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2862 lines (2263 loc) · 88.4 KB

CPP/C++ Standard Library Input and Output

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C++ IO Input and Output System

Environment Variables for Program Configuration

Environment variables are available in most operating systems such as Linux, MacOSx, BSD and Windows. They can be used for setting program configuration at initialization.


File: envvar.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

template<typename T>
get_env_value(std::string const& name, T default_value);

// Template specialization for std::string
get_env_value(std::string const& name, std::string default_value)
    const char* p = std::getenv(name.c_str());
    if(p == nullptr) { return default_value; }
    return p;

// Template specialization for size_t
get_env_value(std::string const& name, size_t default_value)
    const char* p = std::getenv(name.c_str());
    if(p == nullptr) { return default_value; }
    return std::stoul(p);

// Template specialization for double
get_env_value(std::string const& name, double default_value)
    const char* p = std::getenv(name.c_str());
    if(p == nullptr) { return default_value; }
    return std::stod(p);

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    // Check whether environment variable "PROGRAM_USER_KEY" is set
    if(const char* env = std::getenv("PROGRAM_USER_KEY"))
        std::cout << " [1] Environment vartiable set => PROGRAM_USER_KEY = "
                  << env << std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout <<" [1] Environment variable PROGRAM_USER_KEY not set." << std::endl;

    auto storage_path = get_env_value<std::string>("PROGRAM_STORAGE_PATH"
                                                   , "/home/dummy/.data");
    auto number_of_threads = get_env_value<size_t>("PROGRAM_NTHREADS", 10);
    auto timeout = get_env_value<double>("PROGRAM_TIMEOUT", 1.0);

    std::cout << " ==== Program Runtime Configuration =======" << std::endl;

    std::cout << " ENV[PROGRAM_STORAGE_PATH] = " << storage_path << std::endl;
    std::cout << " ENV[PROGRAM_NTHREADS]     = " << number_of_threads << std::endl;
    std::cout << " ENV[PROGRAM_TIMEOUT]      = " << timeout << std::endl;

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;


$ g++ envvar.cpp -o envvars.bin --std=c++1z -g -O0 -Wall -Wextra

Running 1:

$ ./envvars.bin 
 [1] Environment variable PROGRAM_USER_KEY not set.
 ==== Program Runtime Configuration =======
 ENV[PROGRAM_STORAGE_PATH] = /home/dummy/.data

Running 2:

  • Set PROGRAM_USER_KEY environment variable for the current terminal session.
$ export PROGRAM_USER_KEY=87axk689fghyk

$ ./envvars.bin 
 [1] Environment vartiable set => PROGRAM_USER_KEY = 87axk689fghyk
 ==== Program Runtime Configuration =======
 ENV[PROGRAM_STORAGE_PATH] = /home/dummy/.data

$ export PROGRAM_USER_KEY=void_password

$ ./envvars.bin 
 [1] Environment vartiable set => PROGRAM_USER_KEY = void_password
 ==== Program Runtime Configuration =======
 ENV[PROGRAM_STORAGE_PATH] = /home/dummy/.data

Running 3:

  • Use the env /usr/bin/env for setting program environment variable.
$ env PROGRAM_NTHREADS=15 ./envvars.bin 
 [1] Environment vartiable set => PROGRAM_USER_KEY = void_password
 ==== Program Runtime Configuration =======
 ENV[PROGRAM_STORAGE_PATH] = /home/dummy/.data

$ ./envvars.bin 
 [1] Environment vartiable set => PROGRAM_USER_KEY = void_password
 ==== Program Runtime Configuration =======
 ENV[PROGRAM_STORAGE_PATH] = /home/dummy/.data

Running 4:

  • Set multiple environment varaibles with “env” Unix program.
$ env PROGRAM_TIMEOUT=2.551 PROGRAM_STORAGE_PATH=/var/www ./envvars.bin 
 [1] Environment vartiable set => PROGRAM_USER_KEY = void_password
 ==== Program Runtime Configuration =======
 ENV[PROGRAM_TIMEOUT]      = 2.551

C-legacy Printf-like IO functions - format specifiers and examples


Print a string without any formatting - header: <cstdio> for C++ and <stdio.h> for C.

  • puts - print a line to stdout followed by new line character.
int puts(const char*);
  • fputs - print line to file.
int fputs(FILE* fd, const char*);

// Example: print line to stdout - standard output
 std::fputs(" => hello world C++17 line\n", stdout);

// Exmaple: print line to stderr - standard error output 
std::fputs(" => hello world C++17 line\n", stderr);

Printf-like Functions

The following functions are available in the header <cstdio> for C++, and in the header <stdio.h> for C.

  • Printf - print to stdout - standard output.
int printf(const char* format, ...);
  • fprintf - print to file
    • stdout - file => standard output
    • stderr - file => standard error output.
int fprintf(FILE* fd, const char* format, ...); 

// Example: Print to stdout, same as printf 
std::fprintf(stdout, " text = '%s' x = %.3f ", "square_root", 3.141598714); 

// Example: Print to stderr
std::fprintf(stderr, " text = '%s' x = %.3f ", "square_root", 3.141598714); 
  • dprintf - print to file descriptor
int dprintf(int fd, const char* format, ...);
  • sprintf - print to buffer - Note: function prone to buffer overlflow.
int sprintf(char* buffer, const char* format, ...); 
  • snprintf - print to buffer with bound checking - size is the maximum number of characters that can be print to the buffer.
int snprintf(char* buffer, size_t size, const char* format, ...);

Format String Specifiers for printf-like functions

Escacape sequences:

New Line
\nLF - Line Feed (Unix new line )
\rCR - Carriage Return
\tHorizontal Tab
\vVertical Tab
Escape Characters
%%Print a percent sign (%)
\Print backlash, aka backward slash
"Print a single double quote
Special Characters
\aAlert bell
\fForm feed

Most useful specifiers:

%dintdecimal format
%sconst char*null-terminated array of characters (C “strings” for short).
%Xinthexadecimal format
%lldlong long-
%pany pointer typeprint the numeric value of any pointer in hexadecimal format.

Comprehensive list of Specifiers:

SpecifierDescription - Format Specifier for type:Example
%cchar - single character
%schar* or const char*
%pvoid* - Print address stored in a pointer in hexadecimal format.
%uunsigned integer
%d or %iint - signed integer in decimal base
%oint - signed integer in octal base
%xint - signed integer in hexadecimal base (lower case)
%Xint - signed integer in hexadecimal base (upper case)
Long Types
%ld‘long’ or ‘long int’ in decimal format
%lx‘long’ or ‘long int’ in hex format (lower case)
%lX‘long’ or ‘long int’ in hex format (upper case)
%lu‘unsigned long’ or ‘size_t’ in decimal format
%zx‘unsigned long’ or ‘size_t’ in hex format (lower case)
%zX‘unsigned long’ or ‘size_t’ in hex format (upper case)
%lld‘long long’ or ‘long long int’ in decimal format
%llu‘unsigned long long’
Float PointFor float, double, and long double
%fPrint using standard notation12391.647808
%aPrint using hexadecimal notation
%ePrint using scientific notation (lower case ‘e)1.239165e+04
%EPrint using scientific notation (upper case ‘E’)1.239165E+04
%gPrint using scientific notation only when needed (lower case ‘e’)1.239165e+04
%GPrint using scientific notation only when needed (upper case ‘E’)1.239165E+04
%.3fPrint using std. notation with 3 digits precision12391.649
%.3EPrint using scientific notation with 3 digits precision1.240E+04

WARNING: Despite the simplicity, printf is not type-safe and has some potential vulnerabilities:



// For C use <stdio.h>
#include <cstdio>  // for printf
#include <cmath>   // sin, cos, exp

Print integer:

int x = 2951;

>> printf(" => x = %d\n", x);
 => x = 2951

// Print integer in octal format
>> printf(" => x = %o [Octal format - base 8]\n", x);
 => x = 5607 [Octal format - base 8]

// Print integer in hexadecimal format (lower case)
>> printf(" => x = 0x%x [Hexadecimal]\n", x);
 => x = 0xb87 [Hexadecimal]

// Print integer in hexadecimal format (upper case)
>> printf(" => x = 0x%X [Hexadecimal]\n", x);
 => x = 0xB87 [Hexadecimal]

Print address of a pointer

>> printf(" => address_of(x) = %p\n", &x)
 => address_of(x) = 0x7f0279845010

Print float point

Print float point in standard notation with any precision:

>> double PI = 4.0 * atan2(1, 1)
(double) 3.1415927

// Print with any precision
>> printf("PI = %f exp(3 * PI) = %f \n", PI, std::exp(3 * PI));
PI = 3.141593 exp(3 * PI) = 12391.647808

Print float point in standard notation with 3 digits precision:

// Print with 3 digits precision
>> printf("PI = %.3f exp(3 * PI) = %.3f \n", PI, std::exp(3 * PI));
PI = 3.142 exp(3 * PI) = 12391.648

Print in scientific notation with any precision:

>> printf("PI = %e exp(3 * PI) = %e \n", PI, std::exp(3 * PI));
PI = 3.141593e+00 exp(3 * PI) = 1.239165e+04

Print in scientific notation with 3 digits precision:

>> printf("PI = %.3E exp(3 * PI) = %.3E \n", PI, std::exp(3 * PI));
PI = 3.142E+00 exp(3 * PI) = 1.239E+04

Print with scientific only when needed (for large numbers).

