diff --git a/src/delegation/README.md b/src/delegation/README.md
index 6b65baff7..d073231a2 100644
--- a/src/delegation/README.md
+++ b/src/delegation/README.md
@@ -14,8 +14,7 @@ A Preminter contract validates signatures and executes actions to 1. deploy cont
`Preminter`: Executes commands on the 1155 contract factory, and created 1155 contracts
- * **Contract creation params must be unique** - the combination of creator + metadata uri + name must be unique. The Preminter can only create a single contract for each combination of creator, metadat uri, and name. There must be some sort of validation in the create flow that ensures a contract has not been created with those parameters.
- * **For each contract, token parameters must be unique.** The combination of parameters for the token to be created, including metadata uri, max supply, duration, etc **must be unique within each contract.** i.e. a contract cannot have two tokens with the same parameters. This is because we use this combination to ensure that a signature to create the token can only be executed once. An alternative design is to require a unique nonce to be appended to the parameters, which would ensure uniqueness; this would need to be provided by the backend.
+ * **Contract creation params must be unique** - the combination of creator + metadata uri + name must be unique. The Preminter can only create a single contract for each combination of creator, metadat uri, and name, as that combination is used to determinstically determine the contract address.
* `premint`: takes an [EIP712 signature](https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-712) created by a creator, contract and token creation params, and creates a contract if the contract doesn’t exist and creates a new token, or creates a new token on an existing contract if it exists. It then mints a specified quantity of tokens to the executor as a reward. These parameters are the same both if a new contract is created or a token is created on an existing contract. The signature must have been previously created from a hash built from all of the input parameters; the hash can be generated using `premintHashData`. **Each signature can only be executed against once**; this is enforced through uniqueness of the contract creation params, the token creation params, and quantity to mint.
@@ -41,17 +40,11 @@ Functions:
Creating a new contract + token:
![Preminter creation flow](../../uml/generated/gasslessCreate-creation-sequence.svg)
-![Preminter creation flow](../../uml/generated/gasslessCreate-creation-activity.svg)
![Preminter collection flow](../../uml/generated/gasslessCreate-collecting-sequence.svg)
-![Preminter collection flow](../../uml/generated/gasslessCreate-collecting-activity.svg)
-* In the front-end a creator creates a signature for contract and token creation. The signature is created off-chain by the creator's account on a hash of the above said parameters. It there are additional tokens to be created, signatures are created for each token to be created. There must be some validation that a signature with the same parameters has not already been created (see constraints above). This can be done by checking against the uniqueness of the created signature.
-* Once the creator has signed the message, a backend service (another db or blockchain) must store these signatures which can be retreived later by a collector. This backend must store both the contract + token creation parameters and the signature.
-* A collector lands on a page that loads the signature and contract creation params based on the bytes32 signature. The contract + token creation parameters and signature are loaded from the backend service or a subgraph which loads the previously stored signature.
-* The collector account executs the function `premint`, passing the corresponding signature and contract creation params. If the contract has not been created, it is created. A new token is created on that contract, and `quantityToMint` tokens are minted to the executor.
## Additional caveats
diff --git a/src/nft/ZoraCreator1155Impl.sol b/src/nft/ZoraCreator1155Impl.sol
index be267bc3b..d32e69f59 100644
--- a/src/nft/ZoraCreator1155Impl.sol
+++ b/src/nft/ZoraCreator1155Impl.sol
@@ -795,6 +795,10 @@ contract ZoraCreator1155Impl is
return _getImplementation();
+ /// Sets up a new token using a token configuration and a signature created for the token creation parameters.
+ /// The signature must be created by an account with the PERMISSION_BIT_MINTER role on the contract.
+ /// @param premintConfig configuration of token to be created
+ /// @param signature EIP-712 Signature created on the premintConfig by an account with the PERMISSION_BIT_MINTER role on the contract.
