Pathogen is a simple library for manipulating comma delimited path options.
The full list of functions includes:
convert a comma delimited option to an array
convert an array to a comma delimited option
wrapper around glob() that returns an array
prepend all subdirectories of a path to the runtimepath and append all after subsubdirectories
for each directory in the runtime path, look for a "bundle" entry and add the subdirectories of it to the path, as with runtime_prepend_subdirectories
cd ~/.vim/
If your .vim is versioned with git:
git submodule add git:// autoload
git clone git:// autoload
Add the following to your vimrc:
call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles()
After adding this, you can take any plugin, unzip/untar/svn-checkout/git-clone it to its own private directory in .vim/bundle, and it will be added to the runtime path. This makes it easy to remove or update each plugin individually.