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Alex killergeek
just doing tech stuff
Rob elborro
Industrial cyber security specialist

Magion Amsterdam, NL

Jay Visschedijk JayVisschedijk

LumiGuide Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Michiel van den Anker michiel-van-den-anker
This is my new account after losing access to this other account:
Aschwin Marsman amarsman
My passion is the development of software in C++/Qt/QML on Linux and UNIX including macOS. I'm a long time Linux user (1993).

aYniK Software Solutions B.V. The Netherlands

Matthijs von Piekartz MatthijsvonPiekartz
Python & R enthusiast

Windesheim Enschede, the Netherlands

Govert Combée Hoxolotl
Member of hackerspace/makerspace Tkkrlab. Game designer at Catnip Games. Weird stuff and arts at GLOPOLY. Code crafter at Muze.

GLOPOLY Netherlands

School. I want to learn new things.