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Table of Contents

Online editor

The easiest way to try out F* quickly is directly in your browser by using the online F* editor that's part of the F* tutorial.

Binary releases

Every now and then we release F* binaries on GitHub (for Windows, Mac, and Linux) and for Windows and Linux we also provide automatic weekly builds. This is the easiest way to get F* quickly running on your machine, but if the build you use is old you might be missing out on new features and bug fixes. Please do not report bugs in old releases until making sure they still exist in the master branch (see Building F* from sources section below) or at least in the latest automatic weekly builds.

Testing a binary package

Test that the binary is good by expanding the archive and running the following commands. (On Windows this requires Cygwin and make)

  1. Add fstar.exe and z3 to your PATH, either permanently or temporarily, for instance by running this:

     $ export PATH=/path/to/z3/bin:/path/to/fstar/bin:$PATH
     $ fstar.exe --version
     compiler=OCaml 4.02.3
     $ z3 --version
     Z3 version 4.5.0
  2. Run the micro benchmarks:

     $ make -C examples/micro-benchmarks
  3. If you have OCaml installed the following command should print "Hello F*!"

     $ make -C examples/hello ocaml
  4. If you have F# installed the following command should print "Hello F*!"

     $ make -C examples/hello fs
  5. You can verify all the examples, keeping in mind that this might take a long time.

     $ make -j6 -C examples

    Note: Currently this is known to fail for the F# build of F*.

OPAM package

If the OCaml package manager is present on your platform, you can install the latest F* release and required dependencies (except for Z3) using the opam package:

    $ opam install fstar

Right now, the opam package is version 0.9.3-beta1. You can easily get the latest development version of F* with some opam magic:

    $ opam pin add fstar --dev-repo

Homebrew formula for Mac OS X

On Macs you can also build and install the latest F* release using Homebrew. This will install F* and all required dependencies (including Z3):

    $ brew install fstar

For building and installing the latest F* sources from GitHub (the master branch) instead of the latest release you can do:

    $ brew install --HEAD fstar

Chocolatey Package on Windows

On windows you can use chocolatey package manager to install and update fstar

> choco install fstar


> cinst fstar

you can find the package description here

Running F* from a docker image

An alternative to installing binaries is to install a docker image. We currently provide the following two on docker hub: fstarlang/fstar-emacs with emacs support and fstarlang/fstar for purists. The image is automatically kept up to date through a cloud build.

You only have to install docker and an X server for your platform and you are good to go. See [Running F* from a docker image] ( for the details on how to use docker.

Building F* from sources

If you have a serious interest in F* or want to report bugs then we recommend that you build F* from the sources on GitHub (the master branch).

F* is written in a subset of F# that F* itself can also parse with a special flag. Therefore, the standard build process of F* involves the following three steps:

Step 1. build F* from sources using the F# compiler (obtaining a .NET binary for F*);

Step 2. extract the sources of F* itself to OCaml using the F* binary produced at step 1 (or even a previous step 3) — Note: this no longer works reliably with the .NET binary, please consider doing 3-2-3 instead of 1-2-3;

Step 3. re-build F* using the OCaml compiler from the code generated at step 2 (obtaining a faster native binary for F*).

Note: If you build F* from sources you will also need to get a Z3 binary. This is further explained towards the end of this document.

Easier alternative: If you don't care about efficiency, about the .NET dependency and quite a few bugs (#746) you can stop already after step 1.

Easier alternative: If you don't want to use F#/.NET/Mono at all you can also build F* directly from the generated OCaml sources. Therefore, for convenience, we keep a (possibly a bit outdated) snapshot of the F* sources extracted to OCaml (the result of step 2) in the repo. This allows you to skip directly to step 3 and build F* with just an OCaml compiler.

Some convenience Makefile targets are available for steps 2 and 3:

  • To run steps 2 and 3, do make -j 6 fstar-ocaml.
  • To run steps 3, 2 and 3 again, do: make -j 6 ocaml-fstar-ocaml.

The latter step is not always guaranteed to work but almost always does, and is a tiny bit faster than extracting F* using the F# version.

Step 1. Building F* from sources using the F# compiler

On Windows 7/8/10

Easy alternative: open a Cygwin command prompt, and run make from the src directory. This will run msbuild on the Visual Studio solution file; in effect, this performs exactly what you would get by clicking the "Build" button within Visual Studio.

Read on for the more complete solution involving Visual Studio itself.

  • Run the src/VS/nuget-restore.bat script from the top-level F* directory before opening the solution for the first time. F* depends upon NuGet packages that are incompatible with Visual Studio's internal invocation of NuGet's restore feature.

