diff --git a/frame/alliance/src/lib.rs b/frame/alliance/src/lib.rs
index 24111b44ced9e..2ef6718538122 100644
--- a/frame/alliance/src/lib.rs
+++ b/frame/alliance/src/lib.rs
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ use frame_support::{
 		ChangeMembers, Currency, Get, InitializeMembers, IsSubType, OnUnbalanced,
-	weights::{OldWeight, Weight},
+	weights::Weight,
 use pallet_identity::IdentityField;
@@ -620,22 +620,25 @@ pub mod pallet {
 				.max(T::WeightInfo::close_early_disapproved(x, y, p2))
 				.max(T::WeightInfo::close_approved(b, x, y, p2))
 				.max(T::WeightInfo::close_disapproved(x, y, p2))
-				.saturating_add(p1.into())
+				.saturating_add(p1)
-		#[allow(deprecated)]
-		#[deprecated(note = "1D weight is used in this extrinsic, please migrate to use `close`")]
-		pub fn close_old_weight(
+		pub fn close(
 			origin: OriginFor<T>,
 			proposal_hash: T::Hash,
 			#[pallet::compact] index: ProposalIndex,
-			#[pallet::compact] proposal_weight_bound: OldWeight,
+			#[pallet::compact] proposal_weight_bound: Weight,
 			#[pallet::compact] length_bound: u32,
 		) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
-			let proposal_weight_bound: Weight = proposal_weight_bound.into();
 			let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;
 			ensure!(Self::has_voting_rights(&who), Error::<T, I>::NoVotingRights);
-			Self::do_close(proposal_hash, index, proposal_weight_bound, length_bound)
+			let info = T::ProposalProvider::close_proposal(
+				proposal_hash,
+				index,
+				proposal_weight_bound,
+				length_bound,
+			)?;
+			Ok(info.into())
 		/// Initialize the Alliance, onboard founders, fellows, and allies.
@@ -982,34 +985,6 @@ pub mod pallet {
 			Self::deposit_event(Event::UnscrupulousItemRemoved { items });
-		/// Close a vote that is either approved, disapproved, or whose voting period has ended.
-		///
-		/// Requires the sender to be a founder or fellow.
-		#[pallet::weight({
-			let b = *length_bound;
-			let x = T::MaxFounders::get();
-			let y = T::MaxFellows::get();
-			let p1 = *proposal_weight_bound;
-			let p2 = T::MaxProposals::get();
-			T::WeightInfo::close_early_approved(b, x, y, p2)
-				.max(T::WeightInfo::close_early_disapproved(x, y, p2))
-				.max(T::WeightInfo::close_approved(b, x, y, p2))
-				.max(T::WeightInfo::close_disapproved(x, y, p2))
-				.saturating_add(p1)
-		})]
-		pub fn close(
-			origin: OriginFor<T>,
-			proposal_hash: T::Hash,
-			#[pallet::compact] index: ProposalIndex,
-			proposal_weight_bound: Weight,
-			#[pallet::compact] length_bound: u32,
-		) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
-			let who = ensure_signed(origin)?;
-			ensure!(Self::has_voting_rights(&who), Error::<T, I>::NoVotingRights);
-			Self::do_close(proposal_hash, index, proposal_weight_bound, length_bound)
-		}
@@ -1222,19 +1197,4 @@ impl<T: Config<I>, I: 'static> Pallet<T, I> {
-	fn do_close(
-		proposal_hash: T::Hash,
-		index: ProposalIndex,
-		proposal_weight_bound: Weight,
-		length_bound: u32,
-	) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
-		let info = T::ProposalProvider::close_proposal(
-			proposal_hash,
-			index,
-			proposal_weight_bound,
-			length_bound,
-		)?;
-		Ok(info.into())
-	}
diff --git a/frame/babe/src/tests.rs b/frame/babe/src/tests.rs
index d4132e6378540..8d2a9b326cd0f 100644
--- a/frame/babe/src/tests.rs
+++ b/frame/babe/src/tests.rs
@@ -852,8 +852,7 @@ fn valid_equivocation_reports_dont_pay_fees() {
 		// it should have non-zero weight and the fee has to be paid.
-		// TODO: account for proof size weight
-		assert!(info.weight.ref_time() > 0);
+		assert!(info.weight.all_gt(Weight::zero()));
 		assert_eq!(info.pays_fee, Pays::Yes);
 		// report the equivocation.
diff --git a/frame/collective/src/lib.rs b/frame/collective/src/lib.rs
index 06d5b1fab78e7..ae68ae2fe3e16 100644
--- a/frame/collective/src/lib.rs
+++ b/frame/collective/src/lib.rs
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ use frame_support::{
 		Backing, ChangeMembers, EnsureOrigin, Get, GetBacking, InitializeMembers, StorageVersion,
-	weights::{OldWeight, Weight},
+	weights::Weight,
@@ -620,20 +620,17 @@ pub mod pallet {
 					.max(T::WeightInfo::close_early_disapproved(m, p2))
 					.max(T::WeightInfo::close_approved(b, m, p2))
 					.max(T::WeightInfo::close_disapproved(m, p2))
-					.saturating_add(p1.into())
+					.saturating_add(p1)
-		#[allow(deprecated)]
-		#[deprecated(note = "1D weight is used in this extrinsic, please migrate to `close`")]
-		pub fn close_old_weight(
+		pub fn close(
 			origin: OriginFor<T>,
 			proposal_hash: T::Hash,
 			#[pallet::compact] index: ProposalIndex,
-			#[pallet::compact] proposal_weight_bound: OldWeight,
+			#[pallet::compact] proposal_weight_bound: Weight,
 			#[pallet::compact] length_bound: u32,
 		) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
-			let proposal_weight_bound: Weight = proposal_weight_bound.into();
 			let _ = ensure_signed(origin)?;
 			Self::do_close(proposal_hash, index, proposal_weight_bound, length_bound)
@@ -662,64 +659,6 @@ pub mod pallet {
 			let proposal_count = Self::do_disapprove_proposal(proposal_hash);
-		/// Close a vote that is either approved, disapproved or whose voting period has ended.
-		///
-		/// May be called by any signed account in order to finish voting and close the proposal.
-		///
-		/// If called before the end of the voting period it will only close the vote if it is
-		/// has enough votes to be approved or disapproved.
-		///
-		/// If called after the end of the voting period abstentions are counted as rejections
-		/// unless there is a prime member set and the prime member cast an approval.
