Releases: optyfr/JRomManager
Releases · optyfr/JRomManager
- nullpointer on messages with FullServer
- nullpointer since jetty 12 for webclient bundled in a jar mode used by some distribution type (docker and nogui-noarch)
- update jdk to 21.0.3+9
- jdk.zipfs was missing in bundled JDK packages
- update jdk to 21.0.2+13
- zip4j's rename is malfunctioning (it renames too much), switched back to jdk's ZipFileSystem for this operation while waiting our submitted PR to be merged and a new zip4j version released
- Urgent fix for "Comparison method violates its general contract!" on Report entries sorting
- See all previous 3.0.0 beta versions
- Save and load last used dir for each file chooser usage on javafx version
- Mame samples were missed when in subfolders of src dirs (and there is no hash to retrieve them)
- Occasional problem when renaming an entry in a zip archive
- Some unneeded containers were not removed
- Reports were not sorted
- Selection per machine/software in profile viewer is now saved in profile settings and so : can be exported/imported. This new feature will greatly increase .properties size (from a few KB to a few MB) and may impact a bit on profile loading/saving performance on small systems
- Exclusion list for web interface
- Checkbox for zero_entry_matters property
- Use keep a Changelog format for this document
- Web server version only : avoid to send all filter settings (already implicitly sent thru lists data)
- Performance problems on filters selection when ProfileViewer is open : its update is now asynchronous and done only once when doing successive selections/un-selections
- Profile Viewer was not updating in web version when opened and nplayer/catver items were (de)selected
- System filters were resetting to false in web version when changing of profile
- Some mistakes in settings name, the fix implies that some settings may have been reset in filters, you have been warned
- Exclusion list was not functional
- Fix in getBaseName : can't use FileNameUtils.getBaseName(file) from Apache commons, it's way too basic and can remove extensions on names which contains some dots but are not really there for an extension (for ex : "Daisenryaku (1991)(Hiro Co.)(JP)[o4]" is becoming "Daisenryaku (1991)(Hiro Co"), so I made instead a regex pattern matching defining extension as only letters and digits and not more than 5 characters and not less than 1 (excluding .) at the end of file name. What's the purpose of this getBaseName normalizer ? It's all fault of some DAT for which games name have extension in name. If it still gives problem then the next step will be probably to set it optional per profile...
- Fix NULL Pointer Exception on file/dir chooser when there is no default directory
- CatVer and NPlayers filters were not loading properly
- Use of virtual threads. This means that Max available CPU setting can go up to 256 vThreads, and Adaptive CPU setting can go up to twice the avail processors on your machine. But even with other settings this should benefit a little.
- Progress window auto extend dynamically as soon as there is more simultaneous threads
- Internal setting zero_entry_matters which default to true and consider that a zero size entry (with CRC to 0) should not be ignored and be created. Creation still needs a zero file somewhere as source for the moment. Setting in GUI will come later