Patrick Monteiro - @patrickmonteiro
Luique Cruz - @Luiquecruz
Online store with Medusajs and Quasar Framework(SPA, PWA, App Android/iOS and Desktop with Electron)
Desktop Browser
3D Mobile View
- Access the app using the QRCode above and point the camera at the Sandal. We have few examples available.
Mobile Browser
App Desktop with Electron
Hybrid app with Capacitor
Node v14.0 or higher.
First install medusa cli in your environment
yarn global add @medusajs/medusa-cli
Headless: Medusa is a highly customizable commerce API which means that you may use any presentation layer such as a website, app, chatbots, etc.
Start development environment:
yarn start
medusa develop
The Medusa Admin provides you with a lot of functionalities and configurations such as Product Management, Order Management, Discounts and Promotions, and more.
Start development environment:
yarn start
A client built with Quasar Framework with version 3 of Vuejs.
By default the web mode is what will work in your traditional environment. For the other modes, you will need to configure the development environment as per the Quasar documentation.
Install Quasar CLI and then start the application with the command:
quasar dev
For PWA mode:
quasar dev -m pwa
For Capacitor mode:
quasar dev -m capacitor -T android
For desktop mode with electron:
quasar dev -m electron