Sometimes I just want to learn a new language, and no, that has nothing to do with ThePrimeagen (2022, 2023, 2024).
cd zig/
zig build run
Then open chat.html
for a simple chat application.
cd rust/
cargo run
cd cpp/
./ run
- Select lang and start server (see above)
- Create test connection:
cat ./corpus/handshake - | nc localhost 3000
The server implementation can be tested with the Autobahn|Testsuite as follows:
(rust) $ RUST_LOG=debug cargo run --bin wsserver_autobahn
$ docker run -it --rm --net=host \
-v "${PWD}/tests:/config" \
-v "${PWD}/tests/reports:/reports" \
--name fuzzingclient \
crossbario/autobahn-testsuite \
wstest -m fuzzingclient --spec /config/fuzzingclient.json