>> printf("PI = %G exp(2 + 3 * PI) = %G \n", PI, std::exp(2 + 3 * PI));
PI = 3.14159 exp(2 + 3 * PI) = 91562.6

>> printf("PI = %G exp(6 + 3 * PI) = %G \n", PI, std::exp(6 + 3 * PI));
PI = 3.14159 exp(6 + 3 * PI) = 4.99915E+06

Print with scientific only when needed with 4 digits precision:

>> printf("PI = %.4G exp(2 + 3 * PI) = %.4G \n", PI, std::exp(2 + 3 * PI));
PI = 3.142 exp(2 + 3 * PI) = 9.156E+04

Print with hexadecimal notation:

>> printf("PI = %a exp(PI) = %a \n", PI, std::exp(PI));
PI = 0x1.921fb54442d18p+1 exp(PI) = 0x1.724046eb09339p+4

Print table of float points:

>> for(double x = 0; x <= 10.0; x+= 1.0) printf("%8.3f %10.3f\n", x, exp(x))
   0.000      1.000
   1.000      2.718
   2.000      7.389
   3.000     20.086
   4.000     54.598
   5.000    148.413
   6.000    403.429
   7.000   1096.633
   8.000   2980.958
   9.000   8103.084
  10.000  22026.466

>> for(double x = 0; x <= 10.0; x+= 1.0) printf("%8.3f %10.2E\n", x, exp(x))
   0.000   1.00E+00
   1.000   2.72E+00
   2.000   7.39E+00
   3.000   2.01E+01
   4.000   5.46E+01
   5.000   1.48E+02
   6.000   4.03E+02
   7.000   1.10E+03
   8.000   2.98E+03
   9.000   8.10E+03
  10.000   2.20E+04

>> for(double x = 0; x <= 10.0; x+= 1.0) printf("%8.3f %10.5E\n", x, exp(x))
   0.000 1.00000E+00
   1.000 2.71828E+00
   2.000 7.38906E+00
   3.000 2.00855E+01
   4.000 5.45982E+01
   5.000 1.48413E+02
   6.000 4.03429E+02
   7.000 1.09663E+03
   8.000 2.98096E+03
   9.000 8.10308E+03
  10.000 2.20265E+04

Print table of string:

  • file: main.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

int main()
    using table_row = std::pair<std::string, double>;
    std::vector<table_row> table{
         {"tristor", 10.23}
        ,{"voltage regulator 5 volts", 1.25}
        ,{"voltage regulator 12V", 9.50}
        ,{"IMU sensor", 108.23}
        ,{"Pressure transducer", 205.90}

    std::printf("\n ==>>> C++11 Table printing (First column right aligned) \n\n");
    for(auto const& r: table)
        std::printf("%25s %10.2f\n", r.first.c_str(), r.second);

    std::printf("\n ==>>> C++17 Table printing (First column left aligned) \n\n");
    for(auto const& [key, value]: table)
        std::printf("%-25s %10.2f\n", key.c_str(), value);


==>>> C++11 Table printing (First column right aligned) 

                  tristor      10.23
voltage regulator 5 volts       1.25
    voltage regulator 12V       9.50
               IMU sensor     108.23
      Pressure transducer     205.90

 ==>>> C++17 Table printing (First column left aligned) 

tristor                        10.23
voltage regulator 5 volts       1.25
voltage regulator 12V           9.50
IMU sensor                    108.23
Pressure transducer           205.90

C-legacy File IO functions

Headers Files

  • #include <stdio.h> for C
  • #include <cstdio> for C++

Special File Streams

  • stdout (FILE*) => Console/terminal standard output
  • stderr (FILE*) => Console/terminal standard error output
  • stdin (FILE*) => Console/terminal standard input

Fundamental Functions

  • fopen() => Open a file returning a file stream (FILE*)
FILE *fopen(const char *pathname, const char *mode);
FILE* fmemopen( void* restrict buf /* Pointer to beginning of buffer */
              , size_t size        /* Buffer size */
              , const char* restrict mode
  • fclose() => Closes a stream.
    • “The fclose() function dissociates the named stream from its underlying file or set of functions. If the stream was being used for output, any buffered data is written first, using fflush(3).” (FreeBSD Manpage)
int fclose(FILE *stream)
  • fflush() => Flushes a stream forcing to all data to be written to the output.
    • “For output streams, fflush() forces a write of all user-space buffered data for the given output or update stream via the stream’s underlying write function. For input streams associated with seekable files (e.g., disk files, but not pipes or terminals), fflush() discards any buffered data that has been fetched from the underlying file, but has not been consumed by the application.” (Linux Manpage)
int fflush(FILE *stream);
  • ftell() => Get current file offset as number of bytes from the beginning of the file.
long ftell(FILE *stream);
  • fseek() => Set current file offset as number of bytes from the beginning of the file.
int fseek(FILE *stream, long offset, int whence);

Streams and File Descriptors

  • Special File Descriptors (Unix) with type (int)
  • fileno() => Get file descriptor associated to a stream. (Note: It returns a file-descriptor as an integer.)
int fileno(FILE* stream);
  • fdopen() => Associate a stream with a file descriptor. [UNIX-ONLY]
FILE* fdopen(int fd, const char* mode);

Text I/O - Input/Output

  • fputs() => Write c-string (null-terminated ‘\0’ array of characters) to stream.
int fputs(const char* s, FILE* stream)
  • fputc() => Write byte or character to stream.
int putc(int c, FILE* stream);
  • fgets() => Read a buffer from a stream.
char* fgets(char* s, int size, FILE* stream);
  • fscanf() => Read formatted IO
int fscanf(FILE *stream, const char *format, ...);
  • getline() => Read file from a stream.
ssize_t getline(char** lineptr, size_t* n, FILE* stream);
  • getdelim() => Similar, to getline, but can use other delimiters.
ssize_t getdelim(char** lineptr, size_t* n, int delim, FILE* stream);

Binary I/O - Input/Output related

  • fread() => Read binary from stream
size_t fread(void* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE* stream);
  • fwrite() => Write binary data to stream
size_t fread(void* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE* stream);

Standard Library IO Class Hierarchy

C++ Standard Library IO Features:

  • Object oriented and polymorphic
  • Stateful
    • The IO classes have internal states such as precision that float point will be printed; base which numbers will be print such as octal (base 8), hexadecimal (base 16) and decimal (default).
  • Without exceptions
    • The C++ IO does not have exceptions, it indicates error through error flags that must be checked by the calling code.

IO Standard Library IO Classes:

  • ios - base class for streams
  • istream - input stream base class
    • ifstream => Input file stream
    • istringstream => Input string stream
  • ostream - output stream base class
    • ofstream => Output file stream
    • ostringstream => Output string stream
  • iostream - input/output stream base class
    • fstream => Input/Output file stream.
    • sstringstream => String stream that can be used for reading and writing.

IO Global Objects

Output stream global objects (instances of std::ostream):

  • std::cout - Standard output stream (stdout)
  • std::cerr - Standard output error stream (stderr)
  • std::clog
  • std::wcout - Standard output stream (stdout) - wide character version.
  • std::wcerr
  • std::wclog

Input stream global objects (instances of std::istream):

  • std::cin - Standard input stream (stdin)
  • std::wcin - Standard input stream (stdin), wide character version.

Header Files

  • <iostream> => Basic IO
    • std::ostream, std::istream, std::cout, std::cerr, std::clog, std::wcerr
  • <fstream> => File IO
    • std::ifstream, std::ofstream, std::fstream
  • <sstream> => String / Memory IO
    • std::stringstream, std::istringstream, std::ostringstream
  • <iomanip> => IO manipulation functions
    • std::setfill, std::setprecision, std::setw, std::right, std::left, std::dec, std::hex, std::quoted (C++14)

Full references at:

                |                               |
               \|/                             \|/
            +-------+                      +--------+
            |istream|                      |ostream |
            +--+----+                      +---+----+
               |                               |
              \|/       +-----------+         \|/
    +------------------>+  iostream +<------+--v--------+-----------+
    |          |        +-----+-----+       |           |           |
    v          v              |             v           v           v
*std::cin  ifstream           |         *std::cerr   ofstream   ostringstream
           istringstream      |          *std::cout
                              |          *std::clog
                        |           |
                        v           v
                     fstream stringstream


The C++ IO streams are stateful, they have internal states for IO configuration such as IO flags and numerical precision. In the following code, the IO manipulator std::boolalpha enables the IO flag std::ios_base::boolalpha that makes the IO stream print booleans as string instead of ‘0’ or ‘1’. The flag can be disabled with the IO manipulator std::noboolalpha.

