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wittyAle jesusgavancho
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Aspiring Security Researcher
Alejo alejandro-ser
👨‍💻WEB_DEVELOPER = { FRONT: 'Angular', BACK: 'NestJS', OS: '🐧GNU / Linux', FROM: 'Manizales - Col', IN: 'Frankfurt - DE' } Frankfurt / Manizales

HARSHA G V harshagv
「A secure container with 65536mb memory and an AWS-certified processor, engineered for safeguarding cloud environments and enhancing security posture」✰ 😇 🚀

OSL Group Hong Kong SAR

Kendyl Kendyl

Greater Madison, Wisconsin

Daniel Wilson Danw33
Infosec Aspirant, Full-Stack Code Monkey, Binary Plumber, Hobbyist Pixie Wrangler & More! He/Him PGP -

@GambitNash Birmingham, United Kingdom

Susovan Panja susovanpanja
Started as System Administrator, now following the path of DevSecOps


Lea craftedcodes

Berlin, Germany

Victor T. VTorres1969
Cloud Engineer

@coxmediagroup Atlanta, GA

Anand Surendra Bhasme AnandBhasme
I am a student and aspiring and enthusiast coder. I love to build things that help me
Mohamed Taoufik TEKAYA MohamedTaoufik
Software engineer who is passionate by digital arts, "2d-3d" animation process and audio-visual special effects "VFX" for the media and video game industries.

StartUp-SME: Horizons Software Solutions Tunisia-Sousse

Pooyan Razian prazian
Full-stack-overflow cloud architect ™ Converting code to the cloud!

Copenhagen, Denmark

Kam Khan Sang r1skkam
<a cybersecurity guy || Defensive & Offensive>

Yangon, Myanmar (Burma)

Khizar Khan khizarkhanhoti
A student of java

Landaki Hoti Mardan Khyber PukhthunKhwa Pakistan

Rokibul Roni rokibulroni
* 1001100101110 *


Charlotte Fereday cfereday
Software Engineer


Zainab Oladiti zeefola
Cybersecurity | DevSecOps | Application Security | Laravel | MySQL | Back End Developer


Tom Br Tom-Br
I am an ambitious, persistent and energetic young professional nurturing his skills in the various aspects of IT.

DPG Media Antwerpen - Belgium