-		///
-		/// If the close operation completes successfully with disapproval, the transaction fee will
-		/// be waived. Otherwise execution of the approved operation will be charged to the caller.
-		///
-		/// + `proposal_weight_bound`: The maximum amount of weight consumed by executing the closed
-		/// proposal.
-		/// + `length_bound`: The upper bound for the length of the proposal in storage. Checked via
-		/// `storage::read` so it is `size_of::<u32>() == 4` larger than the pure length.
-		///
-		/// # <weight>
-		/// ## Weight
-		/// - `O(B + M + P1 + P2)` where:
-		///   - `B` is `proposal` size in bytes (length-fee-bounded)
-		///   - `M` is members-count (code- and governance-bounded)
-		///   - `P1` is the complexity of `proposal` preimage.
-		///   - `P2` is proposal-count (code-bounded)
-		/// - DB:
-		///  - 2 storage reads (`Members`: codec `O(M)`, `Prime`: codec `O(1)`)
-		///  - 3 mutations (`Voting`: codec `O(M)`, `ProposalOf`: codec `O(B)`, `Proposals`: codec
-		///    `O(P2)`)
-		///  - any mutations done while executing `proposal` (`P1`)
-		/// - up to 3 events
-		/// # </weight>
-		#[pallet::weight((
-			{
-				let b = *length_bound;
-				let m = T::MaxMembers::get();
-				let p1 = *proposal_weight_bound;
-				let p2 = T::MaxProposals::get();
-				T::WeightInfo::close_early_approved(b, m, p2)
-					.max(T::WeightInfo::close_early_disapproved(m, p2))
-					.max(T::WeightInfo::close_approved(b, m, p2))
-					.max(T::WeightInfo::close_disapproved(m, p2))
-					.saturating_add(p1)
-			},
-			DispatchClass::Operational
-		))]
-		pub fn close(
-			origin: OriginFor<T>,
-			proposal_hash: T::Hash,
-			#[pallet::compact] index: ProposalIndex,
-			proposal_weight_bound: Weight,
-			#[pallet::compact] length_bound: u32,
-		) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
-			let _ = ensure_signed(origin)?;
-			Self::do_close(proposal_hash, index, proposal_weight_bound, length_bound)
-		}
diff --git a/frame/contracts/src/lib.rs b/frame/contracts/src/lib.rs
index f9a1c8decf042..fc44e4507ca00 100644
--- a/frame/contracts/src/lib.rs
+++ b/frame/contracts/src/lib.rs
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ use frame_support::{
 		tokens::fungible::Inspect, ConstU32, Contains, Currency, Get, Randomness,
 		ReservableCurrency, Time,
-	weights::{OldWeight, Weight},
+	weights::Weight,
 	BoundedVec, WeakBoundedVec,
 use frame_system::{limits::BlockWeights, Pallet as System};
@@ -429,18 +429,15 @@ pub mod pallet {
 		/// * If the account is a regular account, any value will be transferred.
 		/// * If no account exists and the call value is not less than `existential_deposit`,
 		/// a regular account will be created and any value will be transferred.
-		#[pallet::weight(T::WeightInfo::call().saturating_add((*gas_limit).into()))]
-		#[allow(deprecated)]
-		#[deprecated(note = "1D weight is used in this extrinsic, please migrate to `call`")]
-		pub fn call_old_weight(
+		#[pallet::weight(T::WeightInfo::call().saturating_add(*gas_limit))]
+		pub fn call(
 			origin: OriginFor<T>,
 			dest: AccountIdLookupOf<T>,
 			#[pallet::compact] value: BalanceOf<T>,
-			#[pallet::compact] gas_limit: OldWeight,
+			#[pallet::compact] gas_limit: Weight,
 			storage_deposit_limit: Option<<BalanceOf<T> as codec::HasCompact>::Type>,
 			data: Vec<u8>,
 		) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
-			let gas_limit: Weight = gas_limit.into();
 			let origin = ensure_signed(origin)?;
 			let dest = T::Lookup::lookup(dest)?;
 			let mut output = Self::internal_call(
@@ -488,22 +485,17 @@ pub mod pallet {
 		/// - The `deploy` function is executed in the context of the newly-created account.
 			T::WeightInfo::instantiate_with_code(code.len() as u32, salt.len() as u32)
-			.saturating_add((*gas_limit).into())
-		)]
-		#[allow(deprecated)]
-		#[deprecated(
-			note = "1D weight is used in this extrinsic, please migrate to `instantiate_with_code`"
+			.saturating_add(*gas_limit)
-		pub fn instantiate_with_code_old_weight(
+		pub fn instantiate_with_code(
 			origin: OriginFor<T>,
 			#[pallet::compact] value: BalanceOf<T>,
-			#[pallet::compact] gas_limit: OldWeight,
+			#[pallet::compact] gas_limit: Weight,
 			storage_deposit_limit: Option<<BalanceOf<T> as codec::HasCompact>::Type>,
 			code: Vec<u8>,
 			data: Vec<u8>,
 			salt: Vec<u8>,
 		) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
-			let gas_limit: Weight = gas_limit.into();
 			let origin = ensure_signed(origin)?;
 			let code_len = code.len() as u32;
 			let salt_len = salt.len() as u32;
@@ -534,20 +526,17 @@ pub mod pallet {
 		/// code deployment step. Instead, the `code_hash` of an on-chain deployed wasm binary
 		/// must be supplied.
-			T::WeightInfo::instantiate(salt.len() as u32).saturating_add((*gas_limit).into())
+			T::WeightInfo::instantiate(salt.len() as u32).saturating_add(*gas_limit)
-		#[allow(deprecated)]
-		#[deprecated(note = "1D weight is used in this extrinsic, please migrate to `instantiate`")]
-		pub fn instantiate_old_weight(
+		pub fn instantiate(
 			origin: OriginFor<T>,
 			#[pallet::compact] value: BalanceOf<T>,
-			#[pallet::compact] gas_limit: OldWeight,
+			#[pallet::compact] gas_limit: Weight,
 			storage_deposit_limit: Option<<BalanceOf<T> as codec::HasCompact>::Type>,
 			code_hash: CodeHash<T>,
 			data: Vec<u8>,
 			salt: Vec<u8>,
 		) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
-			let gas_limit: Weight = gas_limit.into();
 			let origin = ensure_signed(origin)?;
 			let salt_len = salt.len() as u32;
 			let mut output = Self::internal_instantiate(
@@ -650,154 +639,6 @@ pub mod pallet {
-		/// Makes a call to an account, optionally transferring some balance.
