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388 lines (341 loc) · 15.3 KB

File metadata and controls

388 lines (341 loc) · 15.3 KB


Table Of Contents

  1. Path
  2. Exclude
  3. Extensions
  4. Show Warnings
  5. Jobs
  6. Cache
  7. No caching
  8. Memory limit
  9. JSON output
  10. Junit output
  11. Checkstyle output
  12. SARIF output
  13. Exit Code

The phplint command relies on a configuration file for loading settings. If a configuration file is not specified through the --configuration|-c option, following file will be used : .phplint.yml. If no configuration file is found, PHPLint will proceed with the default settings.


The path (string|string[] default .) setting is used to specify where all directories and files to scan should resolve to.

If not specified, the base path used is the current working directory.


The exclude (string[] default []) setting is a list of directory paths relative to the base path. All files listed inside these paths won't be scanned by PHPLint.


The extensions (string[] default [php]) setting will check only files with selected extensions.

Show Warnings

Use the warning (bool default false) setting (with true) if you want to show PHP Warnings too. For example:

<?php declare(encoding="utf8");

Script above generate PHP Warning: declare(encoding=...) ignored because Zend multibyte feature is turned off by settings in /.../tests/fixtures/encoding.php on line 1.


The jobs (int|string default 5) setting declare the maximum number of paralleled jobs to run (depend on your computer infrastructure).


The cache (string default .phplint.cache) setting identify the local directory where to save lint results. Default behavior will store results as regular files in a collection of directories on a locally mounted filesystem.

This setting is used only when the cache-adapter is set to Filesystem value (string is case-sensitive).

If you don't want to store results in a sub-folder of your working directory, please specify an absolute path. For example: /tmp/my-phplint-cache

NOTE: if you give an empty cache setting value, default directory used will be /tmp/symfony-cache (See Symfony Cache component)

No caching

Use the no-cache (bool default false) setting (with true) if you want to ignore previous scan results.

All files to analyse are lint again. That means checking may be slower than with an active cache.

Memory limit

Sometimes if a file to lint is too big for your current PHP ini memory_limit setting, you may override it temporally for your PHPLint processes.

The memory-limit (init|string default to your current PHP ini memory_limit setting) accept values defined by following syntax.

Use -1 if you want to have no memory limit.

JSON output

The format setting with value json allow to write results in a JSON format.

For example:

    "status": "failure",
    "failures": {
        "/phplint/tests/fixtures/php-8.2_syntax.php": {
            "absolute_file": "/phplint/tests/fixtures/php-8.2_syntax.php",
            "relative_file": "fixtures/php-8.2_syntax.php",
            "error": "False can not be used as a standalone type in line 12",
            "line": 12
        "/phplint/tests/fixtures/syntax_error.php": {
            "absolute_file": "/phplint/tests/fixtures/syntax_error.php",
            "relative_file": "fixtures/syntax_error.php",
            "error": "unexpected end of file in line 4",
            "line": 4
        "/phplint/tests/fixtures/syntax_warning.php": {
            "absolute_file": "/phplint/tests/fixtures/syntax_warning.php",
            "relative_file": "fixtures/syntax_warning.php",
            "error": " declare(encoding=...) ignored because Zend multibyte feature is turned off by settings in line 12",
            "line": 12
    "application_version": {
        "long": "phplint 9.4.0",
        "short": "9.4.0"
    "time_usage": "< 1 sec",
    "memory_usage": "8.0 MiB",
    "cache_usage": "0 hit, 54 misses",
    "process_count": 54,
    "files_count": 54,
    "options_used": {
        "path": [
        "configuration": ".phplint.yml",
        "no-configuration": false,
        "exclude": [
        "extensions": [
        "jobs": 10,
        "no-cache": true,
        "cache": ".phplint.cache",
        "no-progress": false,
        "progress": "printer",
        "output": "sar.json",
        "format": [
        "warning": true,
        "memory-limit": -1,
        "ignore-exit-code": false,
        "bootstrap": ""

Junit output

The format setting with value junit allow to write results in a JUnit XML format.

For example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <testsuite name="PHP Linter 9.4.0" timestamp="2024-07-05T07:52:39+0000" time="&lt; 1 sec" tests="1" errors="1">
    <testcase errors="1" failures="0">
      <error type="Error" message="unexpected end of file in line 4">/absolute/path/to/tests/fixtures/syntax_error.php</error>

Checkstyle output

The format setting with value checkstyle allow to write results in a Checkstyle XML format.

For example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <file name="/phplint/tests/fixtures/syntax_error.php">
    <error line="4" severity="error" message="unexpected end of file in line 4"/>
  <file name="/phplint/tests/fixtures/php-8.2_syntax.php">
    <error line="12" severity="error" message="False can not be used as a standalone type in line 12"/>
  <file name="/phplint/tests/fixtures/syntax_warning.php">
    <error line="12" severity="error" message=" declare(encoding=...) ignored because Zend multibyte feature is turned off by settings in line 12"/>

SARIF output


Since version 9.4.0, this format is optional and requires an extra package to be installed.

composer require --dev bartlett/sarif-php-converters

The format setting with value '\Overtrue\PHPLint\Output\SarifOutput' allow to write results in a SARIF 2.1.0 JSON format.

