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Joshua Brown-Williams edited this page Aug 11, 2016 · 17 revisions


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Overview of config_local.ini

The configuration files include all of the .ini files located within the '/slimpd/config/' directory. Do not directly change any of the .ini files, except for the gitignored '/slimpd/config/config_local.ini' that will be created.

The last config file to be loaded by sliMpd is '/slimpd/config/config_local.ini'. This means the content of this file will override any "default" configuration.

1 = ","
2 = "+"
3 = "&"
  • And override it in the '/slimpd/config/config_local.ini' with this:
1 = "xxx"
2 = "-"
3 = "&"

As you can see, it is possible to add and, or override any of the other .ini files within the '/slimpd/config/' directory. Even if the code is not present within the sample file '/slimpd/config/config_local.sample.ini'. However, the "default" configuration should suffice for most situations. The only nessasary changes will be made within the '/slimpd/config/config_local.ini' file itself.

To begin configuring sliMpd

* Copy the ['/slimpd/config/config_local.sample.ini']( "sample config_local.ini") to '/slimpd/config/config_local.ini'.

Default settings list

Here is a list of all the settings and the options available as __"default"__ within the '/slimpd/config/config_local.ini':


Property Type Default Value Description
cli-verbosity Number 1 If 1, sliMpd will keep a minimal log of its errors and warnings.
absRefPrefix String /index.php/ Default selected setting without mod_rewrite running sliMpd at http://localhost
absFilePrefix String / Default selected setting without mod_rewrite running sliMpd at http://localhost
absRefPrefix String / Disabled setting with mod_rewrite running sliMpd at http://localhost
absFilePrefix String / Disabled setting with mod_rewrite running sliMpd at http://localhost
absRefPrefix String /slimpd/index.php/ Disabled setting without mod_rewrite running slimpd in a subdirectory like http://localhost/slimpd
absFilePrefix String /slimpd/ Disabled setting without mod_rewrite running slimpd in a subdirectory like http://localhost/slimpd


Property Type Default Value Description
dbusername String 'user' MySQL database user name created for sliMpd's MySQL database.
dbpassword String 'password' SliMpd's MySQL database user password (currently, clear text only).
dbdatabase String 'database' SliMpd's MySQL database name.


Property Type Default Value Description
host String Default MPD host web address.
port String 6600 Default port for MPD.
dbfile String '/var/lib/mpd/database' Enter the location of your MPD database file.
musicdir String '/my/Music/directory/' Insert the same path to your music directory as defined in your mpd.conf file ('/etc/mpd.conf'), and add trailing slash!
alternative_musicdir String '/my/other/Music/directory/' Disabled by default. Insert the path to an additional or alternative music directory, and add trailing slash!

Property Type Default Value Description
1 String music/Electro Disabled listings for additional directories within the root of the filebrowser.
2 String "music/Drum & Bass" Disabled listings for additional directories within the root of the filebrowser.
X String 'music/someStyle' Disabled listings for additional directories within the root of the filebrowser (3 - anyNumber).


Images will be added to the entire 'album directory'. The following are 4 seperate and combineable options for adding images to albums. Also see the visual interpretation bellow under the [image] visual graphs header.
Property Type Default Value Description
read_embedded Boolean 1 The import script extracts images which are embedded within the individual music file tags.

NOTE: activating this option slows the initial import process if your music files are embedded with images.

look_current_directory Boolean 1 Import all images from the album directory (directly in '/music/artist/someAlbum').
look_cover_directory Boolean 1 Import images from 'artwork directories' within the artist album directory (ie. '/music/artist/someAlbum/CoverArt'). See: '/slimpd/config/config.ini'.

NOTE: if you add more 'common_artwork_dir_names' to your '/slimpd/config/config_local.ini', the names must be lowecase and in the form of a single word.

look_parent_directory Boolean 1 Each album will have images from its parent directory added to it (ie. '/music/PARENT/someAlbum').

NOTE: this option is only applied if all other activated image importing options fail to find any images.

look_silbling_directory Boolean 1 Imports images within sibling directories inside the same 'album directory' (common in albums with multiple CD disk folders). See: '/slimpd/config/config.ini'.

NOTE: if you add more 'common_artwork_dir_names' to your '/slimpd/config/config_local.ini', the names must be lowecase and in the form of a single word.

visual graphs for images

``` /music/artist/someAlbum ├── Track 01 without embedded images.mp3 ├── Track 02 with embedded images.mp3 * ├── Track 03 without embedded images.mp3 └── Imagefile1.png ``` ***
``` /music/artist/someAlbum ├── Track 01.flac ├── Track 02.flac ├── Track 03.flac ├── Imagefile1.jpg * └── Imagefile2.png * ``` ***
``` /music/artist/someAlbum ├── CoverArt │   ├── front.jpg * │   └── back.jpg * ├── Track 01.flac ├── Track 01.flac └── Imagefile 1.png ``` ***
``` /music/PARENT ├── My awesome album 1 │   ├── Track 01.flac │   └── Track 02.flac ├── My awesome album 2 │   ├── Track 01.flac │   └── Track 02.flac └── Imagefile 1.png * ``` ***
``` /music/artist/someAlbum ├── Covers │   ├── front.jpg * │   └── back.jpg * ├── Disc 1 │   ├── Track 101.flac │   └── Track 102.flac └── Disc 2    ├── Track 201.flac    └── Track 202.flac ``` ***

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