-		///
-		/// # Parameters
-		///
-		/// * `dest`: Address of the contract to call.
-		/// * `value`: The balance to transfer from the `origin` to `dest`.
-		/// * `gas_limit`: The gas limit enforced when executing the constructor.
-		/// * `storage_deposit_limit`: The maximum amount of balance that can be charged from the
-		///   caller to pay for the storage consumed.
-		/// * `data`: The input data to pass to the contract.
-		///
-		/// * If the account is a smart-contract account, the associated code will be
-		/// executed and any value will be transferred.
-		/// * If the account is a regular account, any value will be transferred.
-		/// * If no account exists and the call value is not less than `existential_deposit`,
-		/// a regular account will be created and any value will be transferred.
-		#[pallet::weight(T::WeightInfo::call().saturating_add(*gas_limit))]
-		pub fn call(
-			origin: OriginFor<T>,
-			dest: AccountIdLookupOf<T>,
-			#[pallet::compact] value: BalanceOf<T>,
-			gas_limit: Weight,
-			storage_deposit_limit: Option<<BalanceOf<T> as codec::HasCompact>::Type>,
-			data: Vec<u8>,
-		) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
-			let gas_limit: Weight = gas_limit.into();
-			let origin = ensure_signed(origin)?;
-			let dest = T::Lookup::lookup(dest)?;
-			let mut output = Self::internal_call(
-				origin,
-				dest,
-				value,
-				gas_limit,
-				storage_deposit_limit.map(Into::into),
-				data,
-				None,
-			);
-			if let Ok(retval) = &output.result {
-				if retval.did_revert() {
-					output.result = Err(<Error<T>>::ContractReverted.into());
-				}
-			}
-			output.gas_meter.into_dispatch_result(output.result, T::WeightInfo::call())
-		}
-		/// Instantiates a new contract from the supplied `code` optionally transferring
-		/// some balance.
-		///
-		/// This dispatchable has the same effect as calling [`Self::upload_code`] +
-		/// [`Self::instantiate`]. Bundling them together provides efficiency gains. Please
-		/// also check the documentation of [`Self::upload_code`].
-		///
-		/// # Parameters
-		///
-		/// * `value`: The balance to transfer from the `origin` to the newly created contract.
-		/// * `gas_limit`: The gas limit enforced when executing the constructor.
-		/// * `storage_deposit_limit`: The maximum amount of balance that can be charged/reserved
-		///   from the caller to pay for the storage consumed.
-		/// * `code`: The contract code to deploy in raw bytes.
-		/// * `data`: The input data to pass to the contract constructor.
-		/// * `salt`: Used for the address derivation. See [`Pallet::contract_address`].
-		///
-		/// Instantiation is executed as follows:
-		///
-		/// - The supplied `code` is instrumented, deployed, and a `code_hash` is created for that
-		///   code.
-		/// - If the `code_hash` already exists on the chain the underlying `code` will be shared.
-		/// - The destination address is computed based on the sender, code_hash and the salt.
-		/// - The smart-contract account is created at the computed address.
-		/// - The `value` is transferred to the new account.
-		/// - The `deploy` function is executed in the context of the newly-created account.
-		#[pallet::weight(
-			T::WeightInfo::instantiate_with_code(code.len() as u32, salt.len() as u32)
-			.saturating_add(*gas_limit)
-		)]
-		pub fn instantiate_with_code(
-			origin: OriginFor<T>,
-			#[pallet::compact] value: BalanceOf<T>,
-			gas_limit: Weight,
-			storage_deposit_limit: Option<<BalanceOf<T> as codec::HasCompact>::Type>,
-			code: Vec<u8>,
-			data: Vec<u8>,
-			salt: Vec<u8>,
-		) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
-			let origin = ensure_signed(origin)?;
-			let code_len = code.len() as u32;
-			let salt_len = salt.len() as u32;
-			let mut output = Self::internal_instantiate(
-				origin,
-				value,
-				gas_limit,
-				storage_deposit_limit.map(Into::into),
-				Code::Upload(Bytes(code)),
-				data,
-				salt,
-				None,
-			);
-			if let Ok(retval) = &output.result {
-				if retval.1.did_revert() {
-					output.result = Err(<Error<T>>::ContractReverted.into());
-				}
-			}
-			output.gas_meter.into_dispatch_result(
-				output.result.map(|(_address, result)| result),
-				T::WeightInfo::instantiate_with_code(code_len, salt_len),
-			)
-		}
-		/// Instantiates a contract from a previously deployed wasm binary.
-		///
-		/// This function is identical to [`Self::instantiate_with_code`] but without the
-		/// code deployment step. Instead, the `code_hash` of an on-chain deployed wasm binary
-		/// must be supplied.