#include <iostream> 
#include <iomanip> 

>> std::cout << "flag1 = " << true << " flag2 = " << false << "\n";
flag1 = 1 flag2 = 0
>> std::cout << "flag1 = " << true << " flag2 = " << false << "\n";
flag1 = 1 flag2 = 0

// IO Manipulator that enables boolalpha flag which enables booleans
// be print as strings instead of being print as numbers.
>> std::cout << std::boolalpha;

>> std::cout << "flag1 = " << true << " flag2 = " << false << "\n";
flag1 = true flag2 = false

// Output continues in this way until the flag boolalpha is disabled. 
>> std::cout << "flag1 = " << true << " flag2 = " << false << "\n";
flag1 = true flag2 = false

// Disable flag 
>> std::cout << std::noboolalpha;
>> std::cout << "flag1 = " << true << " flag2 = " << false << "\n";
flag1 = 1 flag2 = 0

Standard Library IO Manipulators

Switch numeric representation of booleans

  • std::boolapha
    • => Print booleans as ‘true’ or ‘false’ rather than 0 or 1.
  • std::noboolalpha
    • => Print boolean as number true as 1 and false as 0.

Case manipulators:

  • std::uppercase => Print everything as uppercase.
  • std::nouppercase => Print without forcing uppercase.

Change numerical base used for printing integers (flag std::ios::basefield)

  • std::dec => Print integers as decimal
  • std::hex => Print integers as heaxdecimal
  • std::oct => Print integers as octal

Float point number formatting: (flag: std::ios::floatfield)

  • std::defaultflot (C++11)
  • std::fixed
    • Print float with fixed precision (fixed numbers of decimal places)
  • std::scientific
    • Print float with scientific notation
  • std::hexfloat (C++11)

Float point precision:

  • std::setprecision(int N)

Field adjusting (flag: std::ios::adjustfield)

  • std::ios::left
  • std::ios::right
  • std::ios::internal

Flushing manipulators:

  • std::flush
    • Flush output stream, in other words, it forces the stream buffer to be written to the IO, for instance, it can force the buffer of a file output stream to be written to a file. TL;DR synchronize stream buffer with output.
  • std::endl
    • Insert new line character in the output stream \n and flushes the stream (std::flush).
  • std::unitbuf
    • => Automatically flushes the output stream after each operation. Note: most output streams flushes by default.
    • Sets the flag: std::ios_base::unitbuf.
  • std::nounitbuf
    • => Disables automatic output stream flushing.
    • => Disables the flag: std::ios_base::unitbuf

Examples Float point IO manipulators

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip> 
#include <cmath>

>> std::cout << "sqrt(pi) = " << std::sqrt(M_PI) << " x = " << 2.50 << "\n";
sqrt(pi) = 1.77245 x = 2.5

// Precision 3 decimal places 
>> std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3);
>> std::cout << "sqrt(pi) = " << std::sqrt(M_PI) << " x = " << 2.50 << "\n";
sqrt(pi) = 1.772 x = 2.500

// Precision 6 decimal places 
>> std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(6);
>> std::cout << "sqrt(pi) = " << std::sqrt(M_PI) << " x = " << 2.50 << "\n";
sqrt(pi) = 1.772454 x = 2.500000

// Reset float IO
>> std::cout << std::defaultfloat;
>> std::cout << "sqrt(pi) = " << std::sqrt(M_PI) << " x = " << 2.50 << "\n";
sqrt(pi) = 1.77245 x = 2.5

Standard Library IO stream redirection

Stdout (cout) and Stderr (cerr) stream redirection

Every process, has the following standard streams:

  • stdin - Standard input (file descriptor 0) => encapsulated by global object std::cin (derived class of std::istream)
  • stdout - Standard output (file descriptor 1) => encapsulated by global object std::cout (derived class of std::ostream)
    • Normal program console output should use std::cout.
  • stderr - Standard error output (file descriptor 2) => encapsulated by global object std::cerr (derived class of std::ostream)
    • Diagnostics, error and logging should use std::cerr as this approach allows separating logging and diagnostics from program output and redirecting or discarding them.
    • Note: Stream redirection is also possible on Windows. Althoug, it is not so usual as in Unix-like operating system due to low usage of terminal application in Windows.
    • Note: A Windows application compiled for GUI subsystem will not display any output stream even if it is run from the terminal.


  • File: stream-redirect.cpp
    • Sample program that solves the equation f(x) = x^3 - a = 0 using newton raphson method.
#include <iostream> // std::cout, std::cerr ...
#include <string>   // std::stod 
#include <cmath>    // std::sin, std::fabs, std::abs, ... 
#include <iomanip>  // std::seprecision, std::fixed 

int main(int argc, char** argv)
     // 1e-6 or 6 digits tolerance 
     double tolerance = 0.000001;
     // Maximum number of iterationrs 
     size_t itermax   = 200;

     if(argc < 2)
          std::cout << "Solves equation x^3 - a = 0 using Newton Raphson Method" << std::endl;
          std::cout << " Error: input parameter not provided" << std::endl;
          return EXIT_FAILURE;

     //------- Parse Input Argument --------------
     double a;
     try {
             a = std::stod(argv[1]);
     } catch (std::exception const& ex) {
             std::cerr << " [ERROR] " << ex.what() << std::endl;
             return EXIT_FAILURE;

     double dx, x = a;
     std::cerr << std::fixed << std::setprecision(4);
     int w = 10;

     std::cerr << " [INFO] Solving equation f(x) = x^3 - a ; for a = " << a << "\n\n";

     std::cerr << std::setw(w) << "Iter"
                       << std::setw(w) << "x"
                       << std::setw(w) << "AbsErr"
                       << std::setw(w) << "RelErr%"
                       << std::endl;	

     // Find the cubic root by solving the following equation with
     // Newton Raphson method: 
     // =>> F(x) = x^3 - a = 0
     for(auto iter = 0; iter < itermax; iter++)
         dx  = (x * x * x - a ) / ( 2.0 * x * x);
         x   = x - dx;

         std::cerr << std::setw(w) << iter
                   << std::setw(w) << x
                   << std::setw(w) << std::fabs(dx)
                   << std::setw(w) << 100.0 * std::fabs(dx / x)
                   << std::endl;

        if(std::fabs(dx) < tolerance * std::fabs(x))
            std::cout << " Cubic root of a = " << a
                      << " ; is approximately " << x
                      << " number of iteratios is " << iter + 1
                      << std::endl;
            return EXIT_SUCCESS;
     std::cerr << " [FAILURE] Root does not converge" << std::endl;
     return EXIT_FAILURE;


$ g++     stream-redirect.cpp -o stream-redirect.bin -std=c++1z -g -O0 -Wall
# Clang / LLVM 
$ clang++ stream-redirect.cpp -o stream-redirect.bin -std=c++1z -g -O0 -Wall


  • Print all results - the standard streams stdcout (std::cout) and stderr are redirected to console by default.
  • Note: Stream redirectiion peformed on Bash shell on Linux.
$ ./stream-redirection.bin 125.0
 [INFO] Solving equation f(x) = x^3 - a ; for a = 125.0000

      Iter         x    AbsErr   RelErr%
         0   62.5040   62.4960   99.9872
         1   31.2680   31.2360   99.8977
         2   15.6979   15.5701   99.1855
         3    8.1026    7.5953   93.7396
         4    5.0033    3.0993   61.9454
         5    4.9984    0.0049    0.0985
         6    5.0008    0.0025    0.0492
         7    4.9996    0.0012    0.0246
         8    5.0002    0.0006    0.0123
         9    4.9999    0.0003    0.0062
        10    5.0001    0.0002    0.0031
        11    5.0000    0.0001    0.0015
        12    5.0000    0.0000    0.0008
        13    5.0000    0.0000    0.0004
        14    5.0000    0.0000    0.0002
        15    5.0000    0.0000    0.0001
 Cubic root of a = 125 ; is approximately 5 number of iteratios is 16
  • Discard stderr standard error stream by redirecting it to /dev/null. Note: valid for Unix-like OSes (Linux, BSD, OSX, QNX …):
    • $ ./program 2> /dev/null
$ ./stream-redirect.bin 125.0 2> /dev/null
 Cubic root of a = 125 ; is approximately 5 number of iteratios is 16
  • Discard stdout - standard output by redirecting it to /dev/null (Unix-like OSes)
    • $ ./program > /dev/null
$ ./stream-redirect.bin 125.0 > /dev/null
 [INFO] Solving equation f(x) = x^3 - a ; for a = 125.0000

