Translations: 简体中文
- The following example takes precedence over the Compose version component for demonstration
- ZoomState.zoomable is equivalent to ZoomImageView.zoomable
- ZoomState.subsampling is equivalent to ZoomImageView.subsampling
ZoomImage provides a modified locate()
method to locate the specified position of the image,
which is displayed in the middle of the screen (except for the edge position), which has three
- contentPoint: IntOffset: The anchor on the content, the origin is the upper-left corner of the content
- targetScale: Float = transform.scaleX: The target magnification, which defaults to the current magnification
- animated: Boolean = false: Whether to use animation, the default is false
val zoomState: ZoomState by rememberZoomState()
imageUri = "",
contentDescription = "view image",
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
zoomState = zoomState,
val coroutineScope = rememberCoroutineScope()
onClick = {
// Locate to the center of the content and zoom to mediumScale if the current zoom factor is less than MediumScale
coroutineScope.launch {
contentPoint =,
targetScale = zoomState.zoomable.transform.scaleX.coerceAtLeast(zoomState.zoomable.mediumScale),
animated = true,
) {
Text(text = "locate to center")