-		#[pallet::weight(
-			T::WeightInfo::instantiate(salt.len() as u32).saturating_add(*gas_limit)
-		)]
-		pub fn instantiate(
-			origin: OriginFor<T>,
-			#[pallet::compact] value: BalanceOf<T>,
-			gas_limit: Weight,
-			storage_deposit_limit: Option<<BalanceOf<T> as codec::HasCompact>::Type>,
-			code_hash: CodeHash<T>,
-			data: Vec<u8>,
-			salt: Vec<u8>,
-		) -> DispatchResultWithPostInfo {
-			let origin = ensure_signed(origin)?;
-			let salt_len = salt.len() as u32;
-			let mut output = Self::internal_instantiate(
-				origin,
-				value,
-				gas_limit,
-				storage_deposit_limit.map(Into::into),
-				Code::Existing(code_hash),
-				data,
-				salt,
-				None,
-			);
-			if let Ok(retval) = &output.result {
-				if retval.1.did_revert() {
-					output.result = Err(<Error<T>>::ContractReverted.into());
-				}
-			}
-			output.gas_meter.into_dispatch_result(
-				output.result.map(|(_address, output)| output),
-				T::WeightInfo::instantiate(salt_len),
-			)
-		}
diff --git a/frame/contracts/src/wasm/mod.rs b/frame/contracts/src/wasm/mod.rs
index d8b4cd245356e..126a37e9401ec 100644
--- a/frame/contracts/src/wasm/mod.rs
+++ b/frame/contracts/src/wasm/mod.rs
@@ -274,11 +274,7 @@ mod tests {
 		BalanceOf, CodeHash, Error, Pallet as Contracts,
 	use assert_matches::assert_matches;
-	use frame_support::{
-		assert_ok,
-		dispatch::DispatchResultWithPostInfo,
-		weights::{OldWeight, Weight},
-	};
+	use frame_support::{assert_ok, dispatch::DispatchResultWithPostInfo, weights::Weight};
 	use pallet_contracts_primitives::{ExecReturnValue, ReturnFlags};
 	use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
 	use sp_core::{Bytes, H256};
@@ -1549,11 +1545,10 @@ mod tests {
 		let output = execute(CODE_GAS_LEFT, vec![], &mut ext).unwrap();
-		let OldWeight(gas_left) = OldWeight::decode(&mut &*output.data).unwrap();
+		let gas_left = Weight::decode(&mut &*output.data).unwrap();
 		let actual_left = ext.gas_meter.gas_left();
-		// TODO: account for proof size weight
-		assert!(gas_left < gas_limit.ref_time(), "gas_left must be less than initial");
-		assert!(gas_left > actual_left.ref_time(), "gas_left must be greater than final");
+		assert!(gas_left.all_lt(gas_limit), "gas_left must be less than initial");
+		assert!(gas_left.all_gt(actual_left), "gas_left must be greater than final");
 	const CODE_VALUE_TRANSFERRED: &str = r#"
@@ -1951,7 +1946,7 @@ mod tests {
-		assert!(mock_ext.gas_meter.gas_left().ref_time() > 0);
+		assert!(mock_ext.gas_meter.gas_left().all_gt(Weight::zero()));
diff --git a/frame/examples/basic/src/tests.rs b/frame/examples/basic/src/tests.rs
index 97fbddfbc41e0..db4787eaa0faa 100644
--- a/frame/examples/basic/src/tests.rs
+++ b/frame/examples/basic/src/tests.rs
@@ -191,13 +191,11 @@ fn weights_work() {
 	let default_call = pallet_example_basic::Call::<Test>::accumulate_dummy { increase_by: 10 };
 	let info1 = default_call.get_dispatch_info();
 	// aka. `let info = <Call<Test> as GetDispatchInfo>::get_dispatch_info(&default_call);`
-	// TODO: account for proof size weight
-	assert!(info1.weight.ref_time() > 0);
+	assert!(info1.weight.all_gt(Weight::zero()));
 	// `set_dummy` is simpler than `accumulate_dummy`, and the weight
 	//   should be less.
 	let custom_call = pallet_example_basic::Call::<Test>::set_dummy { new_value: 20 };
 	let info2 = custom_call.get_dispatch_info();
-	// TODO: account for proof size weight
-	assert!(info1.weight.ref_time() > info2.weight.ref_time());
+	assert!(info1.weight.all_gt(info2.weight));
diff --git a/frame/executive/src/lib.rs b/frame/executive/src/lib.rs
index 014c7a2bc02a6..dcdd6893fee1e 100644
--- a/frame/executive/src/lib.rs
+++ b/frame/executive/src/lib.rs
@@ -939,13 +939,13 @@ mod tests {
-				"0d786e24c1f9e6ce237806a22c005bbbc7dee4edd6692b6c5442843d164392de",
+				"1039e1a4bd0cf5deefe65f313577e70169c41c7773d6acf31ca8d671397559f5",
-				"348485a4ab856467b440167e45f99b491385e8528e09b0e51f85f814a3021c93",
+				"75e7d8f360d375bbe91bcf8019c01ab6362448b4a89e3b329717eb9d910340e5",
diff --git a/frame/support/procedural/src/pallet/expand/call.rs b/frame/support/procedural/src/pallet/expand/call.rs
index 39d16109aa8fa..18d5adee63ad6 100644
--- a/frame/support/procedural/src/pallet/expand/call.rs
+++ b/frame/support/procedural/src/pallet/expand/call.rs
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
 // limitations under the License.
 use crate::{pallet::Def, COUNTER};
-use quote::ToTokens;
 use syn::spanned::Spanned;
@@ -159,24 +158,6 @@ pub fn expand_call(def: &mut Def) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
-	// Extracts #[allow] attributes, necessary so that we don't run into compiler warnings
-	let maybe_allow_attrs = methods
-		.iter()
-		.map(|method| {
-			method
-				.attrs
-				.iter()
-				.find(|attr| {
-					if let Ok(syn::Meta::List(syn::MetaList { path, .. })) = attr.parse_meta() {
-						path.segments.last().map(|seg| seg.ident == "allow").unwrap_or(false)
-					} else {
-						false
-					}
-				})
-				.map_or(proc_macro2::TokenStream::new(), |attr| attr.to_token_stream())
-		})
-		.collect::<Vec<_>>();
 	quote::quote_spanned!(span =>
 		pub mod __substrate_call_check {
@@ -308,7 +289,6 @@ pub fn expand_call(def: &mut Def) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
-							#maybe_allow_attrs
 							<#pallet_ident<#type_use_gen>>::#fn_name(origin, #( #args_name, )* )
diff --git a/frame/support/procedural/src/pallet/parse/call.rs b/frame/support/procedural/src/pallet/parse/call.rs
index f7b2c9544d831..336e08c3d39b7 100644
--- a/frame/support/procedural/src/pallet/parse/call.rs
+++ b/frame/support/procedural/src/pallet/parse/call.rs
@@ -61,8 +61,6 @@ pub struct CallVariantDef {
 	pub call_index: u8,
 	/// Docs, used for metadata.
 	pub docs: Vec<syn::Lit>,
-	/// Attributes annotated at the top of the dispatchable function.
-	pub attrs: Vec<syn::Attribute>,
 /// Attributes for functions in call impl block.