      Iter         x    AbsErr   RelErr%
         0   62.5040   62.4960   99.9872
         1   31.2680   31.2360   99.8977
         2   15.6979   15.5701   99.1855
         3    8.1026    7.5953   93.7396
         4    5.0033    3.0993   61.9454
         5    4.9984    0.0049    0.0985
         6    5.0008    0.0025    0.0492
         7    4.9996    0.0012    0.0246
         8    5.0002    0.0006    0.0123
         9    4.9999    0.0003    0.0062
        10    5.0001    0.0002    0.0031
        11    5.0000    0.0001    0.0015
        12    5.0000    0.0000    0.0008
        13    5.0000    0.0000    0.0004
        14    5.0000    0.0000    0.0002
        15    5.0000    0.0000    0.0001
  • Discard both stdout and stderr by redirecting them to /dev/null
    • ./prorgram > /dev/null 2>&1
$ ./stream-redirect.bin 125.0 > /dev/null 2>&1
  • Redirect stdout - standard output stream to a file.
    • ./program > stdout.log
    • Only the stderr is printed, the stdout is redirected to the text file stdout.log
$ ./stream-redirect.bin 125.0 > stdout.log
 [INFO] Solving equation f(x) = x^3 - a ; for a = 125.0000

      Iter         x    AbsErr   RelErr%
         0   62.5040   62.4960   99.9872
         1   31.2680   31.2360   99.8977
         2   15.6979   15.5701   99.1855
         3    8.1026    7.5953   93.7396
         4    5.0033    3.0993   61.9454
         5    4.9984    0.0049    0.0985
         6    5.0008    0.0025    0.0492
         7    4.9996    0.0012    0.0246
         8    5.0002    0.0006    0.0123
         9    4.9999    0.0003    0.0062
        10    5.0001    0.0002    0.0031
        11    5.0000    0.0001    0.0015
        12    5.0000    0.0000    0.0008
        13    5.0000    0.0000    0.0004
        14    5.0000    0.0000    0.0002
        15    5.0000    0.0000    0.0001

# Check file 
$ cat stdout.log 
 Cubic root of a = 125 ; is approximately 5 number of iteratios is 16
  • Redirect stderr (std::cerr) - standard error stream to file.
    • ./program 2> stderr.log
    • Only the stdout is printed and the stderr is redirect to the text file stderr.log
$ ./stream-redirect.bin 125.0 2> stderr.log
 Cubic root of a = 125 ; is approximately 5 number of iteratios is 16

# Show first 5 lines of log file 
$ head -n 5 stderr.log 
 [INFO] Solving equation f(x) = x^3 - a ; for a = 125.0000

      Iter         x    AbsErr   RelErr%
         0   62.5040   62.4960   99.9872
         1   31.2680   31.2360   99.8977

# Show last 5 lines of log file 
$ tail -n 5 stderr.log 
        11    5.0000    0.0001    0.0015
        12    5.0000    0.0000    0.0008
        13    5.0000    0.0000    0.0004
        14    5.0000    0.0000    0.0002
        15    5.0000    0.0000    0.0001
  • Redirect both streams to different files: stdcout (std::cout) and stderr (std:cerr)
    • $ ./program > stdout.txt 2> stderr.txt
    • The stdout (std::cout) is redirected to the file stdout.txt and the stderr (std::cerr) is redirected to the file stderr.txt
$ ./stream-redirect.bin 125.0 > stdout.txt 2> stderr.txt

# Check stdout (std::cout) log file 
$ cat stdout.txt 
 Cubic root of a = 125 ; is approximately 5 number of iteratios is 16

# Check stderr (std::cerr) log file 
$ tail -n 5 stderr.txt 
        11    5.0000    0.0001    0.0015
        12    5.0000    0.0000    0.0008
        13    5.0000    0.0000    0.0004
        14    5.0000    0.0000    0.0002
        15    5.0000    0.0000    0.0001
  • Redirect both streams to the same log file.
    • ./program > log.txt 2>&1
$ ./stream-redirect.bin 125.0 > log.txt 2>&1 

$ cat log.txt 
 [INFO] Solving equation f(x) = x^3 - a ; for a = 125.0000

      Iter         x    AbsErr   RelErr%
         0   62.5040   62.4960   99.9872
         1   31.2680   31.2360   99.8977
         2   15.6979   15.5701   99.1855
         3    8.1026    7.5953   93.7396
         4    5.0033    3.0993   61.9454
         5    4.9984    0.0049    0.0985
         6    5.0008    0.0025    0.0492
         7    4.9996    0.0012    0.0246
         8    5.0002    0.0006    0.0123
         9    4.9999    0.0003    0.0062
        10    5.0001    0.0002    0.0031
        11    5.0000    0.0001    0.0015
        12    5.0000    0.0000    0.0008
        13    5.0000    0.0000    0.0004
        14    5.0000    0.0000    0.0002
        15    5.0000    0.0000    0.0001
 Cubic root of a = 125 ; is approximately 5 number of iteratios is 16

Capturing process stdout and stderr with Python subprocess module

Run C++ program stream-redirect.bin as subprocess:

$ python3
Python 3.6.8 (default, Mar 21 2019, 10:08:12) 
[GCC 8.3.1 20190223 (Red Hat 8.3.1-2)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

>>> import subprocess as sp 

#  Process result 
>>> r =["./stream-redirection.bin", "125"], stdout = sp.PIPE, stderr = sp.PIPE)

Check status code:

  • Process status code => Numeric value returned by int main(....){ … }
  • 0 => Status code means successful return
>>> r.returncode

Check captured stdout:

# =============== Stdout => Standarde Output Stream =====================#

>>> type(r.stdout)
<class 'bytes'>

>>> r.stdout
b' Cubic root of a = 125 ; is approximately 5 number of iteratios is 16\n'

>>> print(r.stdout.decode('utf-8'))
 Cubic root of a = 125 ; is approximately 5 number of iteratios is 16

Check captured stderr:

# => Type is a byte array 
>>> type(r.stderr)
<class 'bytes'>

# => Type is a python string 
>>> type(r.stderr.decode('utf-8'))
<class 'str'>

>>> print(r.stderr.decode('utf-8'))
 [INFO] Solving equation f(x) = x^3 - a ; for a = 125.0000

      Iter         x    AbsErr   RelErr%
         0   62.5040   62.4960   99.9872
         1   31.2680   31.2360   99.8977
         2   15.6979   15.5701   99.1855

       ... ... .... .... ... ... ... .... .... 

        15    5.0000    0.0000    0.0001

Stdin (cin) stream redirection

File: input-redirection.cpp

#include <iostream> // Import: std::cout, std::cin, std::cerr 
#include <iomanip>  // Import: std::setw 
#include <string>   // Import: std::string
#include <functional> // Import: std::function 

int main(int argc, char** argv)
     if(argc > 1 && std::string(argv[1]) == "--help")
         std::cout << "Count line numbers of some file." << std::endl;
         std::cout << " Usage: \n"
                   << "  $  " << argv[0] << " < file.txt \n"
                   << "  $  cat file.txt | " << argv[0] << "\n\n";
         // Early return 
         return 0;

     std::string line;
     long counter  = -1;

     // Self-executable lambda used for returning a value from the if-else 
     bool showLine = [&]{
                           if(argc > 1 && std::string(argv[1]) == "--show-line")
                                   return true;
                           return false;

     std::cerr << std::boolalpha << " [INFO] showLine = " << showLine << std::endl;

     /* Note: The comma opeator evaluates first (counter++) and then 
      * evaluates std::getline(std::cin, line) returning its value. 
     while(counter++, std::getline(std::cin, line)){
                  std::cout << "\n" << std::right << std::setw(4) << counter
                                    << " "  << std::left  << std::setw(8) <<  line;

     std::cout << "\n\n File has " << counter << " lines " << std::endl;	
     return 0; 


# Clang 
$ clang++ input-redirection.cpp -o input-redirection.bin -std=c++1z -g -O0 -Wall

# GCC 
$ gcc++ input-redirection.cpp -o input-redirection.bin -std=c++1z -g -O0 -Wall


Display help:

$ ./input-redirection.bin --help
Count line numbers of some file.
  $  ./input-redirection.bin < file.txt 
  $  cat file.txt | ./input-redirection.bin

Count number of line in input stream stdin (std::cin) typed by user:

  • Note: When the user is done, he types CTRL + D to send EOF (End Of File) character to process.
$ ./input-redirection.bin
 [INFO] showLine = false
DXY index 
  VIX implied volatility 
     standard deviation commodity prices 
         monte carlo simulations stochastic volatility

  Finaly user types CTRL + D when he is done to send EOF signal character to process.