For example:

    "$schema": "",
    "version": "2.1.0",
    "runs": [
            "tool": {
                "driver": {
                    "name": "PHPLint",
                    "shortDescription": {
                        "text": "Syntax check only (lint) of PHP files"
                    "fullDescription": {
                        "text": "PHPLint is a tool that can speed up linting of php files by running several lint processes at once."
                    "fullName": "PHPLint version 9.4.0 by overtrue and contributors",
                    "semanticVersion": "9.4.0",
                    "informationUri": "",
                    "rules": [
                            "id": "PHPLINT101",
                            "shortDescription": {
                                "text": "Syntax error"
                            "fullDescription": {
                                "text": "Syntax error detected when lint a file"
                            "helpUri": "",
                            "help": {
                                "text": ""
                "extensions": [
                        "name": "bartlett/sarif-php-converters",
                        "shortDescription": {
                            "text": "PHPLint SARIF Converter"
                        "version": "1.0.0"
            "invocations": [
                    "executionSuccessful": true,
                    "commandLine": "bin/phplint",
                    "arguments": [
                    "workingDirectory": {
                        "uri": "file:///shared/backups/github/phplint/"
            "originalUriBaseIds": {
                "WORKINGDIR": {
                    "uri": "file:///shared/backups/github/phplint/"
            "results": [
                    "message": {
                        "text": "unexpected end of file in line 4"
                    "ruleId": "PHPLINT101",
                    "locations": [
                            "physicalLocation": {
                                "artifactLocation": {
                                    "uri": "tests/fixtures/syntax_error.php",
                                    "uriBaseId": "WORKINGDIR"
                                "region": {
                                    "startLine": 4,
                                    "snippet": {
                                        "rendered": {
                                            "text": "\u001b[31m  > \u001b[0m\u001b[90m4| \u001b[0m"
                                "contextRegion": {
                                    "startLine": 2,
                                    "endLine": 6,
                                    "snippet": {
                                        "rendered": {
                                            "text": "\u001b[31m  > \u001b[0m\u001b[90m2| \u001b[0m\n    \u001b[90m3| \u001b[0m\u001b[32mprint(\u001b[0m\u001b[39m$a\u001b[0m\u001b[32m)\u001b[0m\n    \u001b[90m4| \u001b[0m"
                    "partialFingerprints": {
                        "PHPLINT101": "9d2c5cee410c5007acb62ee25b9a0dfb740fb8f531235e6abc5dd7535930ef2f"
                    "message": {
                        "text": "False can not be used as a standalone type in line 12"
                    "ruleId": "PHPLINT101",
                    "locations": [
                            "physicalLocation": {
                                "artifactLocation": {
                                    "uri": "tests/fixtures/php-8.2_syntax.php",
                                    "uriBaseId": "WORKINGDIR"
                                "region": {
                                    "startLine": 12,
                                    "snippet": {
                                        "rendered": {
                                            "text": "\u001b[31m  > \u001b[0m\u001b[90m12| \u001b[0m\u001b[32mfunction \u001b[0m\u001b[39malwaysReturnsFalse\u001b[0m\u001b[32m(): \u001b[0m\u001b[39mfalse\u001b[0m"
                                "contextRegion": {
                                    "startLine": 10,
                                    "endLine": 14,
                                    "snippet": {
                                        "rendered": {
                                            "text": "\u001b[31m  > \u001b[0m\u001b[90m10| \u001b[0m\u001b[33m */\u001b[0m\n    \u001b[90m11| \u001b[0m\n    \u001b[90m12| \u001b[0m\u001b[32mfunction \u001b[0m\u001b[39malwaysReturnsFalse\u001b[0m\u001b[32m(): \u001b[0m\u001b[39mfalse\u001b[0m\n    \u001b[90m13| \u001b[0m\u001b[32m{\u001b[0m\n    \u001b[90m14| \u001b[0m\u001b[32m}\u001b[0m"
                    "partialFingerprints": {
                        "PHPLINT101": "b4f5ba1d66790be578109d251ced990b42fe6117554a275142ab750f50ca39f4"
                    "message": {
                        "text": " declare(encoding=...) ignored because Zend multibyte feature is turned off by settings in line 12"
                    "ruleId": "PHPLINT101",
                    "locations": [
                            "physicalLocation": {
                                "artifactLocation": {
                                    "uri": "tests/fixtures/syntax_warning.php",
                                    "uriBaseId": "WORKINGDIR"
                                "region": {
                                    "startLine": 12,
                                    "snippet": {
                                        "rendered": {
                                            "text": "\u001b[31m  > \u001b[0m\u001b[90m12| \u001b[0m\u001b[32mdeclare(\u001b[0m\u001b[39mencoding\u001b[0m\u001b[32m=\u001b[0m\u001b[31m\"utf8\"\u001b[0m\u001b[32m);\u001b[0m"
                                "contextRegion": {
                                    "startLine": 10,
                                    "endLine": 14,
                                    "snippet": {
                                        "rendered": {
                                            "text": "\u001b[31m  > \u001b[0m\u001b[90m10| \u001b[0m\u001b[33m */\u001b[0m\n    \u001b[90m11| \u001b[0m\n    \u001b[90m12| \u001b[0m\u001b[32mdeclare(\u001b[0m\u001b[39mencoding\u001b[0m\u001b[32m=\u001b[0m\u001b[31m\"utf8\"\u001b[0m\u001b[32m);\u001b[0m\n    \u001b[90m13| \u001b[0m"
                    "partialFingerprints": {
                        "PHPLINT101": "a1bed88116ad4e69c924107f5fa77a80379a08f2723871f5d0af6eb272dcf3c2"
            "automationDetails": {
                "id": "Daily run 2024-07-05T08:21:21+00:00"

Exit Code

The no-files-exit-code (bool default false) setting allow to exit phplint command with failure (status code 1) when no files processed. By default, phplint exit with success (status code 0)