Zoho CRM integration is a simple gem where you can post, put and delete Leads to Zoho CRM. It uses rubyzoho to abstract Zoho CRM access.
To use Zoho CRM integration with Rails, simply add it to your Gemfile
gem 'crm_integration'
Install by running:
bundle install
After you install Zoho CRM integration and add it to your Gemfile, you need to run the generator:
rails generate crm_integration
It generates an initializer where you configure it with your Zoho CRM Authentication Token.
# /initializers/crm_integration.rb
require 'ruby_zoho'
RubyZoho.configure do |config|
config.api_key = '<< API Key from Zoho>>'
Now you can use Zoho CRM integration to post, put and delete your Lead to Zoho simply by including CrmCallback module on it.
class Lead < ActiveRecord::Base
include CrmCallback