@@ -289,7 +287,6 @@ impl CallDef {
 					call_index: final_index,
-					attrs: method.attrs.clone(),
 			} else {
 				let msg = "Invalid pallet::call, only method accepted";
diff --git a/frame/support/test/tests/pallet_ui/storage_ensure_span_are_ok_on_wrong_gen.stderr b/frame/support/test/tests/pallet_ui/storage_ensure_span_are_ok_on_wrong_gen.stderr
index b0716d569409c..5d159ec961c7f 100644
--- a/frame/support/test/tests/pallet_ui/storage_ensure_span_are_ok_on_wrong_gen.stderr
+++ b/frame/support/test/tests/pallet_ui/storage_ensure_span_are_ok_on_wrong_gen.stderr
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ error[E0277]: the trait bound `Bar: EncodeLike` is not satisfied
              <&[(T,)] as EncodeLike<BinaryHeap<LikeT>>>
              <&[(T,)] as EncodeLike<LinkedList<LikeT>>>
              <&[T] as EncodeLike<Vec<U>>>
-           and 279 others
+           and 278 others
    = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `FullEncode` for `Bar`
    = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `FullCodec` for `Bar`
    = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `PartialStorageInfoTrait` for `frame_support::pallet_prelude::StorageValue<_GeneratedPrefixForStorageFoo<T>, Bar>`
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ error[E0277]: the trait bound `Bar: TypeInfo` is not satisfied
              (A, B, C, D)
              (A, B, C, D, E)
              (A, B, C, D, E, F)
-           and 160 others
+           and 159 others
    = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `StaticTypeInfo` for `Bar`
    = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `StorageEntryMetadataBuilder` for `frame_support::pallet_prelude::StorageValue<_GeneratedPrefixForStorageFoo<T>, Bar>`
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ error[E0277]: the trait bound `Bar: EncodeLike` is not satisfied
              <&[(T,)] as EncodeLike<BinaryHeap<LikeT>>>
              <&[(T,)] as EncodeLike<LinkedList<LikeT>>>
              <&[T] as EncodeLike<Vec<U>>>
-           and 279 others
+           and 278 others
    = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `FullEncode` for `Bar`
    = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `FullCodec` for `Bar`
    = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `StorageEntryMetadataBuilder` for `frame_support::pallet_prelude::StorageValue<_GeneratedPrefixForStorageFoo<T>, Bar>`
diff --git a/frame/support/test/tests/pallet_ui/storage_ensure_span_are_ok_on_wrong_gen_unnamed.stderr b/frame/support/test/tests/pallet_ui/storage_ensure_span_are_ok_on_wrong_gen_unnamed.stderr
index 926dc92530659..4671855431b27 100644
--- a/frame/support/test/tests/pallet_ui/storage_ensure_span_are_ok_on_wrong_gen_unnamed.stderr
+++ b/frame/support/test/tests/pallet_ui/storage_ensure_span_are_ok_on_wrong_gen_unnamed.stderr
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ error[E0277]: the trait bound `Bar: EncodeLike` is not satisfied
              <&[(T,)] as EncodeLike<BinaryHeap<LikeT>>>
              <&[(T,)] as EncodeLike<LinkedList<LikeT>>>
              <&[T] as EncodeLike<Vec<U>>>
-           and 279 others
+           and 278 others
    = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `FullEncode` for `Bar`
    = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `FullCodec` for `Bar`
    = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `PartialStorageInfoTrait` for `frame_support::pallet_prelude::StorageValue<_GeneratedPrefixForStorageFoo<T>, Bar>`
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ error[E0277]: the trait bound `Bar: TypeInfo` is not satisfied
              (A, B, C, D)
              (A, B, C, D, E)
              (A, B, C, D, E, F)
-           and 160 others
+           and 159 others
    = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `StaticTypeInfo` for `Bar`
    = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `StorageEntryMetadataBuilder` for `frame_support::pallet_prelude::StorageValue<_GeneratedPrefixForStorageFoo<T>, Bar>`
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ error[E0277]: the trait bound `Bar: EncodeLike` is not satisfied
              <&[(T,)] as EncodeLike<BinaryHeap<LikeT>>>
              <&[(T,)] as EncodeLike<LinkedList<LikeT>>>
              <&[T] as EncodeLike<Vec<U>>>
-           and 279 others
+           and 278 others
    = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `FullEncode` for `Bar`
    = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `FullCodec` for `Bar`
    = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `StorageEntryMetadataBuilder` for `frame_support::pallet_prelude::StorageValue<_GeneratedPrefixForStorageFoo<T>, Bar>`
diff --git a/frame/support/test/tests/pallet_ui/storage_info_unsatisfied.stderr b/frame/support/test/tests/pallet_ui/storage_info_unsatisfied.stderr
index 563190a06f76f..d9cd20711403d 100644
--- a/frame/support/test/tests/pallet_ui/storage_info_unsatisfied.stderr
+++ b/frame/support/test/tests/pallet_ui/storage_info_unsatisfied.stderr
@@ -13,5 +13,5 @@ error[E0277]: the trait bound `Bar: MaxEncodedLen` is not satisfied
             (TupleElement0, TupleElement1, TupleElement2, TupleElement3, TupleElement4, TupleElement5)
             (TupleElement0, TupleElement1, TupleElement2, TupleElement3, TupleElement4, TupleElement5, TupleElement6)
             (TupleElement0, TupleElement1, TupleElement2, TupleElement3, TupleElement4, TupleElement5, TupleElement6, TupleElement7)
-          and 77 others
+          and 76 others
   = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `StorageInfoTrait` for `frame_support::pallet_prelude::StorageValue<_GeneratedPrefixForStorageFoo<T>, Bar>`
diff --git a/frame/support/test/tests/pallet_ui/storage_info_unsatisfied_nmap.stderr b/frame/support/test/tests/pallet_ui/storage_info_unsatisfied_nmap.stderr
index c10005223b674..9a4e8d740cb2c 100644
--- a/frame/support/test/tests/pallet_ui/storage_info_unsatisfied_nmap.stderr
+++ b/frame/support/test/tests/pallet_ui/storage_info_unsatisfied_nmap.stderr