    Installing 'FsLexYacc.Runtime 6.1.0'.
    Installing 'FsLexYacc 6.1.0'.
    Successfully installed 'FsLexYacc.Runtime 6.1.0'.
    Successfully installed 'FsLexYacc 6.1.0'.
    All packages listed in packages.config are already installed.
  • Using Visual Studio, open src/VS/FStar.sln and build the solution (in the menus: Build > Build Solution). Make sure to choose the 'Release' configuration. Note: the 'Debug' configuration may be the default, although it has no optimizations enabled and is not capable of bootstrapping.

Note: If Visual Studio fails to open one or more projects, the problem is likely that the NuGet package cache hasn't been restored. You must either exit Visual Studio to restore the cache (using the src/VS/nuget-restore.bat script), or restart Visual Studio after having restored the cache. Otherwise, F* may not successfully build (or correctly build).

On Linux or Mac OS X using Mono

  • Install mono (any version from to 4.8.x.y) and fsharp (version 4.0.1.x)

  • Depending on your distribution, you might need to manually import certificates for Mono (you don't need to do this on Arch if you use the default mono package)

      $ mozroots --import --sync
  • Compile F* from sources

      $ git clone
      $ cd FStar
      $ make -C src
  • Try out binary using the instructions above.

  • Another thing you can try is bootstrapping the F* compiler:

      $ export PATH=/path/to/fstar/bin:$PATH
      $ make -C src boot

    If make boot causes a stack overflow try issuing ulimit -s unlimited in the terminal beforehand.

Note: you may want to make the PATH change permanent by adding:

export PATH=/path/to/fstar/bin:$PATH

into your ~/.bashrc.

Prerequisite for steps 2 and 3: Working OCaml setup

Steps 2 and 3 below require a working OCaml setup. Any version of OCaml from 4.02.2 to 4.04.1 should do, but we recommend to F* developers who plan to commit their extracted ML files to master to stick with 4.02.3, which is the latest OCaml version that works with opam on Windows.

Instructions for Windows

Please use the OCaml Installer for Windows. Follow the installation guide that's over there (it's optimized for F*). This will install both OCaml and OPAM.

Instructions for Linux and Mac OS X

  1. Install OCaml

    • Can be installed using either your package manager or using OPAM (see below).
  2. Install OPAM (version 1.2.x).

Instructions for all OSes

  1. Initialize and configure OPAM

    • You need to initialize it by running opam init and update the PATH variable to the ocamlfind and the OCaml libraries. If you allow opam init to edit your ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile, it is done automatically; otherwise, use: eval $(opam config env).

    • If you're on Windows see for instructions on how to configure your environment for use with OPAM

  2. Ensure that OPAM is using a recent enough version of OCaml

    • Type opam switch list. The current OCaml version used by opam is identified by the letter C. If it is not within the version range required by F* (see above), type opam switch and then the version number you wish to switch opam to.
  3. F* depends on a bunch of external OCaml packages which you should install using OPAM:

$ opam install ocamlbuild ocamlfind batteries stdint zarith yojson fileutils pprint

Some of the examples also require the sqlite3 opam package, which depends on SQLite itself that you can install with opam depext sqlite3 (at least on Linux)

Step 2. Extracting the sources of F* itself to OCaml

  1. Get an F* binary, either using the F#/.NET build process (step 1 above; remember to build a Release version, else you'll get a StackOverflowException in make ocaml -C src below), or the OCaml build process (step 3 above).

  2. Make sure you follow the instructions above to get a working OCaml setup.

  3. On OSX, F* has some extra dependencies on the GNU version of head, sed and find. These can be installed using brew install gnu-sed coreutils.

  4. Once you satisfy the prerequisites for your platform, translate the F* sources from F# to OCaml using F* by running:

     $ make ocaml -C src

Step 3. Building F* from the OCaml snapshot

Once you have a working OCaml setup (see above) just run the following command:

    $ make -C src/ocaml-output -j 6

The option -j 6 controls the number of cores to be used in parallel build. This is a relatively standard unix feature.

Note: On Windows this generates a native F* binary, that is, a binary that does not depend on cygwin1.dll, since the installer above uses a native Windows port of OCaml. Cygwin is just there to provide make and other utilities required for the build. This also means that when linking C libraries with OCaml compiled objects one needs to use the correct mingw libraries and not the Cygwin ones. OCaml uses special flexlink technology for this. See contrib/CoreCrypto/ml and examples/crypto for examples.

Runtime dependency: Z3 SMT solver

To use F* for verification you need a Z3 4.5.0 binary. Our binary packages include that already in bin, but if you compile F* from sources you need to get a Z3 binary yourself and add it to your PATH. We recommend you use the 4.5.0 binaries here: