "dataConfig",
"name": "Data",
"sections": Array [
- Object {
- "editor": [Function],
- "id": "value_options",
- "mapTo": "valueOptions",
- "name": "Value options",
- "schemas": Array [
- Object {
- "component": null,
- "isSingleSelection": false,
- "mapTo": "xaxis",
- "name": "X-axis",
- },
- Object {
- "component": null,
- "isSingleSelection": false,
- "mapTo": "yaxis",
- "name": "Y-axis",
- },
- ],
- },
Object {
"editor": [Function],
"id": "legend",
@@ -342,6 +322,12 @@ exports[`Treemap component Renders treemap component 1`] = `
+ Object {
+ "component": [Function],
+ "eleType": "input",
+ "mapTo": "labelSize",
+ "name": "Label Size",
+ },
Object {
"component": [Function],
"defaultState": 0,
@@ -470,7 +456,7 @@ exports[`Treemap component Renders treemap component 1`] = `
"isUniColor": false,
"layout": Object {
- "height": 500,
+ "height": 1180,
"legend": Object {
"orientation": "v",
"traceorder": "normal",
@@ -511,6 +497,7 @@ exports[`Treemap component Renders treemap component 1`] = `
+ "sort": true,
"textinfo": "label+value+percent parent+percent entry",
"tiling": Object {
"packing": undefined,
@@ -572,6 +559,7 @@ exports[`Treemap component Renders treemap component 1`] = `
+ "sort": true,
"textinfo": "label+value+percent parent+percent entry",
"tiling": Object {
"packing": undefined,
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/__tests__/histogram.test.tsx b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/__tests__/histogram.test.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6eb1ebfff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/__tests__/histogram.test.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ * Copyright OpenSearch Contributors
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ */
+import { configure, mount } from 'enzyme';
+import Adapter from 'enzyme-adapter-react-16';
+import React from 'react';
+import { waitFor } from '@testing-library/react';
+import { Histogram } from '../histogram/histogram';
+import {
+} from '../../../../../test/event_analytics_constants';
+describe('Histogram component', () => {
+ configure({ adapter: new Adapter() });
+ it('Renders histogram component', async () => {
+ const wrapper = mount(
+ );
+ wrapper.update();
+ await waitFor(() => {
+ expect(wrapper).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/bar/bar.tsx b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/bar/bar.tsx
index 1969401fa..c28433922 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/bar/bar.tsx
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/bar/bar.tsx
@@ -10,80 +10,166 @@ import { LONG_CHART_COLOR, PLOTLY_COLOR } from '../../../../../common/constants/
import { AvailabilityUnitType } from '../../../event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_availability';
import { ThresholdUnitType } from '../../../event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_thresholds';
import { hexToRgb } from '../../../event_analytics/utils/utils';
-import { FILLOPACITY_DIV_FACTOR } from '../../../../../common/constants/shared';
+import { EmptyPlaceholder } from '../../../event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/shared_components/empty_placeholder';
+import { FILLOPACITY_DIV_FACTOR } from '../../../../../common/constants/shared';
export const Bar = ({ visualizations, layout, config }: any) => {
+ const DEFAULT_LABEL_SIZE = 10;
const { vis } = visualizations;
const {
metadata: { fields },
} = visualizations.data.rawVizData;
- const { isUniColor } = vis.visConfig;
const lastIndex = fields.length - 1;
const {
dataConfig = {},
layoutConfig = {},
availabilityConfig = {},
} = visualizations?.data?.userConfigs;
- const xaxis =
- dataConfig.valueOptions && dataConfig.valueOptions.xaxis ? dataConfig.valueOptions.xaxis : [];
- const yaxis =
- dataConfig.valueOptions && dataConfig.valueOptions.xaxis ? dataConfig?.valueOptions.yaxis : [];
+ const dataConfigTab =
+ visualizations.data?.rawVizData?.bar?.dataConfig &&
+ visualizations.data.rawVizData.bar.dataConfig;
+ const xaxis = dataConfigTab?.dimensions
+ ? dataConfigTab.dimensions.filter((item) => item.label)
+ : [];
+ const yaxis = dataConfigTab?.metrics ? dataConfigTab.metrics.filter((item) => item.label) : [];
const barOrientation = dataConfig?.chartStyles?.orientation || vis.orientation;
- const { defaultAxes } = visualizations.data;
- const tickAngle = dataConfig?.chartStyles?.rotateBarLabels || vis.labelAngle
+ const isVertical = barOrientation === vis.orientation;
+ let bars, valueSeries, valueForXSeries;
+ if (!isEmpty(xaxis) && !isEmpty(yaxis)) {
+ valueSeries = isVertical ? [...yaxis] : [...xaxis];
+ valueForXSeries = isVertical ? [...xaxis] : [...yaxis];
+ } else {
+ return ;
+ }
+ const tickAngle = dataConfig?.chartStyles?.rotateBarLabels || vis.labelAngle;
const lineWidth = dataConfig?.chartStyles?.lineWidth || vis.lineWidth;
- const fillOpacity = dataConfig?.chartStyles?.fillOpacity !== undefined ? dataConfig?.chartStyles?.fillOpacity / FILLOPACITY_DIV_FACTOR : vis.fillOpacity / FILLOPACITY_DIV_FACTOR;
+ const fillOpacity =
+ dataConfig?.chartStyles?.fillOpacity !== undefined
+ ? dataConfig?.chartStyles?.fillOpacity / FILLOPACITY_DIV_FACTOR
+ : vis.fillOpacity / FILLOPACITY_DIV_FACTOR;
const barWidth = 1 - (dataConfig?.chartStyles?.barWidth || vis.barWidth);
const groupWidth = 1 - (dataConfig?.chartStyles?.groupWidth || vis.groupWidth);
- const isVertical = barOrientation === vis.orientation;
- const showLegend = !(dataConfig?.legend?.showLegend && dataConfig.legend.showLegend !== vis.showLegend);
+ const showLegend = !(
+ dataConfig?.legend?.showLegend && dataConfig.legend.showLegend !== vis.showLegend
+ );
const legendPosition = dataConfig?.legend?.position || vis.legendPosition;
+ visualizations.data?.rawVizData?.dataConfig?.metrics
+ ? visualizations.data?.rawVizData?.dataConfig?.metrics
+ : [];
+ const labelSize = dataConfig?.chartStyles?.labelSize || DEFAULT_LABEL_SIZE;
- const getSelectedColorTheme = (field: any, index: number) => dataConfig?.colorTheme?.length > 0 && dataConfig.colorTheme.find(
- (colorSelected) => colorSelected.name.name === field.name)?.color || PLOTLY_COLOR[index % PLOTLY_COLOR.length];
+ const getSelectedColorTheme = (field: any, index: number) =>
+ (dataConfig?.colorTheme?.length > 0 &&
+ dataConfig.colorTheme.find((colorSelected) => colorSelected.name.name === field.label)
+ ?.color) ||
+ PLOTLY_COLOR[index % PLOTLY_COLOR.length];
- let valueSeries;
- if (!isEmpty(xaxis) && !isEmpty(yaxis)) {
- valueSeries = isVertical ? [...yaxis] : [...xaxis];
+ const prepareData = (valueForXSeries) => {
+ return (valueForXSeries.map((dimension: any) => data[dimension.label]))?.reduce(
+ (prev, cur) => {
+ return prev.map((i, j) => `${i}, ${cur[j]}`);
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ const createNameData = (nameData, metricName: string) =>
+ nameData?.map((el) => el + ',' + metricName);
+ // for multiple dimention and metrics with timestamp
+ if (valueForXSeries.some((e) => e.type === 'timestamp')) {
+ const nameData =
+ valueForXSeries.length > 1
+ ? (valueForXSeries
+ .filter((item) => item.type !== 'timestamp')
+ .map((dimension) => data[dimension.label])
+ ).reduce((prev, cur) => {
+ return prev.map((i, j) => `${i}, ${cur[j]}`);
+ })
+ : [];
+ let dimensionsData =
+ valueForXSeries
+ .filter((item) => item.type === 'timestamp')
+ .map((dimension) => data[dimension.label]).flat();
+ bars = (valueSeries.map((field: any, index: number) => {
+ const selectedColor = getSelectedColorTheme(field, index);
+ return dimensionsData.map((dimension: any, j: number) => {
+ return {
+ x: isVertical
+ ? !isEmpty(xaxis)
+ ? dimension
+ : data[fields[lastIndex].name]
+ : data[field.label],
+ y: isVertical ? data[field.label][j] : dimensionsData, // TODO: orinetation
+ type: vis.type,
+ marker: {
+ color: hexToRgb(selectedColor, fillOpacity),
+ line: {
+ color: selectedColor,
+ width: lineWidth,
+ },
+ },
+ name: nameData.length > 0 ? createNameData(nameData, field.label)[j] : field.label, // dimensionsData[index]+ ',' + field.label,
+ orientation: barOrientation,
+ };
+ });
+ })).flat();
+ // merging x, y for same names
+ bars = Object.values(
+ bars?.reduce((acc, { x, y, name, type, marker, orientation }) => {
+ acc[name] = acc[name] || { x: [], y: [], name, type, marker, orientation };
+ acc[name].x.push(x);
+ acc[name].y.push(y);
+ return acc;
+ }, {})
+ );
} else {
- valueSeries = defaultAxes.yaxis || take(fields, lastIndex > 0 ? lastIndex : 1);
+ // for multiple dimention and metrics without timestamp
+ const dimensionsData = prepareData(valueForXSeries);
+ const metricsData = prepareData(valueSeries);
+ bars = valueSeries.map((field: any, index: number) => {
+ const selectedColor = getSelectedColorTheme(field, index);
+ return {
+ x: isVertical
+ ? !isEmpty(xaxis)
+ ? dimensionsData
+ : data[fields[lastIndex].name]
+ : data[field.name],
+ y: isVertical ? data[field.name] : metricsData, // TODO: add if isempty true
+ type: vis.type,
+ marker: {
+ color: hexToRgb(selectedColor, fillOpacity),
+ line: {
+ color: selectedColor,
+ width: lineWidth,
+ },
+ },
+ name: field.name,
+ orientation: barOrientation,
+ };
+ });
- // determine category axis
- let bars = valueSeries.map((field: any, index: number) => {
- const selectedColor = getSelectedColorTheme(field, index);
- return {
- x: isVertical
- ? data[!isEmpty(xaxis) ? xaxis[0].label : fields[lastIndex].name]
- : data[field.name],
- y: isVertical
- ? data[field.name]
- : data[!isEmpty(yaxis) ? yaxis[0]?.label : fields[lastIndex].name],
- type: vis.type,
- marker: {
- color: hexToRgb(selectedColor, fillOpacity),
- line: {
- color: selectedColor,
- width: lineWidth
- }
- },
- name: field.name,
- orientation: barOrientation,
- };
- });
// If chart has length of result buckets < 16
// then use the LONG_CHART_COLOR for all the bars in the chart
const plotlyColorway =
data[fields[lastIndex].name].length < 16 ? PLOTLY_COLOR : [LONG_CHART_COLOR];
const mergedLayout = {
colorway: plotlyColorway,
...(layoutConfig.layout && layoutConfig.layout),
title: dataConfig?.panelOptions?.title || layoutConfig.layout?.title || '',
barmode: dataConfig?.chartStyles?.mode || visualizations.vis.mode,
+ font: {
+ size: labelSize,
+ },
xaxis: {
tickangle: tickAngle,
automargin: true,
@@ -96,7 +182,6 @@ export const Bar = ({ visualizations, layout, config }: any) => {
showlegend: showLegend,
if (dataConfig.thresholds || availabilityConfig.level) {
const thresholdTraces = {
x: [],
@@ -134,7 +219,6 @@ export const Bar = ({ visualizations, layout, config }: any) => {
mergedLayout.shapes = [...mapToLine(thresholds, { dash: 'dashdot' }), ...mapToLine(levels, {})];
bars = [...bars, thresholdTraces];
const mergedConfigs = {
...(layoutConfig.config && layoutConfig.config),
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/bar/bar_type.ts b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/bar/bar_type.ts
index eef1db58c..584568a45 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/bar/bar_type.ts
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/bar/bar_type.ts
@@ -13,8 +13,12 @@ import { ConfigAvailability } from '../../../event_analytics/explorer/visualizat
import { ButtonGroupItem } from '../../../event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_button_group';
import { ConfigBarChartStyles } from '../../../event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_bar_chart_styles';
import { SliderConfig } from '../../../event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_style_slider';
-import { ConfigLegend } from '../../../event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_legend';
+import {
+ ConfigLegend,
+ InputFieldItem,
+} from '../../../event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls';
import { DefaultChartStyles } from '../../../../../common/constants/shared';
import { ConfigColorTheme } from '../../../event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_color_theme';
const sharedConfigs = getPlotlySharedConfigs();
const VIS_CATEGORY = getPlotlyCategory();
@@ -52,26 +56,6 @@ export const createBarTypeDefinition = (params: any) => ({
mapTo: 'dataConfig',
editor: VizDataPanel,
sections: [
- {
- id: 'value_options',
- name: 'Value options',
- editor: ConfigValueOptions,
- mapTo: 'valueOptions',
- schemas: [
- {
- name: 'X-axis',
- isSingleSelection: false,
- component: null,
- mapTo: 'xaxis',
- },
- {
- name: 'Y-axis',
- isSingleSelection: false,
- component: null,
- mapTo: 'yaxis',
- },
- ],
- },
id: 'legend',
name: 'Legend',
@@ -84,8 +68,8 @@ export const createBarTypeDefinition = (params: any) => ({
component: null,
props: {
options: [
- { name: 'Show', id: "show" },
- { name: 'Hidden', id: "hidden" },
+ { name: 'Show', id: 'show' },
+ { name: 'Hidden', id: 'hidden' },
defaultSelections: [{ name: 'Show', id: ShowLegend }],
@@ -136,6 +120,12 @@ export const createBarTypeDefinition = (params: any) => ({
defaultSelections: [{ name: 'Group', id: 'group' }],
+ {
+ name: 'Label Size',
+ component: InputFieldItem,
+ mapTo: 'labelSize',
+ eleType: 'input',
+ },
name: 'Rotate bar labels',
component: SliderConfig,
@@ -143,17 +133,16 @@ export const createBarTypeDefinition = (params: any) => ({
eleType: 'slider',
defaultState: 0,
props: {
- ticks:
- [
- { label: '-90°', value: -90 },
- { label: '-45°', value: -45 },
- { label: '0°', value: 0 },
- { label: '45°', value: 45 },
- { label: '90°', value: 90 },
- ],
+ ticks: [
+ { label: '-90°', value: -90 },
+ { label: '-45°', value: -45 },
+ { label: '0°', value: 0 },
+ { label: '45°', value: 45 },
+ { label: '90°', value: 90 },
+ ],
showTicks: true,
min: -90,
- max: 90
+ max: 90,
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/financial/gauge/gauge.tsx b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/financial/gauge/gauge.tsx
index 711f4d9e2..ac05f6642 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/financial/gauge/gauge.tsx
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/financial/gauge/gauge.tsx
@@ -4,11 +4,20 @@
import React, { useMemo } from 'react';
-import { indexOf } from 'lodash';
import Plotly from 'plotly.js-dist';
import { Plt } from '../../../plotly/plot';
-import { NUMERICAL_FIELDS } from '../../../../../../common/constants/shared';
import { PLOTLY_GAUGE_COLUMN_NUMBER } from '../../../../../../common/constants/explorer';
+import { DefaultGaugeChartParameters } from '../../../../../../common/constants/explorer';
+import { ThresholdUnitType } from '../../../../event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_thresholds';
+import { EmptyPlaceholder } from '../../../../event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/shared_components/empty_placeholder';
+const {
+ GaugeTitleSize,
+ DisplayDefaultGauges,
+ OrientationDefault,
+ TickLength,
+ LegendPlacement,
+} = DefaultGaugeChartParameters;
export const Gauge = ({ visualizations, layout, config }: any) => {
const {
@@ -16,41 +25,65 @@ export const Gauge = ({ visualizations, layout, config }: any) => {
metadata: { fields },
} = visualizations.data.rawVizData;
+ // data config parametrs
const { dataConfig = {}, layoutConfig = {} } = visualizations.data.userConfigs;
+ const dataConfigTab = visualizations?.data?.rawVizData?.Gauge?.dataConfig;
+ const dimensions = dataConfigTab?.dimensions
+ ? dataConfigTab.dimensions.filter((i) => i.name !== '')
+ : [];
+ const metrics = dataConfigTab?.metrics ? dataConfigTab.metrics.filter((i) => i.name !== '') : [];
+ const dimensionsLength = dimensions.length;
+ const metricsLength = metrics.length;
+ const numberOfGauges = dataConfig?.panelOptions?.numberOfGauges || DisplayDefaultGauges;
- const series =
- dataConfig?.valueOptions && dataConfig?.valueOptions?.series
- ? dataConfig.valueOptions.series
- : [];
+ // style parameters
+ const thresholds = dataConfig?.thresholds || [];
+ const titleSize = dataConfig?.chartStyles?.titleSize || GaugeTitleSize;
+ const valueSize = dataConfig?.chartStyles?.valueSize;
+ const showThresholdMarkers = dataConfig?.chartStyles?.showThresholdMarkers || false;
+ const showThresholdLabels = dataConfig?.chartStyles?.showThresholdLabels || false;
+ const orientation = dataConfig?.chartStyles?.orientation || OrientationDefault;
+ const legendPlacement = dataConfig?.chartStyles?.legendPlacement || LegendPlacement;
- const value =
- dataConfig?.valueOptions && dataConfig?.valueOptions?.value
- ? dataConfig.valueOptions.value
- : [];
+ const isEmptyPlot = !metricsLength;
- const thresholds = dataConfig?.thresholds || [];
+ if (isEmptyPlot) return ;
const gaugeData: Plotly.Data[] = useMemo(() => {
let calculatedGaugeData: Plotly.Data[] = [];
- if (series && series[0] && value && value[0]) {
- if (indexOf(NUMERICAL_FIELDS, series[0].type) > 0) {
- calculatedGaugeData = [
- ...data[value[0].name].map((dimesionSlice, index) => ({
- field_name: dimesionSlice,
- value: data[series[0].name][index],
- })),
- ];
- } else {
- value.map((val) => {
- const selectedSeriesIndex = indexOf(data[series[0].name], val.name);
- fields.map((field) => {
- if (field.name !== series[0].name) {
- calculatedGaugeData.push({
- field_name: field.name,
- value: data[field.name][selectedSeriesIndex],
- });
- }
+ if (dimensionsLength || metricsLength) {
+ // case 1,2: no dimension, single/multiple metrics
+ if (!dimensionsLength && metricsLength >= 1) {
+ calculatedGaugeData = metrics.map((metric: any) => {
+ return {
+ field_name: metric.name,
+ value: data[metric.name][0],
+ };
+ });
+ }
+ // case 3: multiple dimensions and multiple metrics
+ if (dimensionsLength && metricsLength) {
+ const selectedDimensionsData = dimensions
+ .map((dimension: any) => data[dimension.name].slice(0, numberOfGauges))
+ .reduce((prev, cur) => {
+ return prev.map((i, j) => `${i}, ${cur[j]}`);
+ const selectedMetricsData = metrics.map((metric: any) =>
+ data[metric.name].slice(0, numberOfGauges)
+ );
+ selectedMetricsData.map((metricSlice: any, metricSliceIndex: number) => {
+ calculatedGaugeData = [
+ ...calculatedGaugeData,
+ ...metricSlice.map((metricSliceData: any, metricSliceDataIndex: number) => {
+ return {
+ field_name: `${selectedDimensionsData[metricSliceDataIndex]}, ${metrics[metricSliceIndex].name}`,
+ value: metricSliceData,
+ };
+ }),
+ ];
@@ -61,40 +94,92 @@ export const Gauge = ({ visualizations, layout, config }: any) => {
value: gauge.value || 0,
title: {
text: gauge.field_name,
- font: { size: 14 },
+ font: { size: titleSize },
+ align: legendPlacement,
+ ...(valueSize && {
+ number: {
+ font: {
+ size: valueSize,
+ },
+ },
+ }),
domain: {
- row: Math.floor(index / PLOTLY_GAUGE_COLUMN_NUMBER),
+ ...(orientation === 'auto' || orientation === 'h'
+ ? {
+ row: Math.floor(index / PLOTLY_GAUGE_COLUMN_NUMBER),
+ }
+ : {
+ column: Math.floor(index / PLOTLY_GAUGE_COLUMN_NUMBER),
+ }),
gauge: {
- ...(thresholds && {
- threshold: {
- line: { color: thresholds[0]?.color || 'red', width: 4 },
- thickness: 0.75,
- value: thresholds[0]?.value || 0,
- },
- }),
+ ...(showThresholdMarkers &&
+ thresholds &&
+ thresholds.length && {
+ threshold: {
+ line: { color: thresholds[0]?.color || 'red', width: 4 },
+ thickness: 0.75,
+ value: thresholds[0]?.value || 0,
+ },
+ }),
+ //threshold labels
+ ...(showThresholdLabels && thresholds && thresholds.length
+ ? {
+ axis: {
+ ticktext: [gauge.value, ...thresholds.map((t: ThresholdUnitType) => t.name)],
+ tickvals: [gauge.value, ...thresholds.map((t: ThresholdUnitType) => t.value)],
+ ticklen: TickLength,
+ },
+ }
+ : {}),
return calculatedGaugeData;
- }, [series, value, data, fields, thresholds]);
+ }, [
+ dimensions,
+ metrics,
+ data,
+ fields,
+ thresholds,
+ showThresholdMarkers,
+ orientation,
+ showThresholdLabels,
+ titleSize,
+ valueSize,
+ ]);
const mergedLayout = useMemo(() => {
const isAtleastOneFullRow = Math.floor(gaugeData.length / PLOTLY_GAUGE_COLUMN_NUMBER) > 0;
return {
grid: {
- rows: Math.floor(gaugeData.length / PLOTLY_GAUGE_COLUMN_NUMBER) + 1,
- columns: isAtleastOneFullRow ? PLOTLY_GAUGE_COLUMN_NUMBER : gaugeData.length,
+ ...(orientation === 'auto' || orientation === 'h'
+ ? {
+ rows: Math.floor(gaugeData.length / PLOTLY_GAUGE_COLUMN_NUMBER) + 1,
+ columns: isAtleastOneFullRow ? PLOTLY_GAUGE_COLUMN_NUMBER : gaugeData.length,
+ }
+ : {
+ columns: Math.floor(gaugeData.length / PLOTLY_GAUGE_COLUMN_NUMBER) + 1,
+ rows: isAtleastOneFullRow ? PLOTLY_GAUGE_COLUMN_NUMBER : gaugeData.length,
+ }),
pattern: 'independent',
...(layoutConfig.layout && layoutConfig.layout),
title: dataConfig?.panelOptions?.title || layoutConfig.layout?.title || '',
- }, [layout, gaugeData.length, layoutConfig.layout, dataConfig?.panelOptions?.title]);
+ }, [
+ data,
+ layout,
+ gaugeData.length,
+ layoutConfig.layout,
+ dataConfig?.panelOptions?.title,
+ orientation,
+ ]);
const mergedConfigs = {
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/financial/gauge/gauge_type.ts b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/financial/gauge/gauge_type.ts
index e5e91b7db..4b80cf307 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/financial/gauge/gauge_type.ts
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/financial/gauge/gauge_type.ts
@@ -9,13 +9,17 @@ import { LensIconChartLine } from '../../../assets/chart_line';
import { VizDataPanel } from '../../../../event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/default_vis_editor';
import { ConfigEditor } from '../../../../event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/json_editor';
import {
- ConfigValueOptions,
- ConfigGaugeValueOptions,
+ InputFieldItem,
+ SwitchButton,
+ ConfigChartOptions,
+ ButtonGroupItem,
} from '../../../../event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls';
+import { DefaultGaugeChartParameters } from '../../../../../../common/constants/explorer';
const sharedConfigs = getPlotlySharedConfigs();
const VIS_CATEGORY = getPlotlyCategory();
+const { ThresholdsMaxLimit } = DefaultGaugeChartParameters;
export const createGaugeTypeDefinition = (params: any = {}) => ({
name: 'Gauge',
@@ -39,24 +43,68 @@ export const createGaugeTypeDefinition = (params: any = {}) => ({
editor: VizDataPanel,
sections: [
- id: 'value_options',
- name: 'Value options',
- editor: ConfigGaugeValueOptions,
- mapTo: 'valueOptions',
+ id: 'chart-styles',
+ name: 'Chart styles',
+ editor: ConfigChartOptions,
+ mapTo: 'chartStyles',
schemas: [
- name: 'Series',
- isSingleSelection: true,
- onChangeHandler: 'setXaxisSelections',
- component: null,
- mapTo: 'series',
+ name: 'Orientation',
+ component: ButtonGroupItem,
+ mapTo: 'orientation',
+ eleType: 'buttons',
+ props: {
+ options: [
+ { name: 'Auto', id: 'auto' },
+ { name: 'Vertical', id: 'v' },
+ { name: 'Horizontal', id: 'h' },
+ ],
+ defaultSelections: [{ name: 'Auto', id: 'auto' }],
+ },
- name: 'Value',
- isSingleSelection: false,
- onChangeHandler: 'setYaxisSelections',
- component: null,
- mapTo: 'value',
+ name: 'Legend Placement',
+ component: ButtonGroupItem,
+ mapTo: 'legendPlacement',
+ eleType: 'buttons',
+ props: {
+ options: [
+ { name: 'Center', id: 'center' },
+ { name: 'Right', id: 'right' },
+ { name: 'Left', id: 'left' },
+ ],
+ defaultSelections: [{ name: 'Center', id: 'center' }],
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Title Size',
+ name: 'Title Size',
+ component: InputFieldItem,
+ mapTo: 'titleSize',
+ eleType: 'input',
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Value Size',
+ name: 'Value Size',
+ component: InputFieldItem,
+ mapTo: 'valueSize',
+ eleType: 'input',
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Show threshold labels',
+ name: 'Show threshold labels',
+ component: SwitchButton,
+ mapTo: 'showThresholdLabels',
+ eleType: 'switchButton',
+ currentValue: false,
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Show threshold markers',
+ name: 'Show threshold markers',
+ component: SwitchButton,
+ mapTo: 'showThresholdMarkers',
+ eleType: 'switchButton',
+ currentValue: true,
@@ -67,6 +115,9 @@ export const createGaugeTypeDefinition = (params: any = {}) => ({
mapTo: 'thresholds',
defaultState: [],
schemas: [],
+ props: {
+ maxLimit: ThresholdsMaxLimit,
+ },
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/helpers/viz_types.ts b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/helpers/viz_types.ts
index 5fbec3e02..075082cc0 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/helpers/viz_types.ts
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/helpers/viz_types.ts
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
import { isEmpty, take } from 'lodash';
import { getVisType } from '../vis_types';
import { IVisualizationContainerProps, IField, IQuery } from '../../../../../common/types/explorer';
+import { visChartTypes } from '../../../../../common/constants/shared';
interface IVizContainerProps {
vizId: string;
@@ -20,13 +21,19 @@ interface IVizContainerProps {
-const getDefaultXYAxisLabels = (vizFields: IField[]) => {
+const getDefaultXYAxisLabels = (vizFields: IField[], visName: string) => {
if (isEmpty(vizFields)) return {};
- const vizFieldsWithLabel = vizFields.map(vizField => ({ ...vizField, label: vizField.name }));
- return {
- xaxis: [vizFieldsWithLabel[vizFieldsWithLabel.length - 1]] || [],
- yaxis: take(vizFieldsWithLabel, vizFieldsWithLabel.length - 1 > 0 ? vizFieldsWithLabel.length - 1 : 1) || [],
- };
+ const vizFieldsWithLabel: ({ [key: string]: string })[] = vizFields.map(vizField => ({ ...vizField, label: vizField.name }));
+ const mapXaxis = (): ({ [key: string]: string })[] => visName === visChartTypes.Line ?
+ vizFieldsWithLabel.filter((field) => field.type === 'timestamp') :
+ [vizFieldsWithLabel[vizFieldsWithLabel.length - 1]];
+ const mapYaxis = (): ({ [key: string]: string })[] => visName === visChartTypes.Line ?
+ vizFieldsWithLabel.filter((field) => field.type !== 'timestamp')
+ : take(vizFieldsWithLabel, vizFieldsWithLabel.length - 1 > 0 ? vizFieldsWithLabel.length - 1 : 1) || [];
+ return { xaxis: mapXaxis(), yaxis: mapYaxis() };
export const getVizContainerProps = ({
@@ -37,6 +44,9 @@ export const getVizContainerProps = ({
userConfigs = {},
appData = {},
}: IVizContainerProps): IVisualizationContainerProps => {
+ const visType = {
+ ...getVisType(vizId),
+ }
return {
data: {
appData: { ...appData },
@@ -45,11 +55,9 @@ export const getVizContainerProps = ({
indexFields: { ...indexFields },
userConfigs: { ...userConfigs },
defaultAxes: {
- ...getDefaultXYAxisLabels(rawVizData?.metadata?.fields),
+ ...getDefaultXYAxisLabels(rawVizData?.metadata?.fields, visType.name),
- vis: {
- ...getVisType(vizId),
- },
+ vis: visType,
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/histogram/histogram.tsx b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/histogram/histogram.tsx
index 28c9adb96..99686e60b 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/histogram/histogram.tsx
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/histogram/histogram.tsx
@@ -4,39 +4,84 @@
import React from 'react';
-import { take, merge, isEmpty } from 'lodash';
+import { take, isEmpty, last } from 'lodash';
import { Plt } from '../../plotly/plot';
-import { PLOTLY_COLOR } from '../../../../../common/constants/shared';
+import {
+ DefaultChartStyles,
+} from '../../../../../common/constants/shared';
+import { hexToRgb } from '../../../../components/event_analytics/utils/utils';
export const Histogram = ({ visualizations, layout, config }: any) => {
- const { vis } = visualizations;
+ const { LineWidth, FillOpacity, LegendPosition, ShowLegend } = DefaultChartStyles;
const {
data = {},
metadata: { fields },
} = visualizations.data.rawVizData;
- const { defaultAxes } = visualizations.data.defaultAxes;
- const { xaxis = null, yaxis = null } = visualizations.data.userConfigs;
+ const { defaultAxes } = visualizations?.data;
+ const { dataConfig = {}, layoutConfig = {} } = visualizations?.data?.userConfigs;
const lastIndex = fields.length - 1;
+ const lineWidth = dataConfig?.chartStyles?.lineWidth || LineWidth;
+ const showLegend =
+ dataConfig?.legend?.showLegend && dataConfig.legend.showLegend !== ShowLegend ? false : true;
+ const legendPosition = dataConfig?.legend?.position || LegendPosition;
+ const fillOpacity =
+ (dataConfig?.chartStyles?.fillOpacity || FillOpacity) / FILLOPACITY_DIV_FACTOR;
- let valueSeries;
- if (!isEmpty(xaxis) && !isEmpty(yaxis)) {
- valueSeries = [
- ...visualizations?.data?.userConfigs[vis.seriesAxis].map((item) => ({
- ...item,
- name: item.label,
- })),
- ];
- } else {
- valueSeries = defaultAxes?.yaxis || take(fields, lastIndex > 0 ? lastIndex : 1);
+ const valueSeries = defaultAxes?.yaxis || take(fields, lastIndex > 0 ? lastIndex : 1);
+ const xbins: any = {};
+ if (visualizations.data?.rawVizData?.histogram?.dataConfig?.dimensions[0].bucketSize) {
+ xbins.size = visualizations.data?.rawVizData?.histogram?.dataConfig?.dimensions[0].bucketSize;
+ }
+ if (visualizations.data?.rawVizData?.histogram?.dataConfig?.dimensions[0].bucketOffset) {
+ xbins.start =
+ visualizations.data?.rawVizData?.histogram?.dataConfig?.dimensions[0].bucketOffset;
- const hisValues = valueSeries.map((field: any) => {
+ const selectedColorTheme = (field: any, index: number, opacity?: number) => {
+ let newColor;
+ if (dataConfig?.colorTheme && dataConfig?.colorTheme.length !== 0) {
+ newColor = dataConfig.colorTheme.find(
+ (colorSelected) => colorSelected.name.name === field.name
+ );
+ }
+ return hexToRgb(newColor ? newColor.color : PLOTLY_COLOR[index % PLOTLY_COLOR.length], opacity);
+ };
+ const hisValues = valueSeries.map((field: any, index: number) => {
return {
- x: data[xaxis ? xaxis[0]?.label : fields[lastIndex].name],
+ x: data[field.name],
type: 'histogram',
name: field.name,
+ marker: {
+ color: selectedColorTheme(field, index, fillOpacity),
+ line: {
+ color: selectedColorTheme(field, index),
+ width: lineWidth,
+ },
+ },
+ xbins: !isEmpty(xbins) ? xbins : undefined,
- return ;
+ const mergedLayout = {
+ ...layout,
+ ...(layoutConfig.layout && layoutConfig.layout),
+ title: dataConfig?.panelOptions?.title || layoutConfig.layout?.title || '',
+ barmode: 'group',
+ legend: {
+ ...layout.legend,
+ orientation: legendPosition,
+ },
+ showlegend: showLegend,
+ };
+ const mergedConfigs = {
+ ...config,
+ ...(layoutConfig.config && layoutConfig.config),
+ };
+ return ;
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/histogram/histogram_type.ts b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/histogram/histogram_type.ts
index 3e6e0d967..dccaf45d7 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/histogram/histogram_type.ts
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/histogram/histogram_type.ts
@@ -5,13 +5,20 @@
import { Histogram } from './histogram';
import { getPlotlySharedConfigs, getPlotlyCategory } from '../shared/shared_configs';
-import { LensIconChartLine } from '../../assets/chart_line';
import { VizDataPanel } from '../../../event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/default_vis_editor';
import { ConfigEditor } from '../../../event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/json_editor';
-import { ConfigValueOptions } from '../../../event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls';
+import {
+ ConfigChartOptions,
+ ConfigLegend,
+ SliderConfig,
+ ConfigColorTheme,
+ ConfigThresholds,
+} from '../../../event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls';
+import { DefaultChartStyles } from '../../../../../common/constants/shared';
const sharedConfigs = getPlotlySharedConfigs();
const VIS_CATEGORY = getPlotlyCategory();
+const { LineWidth, FillOpacity, ShowLegend, LegendPosition } = DefaultChartStyles;
export const createHistogramVisDefinition = (params = {}) => ({
name: 'histogram',
@@ -24,7 +31,7 @@ export const createHistogramVisDefinition = (params = {}) => ({
dataLoss: 'nothing',
valueSeries: 'yaxis',
- icon: LensIconChartLine,
+ iconType: 'visArea',
editorConfig: {
panelTabs: [
@@ -34,22 +41,69 @@ export const createHistogramVisDefinition = (params = {}) => ({
editor: VizDataPanel,
sections: [
- id: 'value_options',
- name: 'Value options',
- editor: ConfigValueOptions,
- mapTo: 'valueOptions',
+ id: 'chart-styles',
+ name: 'Chart styles',
+ editor: ConfigChartOptions,
+ mapTo: 'chartStyles',
schemas: [
- name: 'X-axis',
- isSingleSelection: true,
+ name: 'Line width',
+ component: SliderConfig,
+ mapTo: 'lineWidth',
+ defaultState: LineWidth,
+ eleType: 'slider',
+ props: {
+ max: 10,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Fill Opacity',
+ component: SliderConfig,
+ mapTo: 'fillOpacity',
+ defaultState: FillOpacity,
+ eleType: 'slider',
+ props: {
+ max: 100,
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'color-theme',
+ name: 'Color Theme',
+ editor: ConfigColorTheme,
+ mapTo: 'colorTheme',
+ schemas: [],
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'legend',
+ name: 'Legend',
+ editor: ConfigLegend,
+ mapTo: 'legend',
+ schemas: [
+ {
+ name: 'Show Legend',
+ mapTo: 'showLegend',
component: null,
- mapTo: 'xaxis',
+ props: {
+ options: [
+ { name: 'Show', id: 'show' },
+ { name: 'Hidden', id: 'hidden' },
+ ],
+ defaultSelections: [{ name: 'Show', id: ShowLegend }],
+ },
- name: 'Y-axis',
- isSingleSelection: false,
+ name: 'Position',
+ mapTo: 'position',
component: null,
- mapTo: 'yaxis',
+ props: {
+ options: [
+ { name: 'Right', id: 'v' },
+ { name: 'Bottom', id: 'h' },
+ ],
+ defaultSelections: [{ name: 'Right', id: LegendPosition }],
+ },
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/lines/line.tsx b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/lines/line.tsx
index 5d21eead1..c2429b14f 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/lines/line.tsx
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/lines/line.tsx
@@ -8,11 +8,25 @@ import { take, isEmpty, last } from 'lodash';
import { Plt } from '../../plotly/plot';
import { AvailabilityUnitType } from '../../../event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_availability';
import { ThresholdUnitType } from '../../../event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_thresholds';
-import { DefaultChartStyles, FILLOPACITY_DIV_FACTOR, PLOTLY_COLOR } from '../../../../../common/constants/shared';
+import {
+ DefaultChartStyles,
+} from '../../../../../common/constants/shared';
import { hexToRgb } from '../../../../components/event_analytics/utils/utils';
+import { EmptyPlaceholder } from '../../../event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/shared_components/empty_placeholder';
export const Line = ({ visualizations, layout, config }: any) => {
- const { DefaultMode, Interpolation, LineWidth, FillOpacity, MarkerSize, LegendPosition, ShowLegend } = DefaultChartStyles;
+ const {
+ DefaultMode,
+ Interpolation,
+ LineWidth,
+ FillOpacity,
+ MarkerSize,
+ LegendPosition,
+ ShowLegend,
+ LabelAngle,
+ } = DefaultChartStyles;
const {
data = {},
metadata: { fields },
@@ -24,39 +38,63 @@ export const Line = ({ visualizations, layout, config }: any) => {
availabilityConfig = {},
} = visualizations?.data?.userConfigs;
- const dataConfigTab = visualizations.data?.rawVizData?.line?.dataConfig && visualizations.data.rawVizData.line.dataConfig;
- const xaxis = dataConfigTab?.dimensions ? dataConfigTab?.dimensions : [];
- const yaxis = dataConfigTab?.metrics ? dataConfigTab?.metrics : [];
+ const dataConfigTab =
+ visualizations.data?.rawVizData?.line?.dataConfig &&
+ visualizations.data.rawVizData.line.dataConfig;
+ const xaxis = dataConfigTab?.dimensions ? dataConfigTab?.dimensions.filter((item) => item.label) : [];
+ const yaxis = dataConfigTab?.metrics ? dataConfigTab?.metrics.filter((item) => item.label) : [];
const lastIndex = fields.length - 1;
const mode = dataConfig?.chartStyles?.style || DefaultMode;
const lineShape = dataConfig?.chartStyles?.interpolation || Interpolation;
const lineWidth = dataConfig?.chartStyles?.lineWidth || LineWidth;
- const showLegend = !(dataConfig?.legend?.showLegend && dataConfig.legend.showLegend !== ShowLegend);
+ const showLegend = !(
+ dataConfig?.legend?.showLegend && dataConfig.legend.showLegend !== ShowLegend
+ );
const legendPosition = dataConfig?.legend?.position || LegendPosition;
const markerSize = dataConfig?.chartStyles?.pointSize || MarkerSize;
- const fillOpacity = dataConfig?.chartStyles?.fillOpacity !== undefined ? dataConfig?.chartStyles?.fillOpacity / FILLOPACITY_DIV_FACTOR : FillOpacity / FILLOPACITY_DIV_FACTOR;
+ const fillOpacity =
+ dataConfig?.chartStyles?.fillOpacity !== undefined
+ ? dataConfig?.chartStyles?.fillOpacity / FILLOPACITY_DIV_FACTOR
+ const tickAngle = dataConfig?.chartStyles?.rotateLabels || LabelAngle;
+ const labelSize = dataConfig?.chartStyles?.labelSize;
+ const legendSize = dataConfig?.legend?.legendSize;
+ const getSelectedColorTheme = (field: any, index: number) =>
+ (dataConfig?.colorTheme?.length > 0 &&
+ dataConfig.colorTheme.find((colorSelected) => colorSelected.name.name === field.name)
+ ?.color) ||
+ PLOTLY_COLOR[index % PLOTLY_COLOR.length];
+ if (isEmpty(xaxis) || isEmpty(yaxis))
+ return ;
let valueSeries;
if (!isEmpty(xaxis) && !isEmpty(yaxis)) {
valueSeries = [...yaxis];
} else {
- valueSeries = defaultAxes.yaxis || take(fields, lastIndex > 0 ? lastIndex : 1);
+ valueSeries = (defaultAxes.yaxis || take(fields, lastIndex > 0 ? lastIndex : 1))
+ .map((item, i) => ({ ...item, side: i === 0 ? 'left' : 'right' }));
+ const isDimensionTimestamp = isEmpty(xaxis)
+ ? defaultAxes?.xaxis?.length && defaultAxes.xaxis[0].type === 'timestamp'
+ : xaxis.length === 1 && xaxis[0].type === 'timestamp';
let multiMetrics = {};
const [calculatedLayout, lineValues] = useMemo(() => {
const isBarMode = mode === 'bar';
let calculatedLineValues = valueSeries.map((field: any, index: number) => {
- const fillColor = hexToRgb(PLOTLY_COLOR[index % PLOTLY_COLOR.length], fillOpacity);
+ const selectedColor = getSelectedColorTheme(field, index);
+ const fillColor = hexToRgb(selectedColor, fillOpacity);
const barMarker = {
color: fillColor,
line: {
- color: PLOTLY_COLOR[index],
- width: lineWidth
- }
+ color: selectedColor,
+ width: lineWidth,
+ },
const fillProperty = {
fill: 'tozeroy',
@@ -65,14 +103,20 @@ export const Line = ({ visualizations, layout, config }: any) => {
const multiYaxis = { yaxis: `y${index + 1}` };
multiMetrics = {
- [`yaxis${index + 1}`]: {
- // title: `yaxis${index + 1} title`, TODO: need to add title
- titlefont: { color: PLOTLY_COLOR[index] },
- tickfont: { color: PLOTLY_COLOR[index] },
+ [`yaxis${index > 0 ? index + 1 : ''}`]: {
+ titlefont: {
+ color: selectedColor,
+ },
+ tickfont: {
+ color: selectedColor,
+ ...(labelSize && {
+ size: labelSize,
+ }),
+ },
overlaying: 'y',
- side: index === 0 ? 'left' : field.side || "right"
- }
- }
+ side: field.side,
+ },
+ };
return {
x: data[!isEmpty(xaxis) ? xaxis[0]?.label : fields[lastIndex].name],
@@ -80,17 +124,17 @@ export const Line = ({ visualizations, layout, config }: any) => {
type: isBarMode ? 'bar' : 'scatter',
name: field.label,
- ...!['bar', 'markers'].includes(mode) && fillProperty,
+ ...(!['bar', 'markers'].includes(mode) && fillProperty),
line: {
shape: lineShape,
width: lineWidth,
- color: PLOTLY_COLOR[index],
+ color: selectedColor,
marker: {
size: markerSize,
- ...isBarMode && barMarker,
+ ...(isBarMode && barMarker),
- ...(index >= 1 && multiYaxis)
+ ...(index >= 1 && multiYaxis),
@@ -104,10 +148,24 @@ export const Line = ({ visualizations, layout, config }: any) => {
legend: {
orientation: legendPosition,
+ ...(legendSize && {
+ font: {
+ size: legendSize,
+ },
+ }),
+ },
+ xaxis: {
+ tickangle: tickAngle,
+ automargin: true,
+ tickfont: {
+ ...(labelSize && {
+ size: labelSize,
+ }),
+ },
showlegend: showLegend,
- ...isBarMode && layoutForBarMode,
- ...multiMetrics && multiMetrics,
+ ...(isBarMode && layoutForBarMode),
+ ...(multiMetrics && multiMetrics),
if (dataConfig.thresholds || availabilityConfig.level) {
@@ -158,5 +216,9 @@ export const Line = ({ visualizations, layout, config }: any) => {
...(layoutConfig.config && layoutConfig.config),
- return ;
+ return isDimensionTimestamp ? (
+ ) : (
+ );
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/lines/line_type.ts b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/lines/line_type.ts
index ed8e1ed8d..9413b0322 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/lines/line_type.ts
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/lines/line_type.ts
@@ -10,10 +10,11 @@ import { PLOTLY_COLOR } from '../../../../../common/constants/shared';
import { VizDataPanel } from '../../../event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/default_vis_editor';
import { ConfigEditor } from '../../../event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/json_editor';
import {
- ConfigValueOptions,
+ InputFieldItem,
+ ConfigColorTheme
} from '../../../event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls';
import { ConfigAvailability } from '../../../event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_availability';
import { DefaultChartStyles } from '../../../../../common/constants/shared';
@@ -21,14 +22,23 @@ import { ButtonGroupItem } from '../../../../../public/components/event_analytic
import { SliderConfig } from '../../../../../public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_style_slider';
const sharedConfigs = getPlotlySharedConfigs();
const VIS_CATEGORY = getPlotlyCategory();
-const { DefaultMode, Interpolation, LineWidth, FillOpacity, MarkerSize, LegendPosition, ShowLegend } = DefaultChartStyles;
+const {
+ DefaultMode,
+ Interpolation,
+ LineWidth,
+ FillOpacity,
+ MarkerSize,
+ LegendPosition,
+ ShowLegend,
+ LabelAngle
+} = DefaultChartStyles;
export const createLineTypeDefinition = (params: any = {}) => ({
name: 'line',
type: 'line',
id: 'line',
- label: 'Line',
- fullLabel: 'Line',
+ label: 'Time series',
+ fullLabel: 'Time series',
iconType: 'visLine',
selection: {
@@ -57,8 +67,8 @@ export const createLineTypeDefinition = (params: any = {}) => ({
component: null,
props: {
options: [
- { name: 'Show', id: "show" },
- { name: 'Hidden', id: "hidden" },
+ { name: 'Show', id: 'show' },
+ { name: 'Hidden', id: 'hidden' },
defaultSelections: [{ name: 'Show', id: ShowLegend }],
@@ -75,6 +85,13 @@ export const createLineTypeDefinition = (params: any = {}) => ({
defaultSelections: [{ name: 'Right', id: LegendPosition }],
+ {
+ title: 'Legend Size',
+ name: 'Legend Size',
+ component: InputFieldItem,
+ mapTo: 'legendSize',
+ eleType: 'input',
+ },
@@ -91,9 +108,8 @@ export const createLineTypeDefinition = (params: any = {}) => ({
props: {
options: [
{ name: 'Lines', id: 'lines' },
- { name: 'Bars', id: 'bar' },
- { name: 'Points', id: 'markers' },
- { name: 'Lines + Points', id: 'lines+markers' }
+ { name: 'Marker', id: 'markers' },
+ { name: 'Lines + Markers', id: 'lines+markers' },
defaultSelections: [{ name: 'Lines', id: DefaultMode }],
@@ -119,9 +135,9 @@ export const createLineTypeDefinition = (params: any = {}) => ({
mapTo: 'lineWidth',
defaultState: LineWidth,
eleType: 'slider',
- props:{
+ props: {
max: 10,
- }
+ },
name: 'Fill Opacity',
@@ -129,9 +145,9 @@ export const createLineTypeDefinition = (params: any = {}) => ({
mapTo: 'fillOpacity',
defaultState: FillOpacity,
eleType: 'slider',
- props:{
+ props: {
max: 100,
- }
+ },
name: 'Point Size',
@@ -139,12 +155,45 @@ export const createLineTypeDefinition = (params: any = {}) => ({
mapTo: 'pointSize',
defaultState: MarkerSize,
eleType: 'slider',
- props:{
+ props: {
max: 40,
- }
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Label Size',
+ name: 'Label Size',
+ component: InputFieldItem,
+ mapTo: 'labelSize',
+ eleType: 'input',
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Rotate labels',
+ component: SliderConfig,
+ mapTo: 'rotateLabels',
+ eleType: 'slider',
+ defaultState: LabelAngle,
+ props: {
+ ticks: [
+ { label: '-90°', value: -90 },
+ { label: '-45°', value: -45 },
+ { label: '0°', value: 0 },
+ { label: '45°', value: 45 },
+ { label: '90°', value: 90 },
+ ],
+ showTicks: true,
+ min: -90,
+ max: 90,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'color-theme',
+ name: 'Color theme',
+ editor: ConfigColorTheme,
+ mapTo: 'colorTheme',
+ schemas: [],
+ },
id: 'thresholds',
name: 'Thresholds',
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/maps/heatmap.tsx b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/maps/heatmap.tsx
index 176c5421d..7eea24a4e 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/maps/heatmap.tsx
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/maps/heatmap.tsx
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ export const HeatMap = ({ visualizations, layout, config }: any) => {
? dataConfig?.chartStyles.color ?? HEATMAP_SINGLE_COLOR
: dataConfig?.chartStyles.scheme ?? HEATMAP_PALETTE_COLOR
+ const showColorscale = dataConfig?.legend?.showLegend ?? 'show';
const traceColor: any = [];
if (colorField.name === SINGLE_COLOR_PALETTE) {
@@ -72,7 +73,8 @@ export const HeatMap = ({ visualizations, layout, config }: any) => {
// maps bukcets to metrics
for (let i = 0; i < data[xaxisField.label].length; i++) {
- buckets[`${data[xaxisField.label][i]},${data[yaxisField.label][i]}`] = data[zMetrics.label][i];
+ buckets[`${data[xaxisField.label][i]},${data[yaxisField.label][i]}`] =
+ data[zMetrics.label][i];
// initialize empty 2 dimensional array, inner loop for each xaxis field, outer loop for yaxis
@@ -112,6 +114,7 @@ export const HeatMap = ({ visualizations, layout, config }: any) => {
y: uniqueYaxis,
colorscale: colorField.name === SINGLE_COLOR_PALETTE ? traceColor : colorField.name,
type: 'heatmap',
+ showscale: showColorscale === 'show',
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/maps/heatmap_type.ts b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/maps/heatmap_type.ts
index 8bcd56697..74aa9948e 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/maps/heatmap_type.ts
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/maps/heatmap_type.ts
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import {
+ ConfigLegend,
} from '../../../event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls';
import {
@@ -44,6 +45,26 @@ export const createMapsVisDefinition = () => ({
mapTo: 'dataConfig',
editor: VizDataPanel,
sections: [
+ {
+ id: 'legend',
+ name: 'Legend',
+ editor: ConfigLegend,
+ mapTo: 'legend',
+ schemas: [
+ {
+ name: 'Show Colorscale',
+ mapTo: 'showLegend',
+ component: null,
+ props: {
+ options: [
+ { name: 'Show', id: 'show' },
+ { name: 'Hidden', id: 'hidden' },
+ ],
+ defaultSelections: [{ name: 'Show', id: 'show' }],
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
id: 'chart_styles',
name: 'Chart Styles',
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/maps/treemap_type.ts b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/maps/treemap_type.ts
index eb4bc7d6e..57d14cc7b 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/maps/treemap_type.ts
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/maps/treemap_type.ts
@@ -12,12 +12,17 @@ import {
+ ConfigLegend,
} from '../../../event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls';
import { DEFAULT_PALETTE, COLOR_PALETTES } from '../../../../../common/constants/colors';
+import { ButtonGroupItem } from '../../../../../public/components/event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/config_panel/config_panes/config_controls/config_button_group';
+import { DefaultChartStyles } from '../../../../../common/constants/shared';