 File has 7 lines 

Redirect output stream (stdout) of echo program to input stream (stdin) of input-redirection.bin:

$ echo -e " line0\n line1\n line2" 

$ echo -e " line0\n line1\n line2" | ./input-redirection.bin 
 [INFO] showLine = false

 File has 3 lines 

$ echo -e " line0\n line1\n line2" | ./input-redirection.bin --show-line
 [INFO] showLine = true

   0    line0
   1    line1
   2    line2

 File has 3 lines 

Redirect file to input stream (stdin) of process input-redirection.bin:

# Show test file 
$ cat /etc/filesystems 
nodev proc
nodev devpts

# Redirect test file to process' input stream without displaying lines 
$ ./input-redirection.bin < /etc/filesystems 
 [INFO] showLine = false

 File has 10 lines 

# Redirect test file to process' input stream displaying its lines 
$ ./input-redirection.bin --show-line < /etc/filesystems 
 [INFO] showLine = true

   0 ext4    
   1 ext3    
   2 ext2    
   3 nodev proc
   4 nodev devpts
   5 iso9660 
   6 vfat    
   7 hfs     
   8 hfsplus 
   9 *       

 File has 10 lines 

Input redirection with Python Subprocess Module

$ python3
Python 3.6.8 (default, Mar 21 2019, 10:08:12) 
[GCC 8.3.1 20190223 (Red Hat 8.3.1-2)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

>>> import subprocess as sp
>>> input = " ASM\n RUST \nC++  \n Lisp \n Ocaml\n Haskell\n --- Scala"

Redirect Python input string to process:

>>> r =["./input-redirection.bin"], stdout = sp.PIPE, stderr = sp.PIPE, input = input.encode())

>>> r
CompletedProcess(args=['./input-redirection.bin'], returncode=0, stdout=b'\n\n File has 7 lines \n', stderr=b' [INFO] showLine = false\n')

Proces status code: numeric value returned by int main(…) function.

>>> r.returncode

Process stdout:

>>> r.stdout
b'\n\n File has 7 lines \n'

>>> print(r.stdout.decode())

 File has 7 lines 

Proces stderr:

>>> r.stderr.decode()
' [INFO] showLine = false\n'

Reading data from generic Input Stream - read data from file, console and memory

File: readInventory.cpp

#include <iostream> // std::cout, std::cin, std::istream, std::ostream ...
#include <fstream>  // std::ifstream, std::ofstream
#include <string>
#include <sstream>  // Import: std::stringstream
#include <iomanip>  // Import: std::quoted
#include <vector>

struct InventoryItem{
    /// Database id
    unsigned int id;
    /// Produce name
    std::string  name;
    /// Price per unit
    double       price;
    /// Quanity
    unsigned int quantity;

    InventoryItem(): id{0}, name{""}, price{0.0}, quantity{0}
    { }

using Inventory = std::vector<InventoryItem>;

void      showInventory(Inventory const& inventory);
Inventory readInventory(std::istream& is);
Inventory readInventoryFromFile(std::string const& file);

extern const char* sampleData;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    if(argc < 2)
        std::cout << "Usage: " << "\n"
                  << "$ " << argv[0]   << " file [FILE] " << "\n"
                  << "$ " << argv[0]   << " memory" << "\n"
                  << "$ " << argv[0]   << " console" << "\n";
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    std::string cmd = argv[1];

    // Self  test - read memory stream
    if(cmd == "memory")
        auto ss        = std::stringstream{sampleData};
        auto inventory = readInventory(ss);
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

    // Read user file
    if(argc == 3 && cmd == "file")
        std::string file = argv[2];
        std::cout << " Reading file: " << file << std::endl;
        Inventory inventory = readInventoryFromFile(file);
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

    // Read console
    if(cmd == "console")
        std::cout << "Type the inventory and then type Ctlr + D when you are done."
                  << std::endl;
        auto inventory = readInventory(std::cin);
        std::cout << " ---- Inventory Value ---------" << std::endl;
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

    std::cerr << " [ERROR] Invalid command line option." << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

// --------------------------------------------------------------//

const char* sampleData = R"(
297  "Current sensor"           9.60    300
871  "Pressure transducer"     90.00     50
751  "Temperature SPI sensor"  40.25     20
652  "Gyroscope"              220.50     45

void showInventory(Inventory const& inventory)
    std::cout << std::setprecision(2) << std::fixed;

    std::cout << std::right << std::setw(5)  << "ID"
              << std::right << std::setw(5)  << " "
              << std::left  << std::setw(30) << "Name"
              << std::right << std::setw(10)  << "Price"
              << std::right << std::setw(12) << "Quantity"
              << std::right << std::setw(12) << "Value"
              << "\n";

    double total = 0.0;
    for(auto const& item: inventory)
        std::cout << std::right << std::setw(5)  <<
                  << std::right << std::setw(5)  << " "
                  << std::left  << std::setw(30) <<
                  << std::right << std::setw(10)  << item.price
                  << std::right << std::setw(12)  << item.quantity
                  << std::right << std::setw(12)  << item.quantity * item.price
                  << "\n";
        total += item.quantity * item.price;
    std::cout << "\n Total inventory value: " << total << "\n";

/** Read inventory from any input stream (derived class from std::istream) such
 *  as std::ifstream, std::cin, std::sstringstream.
readInventory(std::istream& is)
    InventoryItem currentItem;
    std::vector<InventoryItem> inventory;

    std::string       line;
    std::stringstream sline;
    while(std::getline(is, line))
        if(line == "") { continue; }
        // Reset sline status flags
        // Reset the value of sline stringstream
        // Read line fields
        sline >> >> std::quoted(
            >> currentItem.price >> currentItem.quantity;

        // Check error flags and stop on error
            auto error_message =
                std::string("Error: invalid line: ") + line;
            throw  std::runtime_error(error_message);
    return inventory;

readInventoryFromFile(std::string const& file)
    auto ifs = std::ifstream(file);
        std::cerr << " Error: file not found." << std::endl;
    return readInventory(ifs);

File: inventory1.txt

200  "diode"                  3.40         100
300  "blue led"               5.10         200 
100  "power supply 5 Volts"  20.50          15
256  "battery 12 volts pack" 12.50          50
901  "light sensor"          60.00          40


$ g++ readInventory.cpp -o readInventory.bin -std=c++1z -O0 -g

Show options:

$ ./readInventory.bin 
$ ./readInventory.bin file [FILE] 
$ ./readInventory.bin memory
$ ./readInventory.bin console

Read and display inventory data from memory (std::stringstream):

$ ./readInventory.bin memory
   ID     Name                               Price    Quantity       Value
  297     Current sensor                      9.60         300     2880.00
  871     Pressure transducer                90.00          50     4500.00
  751     Temperature SPI sensor             40.25          20      805.00
  652     Gyroscope                         220.50          45     9922.50

 Total inventory value: 18107.50

Read and display inventory data from console (stdin stream), the data is typed by the user and when he is done, he types Ctrl + D sending EOF (End Of File) character to the process:

$ ./readInventory.bin console
Type the inventory and then type Ctlr + D when you are done.
982 "IMU 6 axis" 300.0 25
751 "Temperature sensor I2C" 45.0 200
231 "Current transducer XYZWK" 78.50 35
 ---- Inventory Value ---------
   ID     Name                               Price    Quantity       Value
  982     IMU 6 axis                        300.00          25     7500.00
  751     Temperature sensor I2C             45.00         200     9000.00
  231     Current transducer XYZWK           78.50          35     2747.50

 Total inventory value: 19247.50

Read and show inventory data obtained through stream redirection:

$ cat inventory1.txt | ./readInventory.bin console
Type the inventory and then type Ctlr + D when you are done.
 ---- Inventory Value ---------
   ID     Name                               Price    Quantity       Value
  200     diode                               3.40         100      340.00
  300     blue led                            5.10         200     1020.00
  100     power supply 5 Volts               20.50          15      307.50
  256     battery 12 volts pack              12.50          50      625.00
  901     light sensor                       60.00          40     2400.00

 Total inventory value: 4692.50

Read and display inventory data from file:

$ ./readInventory.bin file inventory1.txt 
 Reading file: inventory1.txt
   ID     Name                               Price    Quantity       Value
  200     diode                               3.40         100      340.00
  300     blue led                            5.10         200     1020.00
  100     power supply 5 Volts               20.50          15      307.50
  256     battery 12 volts pack              12.50          50      625.00
  901     light sensor                       60.00          40     2400.00

 Total inventory value: 4692.50

Reading ELF binary files


Most Unix-like operating systems such as Linux, Android, BSD Variants, AIX and IRIX use ELF Executable Linkable Format binary file format for their executables and shared libraries (aka shared object). While the following code is specific for ELF files, it can be reused with any other type of binary file if the layout is known.

  • Note: Although Mac OSX is an Unix-like operating system, it does not use ELF file format for its executables, instead it uses Mach-O file format.

Parts of an ELF object:

  1. File Header
  2. Section Table*
  3. Program Header Table
  4. Sections and Segments

The most relevant sections for an ELF object-code file are:

.textContains the compiled machine code.
.dataInitialized data
.bssNon-initialized data
.gotGlobal Offset Table
.debugDebug Symbols

Checking an ELF test file

Identify an ELF file:

$ file /bin/bash
/bin/bash: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter 
/lib64/l, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, BuildID[sha1]=01497fbe04f926fce1493834b3d208f82ab29788, stripped, too many notes (256)

Check magic number

The first bytes must be \0x7f ELF or the sequence of bytes: 0x7f 0x45 0x4c 0x46.

