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File metadata and controls

313 lines (238 loc) · 10.4 KB

Terminology from inside the codebase

  • Parser - Takes source code and tries to convert it into an in-memory AST representation which you can work with in the compiler. Also: see Parser
  • Scanner - Used by the parser to convert a string an chops into tokens in a linear fashion, then it's up to a parser to tree-ify them. Also: see Scanner
  • Binder - Creates a symbol map and uses the AST to provide the type system See Binder
  • Checker - Takes the AST, symbols and does the type checking and inference - See Checker
  • Token - A set of characters with some kind of semantic meaning, a parser generates a set of tokens
  • AST - An abstract syntax tree. Basically the in-memory representation of all the identifiers as a tree of tokens.
  • Node - An object that lives inside the tree
  • Location / Range
  • Freshness - When a literal type is first created and not expanded by hitting a mutable location, see Widening and Narrowing in TypeScript.
  • Symbol - An object that tracks all the places a variable or type is declared
  • Transient Symbol - A symbol created in the checker, as opposed to in the binder

Type stuff which can be see outside the compilers

  • Expando - This is the term used to describe taking a JS object and adding new things to it which expands the type's shape

    function doSomething() {}
    doSomething.doSomethingElse = () => {}

    In TS, this is only allowed for adding properties to functions. In JS, this is a normal pattern in old school code for all kinds of objects. TypeScript will augment the types for doSomething to add doSomethingElse in the type system in both.

  • Structural Type System - A school of types system where the way types are compared is via the structure of their properties.

    For example:

    interface Duck {
      hasBeak: boolean;
      flap: () => void;
    interface Bird {
      hasBeak: boolean;
      flap: () => void;

    These two are the exact same inside TypeScript. The basic rule for TypeScript’s structural type system is that x is compatible with y if y has at least the same members as x.

  • Literal - A literal type is a type that only has a single value, e.g. true, 1, "abc", undefined.

    For immutable objects, TypeScript creates a literal type which is the value. For mutable objects TypeScript uses the general type that the literal matches. See #10676 for a longer explanation.

    // The types are the literal:
    const c1 = 1; // Type 1
    const c2 = c1; // Type 1
    const c3 = "abc"; // Type "abc"
    const c4 = true; // Type true
    const c5 = c4 ? 1 : "abc"; // Type 1 | "abc"
    // The types are the class of the literal, because let allows it to change
    let v1 = 1; // Type number
    let v2 = c2; // Type number
    let v3 = c3; // Type string
    let v4 = c4; // Type boolean
    let v5 = c5; // Type number | string

    Literal types are sometimes called unit types, because they have only one ("unit") value.

  • Control Flow Analysis - using the natural branching and execution path of code to change the types at different locations in your source code by static analysis.

    type Bird = { color: string, flaps: true };
    type Tiger = { color: string, stripes: true };
    declare animal: Bird | Tiger
    if ("stripes" in animal) {
      // Inside here animal is only a tiger, because TS could figure out that
      // the only way you could get here is when animal is a tiger and not a bird
  • Generics - A way to have variables inside a type system.

    function first(array: any[]): any {
      return array[0];

    You want to be able to pass a variable type into this function, so you annotate the function with angle brackets and a type parameter:

    function first<T>(array: T[]): T {
      return array[0];

    This means the return type of first is the same as the type of the array elements passed in. (These can start looking very complicated over time, but the principle is the same; it just looks more complicated because of the single letter.) Generic functions should always use their type parameters in more than one position (e.g. above, T is used both in the type of the array parameter and in the function’s return type). This is the heart of what makes generics useful—they can specify a relationship between two types (e.g., a function’s output is the same as input, or a function’s two inputs are the same type). If a generic only uses its type parameter once, it doesn’t actually need to be generic at all, and indeed some linters will warn that it’s a useless generic.

    Type parameters can usually be inferred from function arguments when calling generics:

    first([1, 2, 3]); // 'T' is inferred as 'number'

    It’s also possible to specify them explicitly, but it’s preferable to let inference work when possible:

    first<string>(["a", "b", "c"]);
  • Outer type parameter - A type parameter declared in a parent generic construct:

    class Parent<T> {
      method<U>(x: T, y: U): U {
        // 'T' is an *outer* type parameter of 'method'
        // 'U' is a *local* type parameter of 'method'
  • Narrowing - Taking a union of types and reducing it to fewer options.

