This is the official repository for deep neural network (DNN) for SSVEP-based brain computer interfaces (BCI) described in paper [1]: (Arxiv link: This repository allows you to train and test, the proposed DNN model.
All models were implemented tested with MATLAB 2018B. All following steps assume that they are executed under these conditions.
First we have to download all datasets. The Benchmark dataset [2] and BETA dataset [3] can be downloaded from
In our performance evaluations, we conducted the comparisons (following the procedure in the literature) in a leave-one-block-out fashion. For example, we train on 5 (or 3) and test on the remaining block and repeat this process 6 (4) times in order to have exhaustively tested on each block in the case of the benchmark (or the BETA) dataset. For fairness, we take into account a 0.5 seconds gaze shift time while computing the ITR results (as it is computed in other methods). We test with the pre-determined set of 9 channels (Pz, PO3, PO5, PO4, PO6, POz, O1, Oz, and O2) again for fair comparisons (since these are the channels that have been used in the compared methods), but we also test with all of the available 64 channels to fully demonstrate the efficacy of our DNN.
The proposed DNN is initialized by sampling the weights from the Gaussian distribution with 0 mean and 0.01 standard deviation, except that all of the weights in the first layer are initialized with 1's. We train the network in each iteration based on the training batch data , by minimizing the categorical cross entropy loss via the Adam optimizer, with the learning rate 0.0001 (with no decaying). We also incorporate drop-outs between the second and third, third and fourth, and fourth and fifth layers with probabilities 0.1, 0.1, and 0.95, respectively.
We train the network in two stages. The first stage takes a global perspective by training with all of the data (ones in the training set) whereas the second stage re-initializes the network with the global model and fine-tunes it to each subject separately by training with only the corresponding subject data (of the training set). Hence, in the end, each subject has its own model as well. We note that, except a few, most of the existing studies do either develop only a local model or only a global model, which indicates that our introduced two-stage training is a novel contribution to BCI SSVEP spellers. We have observed that this idea of transfer learning with two-staged learning, since it takes into account the inter-subject statistical variations, provides significant ITR improvements.
The original results of the DNN using 9 channels for both the benchmark and BETA datasets are now available in the 'Results' folder.
- O. B. Guney, M. Oblokulov and H. Ozkan, "A Deep Neural Network for SSVEP-Based Brain-Computer Interfaces," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 69, no. 2, pp. 932-944, 2022.
- Y. Wang, X. Chen, X. Gao, and S. Gao, “A benchmark dataset for ssvep-based brain–computer interfaces,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering,vol. 25, no. 10, pp. 1746–1752, 2016.
- B. Liu, X. Huang, Y. Wang, X. Chen, and X. Gao, “Beta: A large benchmark database toward ssvep-bci application,” Frontiers in Neuroscience, vol. 14, p. 627, 2020.