$ od -t x1 -N 8 /bin/bash
0000000 7f 45 4c 46 02 01 01 00

$  hexdump -C /bin/bash | head -n 2
00000000  7f 45 4c 46 02 01 01 00  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |.ELF............|
00000010  03 00 3e 00 01 00 00 00  b0 e4 02 00 00 00 00 00  |..>.............|

Show ELF header:

$ readelf -h /bin/bash
ELF Header:
  Magic:   7f 45 4c 46 02 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
  Class:                             ELF64
  Data:                              2's complement, little endian
  Version:                           1 (current)
  OS/ABI:                            UNIX - System V
  ABI Version:                       0
  Type:                              DYN (Shared object file)
  Machine:                           Advanced Micro Devices X86-64
  Version:                           0x1
  Entry point address:               0x2e4b0
  Start of program headers:          64 (bytes into file)
  Start of section headers:          1192776 (bytes into file)
  Flags:                             0x0
  Size of this header:               64 (bytes)
  Size of program headers:           56 (bytes)
  Number of program headers:         11
  Size of section headers:           64 (bytes)
  Number of section headers:         30
  Section header string table index: 29

Show sections:

$ readelf --sections /bin/bash
There are 30 section headers, starting at offset 0x123348:

Section Headers:
  [Nr] Name              Type             Address           Offset
       Size              EntSize          Flags  Link  Info  Align
  [ 0]                   NULL             0000000000000000  00000000
       0000000000000000  0000000000000000           0     0     0
  [ 1] .interp           PROGBITS         00000000000002a8  000002a8
       000000000000001c  0000000000000000   A       0     0     1
  [ 2] .note.ABI-tag     NOTE             00000000000002c4  000002c4
       0000000000000020  0000000000000000   A       0     0     4
  [ 3] .note.gnu.propert NOTE             00000000000002e8  000002e8
       0000000000000030  0000000000000000   A       0     0     8
  [ 4] NOTE             0000000000000318  00000318
       0000000000000024  0000000000000000   A       0     0     4
  [ 5] .gnu.hash         GNU_HASH         0000000000000340  00000340
       00000000000049ac  0000000000000000   A       6     0     8
  [ 6] .dynsym           DYNSYM           0000000000004cf0  00004cf0
       000000000000de18  0000000000000018   A       7     1     8
  [ 7] .dynstr           STRTAB           0000000000012b08  00012b08
       00000000000092be  0000000000000000   A       0     0     1
  [ 8] .gnu.version      VERSYM           000000000001bdc6  0001bdc6
       0000000000001282  0000000000000002   A       6     0     2
  [ 9] .gnu.version_r    VERNEED          000000000001d048  0001d048
       00000000000000b0  0000000000000000   A       7     2     8
  [10] .rela.dyn         RELA             000000000001d0f8  0001d0f8
       000000000000da10  0000000000000018   A       6     0     8
  [11] .rela.plt         RELA             000000000002ab08  0002ab08
       0000000000001470  0000000000000018  AI       6    23     8
  [12] .init             PROGBITS         000000000002bf78  0002bf78
       0000000000000017  0000000000000000  AX       0     0     4
  [13] .plt              PROGBITS         000000000002bf90  0002bf90
       0000000000000db0  0000000000000010  AX       0     0     16
  [14] .text             PROGBITS         000000000002cd40  0002cd40
       00000000000a59e1  0000000000000000  AX       0     0     16
  [15] .fini             PROGBITS         00000000000d2724  000d2724
       0000000000000009  0000000000000000  AX       0     0     4
  [16] .rodata           PROGBITS         00000000000d2740  000d2740
       0000000000018fd8  0000000000000000   A       0     0     32
  [17] .eh_frame_hdr     PROGBITS         00000000000eb718  000eb718
       00000000000042dc  0000000000000000   A       0     0     4

  ... ...   ... ...   ... ...   ... ...   ... ...   ... ...   ... ... 

Key to Flags:
  W (write), A (alloc), X (execute), M (merge), S (strings), I (info),
  L (link order), O (extra OS processing required), G (group), T (TLS),
  C (compressed), x (unknown), o (OS specific), E (exclude),
  l (large), p (processor specific)

Sample program

File: read_elf.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdint>
#include <vector>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cassert>
#include <map>

using ByteArray = std::vector<std::uint8_t>;

/** Print byte array as string and non-printable chars as hexadecimal */
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ByteArray& str);
bool operator==(ByteArray const& rhs, ByteArray const& lhs);
template<typename T> auto readbin_at(std::istream& is, long offset) -> T;
template<typename T> void show_num_at(std::istream& is, long offset, const char* name);

extern std::map<uint8_t, const char*> isa_type_database;

enum class Endianess
    little_endian = 1
  , big_endian    = 2

enum WordSize
    word32bits = 1
   ,word64bits = 2

int main()
    const char* elf_file = "/usr/bin/bash";

    // Create input stream object to read ELF binary file
    auto ifs = std::ifstream (elf_file, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary );

        std::cerr << " [ERROR] Unable to open file." << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    // ==== Read magic header 0x7F ELF at offset 0x00 ===============================//

    ByteArray elf_header(4, 0x00);
    // Read 4 bytes at offset 0x00<char*>(&elf_header[0])
                 , elf_header.size() * sizeof (std::uint8_t));
    std::cout << " elf_header = " << elf_header << std::endl;

    // Check wheter magic bytes are equal to '0x7f E L F'
    if(elf_header != ByteArray{ 0x7f, 0x45, 0x4c, 0x46 })
        std::cerr << " Error: not an ELF unix executable file." << std::endl;

    // ==== Read field EI_CLASS at 0x04 ============================================//
    auto ei_class = readbin_at<uint8_t>(ifs, 0x04);
    printf(" ei_class = 0x%X \n", ei_class);
    WordSize wordsize = static_cast<WordSize>(ei_class);
    printf(" Executable type (word size): %s \n", (ei_class == 2 ? "64 bits" : " 32 bits"));

    //==== Read field EI_DATA at offset 0x05 ====================================//
    auto ei_data = readbin_at<uint8_t>(ifs, 0x05);
    printf(" ei_data = 0x%X \n", ei_data);
    Endianess endianess = static_cast<Endianess>(ei_data);

    if(endianess == Endianess::big_endian)
        printf(" => Processor is BIG ENDIAN \n");

    if(endianess == Endianess::little_endian)
        printf(" => Processor is LITTLE ENDIAN\n");

    //==== Read field EI_OSABI at offset 0x07 ======================================//
    auto ei_osabi = readbin_at<uint8_t>(ifs, 0x07);
    printf(" ei_osabi = 0x%X \n", ei_osabi);

    //=== Read ISA - Instruction Set Architecture type ===========================//
    auto ei_machine = readbin_at<uint8_t>(ifs, 0x12);
    printf(" ei_machine = 0x%X \n", ei_machine);
    printf(" Architecture(ISA): %s \n",;

    //=== Read e_phnum, e_shentsize, e_shnum and e_shstrndx ====================//
    // Note: assumes ELF 64 bits
    auto e_shnum = readbin_at<uint16_t>(ifs, 0x3C);
    printf(" Number of sections of the ELF file = %d \n", e_shnum);

    show_num_at<uint32_t>(ifs, 0x30, "e_hsize");
    show_num_at<uint16_t>(ifs, 0x36, "e_shentsize");
    show_num_at<uint16_t>(ifs, 0x38, "e_phnum");
    show_num_at<uint16_t>(ifs, 0x3A, "e_shentsize");
    show_num_at<uint16_t>(ifs, 0x3C, "e_shnum");

    //=== Read entry point field ================================================//
    uint64_t ei_entry;

    if(wordsize == WordSize::word32bits)
        ei_entry = readbin_at<uint32_t>(ifs, 0x18);

    if(wordsize == WordSize::word64bits)
        ei_entry = readbin_at<uint64_t>(ifs, 0x18);

    printf(" Entry point 0x%X \n", ei_entry);

    return 0;

// ***************************************************************//

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ByteArray& str)
    for(const auto& ch: str)
            os << ch << "";
            os << "\\0x" << std::hex << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0')
               << static_cast<int>(ch) << " "
               << std::dec;
    return os;

bool operator==(ByteArray const& rhs, ByteArray const& lhs)
    if(rhs.size() != lhs.size()) {
        return false;
    return std::equal(rhs.begin(), rhs.end(), lhs.begin());

/** @brief Read some value T at some offset of a binary input stream.
  * @tparam T      - type which will be read
  * @param  is     - Input stream opened in binary mode
  * @param  offset - Offset or position where data will be read.
template<typename T>
auto readbin_at(std::istream& is, long offset) -> T
    T value{};
    if(offset > 0) { is.seekg(offset); }<char*>(&value), sizeof (T));
    return value;

template<typename T>
void show_num_at(std::istream& is, long offset, const char* name)
    T data = readbin_at<T>(is, offset);
    printf(" => Field [%s] = %d \n", name, data);

// Instruction set ISA type database
std::map<uint8_t, const char*> isa_type_database =
         {0x00, "No specified"}
        ,{0x02, "Sparc"}
        ,{0x03, "x86"}
        ,{0x08, "MIPS"}
        ,{0x14, "Power PC"}
        ,{0x16, "S390"}
        ,{0x28, "ARM"}
        ,{0x2A, "SuperH"}
        ,{0x3E, "x86-64"}
        ,{0xB7, "AArch64"}
        ,{0xF3, "RISC-V"}


$ g++ read_elf.cpp -o read_elf.bin -std=c++1z -Wall -g -O0 

Running and sample output:

$ ./read_elf.bin 
 elf_header = \0x7f ELF
 ei_class = 0x2 
 Executable type (word size): 64 bits 
 ei_data = 0x1 
 => Processor is LITTLE ENDIAN
 ei_osabi = 0x0 
 ei_machine = 0x3E 
 Architecture(ISA): x86-64 
 Number of sections of the ELF file = 30 
 => Field [e_hsize] = 0 
 => Field [e_shentsize] = 56 
 => Field [e_phnum] = 11 
 => Field [e_shentsize] = 64 
 => Field [e_shnum] = 30 
 Entry point 0x2E4B0 


Open file in binary mode:

auto ifs = std::ifstream (elf_file, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary );

Function for reading data at some offset from a input stream opened in binary mode.

