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I love computers, delphi, Oracle


Zava EdZava
Developer Full Stack 💻 ☕️ I love technology and new challenges ❤️ Location ✈️ 🌍

Barcelona, Spain

César Cardoso Cesar4D
MVP Embarcadero | Programmer passionate about Delphi since 2009 | Creator of the channel @Code4Delphi

Code4Delphi Ivaiporã / PR


Leipzig, Germany

George Birbilis birbilis
Computer & Informatics Engineer @Zoomicon, Microsoft MVP J# 2004-2010, Borland Spirit of Delphi 2001

Zoomicon Patras, Greece

Salvador Díaz Fau salvadordf
I'm an independent Windows and Android developer and the creator of BriskBard

Zaragoza, Spain

Gustavo 'Gus' Carreno gcarreno
I program for fun. For profit was gone with my depression :-P


Alessandro Mancini amancini
I am a Delphi developer with over 14 years of experience


Mehdi Jahangard jahangard
SQLServer (Dev Expert, Admin) Delphi Expert Angular

@hamgamGroup Tehran, Iran

Patrick Prémartin DeveloppeurPascal
Formateur et développeur freelance. MVP Embarcadero. Langages : Delphi, PHP, JS, HTML, CSS.

Orléans, France

João Antônio Duarte joaoduarte19
Computer Engineer | Software Developer

JR Sistemas e Tecnologia LTDA Montes Claros - MG, Brasil