Releases of this repo target semver tags pushed by repo admins. To request a release, please ping an admin on #olm-dev or #operator-sdk-dev Kubernetes Slack channels, or post to the operator-framework group.
As per semver, all releases containing new features must map to a major or minor version increase.
Patch releases must only contain bug fixes. Releases containing features must be major or minor releases.
In your local shell (assuming you have repo admin privileges):
export PREVIOUS_RELEASE_TAG=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)
export RELEASE_TAG="vX.Y.Z"
git checkout master
git pull master
git fetch --all
git tag $RELEASE_TAG
# Assuming the 'upstream' remote points to the operator-framework repo.
git push upstream refs/tags/$RELEASE_TAG
Then create release notes while still on the master
while read -r line; do echo $line | awk '{f = $1; $1 = ""; print "-"$0; }'; done <<< $(git log $PREVIOUS_RELEASE_TAG..$RELEASE_TAG --format=oneline --no-merges)
You cannot cut a patch release if any of these release notes start with feat:
or feature:
Copy them into the Github release description form,
select vX.Y.Z
in the Tag version
form, and click Publish release