/** @brief Read some value T at some offset of a binary input stream.
  * @tparam T      - type which will be read
  * @param  is     - Input stream opened in binary mode
  * @param  offset - Offset or position where data will be read.
template<typename T>
auto readbin_at(std::istream& is, long offset) -> T
    T value{};
    if(offset > 0) { is.seekg(offset); }<char*>(&value), sizeof (T));
    return value;

Relevant Member function of class std::istream for binary file:

  • seekg => Set current position/offset of input stream.
istream& istream::seekg (streampos offset);
  • read => Read n bytes from input stream.
istream& istream::read (char* buffer, streamsize buffer_size);


Reading whole input stream to string

Note: It is advisable to not use the function istreamToString with large files >= 1GB, otherwise it can cost 1GB of RAM. Large files should be processed chunk-by-chunk in order to not consume an unnecessary amount of memory.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream> 
#include <fstream> 

/** @brief Read whole input stream to a string and returns it 
  * Requires headers: <iostream> and <sstream>
std::string istreamToString(std::istream& is){
        throw std::runtime_error("Error: stream has errors.");
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << is.rdbuf();
    return ss.str();

Read std::cin stream - console (stdin)

// Use types a text and types CTRL + D when he is done sending EOF character 
>> auto text = istreamToString(std::cin); 
 A stdin input stream works like a "console file".      
 In UNIX everything has a file interface, works with a file API, everything is a file.
 Type CTRL + D to send EOF and close this stream.

>> std::cout << "text = " << text2 << std::endl;
text =  A stdin input stream works like a "console file".
 In UNIX everything has a file interface, works with a file API, everything is a file.
 Type CTRL + D to send EOF and close this stream.

Read file input stream:

>> auto ifs = std::ifstream("/proc/sys/kernel/osrelease")
(std::basic_ifstream<char, std::char_traits<char> > &) @0x7f3edbc0a688

>> auto os_release = istreamToString(ifs)
(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > &) "4.20.16-100.fc28.x86_64

>> std::cout << " =>> Linux-OS Release = " << os_release << std::endl;
 =>> Linux-OS Release = 4.20.16-100.fc28.x86_64

Read stringstream - memory stream.

>> std::stringstream ms;
>> ms << " UNIX - Linux OS2 Mainframes AIX VxWorks QNX ";
>> ms << "\n network TCP IP UDP SOCKET packets";
>> ms << " \n binary bits octets speed 3G 4G 5G business flow currency";
>> ms << " \n technology price technology technology technology";
>> ms << std::flush;

// Type of txt => std::string 
>> auto txt = istreamToString(ms);

>> std::cout << "text = \n" << txt ;
text = 
 UNIX - Linux OS2 Mainframes AIX VxWorks QNX 
 network TCP IP UDP SOCKET packets 
 binary bits octets speed 3G 4G 5G business flow currency 

Reading whole file to string

The following function read a given text file content to a string.

#include <iostream>
#include <string> 
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>

// Requires: <string>, <stream>, <sstream>
std::string readFile(std::string const& file) {
    std::ifstream is(file);
    if( !is.good() ){
        throw std::runtime_error("Error: stream has errors.");
    std::stringstream ss;
    ss << is.rdbuf();
    return ss.str();

Testing in ROOT repl:

 root [11] std::string content = readFile("/etc/filesystems")
 (std::string &) "xfs
 nodev proc
 nodev devpts

root [13] std::cout << " Content of file /etc/filesystems = \n\n" << content <<  Content of file /etc/filesystems = 

nodev proc
nodev devpts

IO - Insertion << and extraction >> operators

Operators insertion insertion for std::vector<T>

Operator: (<<)

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

template<typename Element> 
operator<<(std::ostream& os, std::vector<Element> const& xs )
    os << "[" << xs.size() << "]( ";
    for(const auto&  x: xs)
       os << x << " ";
    return os << " )";

Main function:

std::vector<double> xs;
xs = {};
std::cout << "xs = " << xs << std::endl;
xs = {1.0, 5.0, 4.6, 1e4, 9.8};    
std::cout << "xs = " << xs << std::endl;

std::vector<int> xa = {1, 3, 4, 5, 6};
std::cout << "xa = " << xa << "\n";

auto words = std::vector<std::string>{"hello", "world", "C++", "new", "machine"};
std::cout << "words = " << words << "\n";

return 0;


xs = [0](  )
xs = [5]( 1 5 4.6 10000 9.8  )
xa = [5]( 1 3 4 5 6  )
words = [5]( hello world C++ new machine  )

Operators insertion and extraction for used defined-type

This example shows how to overload the operators insertion (<<) and extraction (>>) for an user defined type. Note: those operators are not class methods, they are free functions.

Compiling and running:

$ clang++ inputOutput.cpp -o inputOutput.bin -std=c++1z -O0 -Wall && ./inputOutput.bin

Class Product (file: Product.hpp):

class Product{
    int          m_id;
    std::string  m_name;
    double       m_price;
    Product(int id, std::string const& name, double price);
    int         Id()    const;
    std::string Name()  const;
    double      Price() const;
    void showProduct()  const;

    auto operator<<(std::ostream& os, Product const& prod) -> std::ostream&;

    auto operator>>(std::istream& is, Product& prod) -> std::istream&;	

Methods implementation (file: Product.hpp)


Product::Product(int id, std::string const& name, double price):
   m_id(id), m_name(name), m_price(price)

Product::Product(): Product(-1, "unnamed", 0.0)

Operator insertion (<<) for printing a Product object to an output stream, it means any derived class of std::ostream or std::cout, std::stringstream, std::fstream.

  • Note: This operator is not a method of the class Product, it is just a function of two arguments.
auto operator<<(std::ostream& os, Product const& prod) -> std::ostream&
     os << " " << prod.m_id
        << " " << std::quoted(prod.m_name)
        << " " << prod.m_price;	   
     return os;	

Operator extraction (>>) for reading a product object from an input stream, it means, any derived class of the class std::istream such as std::cin, std::fstream, std::sstream and so on.

auto operator>>(std::istream& is, Product& prod) -> std::istream&
    return is >> prod.m_id >> std::quoted(prod.m_name) >> prod.m_price;	

Main function:

Create sample products:

Product p1{200, "Arabica Coffee", 4.50};	
Product p2{300, "Orange 1kg ", 10.0};
Product p3{126, "XYWZ soft drink", 15.60};

Experiment 1: print products to stdout.

std::puts(" >>> EXPERIMENT 1 == Print Products ===========");
std::cout << "Product p1 = {" << p1 << " }" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Product p2 = {" << p2 << " }" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Product p3 = {" << p3 << " }" << std::endl;


 >>> EXPERIMENT 1 == Print Products ===========
Product p1 = { 200 "Arabica Coffee" 4.5 }
Product p2 = { 300 "Orange 1kg " 10 }
Product p3 = { 126 "XYWZ soft drink" 15.6 

Experiment 2: Print Product to memory stream (memory file)

std::puts(" >>> EXPERIMENT 2 == Print Products to memory stream (memory file) ====");
std::stringstream ss;
ss << p1 << "\n" << p2 << "\n" << p3;
std::cout << "ss = \n" << ss.str() << std::endl;


 >>> EXPERIMENT 2 == Print Products to memory stream (memory file) ====
ss = 
 200 "Arabica Coffee" 4.5
 300 "Orange 1kg " 10
 126 "XYWZ soft drink" 15.6

Experiment 3: Read product from memory stream.

std::puts(" >>> EXPERIMENT 3 == Read products from memory stream ====");
Product pr;
ss >> pr;
std::cout << " pr1 = " << pr << std::endl;
ss >> pr;
std::cout << " pr2 = " << pr << std::endl;
ss >> pr;
std::cout << " pr3 = " << pr << std::endl;


>>> EXPERIMENT 3 == Read products from memory stream ====
pr1 =  200 "Arabica Coffee" 4.5
pr2 =  300 "Orange 1kg " 10
pr3 =  126 "XYWZ soft drink" 15.6

