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Yosu Cadilla YosuCadilla Tarragona, Spain

Marcos Antonio dubcom
Dev Desde janeiro de 2021. Desenvolvedor full stack, docker, Reactjs, Github action, Jira, VPS, SQL, N8N, Mautic, Lead, MKT, Wordpress, Wppconnect, API ...

NewTalk Brasil, Florianópolis

Hammmd Abdulhammed ericklove8e5
Giving a reason to live, learn and love and Empower Your Digital Presence with

I am digital presence by building a professional website or creating a portfolio Arizona

Guilherme Jansen guilhermejansen
Sou desenvolvedor Full Stack com experiência e bagagem desde 2005, minha tendência é foco em AI.

Setup Automatizado Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Harlley Rebouças harlleyreboucas
Frontend Developer working with Jamstack Technologies in the Digital Marketing field: React, GatsbyJS, NextJS, Strapi, Firebase, Vercel, Netlify

Porto Velho, Rondônia - Brazil

Valessio Soares de Brito valessiobrito
Jacobinense, hacker, digital artist and activist of free knowledge. Graduated in Social Communication and Specialized in Free Software Development.

Valessio Brito Jacobina, Bahia, Brazil

Deyvson Freire deyvsonfreire

deyvsonfreire Recife, PE

Tiago Cordeiro ⚡ tiagocordeiro
Co-founder and Developer at ⚡

Mulher Gorila Santo André - SP