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Tutorials |
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Here are all of my tutorials, collected here and separated by topic.
- [Template Haskell]({% post_url 2015-11-15-template_haskell %})
- [servant-persistent]({% post_url 2015-06-07-servant-persistent %})
- [Basic type level programming]({% post_url 2017-04-26-basic_type_level_programming_in_haskell %})
- [Servant Route Smooshing]({% post_url 2018-03-14-servant_route_smooshing %}), a more advanced type-level programming
- [Introduction]({% post_url 2017-02-17-object_oriented_programming_in_haskell %})
- [Data Inheritance]({% post_url 2017-02-17-ooph_data_inheritance %})
[Using purescript-routing with purescript-halogen]({% post_url 2015-10-22-purescript_router %})
- [Elm vs PureScript I: War of the Hello, Worlds]({% post_url 2015-10-03-elm_vs_purescript %})
- [Elm vs PureScript II: The Elm Architecture, in PureScript]({% post_url 2015-10-05-elm_vs_purescript_ii %})
- [Elm Architecture in PureScript III: Dynamic Lists of Counters]({% post_url 2015-10-10-elm_architecture_in_purescript_iii %})
- [Elm Architecture in PureScript IV: Effects]({% post_url 2015-10-11-elm_architecture_in_purescript_iv_effects %})