const sharedConfigs = getPlotlySharedConfigs();
const VIS_CATEGORY = getPlotlyCategory();
+const { SortSectors } = DefaultChartStyles;
export interface BarTypeParams {}
export const createTreeMapDefinition = (params: BarTypeParams = {}) => ({
@@ -44,6 +49,26 @@ export const createTreeMapDefinition = (params: BarTypeParams = {}) => ({
mapTo: 'dataConfig',
editor: VizDataPanel,
sections: [
+ {
+ id: 'legend',
+ name: 'Legend',
+ editor: ConfigLegend,
+ mapTo: 'legend',
+ schemas: [
+ {
+ name: 'Show Colorscale',
+ mapTo: 'showLegend',
+ component: null,
+ props: {
+ options: [
+ { name: 'Show', id: 'show' },
+ { name: 'Hidden', id: 'hidden' },
+ ],
+ defaultSelections: [{ name: 'Show', id: 'show' }],
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
id: 'treemap_options',
name: 'Treemap',
@@ -68,6 +93,19 @@ export const createTreeMapDefinition = (params: BarTypeParams = {}) => ({
isClearable: false,
+ {
+ name: 'Sort Sectors',
+ component: ButtonGroupItem,
+ mapTo: 'sort_sectors',
+ eleType: 'buttons',
+ props: {
+ options: [
+ { name: 'Largest to Smallest', id: 'largest_to_smallest' },
+ { name: 'Random', id: 'random' },
+ ],
+ defaultSelections: [{ name: 'Largest to Smallest', id: SortSectors }],
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/maps/treemaps.tsx b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/maps/treemaps.tsx
index f13c69ec5..0572d9563 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/maps/treemaps.tsx
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/maps/treemaps.tsx
@@ -14,8 +14,11 @@ import {
} from '../../../../../common/constants/colors';
+import { DefaultChartStyles } from '../../../../../common/constants/shared';
export const TreeMap = ({ visualizations, layout, config }: any) => {
+ const { DefaultSortSectors } = DefaultChartStyles;
const {
metadata: { fields },
@@ -52,9 +55,12 @@ export const TreeMap = ({ visualizations, layout, config }: any) => {
? dataConfig?.treemapOptions.tilingAlgorithm[0]
: 'squarify';
+ const sortSectorsField = dataConfig?.treemapOptions?.sort_sectors || DefaultSortSectors;
+ const showColorscale = dataConfig?.legend?.showLegend ?? 'show';
const areParentFieldsInvalid =
- new Set([...parentFields.map((x) => x.name)]).size !== parentFields.length ||
- parentFields.some((x) => isEmpty(data[x.name]) || isEqual(childField.name, x.name));
+ new Set([...parentFields.map((field) => field.name)]).size !== parentFields.length ||
+ parentFields.some((field) => isEmpty(data[field.name]) || isEqual(childField.name, field.name));
if (
isEmpty(data[childField.name]) ||
@@ -101,7 +107,7 @@ export const TreeMap = ({ visualizations, layout, config }: any) => {
const currentParentIndices = uniqueParents.map((parent) =>
data[field.name].findIndex((index) => index === parent)
- const lastParents = currentParentIndices.map((x) => data[lastParentField.name][x]);
+ const lastParents = currentParentIndices.map((index) => data[lastParentField.name][index]);
parentsArray = [...parentsArray, ...lastParents];
valuesArray = [...valuesArray, ...Array(lastParents.length).fill(0)];
colorsArray =
@@ -140,6 +146,7 @@ export const TreeMap = ({ visualizations, layout, config }: any) => {
colorbar: {
len: 1,
+ showscale: showColorscale === 'show',
: {};
@@ -163,6 +170,7 @@ export const TreeMap = ({ visualizations, layout, config }: any) => {
packing: tilingAlgorithm.value,
marker: markerColors,
+ sort: sortSectorsField === DefaultSortSectors,
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/pie/pie.tsx b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/pie/pie.tsx
index 5dc4dd204..3a1856361 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/pie/pie.tsx
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/pie/pie.tsx
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import React from 'react';
import { take, isEmpty } from 'lodash';
import { Plt } from '../../plotly/plot';
import { DEFAULT_PALETTE, HEX_CONTRAST_COLOR } from '../../../../../common/constants/colors';
+import { EmptyPlaceholder } from '../../../event_analytics/explorer/visualizations/shared_components/empty_placeholder';
export const Pie = ({ visualizations, layout, config }: any) => {
const { vis } = visualizations;
@@ -16,11 +17,11 @@ export const Pie = ({ visualizations, layout, config }: any) => {
} = visualizations.data.rawVizData;
const { defaultAxes } = visualizations.data;
const { dataConfig = {}, layoutConfig = {} } = visualizations?.data?.userConfigs;
- const xaxis = visualizations.data?.rawVizData?.pie?.dataConfig?.dimensions
- ? visualizations.data?.rawVizData?.pie?.dataConfig?.dimensions
+ const xaxis = visualizations.data?.rawVizData?.pie?.dataConfig?.dimensions
+ ? visualizations.data?.rawVizData?.pie?.dataConfig?.dimensions.filter((item) => item.label)
: [];
const yaxis = visualizations.data?.rawVizData?.pie?.dataConfig?.metrics
- ? visualizations.data?.rawVizData?.pie?.dataConfig?.metrics
+ ? visualizations.data?.rawVizData?.pie?.dataConfig?.metrics.filter((item) => item.label)
: [];
const type = dataConfig?.chartStyles?.mode ? dataConfig?.chartStyles?.mode[0]?.modeId : 'pie';
const lastIndex = fields.length - 1;
@@ -32,6 +33,9 @@ export const Pie = ({ visualizations, layout, config }: any) => {
const legendSize = dataConfig?.legend?.size || vis.legendSize;
const labelSize = dataConfig?.chartStyles?.labelSize || vis.labelSize;
+ if (isEmpty(xaxis) || isEmpty(yaxis))
+ return ;
let valueSeries;
if (!isEmpty(xaxis) && !isEmpty(yaxis)) {
valueSeries = [...yaxis];
@@ -42,6 +46,26 @@ export const Pie = ({ visualizations, layout, config }: any) => {
const invertHex = (hex: string) =>
(Number(`0x1${hex}`) ^ HEX_CONTRAST_COLOR).toString(16).substr(1).toUpperCase();
+ const createLegendLabels = (dimLabels: string[], xaxisLables:string[] ) => {
+ return dimLabels.map((label:string, index:number) => {
+ return [xaxisLables[index], label].join(',');
+ });
+ };
+ const labelsOfXAxis = () => {
+ let legendLabels = [];
+ if (xaxis.length > 0) {
+ let dimLabelsArray = data[xaxis[0].label];
+ for (let i = 0; i < xaxis.length - 1; i++) {
+ dimLabelsArray = createLegendLabels(dimLabelsArray, data[xaxis[i + 1].label]);
+ }
+ legendLabels = dimLabelsArray;
+ } else {
+ legendLabels = data[fields[lastIndex].name];
+ }
+ return legendLabels;
+ };
const pies = valueSeries.map((field: any, index) => {
const marker =
colorTheme.name !== DEFAULT_PALETTE
@@ -56,7 +80,7 @@ export const Pie = ({ visualizations, layout, config }: any) => {
: undefined;
return {
- labels: data[xaxis ? xaxis[0]?.label : fields[lastIndex].name],
+ labels: labelsOfXAxis(),
values: data[field.label],
type: 'pie',
name: field.name,
diff --git a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/shared/shared_configs.ts b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/shared/shared_configs.ts
index 062f38785..6730a5d60 100644
--- a/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/shared/shared_configs.ts
+++ b/dashboards-observability/public/components/visualizations/charts/shared/shared_configs.ts
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ export const getPlotlySharedConfigs = () => {
t: 50,
pad: 0,
- height: 500,
+ height: 1180,
legend: {
orientation: 'v',
traceorder: 'normal',