Simple companion app to help me in learing/sticking to my piano training. A.K.A find a way to procrastinate.
- Level based learning
- i.e, Line notes, space notes
- Tinder card animation #later
- Timed with leader board (Best of 5) #later
Timed notes
- Random note to play
- To help me with rythym
- Random note to play
Random music generate
- Level based random music generate
- Similar to flash card
- Level based random music generate
- Time signature/Metronome animations? #later
- Choose level
- G/F staff, Around G, Line, space, Extended Line, Extended space
- Improve UI
Nicer Images #later
- Generate note image
- svg editor
- 80x130 seems to be okay for the image with 2.5x scale
- Random sheet music generators
- Tinder card - lib
- vexflow - tests