Experiment 4: Read products from console (user types the products) and types Ctrl + D sending EOF (End Of File) character when he is done.

std::puts(" >>> EXPERIMENT 4 == Read products from console ====");
Product prod;
    std::cout << "Enter product: ";
    std::cin >> prod;
    std::cout << " prod = " << prod << " ; "
              << " price = " << prod.Price()
              << std::endl;


Enter product: 451 Lemon 6.7
 prod =  451 "Lemon" 6.7 ;  price = 6.7
Enter product: 234 "Fresh atum 1kg" 25.90
 prod =  234 "Fresh atum 1kg" 25.9 ;  price = 25.9
Enter product: 461 "Cappucino coffee" 25.60        
 prod =  461 "Cappucino coffee" 25.6 ;  price = 25.6

Custom IO manipulators

Example: 1

Custom IO manipulator to print integers in hexadecimal format without affecting IO global state.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

template<typename Numeric> struct to_hex {
     Numeric m_value;
     to_hex(Numeric value): m_value(value){ }

     friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, to_hex const& rhs)
         return os << "0x" << std::uppercase << std::hex
                   << rhs.m_value << std::nouppercase << std::dec ;


>> std::cout << "x = " << to_hex<int>(2561) << " y = " << 246 << "\n";
x = 0xA01 y = 246

>> std::cout << "x = " << to_hex<int>(255) << " y = " << 246 << "\n";
x = 0xFF y = 246

Example 2 Custom IO manipulators for numerical tables.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <type_traits>

// Requires headers:  <iostream>, <iomanip>, <type_traits>
   typename Numeric,
   // Used for restricting the types of arguments that can be used. 
   // It will generate a compiler error for non-float arguments. 
   typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<Numeric>::value, void>::type* = nullptr
struct to_fix {
    Numeric m_value;
    size_t  m_precision;
    size_t  m_field_size;

    to_fix(Numeric value, size_t fieldSize = 8, size_t precision = 4)
        m_value       = value;
        m_field_size  = fieldSize;
        m_precision	  = precision;

    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, to_fix const& rhs)
        size_t prec = os.precision();
        std::ios config{nullptr};
        os << std::fixed << std::setprecision(rhs.m_precision)
           << std::setw(rhs.m_field_size) << rhs.m_value;
        return os;


Experiment 1:

for(double x = 0.0; x < 4.0; x += 0.5) {
     using T = double;
     double y = std::sqrt(x);
     std::cout << to_fix<T>(x) << to_fix<T>(y) << "\n";

Experiment 1 Output:

0.0000  0.0000
0.5000  0.7071
1.0000  1.0000
1.5000  1.2247
2.0000  1.4142
2.5000  1.5811
3.0000  1.7321
3.5000  1.8708

Experiment 2:

for(double x = 0.0; x < 100.0; x += 10.0) {
     using T = double;
     double y = std::sqrt(x);
     std::cout << to_fix<T>(x, 8, 2) << to_fix<T>(y, 9, 5) << "\n";

Experiment 2 output:

 0.00  0.00000
10.00  3.16228
20.00  4.47214
30.00  5.47723
40.00  6.32456
50.00  7.07107
60.00  7.74597
70.00  8.36660
80.00  8.94427
90.00  9.48683

Experiment 3: Print table to file.

std::ofstream report("/tmp/report.txt");

for(double x = 0.0; x < 100.0; x += 10.0) {
     using T = double;
     double y = std::sqrt(x);
     report << to_fix<T>(x, 8, 2) << to_fix<T>(y, 9, 5) << "\n";

// Sync buffer with IO 
// force buffer to be written to IO 

// Force close

// Run shell command to check file 
>> .! head -n 3 /tmp/report.txt
    0.00  0.00000
   10.00  3.16228
   20.00  4.47214

>> .! tail -n 3 /tmp/report.txt
   70.00  8.36660
   80.00  8.94427
   90.00  9.48683

Redirect IO .rdbuf()

See: ios::rdbuf - C++ Reference

  • Overload 1: Return pointer to stream buffer attached to stream.
  • Overload 2: Set pointer to stream buffer attached to stream and clears the error state flags.
/* Overload 1 [get] */ 
 streambuf* ios::rdbuf() const;

/* Overload 2 [set] */ 
 streambuf* ios::rdbuf (streambuf* sb);

Example: Redirect std::cerr to std::stringstream string IO

#include <iostream>
#include <string> 
#include <sstream>

std::stringstream ss;

>> std::cerr << " Stderr output \n";
 Stderr output 
// Backup pointer to cout stream buffer 
>> auto buf = std::cerr.rdbuf()
(std::basic_streambuf<char, std::char_traits<char> > *) @0x7ffe4c3bc4d8
// Redirect stream 

The global object std::cerr prints to stringstream instead of process’ stderr (standard error output):

>> std::cerr << "hello world ";
>> std::cerr << "pi = " << M_PI << " exp(3.5) " << std::exp(3.5) << "\n";

Get content of stream ss:

// Stream content 
>> ss
(std::stringstream &) @0x7fa0341bb018
>> ss.str()
"hello world pi = 3.14159 exp(3.5) 33.1155"

Restore buffer:

>> std::cerr.rdbuf(buf);

>> std::cerr << "pi = " << M_PI << " exp(3.5) " << std::exp(3.5) << "\n";
pi = 3.14159 exp(3.5) 33.1155  

Saving and restoring IO flags

Manual saving restoring

IO manipulators such as std::scientific, std::fixed, std::setprecision or std::uppercase are stateful and permanently affects the IO flags what can make the code hard to understand and cause unintended IO changes. This issue can be solved by saving and restoring the IO flags.

Save IO state:

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

// ========= Save IO flags =========
std::ios config{nullptr};

Before changing IO flags:

>> std::cout << "pi = " << M_PI << " gravity = " << 9.8145723e3 << " E = " << 956e6 << "\n";
pi = 3.14159 gravity = 9814.57 E = 9.56e+08

>> std::cout << " true = " << true << " false = " << false << "\n";
 true = 1 false = 0

Change IO flags:

std::cout << std::boolalpha;
std::cout << std::setprecision(3) << std::fixed;

After changing IO flags:

>> std::cout << "pi = " << M_PI << " gravity = " << 9.8145723e3 << " E = " << 956e6 << "\n";
pi = 3.142 gravity = 9814.572 E = 956000000.000

>> std::cout << "sqrt(2) = " << std::sqrt(2.0) << "\n" ;
sqrt(2) = 1.414

>> std::cout << " true = " << true << " false = " << false << "\n";
 true = true false = false

Restore IO flags:


After restoring IO flags:

>> std::cout << "pi = " << M_PI << " gravity = " << 9.8145723e3 << " E = " << 956e6 << "\n";
pi = 3.14159 gravity = 9814.57 E = 9.56e+08

>> std::cout << "sqrt(2) = " << std::sqrt(2.0) << "\n" ;
sqrt(2) = 1.41421

>> std::cout << " true = " << true << " false = " << false << "\n";
 true = 1 false = 0 

Automatic saving and restoring IO flags with RAAI

Class for saving IO flags using RAAI.

struct IOContext {
    std::ios      m_config{nullptr};
    std::ostream* m_pos;

    // Save context 
    IOContext(std::ostream& os = std::cout): m_pos(&os)
        std::cerr << " [INFO] saved IO flags" << std::endl;
    // Restore context 
        std::cerr << " [INFO] restored IO flags" << std::endl;


Test function:

void testIOFlags() {
     std::cout << "===== Before =======" << "\n";
     std::cout << "pi = " << M_PI
               << " gravity = " << 9.8145723e3
               << " E = " << 956e6 << "\n";

     std::cout << " true = " << true << " false = " << false << "\n";

     std::cout << "===== Context - IO flags changed =======" << "\n";
     {  /* Sub-scope start */
         IOContext ctx{std::cout}; /* Save IO Flags */

         std::cout << std::boolalpha;
         std::cout << std::setprecision(3) << std::fixed;

         std::cout << "pi = " << M_PI
                   << " gravity = " << 9.8145723e3
                   << " E = " << 956e6 << "\n";

         std::cout << " true = " << true << " false = " << false << "\n";

        /* End of sub-scope */
     } // Object ctx destroyed here => IO flags restored 

     std::cout << "===== After => IO flags restored =======" << "\n";

     std::cout << "pi = " << M_PI
               << " gravity = " << 9.8145723e3
               << " E = " << 956e6 << "\n";

     std::cout << " true = " << true << " false = " << false << "\n";
} /** --- End of function testIOFlags --- */

Test in REPL:

>> testIOFlags()

===== Before =======
pi = 3.14159 gravity = 9814.57 E = 9.56e+08
 true = 1 false = 0
===== Context - IO flags changed =======
 [INFO] saved IO flags
pi = 3.142 gravity = 9814.572 E = 956000000.000
 true = true false = false
 [INFO] restored IO flags
===== After => IO flags restored =======
pi = 3.14159 gravity = 9814.57 E = 9.56e+08
 true = 1 false = 0