function delegateSetupNewToken(PremintConfig calldata premintConfig, bytes calldata signature) public nonReentrant returns (uint256 newTokenId) {
// if a token has already been created for a premint config with this uid:
if (delegatedTokenId[premintConfig.uid] != 0) {
diff --git a/test/factory/ZoraCreator1155Factory_Fork.t.sol b/test/factory/ZoraCreator1155Factory_Fork.t.sol
index 82a083834..921af2e29 100644
--- a/test/factory/ZoraCreator1155Factory_Fork.t.sol
+++ b/test/factory/ZoraCreator1155Factory_Fork.t.sol
@@ -15,11 +15,8 @@ import {ZoraCreatorFixedPriceSaleStrategy} from "../../src/minters/fixed-price/Z
import {ForkDeploymentConfig} from "../../src/deployment/DeploymentConfig.sol";
contract ZoraCreator1155FactoryForkTest is ForkDeploymentConfig, Test {
- uint96 constant tokenPrice = 1 ether;
uint256 constant quantityToMint = 3;
uint256 constant tokenMaxSupply = 100;
- uint32 constant royaltyMintSchedule = 10;
- uint32 constant royaltyBPS = 100;
address collector;
address creator;
@@ -96,6 +93,7 @@ contract ZoraCreator1155FactoryForkTest is ForkDeploymentConfig, Test {
function testTheFork(string memory chainName) private {
+ uint96 tokenPrice = 1 ether;
console.log("testing on fork: ", chainName);
// create and select the fork, which will be used for all subsequent calls
diff --git a/uml/gasslessCreate-collecting-activity.puml b/uml/gasslessCreate-collecting-activity.puml
deleted file mode 100644
index c0d41f3b5..000000000
--- a/uml/gasslessCreate-collecting-activity.puml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-title Collecting with a premint signature
-:Load signature by\ncontract hash & uid;
-if (sig with contract hash + uid\nalready executed) then (yes)
- :Redirect to\nstandard mint page;
- :Mint on erc1155 contract;
- stop
-else (no)
- if (contract already created) then (yes)
- :Show contract address;
- endif
- :Mint on premint contract. Submit:\ncontract & token params, uid, signature\nquantity, comment;
diff --git a/uml/gasslessCreate-collecting-sequence.puml b/uml/gasslessCreate-collecting-sequence.puml
index 2eccc4c56..869ae1fea 100644
--- a/uml/gasslessCreate-collecting-sequence.puml
+++ b/uml/gasslessCreate-collecting-sequence.puml
@@ -1,46 +1,38 @@
actor Collector
-entity PremintCollectPage
+entity CollectUI
+entity Wallet
boundary SignatureAPI
-entity SignatureDB
-entity PreminterContract
+entity PremintExecutorContract
entity 1155FactoryContract
entity 1155Contract
-Collector -> PremintCollectPage: Open, param is \ndeterministic collection address\n+ token uid
-Activate PremintCollectPage
-PremintCollectPage -> SignatureAPI: Fetch by collection address\n+ token uid
-SignatureAPI -> SignatureDB: Fetch most recent signature\nby contract hash token uid
-SignatureDB --> SignatureAPI: contract + token creation params\n+ signature
-SignatureAPI --> PremintCollectPage: contract + token creation params\n+ signature
-PremintCollectPage -> PreminterContract: Check if signature has been used (by contract hash + token uid)
-PreminterContract --> PremintCollectPage: Signature has been used or not
+Collector -> CollectUI: Open, param is \ndeterministic collection address\n+ token uid
+Activate CollectUI
+CollectUI -> SignatureAPI: Fetch by:\ncollection address, premint uid
+SignatureAPI --> CollectUI: contract creation params,\ntoken creation params,\nsignature
-Group signature has been used
- PremintCollectPage -> Collector: Redirect to \nstandard collect page
-Collector -> PremintCollectPage: mint
-PremintCollectPage -> Collector: Submit transaction
-deactivate PremintCollectPage
-Collector -> PreminterContract: Submit premint transaction containing \nsignature, contract creation & token creation params
-activate PreminterContract
-PreminterContract -> PreminterContract: record signature used;\nrevert if already used
+Collector -> CollectUI: mint
+CollectUI -> Wallet: Submit premint transaction
+deactivate CollectUI
+Wallet -> PremintExecutorContract: premint(collectionConfig, tokenConfig, uid, signature)
+activate PremintExecutorContract
Group contract doesnt exist
- PreminterContract -> 1155FactoryContract: create contract
+ PremintExecutorContract -> 1155FactoryContract: create contract
+ activate 1155FactoryContract
1155FactoryContract -> 1155Contract: create
+ deactivate 1155FactoryContract
activate 1155Contract
PreminterContract -> 1155Contract: create new token\nwith signature
+PreminterContract -> 1155Contract: set new token sale parameters
PreminterContract -> 1155Contract: mint tokens to collector
-deactivate PreminterContract
+deactivate PremintExecutorContract
1155Contract --> Collector: Minted tokens
deactivate 1155Contract
diff --git a/uml/gasslessCreate-creation-activity.puml b/uml/gasslessCreate-creation-activity.puml
deleted file mode 100644
index 363927823..000000000
--- a/uml/gasslessCreate-creation-activity.puml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-title Creating a token signature
-if (new token) then (yes)
- if (new contract) then (yes)
- :Ask creator for new\ncontract creation params;
- if (contract exists\nwith same params) then (yes)
