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Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Venkateshwaran B VenkateshwaranB
PhD by Research in Petroleum Geoscience at UTP, Malaysia. Researcher & Software Developer. Periyar University.
Beniamino Di Maro beniaminodimaro
Nuclear Engineer working on an Oil&Gas Company as Pipe Stress Engineer.


Ayushman's GitHub Ayushman-Jena
Just passionate about Science, Engineering and Mathematics!!
东方小道 EastMagica


3duardo lalo-phys
Physics student

UAM CDMX, México

Rene Tischler 365Bit
M.Sc. Software Engineering student at University of Stuttgart


arnyaa arnyaa
Mechanical Engineer & Associate Professor, National Institute of Technology Raipur, CG, India, 492010 ORCID iD:0000-0001-9799-8724, 9575955040, 8109713112 (WA)

Shubhankar_Bhowmick@NITRR Raipur, CG, India

B-H Li binghuan-li

Imperial College London

John UTJFritz

University of Tennessee, Knoxville Knoxville, TN

John the Scott jmscott
Bounty Coder

SetSpace Dallas, Texas, USA

Tom Price TPEngineering
My day job is as a mechanical engineer, but by night I'm a C# programmer, writing applications to make my day job easier.

Oxford, Oxfordshire, UK

Hyeongwoo Lee (Woody) klm555

Civil Engineering, HKUST Hong Kong

Jonas Heinzmann jonas-heinzmann
PhD Student @ Computational Mechanics Group, ETH Zürich

Zürich, Switzerland

Haris Hameed Mian harishameed33
I am a PhD student at NMBU, Norway. My area of interest is Aerodynamic Design and Data driven modeling of offshore wind turbines.

@Norweigian University of Life Sciences Ås Norway

Fabian Kannenberg fabiankannenberg
Doctoral candidate at the Institute for Computational Design and Construction @UniStuttgart-ICD