@@ -13,6 +13,6 @@ error[E0277]: the trait bound `Bar: MaxEncodedLen` is not satisfied
              (TupleElement0, TupleElement1, TupleElement2, TupleElement3, TupleElement4, TupleElement5)
              (TupleElement0, TupleElement1, TupleElement2, TupleElement3, TupleElement4, TupleElement5, TupleElement6)
              (TupleElement0, TupleElement1, TupleElement2, TupleElement3, TupleElement4, TupleElement5, TupleElement6, TupleElement7)
-           and 77 others
+           and 76 others
    = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `KeyGeneratorMaxEncodedLen` for `Key<frame_support::Twox64Concat, Bar>`
    = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `StorageInfoTrait` for `frame_support::pallet_prelude::StorageNMap<_GeneratedPrefixForStorageFoo<T>, Key<frame_support::Twox64Concat, Bar>, u32>`
diff --git a/frame/transaction-payment/src/types.rs b/frame/transaction-payment/src/types.rs
index fff41ef6937f5..1f41ba7b0b72e 100644
--- a/frame/transaction-payment/src/types.rs
+++ b/frame/transaction-payment/src/types.rs
@@ -140,8 +140,7 @@ mod tests {
 			partial_fee: 1_000_000_u64,
-		let json_str =
-			r#"{"weight":{"ref_time":5,"proof_size":0},"class":"normal","partialFee":"1000000"}"#;
+		let json_str = r#"{"weight":{"ref_time":5},"class":"normal","partialFee":"1000000"}"#;
 		assert_eq!(serde_json::to_string(&info).unwrap(), json_str);
 		assert_eq!(serde_json::from_str::<RuntimeDispatchInfo<u64>>(json_str).unwrap(), info);
@@ -158,7 +157,7 @@ mod tests {
 			partial_fee: u128::max_value(),
-		let json_str = r#"{"weight":{"ref_time":5,"proof_size":0},"class":"normal","partialFee":"340282366920938463463374607431768211455"}"#;
+		let json_str = r#"{"weight":{"ref_time":5},"class":"normal","partialFee":"340282366920938463463374607431768211455"}"#;
 		assert_eq!(serde_json::to_string(&info).unwrap(), json_str);
 		assert_eq!(serde_json::from_str::<RuntimeDispatchInfo<u128>>(json_str).unwrap(), info);
diff --git a/primitives/weights/src/lib.rs b/primitives/weights/src/lib.rs
index e1ac7fcd4e892..d260f73d41268 100644
--- a/primitives/weights/src/lib.rs
+++ b/primitives/weights/src/lib.rs
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ extern crate self as sp_weights;
 mod weight_v2;
-use codec::{CompactAs, Decode, Encode, MaxEncodedLen};
+use codec::{Decode, Encode};
 use scale_info::TypeInfo;
 #[cfg(feature = "std")]
 use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
@@ -53,25 +53,6 @@ pub mod constants {
 	pub const WEIGHT_PER_NANOS: Weight = Weight::from_ref_time(1_000);
-/// The old weight type.
-/// NOTE: This type exists purely for compatibility purposes! Use [`weight_v2::Weight`] in all other
-/// cases.
-	Decode,
-	Encode,
-	CompactAs,
-	PartialEq,
-	Eq,
-	Clone,
-	Copy,
-	RuntimeDebug,
-	Default,
-	MaxEncodedLen,
-	TypeInfo,
-pub struct OldWeight(pub u64);
 /// The weight of database operations that the runtime can invoke.
 /// NOTE: This is currently only measured in computational time, and will probably
diff --git a/primitives/weights/src/weight_v2.rs b/primitives/weights/src/weight_v2.rs
index a8eaf79a28711..af0f469ebaaeb 100644
--- a/primitives/weights/src/weight_v2.rs
+++ b/primitives/weights/src/weight_v2.rs
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 // limitations under the License.
-use codec::{Decode, Encode, MaxEncodedLen};
+use codec::{CompactAs, Decode, Encode, MaxEncodedLen};
 use core::ops::{Add, AddAssign, Div, Mul, Sub, SubAssign};
 use sp_arithmetic::traits::{Bounded, CheckedAdd, CheckedSub, Zero};
 use sp_debug_derive::RuntimeDebug;
@@ -23,22 +23,22 @@ use sp_debug_derive::RuntimeDebug;
 use super::*;
-	Encode, Decode, MaxEncodedLen, TypeInfo, Eq, PartialEq, Copy, Clone, RuntimeDebug, Default,
+	Encode,
+	Decode,
+	MaxEncodedLen,
+	TypeInfo,
+	Eq,
+	PartialEq,
+	Copy,
+	Clone,
+	RuntimeDebug,
+	Default,
+	CompactAs,
 #[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
 pub struct Weight {
-	#[codec(compact)]
 	/// The weight of computational time used based on some reference hardware.
 	ref_time: u64,
-	#[codec(compact)]
-	/// The weight of storage space used by proof of validity.
-	proof_size: u64,
-impl From<OldWeight> for Weight {
-	fn from(old: OldWeight) -> Self {
-		Weight::from_ref_time(old.0)
-	}
 impl Weight {
@@ -48,118 +48,71 @@ impl Weight {
-	/// Set the storage size part of the weight.
-	pub const fn set_proof_size(mut self, c: u64) -> Self {
-		self.proof_size = c;
-		self
-	}
 	/// Return the reference time part of the weight.
 	pub const fn ref_time(&self) -> u64 {
-	/// Return the storage size part of the weight.
-	pub const fn proof_size(&self) -> u64 {
-		self.proof_size
-	}
-	/// Return a mutable reference to the reference time part of the weight.
+	/// Return a mutable reference time part of the weight.
 	pub fn ref_time_mut(&mut self) -> &mut u64 {
 		&mut self.ref_time
-	/// Return a mutable reference to the storage size part of the weight.
-	pub fn proof_size_mut(&mut self) -> &mut u64 {
-		&mut self.proof_size
-	}
-	pub const MAX: Self = Self { ref_time: u64::MAX, proof_size: u64::MAX };
+	pub const MAX: Self = Self { ref_time: u64::MAX };
 	/// Get the conservative min of `self` and `other` weight.
 	pub fn min(&self, other: Self) -> Self {
-		Self {
-			ref_time: self.ref_time.min(other.ref_time),
-			proof_size: self.proof_size.min(other.proof_size),
-		}
+		Self { ref_time: self.ref_time.min(other.ref_time) }
 	/// Get the aggressive max of `self` and `other` weight.
 	pub fn max(&self, other: Self) -> Self {
-		Self {
-			ref_time: self.ref_time.max(other.ref_time),
-			proof_size: self.proof_size.max(other.proof_size),
-		}
+		Self { ref_time: self.ref_time.max(other.ref_time) }
 	/// Try to add some `other` weight while upholding the `limit`.
 	pub fn try_add(&self, other: &Self, limit: &Self) -> Option<Self> {
 		let total = self.checked_add(other)?;
-		if total.any_gt(*limit) {
+		if total.ref_time > limit.ref_time {
 		} else {
-	/// Construct [`Weight`] with reference time weight and 0 storage size weight.
