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Federico Forzano FForzano
I am currently a Ph.D. student at the University of Ferrara (quantum information science) and a founding partner of @FormandoPercorsi .

@FormandoPercorsi Ferrara (Italy)

Kate a113ssa
Software Engineer | Python | Industry 5.0

Berlin, Germany

Leiyinan-Liu reezingcold
Ph.D. student at Beihang University, majored in physics

Beihang University Beijing

Patricia A. Loto PatriLoto
Solves problems with code | Teachs R and Tidyverse | @MetaDocencia (Accessibility, Teaching & Community Teams) | OLS-8 Mentor | @LatinR & RLadies organizer

Metadocencia Chaco, Argentina

Jesica Formoso JFormoso
Data scientist - Cognitive Psychology Researcher - RLadies Buenos Aires - Metadocencia - Proud cat mom.

National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) - @MetaDocencia Buenos Aires, Argentina

Roch szaniewski

Grodzisk Mazowiecki Grodzisk Mazowiecki

David Omanovic davidomanovic
4th year Applied Physics Student

NTNU & EPFL Oslo, Norway

Matheus Gomes Cordeiro fobos123deimos
Master's Student | Teleinformatics Engineering | Computational Physics | Game Development | Data Science

Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC) Fortaleza

Zhuang Ma ZhuangMaMS
Nanjing University, Physics

Nanjing University Nanjing, China

Katherine Brown Katherine-Brown-8000
Interested in bioinformatics, quantum computers and machine learning.

United States, Florida

Sachin Kumar Diophantus03
BMath in Pure Math, Math Finance & CO

@UWaterloo Ontario, Canada

Suke Han hansuke
Full Stack Web Developer


Julie Butler butler-julie
Assistant professor studying theoretical nuclear physics and machine learning

University of Mount Union Alliance, OH

Seyed Mohammad Sajadi SMSajadi99
I'm studying in the department of Electronic Engineering at the Sharif University of Technology, and I'm interested in programming.

Sharif University of Technology

Juan Pablo Ulloa Beteta JuanPabloUB
Masterstudent at TUM


fotis fotis-m
I am a scientific illustrator and animator with a strong background in (web and scientific) programming and extensive sketching and drawing skills.


Adel Garifullin AIGarifullin
Ph.D., Scientist, Python developer

Kazan Federal University Kazan, Russia

Pierre Mariotto pmariotto

Université Paris-Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette

Chandan Sarma csarma24

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee India

Supratim Manna Supratimmannas7
Generative AI | Deep Learning | Data science | Time Series Analysis & Forecasting | GATE-2024 qualified


Morten Hjorth-Jensen mhjensen
I am a theoretical physicist with a strong interest in computational physics and many-body theory in general, quantum computing and AI/Machine Learning

Michigan State University and University of Oslo East Lansing and Oslo

William Aguilar thewill-i-am
Quantum Computing Researcher | Senior Data Scientist

Costa Rica

Carlos Antunis carlos-antunis-physics
I'm currently a MSc student on Physics at the Universidade Federal de Alagoas - UFAL, besides an enthusiast in Computational Physics.

Instituto de Física - UFAL Marechal Deodoro - AL