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Mehul 5mehulhelp5
Over the last 12+ years, I have developed a wide range of websites using magento,magento2,wordpress,joomla,cake php and zend framework etc.


Kostadin Bashev Bashev
Certified Magento Developer Certified Magento Frontend Developer Certified Magento Business Practitioner E-Commerce Specialist

Webcode Bulgaria

Alberto Braschi albertobraschi
Senior Magento Developer | Magento 2 Specialist | Entrepreneur | Software Engineer

Curitiba / PR / Brasil

SoftwareSilo LLC softwaresilo-llc
Software Development Company specialized in Magento 2/eCommerce.

SoftwareSilo LLC Wyoming, USA

Denis Veg denisveg

Gornja Radgona, Slovenia

Tu Nguyen mrtuvn
Focus on craft html css, component-driven by purposes. Full-time Front-end ER


Simon Sprankel sprankhub
Computer Scientist, Web and Magento Developer

@CustomGento Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Jan Pasoń dev-jq
Magento Front-End developer


Rudger Rud5G
Enthusiastic Cloud Engineer. Automate everything!

@TripleNetworks Rotterdam, NL