+	/// Construct [`Weight`] with reference time weight.
 	pub const fn from_ref_time(ref_time: u64) -> Self {
-		Self { ref_time, proof_size: 0 }
-	}
-	/// Construct [`Weight`] with storage size weight and 0 reference time weight.
-	pub const fn from_proof_size(proof_size: u64) -> Self {
-		Self { ref_time: 0, proof_size }
-	}
-	/// Construct [`Weight`] with weight components, namely reference time and storage size weights.
-	pub const fn from_components(ref_time: u64, proof_size: u64) -> Self {
-		Self { ref_time, proof_size }
+		Self { ref_time }
 	/// Saturating [`Weight`] addition. Computes `self + rhs`, saturating at the numeric bounds of
 	/// all fields instead of overflowing.
 	pub const fn saturating_add(self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
-		Self {
-			ref_time: self.ref_time.saturating_add(rhs.ref_time),
-			proof_size: self.proof_size.saturating_add(rhs.proof_size),
-		}
+		Self { ref_time: self.ref_time.saturating_add(rhs.ref_time) }
 	/// Saturating [`Weight`] subtraction. Computes `self - rhs`, saturating at the numeric bounds
 	/// of all fields instead of overflowing.
 	pub const fn saturating_sub(self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
-		Self {
-			ref_time: self.ref_time.saturating_sub(rhs.ref_time),
-			proof_size: self.proof_size.saturating_sub(rhs.proof_size),
-		}
+		Self { ref_time: self.ref_time.saturating_sub(rhs.ref_time) }
 	/// Saturating [`Weight`] scalar multiplication. Computes `self.field * scalar` for all fields,
 	/// saturating at the numeric bounds of all fields instead of overflowing.
 	pub const fn saturating_mul(self, scalar: u64) -> Self {
-		Self {
-			ref_time: self.ref_time.saturating_mul(scalar),
-			proof_size: self.proof_size.saturating_mul(scalar),
-		}
+		Self { ref_time: self.ref_time.saturating_mul(scalar) }
 	/// Saturating [`Weight`] scalar division. Computes `self.field / scalar` for all fields,
 	/// saturating at the numeric bounds of all fields instead of overflowing.
 	pub const fn saturating_div(self, scalar: u64) -> Self {
-		Self {
-			ref_time: self.ref_time.saturating_div(scalar),
-			proof_size: self.proof_size.saturating_div(scalar),
-		}
+		Self { ref_time: self.ref_time.saturating_div(scalar) }
 	/// Saturating [`Weight`] scalar exponentiation. Computes `self.field.pow(exp)` for all fields,
 	/// saturating at the numeric bounds of all fields instead of overflowing.
 	pub const fn saturating_pow(self, exp: u32) -> Self {
-		Self {
-			ref_time: self.ref_time.saturating_pow(exp),
-			proof_size: self.proof_size.saturating_pow(exp),
-		}
+		Self { ref_time: self.ref_time.saturating_pow(exp) }
 	/// Increment [`Weight`] by `amount` via saturating addition.
@@ -169,144 +122,124 @@ impl Weight {
 	/// Checked [`Weight`] addition. Computes `self + rhs`, returning `None` if overflow occurred.
 	pub const fn checked_add(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Option<Self> {
-		let ref_time = match self.ref_time.checked_add(rhs.ref_time) {
-			Some(t) => t,
-			None => return None,
-		};
-		let proof_size = match self.proof_size.checked_add(rhs.proof_size) {
-			Some(s) => s,
-			None => return None,
-		};
-		Some(Self { ref_time, proof_size })
+		match self.ref_time.checked_add(rhs.ref_time) {
+			Some(ref_time) => Some(Self { ref_time }),
+			None => None,
+		}
 	/// Checked [`Weight`] subtraction. Computes `self - rhs`, returning `None` if overflow
 	/// occurred.
 	pub const fn checked_sub(&self, rhs: &Self) -> Option<Self> {
-		let ref_time = match self.ref_time.checked_sub(rhs.ref_time) {
-			Some(t) => t,
-			None => return None,
-		};
-		let proof_size = match self.proof_size.checked_sub(rhs.proof_size) {
-			Some(s) => s,
-			None => return None,
-		};
-		Some(Self { ref_time, proof_size })
+		match self.ref_time.checked_sub(rhs.ref_time) {
+			Some(ref_time) => Some(Self { ref_time }),
+			None => None,
+		}
 	/// Checked [`Weight`] scalar multiplication. Computes `self.field * scalar` for each field,
 	/// returning `None` if overflow occurred.
 	pub const fn checked_mul(self, scalar: u64) -> Option<Self> {
-		let ref_time = match self.ref_time.checked_mul(scalar) {
-			Some(t) => t,
-			None => return None,
-		};
-		let proof_size = match self.proof_size.checked_mul(scalar) {
-			Some(s) => s,
-			None => return None,
-		};
-		Some(Self { ref_time, proof_size })
+		match self.ref_time.checked_mul(scalar) {
+			Some(ref_time) => Some(Self { ref_time }),
+			None => None,
+		}
 	/// Checked [`Weight`] scalar division. Computes `self.field / scalar` for each field, returning
 	/// `None` if overflow occurred.
 	pub const fn checked_div(self, scalar: u64) -> Option<Self> {
-		let ref_time = match self.ref_time.checked_div(scalar) {
-			Some(t) => t,
-			None => return None,
-		};
-		let proof_size = match self.proof_size.checked_div(scalar) {
-			Some(s) => s,
-			None => return None,
-		};
-		Some(Self { ref_time, proof_size })
+		match self.ref_time.checked_div(scalar) {
+			Some(ref_time) => Some(Self { ref_time }),
+			None => None,
+		}
 	/// Return a [`Weight`] where all fields are zero.
 	pub const fn zero() -> Self {
-		Self { ref_time: 0, proof_size: 0 }
+		Self { ref_time: 0 }
 	/// Constant version of Add with u64.
 	/// Is only overflow safe when evaluated at compile-time.
 	pub const fn add(self, scalar: u64) -> Self {
-		Self { ref_time: self.ref_time + scalar, proof_size: self.proof_size + scalar }
+		Self { ref_time: self.ref_time + scalar }
 	/// Constant version of Sub with u64.
 	/// Is only overflow safe when evaluated at compile-time.
 	pub const fn sub(self, scalar: u64) -> Self {
-		Self { ref_time: self.ref_time - scalar, proof_size: self.proof_size - scalar }
+		Self { ref_time: self.ref_time - scalar }
 	/// Constant version of Div with u64.
