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WilldeOliveira willdeoliveir
Learning Coding 🤖👾🦾✨😃🐱‍👤
Pilz pilz0
dear future employer pls dont read my commit notes

in u r walls

Simon Siminon
Student of Business Informatics at the Technological University of Braunschweig.
Felix Jacobi FelixJacobi
I am a software developer for the German company @IServ-GmbH. The developer everyone wants, but no one expects to meet.

@IServ-GmbH and @stsbl Braunschweig and Hamburg

Michael Topp mitopp
Working with @symfony

@IServ-GmbH Braunschweig

Simon Hartmann herrhartmann
Educatorl, Author, Digital Media


Falk Rismansanj z1tr0t3c
Programmierer, Linux-Distributor, Blogger... Founder of @zitrotec

Hessisches Polizeipräsidium für Technik (HPT) Marburg

Jarik Marwede jarikmarwede
Dual CS student at @IServ-GmbH

@IServ-GmbH Germany