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Spinning up instances with saltstack / salt-cloud |
Instances |
Jean Sébastien Bruneau |
en |
There are quite a few devops tools out there, i like saltstack and thanks to the openstack backend of runabove, you can spin up instances with salt-cloud!
You need to have salt, libcloud and salt-cloud installed, i am running these versions.
jsb@dev:/etc/salt$ salt-cloud --versions-report
Salt: 2014.1.0-4765-gcbe7c7e
Python: 2.7.3 (default, Feb 27 2014, 19:58:35)
Jinja2: 2.6[
M2Crypto: 0.21.1
msgpack-python: 0.1.10
msgpack-pure: Not Installed
pycrypto: 2.4.1
PyYAML: 3.10
PyZMQ: 13.0.0
ZMQ: 3.2.2
Apache Libcloud: 0.14.1
Check the official doc if you need setup instruction for salt and salt-cloud. Once that's done, you need to setup a provider. I created the following YAML file
compute_name: nova
compute_region: #THE-REGION#
service_type: compute
tenant: '#THE-TENANT#'
user: '#your-email@test.tld#'
password: #S3cr37Pa55w0rd#
provider: openstack
- fixed:
Everything that's wrapped in "#" needs to be configured for your account, here is how to get the information. First, get some command line tools:
sudo pip install python-novaclient.
Once that's done, go in the manager, in OpenStack Horizon, under Access & Security and finally under API Access. Download the OpenStack RC file. Save it on your box, source it and enter your password. It's safe it comes from runabove.
source /home/jsb/openstackrc
Please enter your OpenStack Password:
Now we are ready to gather the information to complete de provider setup:
- #THE-REGION#: run "nova endpoints". In the nova table you will find the region, mine looks like "BHS-1"
- #THE-TENANT#: run "nova credentials", at the end of the table, you should see "name": "00000000" where 000000 is a bunch of number. This can also be seen in the manager, under current project. Make sure this is between quotes in your config file or it will not work.
- #NETWORK-UUDI#: run "nova network-list" and grab what's in the id column, that will be your static network. In my case, there is only one and it's labelled "Ext-Net".
Once that's done, the only thing left is to create vm image profiles. Im using these:
cat cloud.profiles.d/runabove.conf
provider: runabove
size: pci2.d.c1
deploy: False
provider: runabove
size: pci2.d.r1
deploy: False
image: Ubuntu 12.04
extends: high-cpu
You can run nova flavor-list to see what size are available and nova image-list for the OS. In both case, the configuration is expecting what's in the Name column.
Once you are all set, spin up a new instance:
salt-cloud -p #the-cloud-profile-you-chose# #the-instance-name#
Happy automated deployment folks!