- :switch ui to create token\non existing contract;
- else (no)
- endif
- else (no)
- :load existing\ncontract creation parameters\nby collection address;
- endif
- :Get new uid\nfrom backend server;
-else (no)
- :load existing\ncontract + token creation parameters\nby collection address + uid;
-:Ask creator for new\ntoken creation params;
-:Request signature with:\ncollection address + token params + uid;
-:Submit to backend server:\ncollection + token params + uid + signature\n;
diff --git a/uml/gasslessCreate-creation-sequence.puml b/uml/gasslessCreate-creation-sequence.puml
index 1d7213f43..37ea85acc 100644
--- a/uml/gasslessCreate-creation-sequence.puml
+++ b/uml/gasslessCreate-creation-sequence.puml
@@ -1,51 +1,60 @@
-title Creating a signature for a new erc1155 contract + token
+title Creating a signature for a Premint Erc1155 contract + New token
actor Creator
-entity CreatePage
-boundary SignatureAPI
+entity Wallet
+entity CreateUI
+boundary PremintAPI
boundary PremintContract
-entity SignatureDB
-Group Signature not created for contract yet
+Group New premint token on new contract
- activate CreatePage
- Creator -> CreatePage: setup NEW contract name + image
- CreatePage -> SignatureAPI: validate that contract \nwith same params for\ncreator doesnt exist
- SignatureAPI -> SignatureDB: check if signature with hash \nfor contract is already stored
- SignatureAPI --> CreatePage: validation results
+ Creator -> CreateUI: setup NEW contract name + image
+ activate CreateUI
+ CreateUI -> PremintContract: get determnistic collection address\nfor contract creation params
+ activate PremintContract
+ PremintContract --> CreateUI: determinstic collection address
+ deactivate CreateUI
+ deactivate PremintContract
-Group Signature has been created for contract
+Group New premint token on existing premint contract
+ Creator -> CreateUI: load page to create new token for\npremint at determinstic\ncollection address
+ activate CreateUI
+ CreateUI -> PremintAPI: load collection creation params\nby determinstic address
+ activate PremintAPI
- Creator -> CreatePage: load page by determinstic collection address
- CreatePage -> SignatureAPI: load collection creation params
- SignatureAPI -> SignatureDB: fetch collection creation params\nby hash
- SignatureAPI --> CreatePage: contract creation params
+ Group Premint exists
+ PremintAPI --> CreateUI: collection creation params\n(from premint)
+ deactivate CreateUI
+ deactivate PremintAPI
+ end
-Creator -> CreatePage: setup new token
-CreatePage -> PremintContract: get determnistic collection address
-PremintContract --> CreatePage: determinstic collection address
-CreatePage -> SignatureAPI: get new uid for collection address
-SignatureAPI -> SignatureDB: get next token uid\nscoped to collection address
-SignatureDB --> SignatureAPI: next token uid
-SignatureAPI --> CreatePage: next token uid
-Creator -> CreatePage: Submit new token creation params
-CreatePage -> Creator: request signature of\n contract + token creation params + token uid
-deactivate CreatePage
-Creator -> SignatureAPI: Submit signature + contract + token params + token uid
-SignatureAPI -> PremintContract: validate signature
-PremintContract --> SignatureAPI: validation results (true/false & recovered signer)
+CreateUI -> PremintAPI: get next uid for\ncollection address
+activate CreateUI
+activate PremintAPI
+PremintAPI --> CreateUI: next uid for collection
-Group Signature is valid
+Creator -> CreateUI: configure new token parameters
+Creator -> CreateUI: Submit
+CreateUI -> Creator: request Premint EIP-712 signature containing:\n token creation params, token uid, version
+Creator -> Wallet: sign message
+Wallet -> CreateUI: Signed message by creator of\ntoken creation params, token uid, version
+CreateUI -> PremintAPI: validate and store signature
+PremintAPI -> PremintContract: validate signature
+PremintContract --> PremintAPI: validation results (true/false & recovered signer)
- SignatureAPI -> SignatureDB: store signature + \ncontract creation + \ntoken creation params + \ncollection address + \ntoken uid
+Group Signature is valid
+ PremintAPI -> PremintAPI: store premint and signature
+PremintAPI -> CreateUI: validation & storage status
+deactivate CreateUI
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/uml/generated/gasslessCreate-collecting-activity.svg b/uml/generated/gasslessCreate-collecting-activity.svg
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index 141d18db0..000000000
--- a/uml/generated/gasslessCreate-collecting-activity.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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index 0115a8fed..06c41255c 100644
--- a/uml/generated/gasslessCreate-collecting-sequence.svg
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@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
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index b0e6d67cc..000000000
--- a/uml/generated/gasslessCreate-creation-activity.svg
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index 4d2fbdad9..920596d75 100644
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