    A great case is when using --strictNullCheck when using control flow analysis

    // I have a dog here, or I don't
    declare const myDog: Dog | undefined;
    // Outside the if, myDog = Dog | undefined
    if (dog) {
      // Inside the if, myDog = Dog
      // because the type union was narrowed via the if statement
  • Expanding - The opposite of narrowing, taking a type and converting it to have more potential values.
const helloWorld = "Hello World"; // Type; "Hello World"

let onboardingMessage = helloWorld; // Type: string

When the helloWorld constant was re-used in a mutable variable onboardingMessage the type which was set is an expanded version of "Hello World" which went from one value ever, to any known string.

  • Transient - a symbol created in the checker.

    The checker creates its own symbols for unusual declarations:

    1. Cross-file declarations
    // @filename: one.ts
    interface I { a }
    // @filename: two.ts
    interface I { b }

    The binder creates two symbols for I, one in each file. Then the checker creates a merged symbol that has both declarations.

    1. Synthetic properties
    type Nats = Record<'one' | 'two', number>

    The binder doesn't create any symbols for one or two, because those properties don't exist until the Record mapped type creates them.

    1. Complex JS patterns
    var f = function g() {
      g.expando1 = {}
    f.expando2 = {}

    People can put expando properties on a function expression inside or outside the function, using different names.

  • Partial Type -

  • Synthetic - a property that doesn't have a declaration in source.

  • Union Types

  • Enum

  • Discriminant

  • Intersection

  • Indexed Type - A way to access subsets of your existing types.

interface User {
  profile: {
    name: string;
    email: string;
    bio: string;
  account: {
    id: string;
    signedUpForMailingList: boolean;

type UserProfile = User["profile"]; // { name: string, email: string, bio: string }
type UserAccount = User["account"]; // { id: string, signedUpForMailingList: string }

This makes it easier to keep a single source of truth in your types.

  • Index Signatures - A way to tell TypeScript that you might not know the keys, but you know the type of values of an object.

    interface MySettings {
      [index: string]: boolean;
    declare function getSettings(): MySettings;
    const settings = getSettings();
    const shouldAutoRotate = settings.allowRotation; // boolean
  • IndexedAccess - ( microsoft/TypeScript#30769 )

  • Conditional Types

  • Contextual Types

  • Substitution

  • NonPrimitive

  • Instantiable

  • Tuple - A mathematical term for a finite ordered list. Like an array but with a known length.

TypeScript lets you use these as convenient containers with known types.

// Any item has to say what it is, and whether it is done
type TodoListItem = [string, boolean];

const chores: TodoListItem[] = [["read a book", true], ["done dishes", true], ["take the dog out", false]];

Yes, you could use an object for each item in this example, but tuples are there when it fits your needs.

  • Mapped Type - A type which works by taking an existing type and creating a new version with modifications.
type Readonly<T> = { readonly [P in keyof T]: T[P] };

// Map for every key in T to be a readonly version of it
// e.g.
interface Dog {
  furColor: string;
  hasCollar: boolean;

// Using this
type ReadOnlyDog = Readonly<Dog>;

// Would be
interface ReadonlyDog {
  readonly furColor: string;
  readonly hasCollar: boolean;

This can work where you

  • Type Assertion - override its inferred and analyzed view of a type
interface Foo {
  bar: number;
  bas: string;
var foo = {} as Foo; = 123;
foo.bas = "hello";
  • Incremental Parsing - Having an editor pass a range of edits, and using that range to invalidate a cache of the AST. Re-running the type checker will keep the out of range nodes and only parse the new section.
  • Incremental Compiling - The compiler keeps track of all compilation hashes, and timestamps when a file has been transpiled. Then when a new module is changed, it will use the import/export dependency graph to invalidate and re-compile only the affected code.

Rarely heard

  • Deferred
  • Homomorphic

JS Internals Specifics

Statement - "JavaScript applications consist of statements with an appropriate syntax. A single statement may span multiple lines. Multiple statements may occur on a single line if each statement is separated by a semicolon. This isn't a keyword, but a group of keywords."