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life lifejwang11
life is life


Henry henrygagnier
Working on something 🤫
Alex Wagner alexdwagner

Meet With Wallet Amherst, MA, USA

Jacob Homanics JacobHomanics
Web3 Developer focused on NFTs, DAOs, public goods, and open sourced tech.

Self Employed Onchain

Giovanni Sanchez sisyphusSmiling
pushing smart contracts @onflow | prev: @dapperlabs CS-Math @columbia

@onflow Denver, CO

Blockdepth.eth BlockDepth
Bringing clarity of thought to complex and unfamiliar ideas, simply and without jargon; On-Chain, Off the beaten track!™

CryptoSphere™ Silicon Hills

udaiparvatha udaiparvatha
Data Science in FinTech


Daniel Tedesco dtedesco1
歩くの大好き どんどん行こう
Colin Bartoe cbartoe
Former physician and professor turned data nerd. Now working with Data Analytics, Data Science, and ML.