 	/// Is only overflow safe when evaluated at compile-time.
 	pub const fn div(self, scalar: u64) -> Self {
-		Self { ref_time: self.ref_time / scalar, proof_size: self.proof_size / scalar }
+		Self { ref_time: self.ref_time / scalar }
 	/// Constant version of Mul with u64.
 	/// Is only overflow safe when evaluated at compile-time.
 	pub const fn mul(self, scalar: u64) -> Self {
-		Self { ref_time: self.ref_time * scalar, proof_size: self.proof_size * scalar }
+		Self { ref_time: self.ref_time * scalar }
 	/// Returns true if any of `self`'s constituent weights is strictly greater than that of the
 	/// `other`'s, otherwise returns false.
 	pub const fn any_gt(self, other: Self) -> bool {
-		self.ref_time > other.ref_time || self.proof_size > other.proof_size
+		self.ref_time > other.ref_time
 	/// Returns true if all of `self`'s constituent weights is strictly greater than that of the
 	/// `other`'s, otherwise returns false.
 	pub const fn all_gt(self, other: Self) -> bool {
-		self.ref_time > other.ref_time && self.proof_size > other.proof_size
+		self.ref_time > other.ref_time
 	/// Returns true if any of `self`'s constituent weights is strictly less than that of the
 	/// `other`'s, otherwise returns false.
 	pub const fn any_lt(self, other: Self) -> bool {
-		self.ref_time < other.ref_time || self.proof_size < other.proof_size
+		self.ref_time < other.ref_time
 	/// Returns true if all of `self`'s constituent weights is strictly less than that of the
 	/// `other`'s, otherwise returns false.
 	pub const fn all_lt(self, other: Self) -> bool {
-		self.ref_time < other.ref_time && self.proof_size < other.proof_size
+		self.ref_time < other.ref_time
 	/// Returns true if any of `self`'s constituent weights is greater than or equal to that of the
 	/// `other`'s, otherwise returns false.
 	pub const fn any_gte(self, other: Self) -> bool {
-		self.ref_time >= other.ref_time || self.proof_size >= other.proof_size
+		self.ref_time >= other.ref_time
 	/// Returns true if all of `self`'s constituent weights is greater than or equal to that of the
 	/// `other`'s, otherwise returns false.
 	pub const fn all_gte(self, other: Self) -> bool {
-		self.ref_time >= other.ref_time && self.proof_size >= other.proof_size
+		self.ref_time >= other.ref_time
 	/// Returns true if any of `self`'s constituent weights is less than or equal to that of the
 	/// `other`'s, otherwise returns false.
 	pub const fn any_lte(self, other: Self) -> bool {
-		self.ref_time <= other.ref_time || self.proof_size <= other.proof_size
+		self.ref_time <= other.ref_time
 	/// Returns true if all of `self`'s constituent weights is less than or equal to that of the
 	/// `other`'s, otherwise returns false.
 	pub const fn all_lte(self, other: Self) -> bool {
-		self.ref_time <= other.ref_time && self.proof_size <= other.proof_size
+		self.ref_time <= other.ref_time
 	/// Returns true if any of `self`'s constituent weights is equal to that of the `other`'s,
 	/// otherwise returns false.
 	pub const fn any_eq(self, other: Self) -> bool {
-		self.ref_time == other.ref_time || self.proof_size == other.proof_size
+		self.ref_time == other.ref_time
 	// NOTE: `all_eq` does not exist, as it's simply the `eq` method from the `PartialEq` trait.
@@ -325,20 +258,14 @@ impl Zero for Weight {
 impl Add for Weight {
 	type Output = Self;
 	fn add(self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
-		Self {
-			ref_time: self.ref_time + rhs.ref_time,
-			proof_size: self.proof_size + rhs.proof_size,
-		}
+		Self { ref_time: self.ref_time + rhs.ref_time }
 impl Sub for Weight {
 	type Output = Self;
 	fn sub(self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
-		Self {
-			ref_time: self.ref_time - rhs.ref_time,
-			proof_size: self.proof_size - rhs.proof_size,
-		}
+		Self { ref_time: self.ref_time - rhs.ref_time }
@@ -348,7 +275,7 @@ where
 	type Output = Self;
 	fn mul(self, b: T) -> Self {
-		Self { ref_time: b * self.ref_time, proof_size: b * self.proof_size }
+		Self { ref_time: b * self.ref_time }
@@ -358,10 +285,7 @@ macro_rules! weight_mul_per_impl {
 			impl Mul<Weight> for $t {
 				type Output = Weight;
 				fn mul(self, b: Weight) -> Weight {
-					Weight {
-						ref_time: self * b.ref_time,
-						proof_size: self * b.proof_size,
-					}
+					Weight { ref_time: self * b.ref_time }
@@ -381,10 +305,7 @@ macro_rules! weight_mul_primitive_impl {
 			impl Mul<Weight> for $t {
 				type Output = Weight;
 				fn mul(self, b: Weight) -> Weight {
-					Weight {
-						ref_time: u64::from(self) * b.ref_time,
-						proof_size: u64::from(self) * b.proof_size,
-					}
+					Weight { ref_time: u64::from(self) * b.ref_time }
@@ -399,7 +320,7 @@ where
 	type Output = Self;
 	fn div(self, b: T) -> Self {
-		Self { ref_time: self.ref_time / b, proof_size: self.proof_size / b }
+		Self { ref_time: self.ref_time / b }
@@ -417,7 +338,7 @@ impl CheckedSub for Weight {
 impl core::fmt::Display for Weight {
 	fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
-		write!(f, "Weight(ref_time: {}, proof_size: {})", self.ref_time, self.proof_size)
+		write!(f, "Weight(ref_time: {})", self.ref_time)
@@ -432,18 +353,12 @@ impl Bounded for Weight {
 impl AddAssign for Weight {
 	fn add_assign(&mut self, other: Self) {
-		*self = Self {
-			ref_time: self.ref_time + other.ref_time,
-			proof_size: self.proof_size + other.proof_size,
-		};
+		*self = Self { ref_time: self.ref_time + other.ref_time };
 impl SubAssign for Weight {
 	fn sub_assign(&mut self, other: Self) {
-		*self = Self {
-			ref_time: self.ref_time - other.ref_time,
-			proof_size: self.proof_size - other.proof_size,
-		};
+		*self = Self { ref_time: self.ref_time - other.ref_time };